"Are you hurting me by this description?"

When facing her friends, Xi Li didn't have any special expression, probably because she was not in a good mood.

"How come, I just praised you for being good-looking, with a good appearance, and a beautiful country!"


A pair of unhappy eyes became even more unhappy.

And Dongyang's originally cheerful expression became less tense.

'She is in a really bad mood today! '

Recognizing this, Dongyang quickly winked at his friend on the other side, while another classmate of Xili, Haruhe Baibaise picked up the phone.

"Xili, do you think this suit suits me?"

Her words drew Xi Li's attention away, and then, a slightly mature set of men's clothing appeared in the shopping app that was casually opened on the phone.

"You are a man's clothing, oh..."

Xili sighed again as she spoke, making Dongyang and Chunhe unable to figure out what was going on with her.

When it comes to males, sigh...huh?

The thinking of girls who are interested in romance in adolescence is always so jumpy.

"Could it be... a boyfriend?"

Dongyang tried to ask, but unfortunately, he was wrong.

Xi Li shook her head, she was very unhappy, why?

"It's my dad. He clearly promised me that I would come today, but he hasn't even seen him yet."

This is why Xi Li is unhappy. She still remembers that when she was young, the family often went out together.

Later, gradually, probably after junior high school, the two got along less and less.

When I was in the rebellious period, of course I felt happy... no wonder.

I want my father's care and hate my father's care. If there is an award for the way of thinking in adolescence, it must be the Contradictory Literature Award.

While Xi Li was thinking about it, the other two looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

"Uh...I think..."

In the end, it was Dongyang who spoke first, and she carefully considered her words.

"Wouldn't it be great if dad didn't talk too much?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Chun He on the other side also nodded in agreement.

As girls of this age, they really hate their father's nagging.

Even if it's for their own good, they still hate it.

Not only the father, but also the mother, the specific mentality is probably 'don't use your own ideas on me'

On this point, Xili actually has the same feeling at ordinary times.

Overriding this feeling of hers, however, was another thought, and that was:

"I'm afraid that my dad will quietly find me a stepmother. Doesn't this kind of plot often appear in TV dramas and comics? In addition, my dad always plays disappearing and comes home very late. I think so... .... If there is an inexplicable woman suddenly in the family, I will definitely—"

Xi Li's tone became serious.

"Very, very, very, very, very very very unhappy and uncomfortable and uncomfortable and annoying and—"

"All right!"

Dongyang crossed his arms in front of his chest to make a 'wrong' movement.

"I can kind of understand how much you really don't want a new mother."

She felt that the other party's tone just now was described as "gritting teeth" and there was really no problem at all.

"If you want to open up, then what, that is, um..."

Halfway through, Dongyang fell silent again.

"Well, I think this is really not a good thing."

Suddenly there is a stranger in the family, who can bear it? What if this woman gives birth to a younger brother and sister for you......


Haruhe on the other side also nodded.

"I can think my dad is annoying, but I don't accept that my dad or my mom has a new love outside."

She agrees with this very much, although she doesn't know what kind of psychology it is, anyway, it's the same thing.

The three agreed on one point.

And Xili took out her mobile phone while the head teacher was still behind.

A message sent 2 minutes ago has not received any response.

"Not at all."

"Well, it's like I'm too busy cheating with others and don't have time to reply to my daughter."

You say it, I say it, perhaps Dongyang and Chunhe themselves don't have any self-awareness, but this kind of behavior is generally called fire fighting.

The effect was also quite immediate, and Xi Li felt that her blood pressure might have risen.

She quietly dialed the phone number, and at the other end of the signal, the phone vibrated and rang.

However, now the phone is being locked in a storage closet and no one is connecting.

Its owner was smashed into the wall, surrounded by falling rubble.

Chapter Seventeen Powerful Alien Beast

The strength and speed are all extraordinary, and they are not at the same level as the strange beasts they have encountered in the past.

Under the alien appearance hides a considerable arm span and powerful legs.

The alien beast code-named Garubelos kept stabbing its claws alternately, the wall shattered like tofu, and the gloomy emergency lights exploded.

Kazama, who was dodging, found a chance to kick forward with all his strength, and the heavy blow that was enough to penetrate steel made a dull sound after hitting.

Garubellos blocked the attack with the armor-like skin on his chest, and then moved forward again.

At this moment, Kazama, whose balance was destroyed because of this, used his strength to backflip for a while.

'To bring this thing up...not right. '

If one considers the increasingly evolved intelligence of alien beasts, Yin cannot do it.

It should be said to hit the ground.

Thinking of this, Kazama who had just landed rushed forward again.

The distance that was opened before was instantly crossed, and the vague voice brought entangled air and wind.

Garubelos has a huge body, which also increases the attack surface.

But it's one thing to be hit, another to be hurt.

So Kazama changed his target, aiming at the head in the center and throwing a straight punch.

The pouring power was interrupted in the middle, and Garubellos took the attack steadily with his left paw.

The next moment, it made an action that did not match the identity of the 'monster'.

It pulled the enemy closer by virtue of its strength beyond the Ultra armor, and then its powerful legs went up, hitting the opponent's abdomen with a knee.

The transmission of force made Kazama float from the ground, and then the scenery in the front view changed rapidly.

Garubelos pulled the enemy's arm with his left hand and his head with his right hand, and turned around quickly, aiming at the wall beside him.

With all its strength, it smashed the enemy into the wall with a loud noise.

This was just the beginning, it took a step back and then a step forward, which was exactly the same as Kazama's previous kick.

The strong force impacted the armor, and the wind penetrated deeper into the wall.

That's what Garubelos paid attention to. He quickly stretched out his hands and locked the enemy's arms firmly.

"Captain, the movement on your side is a bit loud, can you handle it alone?"

From the helmet came the concerned voice of his comrades in arms, and in Kazama's sight, the saliva spouted by the strange beast while roaring sprinkled on his helmet.

However, although the opponent's three heads made the same movement, only the central head roared.

The mouths of the two vicious dogs on the left and right were filled with orange light, and the surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature.

In an instant, Kazama clenched his fists, and the lock that appeared in his sight was instantly released, and the convex grooves on the sides of the armored arms were connected with blue and white lines.

The intense pain brought about two scorched and broken fingers.

While Garubelos roared and sprayed fireballs, Kazama broke free and swept his arms from the inside out.

The 1.0 armor began to consider further converging the Spetsium rays after mastering the release of the Spetsium rays, and finally completed this pair of arm blades.

Blue and orange, fireball and sharp blade, the blasted particles and flames spread like sand and dust, even destroying the emergency lights hundreds of meters away.

The two vicious dogs of Garubelos were smoking from their heads and mouths, and their bodies were shaking, as if they were about to fall down.

Ignoring the scorched black on his arms, Kazama took a step forward. His upper body leaned back, his right leg supported his body, and his left leg kicked high in an arc, like a long stick rising a dragon.

He had been smashed into the wall seconds before, and this time, it was Garubelos who smashed his head against the ceiling in this blow.

Aiming at such an enemy, Kazama immediately clenched his fists and jumped up.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Right now, at the top, γ felt the vibration of the ground and stepped back quickly to leave.

"I think the next battle damage will definitely be very, very, very bad!"

Accompanied by his words, the cracked ground exploded, and that huge thing appeared in the splashing rubble.

This speed is not so fast for the Ultra armor, so a blue knife light appeared in Galubellos' eyes.

While roaring, a straight slit was cut in its defensive arms, the blood evaporated before it could splash out, and the wound was scorched before it could bleed.

Wearing 7.0 armor, γ is holding a straight knife, and the top of the blade is covered with Spethium energy, which makes the blade a sharp weapon against alien beasts.

"I'll go first!"

When Kazama jumped out of the hole, γ flew past him.

The sun shines on the two of them, the so-called one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, and the attack distance brought by the straight knife turns into an advantage.

A straight knife left some invisible blue particles while waving, and Galubellos kept avoiding it with agile movements that did not match his body.

"Be careful, the heads on the left and right shoulders can spit fireballs."

Kazama gave a warning when his feet touched the ground.

"I see!"

γ The horizontal straight knife directly shattered the two fireballs, and the conflicting energies made this attack impossible to explode.

But that was enough, Garubellos broke into the effective distance of the straight knife in an instant, and its huge body brought an indescribable sense of oppression after being drawn closer, enough to occupy all people's sights.

Three heads, the central one without eyes, and the left and right shoulder heads each with one eye, which are now twisted toward the center, gazing at its target.

'It's kind of scary. '

γThinking in his heart, he has never seen anything normal like a strange beast.

Facing this blow, he neither defended nor evaded, but just bent down.

Because he knew that he didn't need to worry about this, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed in his ears.

Therefore, the vacated space was filled, accelerated and then superimposed strength, Kazama's swinging body and the right fist he swung erupted.

At this moment, even space seemed to be shaking.

The ground was cut open, and γ's straight knife sliced ​​through the cement like tofu.

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