You say the sword is difficult to use because of angles and obstacles?

Wouldn't it be good to just cut the obstacles together?

This is the scene formed by the Ultra armor and the special Spetsium straight knife. The vertical slash from bottom to top caused damage again, and even threw Galubellos into the sky.

"Be careful of battle damage."

Kazama said so, and then he quickly walked up γ's back.

"It's not your turn to say this sentence!"

γ couldn't help complaining, the hole from the underground waterway to the ground hasn't been filled yet.

At this moment, the two men in armor full of technological sense adjusted the position of their weapons on the ground, and the other borrowed the shoulder of the previous one to jump up. The arm blade on his arm lit up again, and he swung down with the palm knife.

The next moment, the road was shattered and cracked because it couldn't bear the force of the fall, and Garubellos' left arm was filled with new scars. He pierced the ground with both claws missing a finger to relieve the force. Slid out a distance.

At this moment, a jet-like sound sounded, and when Kazama landed on the ground, γ had already passed him and appeared in front of the enemy.

As before, the upward swing was menacing.

The slash that seemed to slice through Garubelos' main head missed, and it barely managed to dodge as it bounced back from the ground.

When the power gap between the two sides is not overwhelming, the advantage in numbers can bring back the disadvantage in strength.

Before Galubellos could do anything, intense pain reverberated in its brain.

The jetting sound came from falling from a high altitude, the shoulder blades behind the β shoulders lit up, and the energy of Spaceum poured out, bringing extraordinary acceleration.

First kick to make the enemy kneel, and then it is the real kill.

And her wrists are just like the 1.0 armor, with the output port of Spetsium, but what comes out of this output port is not a beam of light, but a line.

The connected emerald green lines formed a curved crescent, and the cutting shape brought by this crescent even penetrated Garubellos' hard skin.

The β riding on the enemy is just like the trump card of the decisive victory, giving the enemy the final blow at the last moment.

Galubellos wanted to struggle, but in order for the final blow to take effect, the other two rushed out quickly.

The distance between the two sides was pulled from ten meters to five meters, so something strange happened.

Those are the two vicious dog heads on Galubellos' shoulders, the left one is twisted 180 degrees, and the right one is raised.

The red pupils stared at β and γ.

The distance ranges from five meters to four meters, and Kazama can't help but open his eyes wide when he encounters a crisis.


"team leader!"

Although the two shouted words of concern, their movements were completely wrong.

γ, who braked suddenly, quickly turned around and swung his knife, aiming at Kazama's head with the sharp blade attached to Spaceum's energy.

And β, who was riding on the enemy before, jumped up again, and the crescent moon on her wrist struck after she swung her arms out symmetrically.

There was no longer any restraint, Garubellos's strange head turned back again, it rushed out without looking back, and left towards the distance.

'Is it a hallucination? '

Kazama guessed the situation in his mind at this time, and he leaned back his upper body, trying to keep the distance from Spetsium's straight knife as far as possible.

His legs were bent, making a kneeling motion.

With this, the straight knife passed over him, and a large number of sparks flew out along with the slide.

At this time, in the eyes of γ is another world, he should have cut through Garubelos who attacked with teleportation.

So, what's the deal with being hit and knocked down?

In the real world, Kazama's sweeping legs caused Gamma to overturn, and he quickly reached out, disarmed and took the Spyium straight knife.

The Spyium energy on the blade collided with the attacking guillotine.

Kazama held the weapon backwards, and made a negative sword-like movement, making the angle of the guillotine and the Spyium straight knife exactly the same.

At the same time as the two streams of energy exploded, the sound of metal hitting the ground also came.

"Eh? Wait, what's going on?"

γBreak away from the world of hallucinations with a bump, and the impact of the moment is not deep.

In front of his eyes, a straight knife stabbed down.

"Watch out! Captain!"

"Galubellos has the ability to create hallucinations. This is why the victims will leave a strong psychological shadow. You and Nanami were actually attacking me just now."

"Where is the code name?"

"A single attack can pull you out of the illusion, I leave this to you, and I will go after Galubellos."

Before γ could respond, Kazama rushed out quickly.

"Be careful!"

The two separated like this, and the arms of the β attacking in front were bright.

"Okay! Come to my senses, you idiot!"

γ, who was left behind, pulled out the straight knife on the ground, and the gravel and dust were kicked up.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"So why is this place blocked? If the government really has weapons that can fight against alien beasts, shouldn't it be made public!"

Outside the area blockade of the night raid team, the reporters who smelled the smell of course came quickly.

Tian Duan was also one of them. He was still leading the newcomers, but he rushed over as soon as he received the tip.

Now, he's fighting the Night Raiders.

But the other two he led, Lunwen and Reiko, were a little flustered.

"I've never seen such a team before, and what's with those weapons? It's completely different from the weapons I know."

Lunwen said puzzledly, you said that it is an assault rifle and something like that is more impressive, but what is this double-barreled assault rifle?

New Gatling or something?

"I think I'm more worried now about what we're going to do to us for knowing too much."

Reiko touched her arms subconsciously, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Her curiosity is very strong, so she will become a reporter after graduation.

The problem is, she hasn't forgotten that the strange alien came to her for taking pictures in the past.

If you have been found once, of course you will feel horrified.

'What a pervert...'

Reiko murmured in her heart, it is really true that the other party has no scruples about breaking into the women's toilet...

At this time, compared with the two who didn't do much practical work, Tian Duan kept talking, but couldn't get a good response.


"Interviews and photographs are declined."

The captain of the second unit of the night raid team was dedicated to his duties. Just as he was about to continue guarding, a communication sound came from his helmet.

"Tachibana, tell the people in the second unit to keep a distance. Galubellos ran out. The two heads of that thing can create illusions. Don't let the eyes look at it."


The man called 'Tachibana' immediately switched the communication. He pulled his left hand and grabbed Tian Bata's arm.

This action made Reiko and Lunwen's eyes widen. Is this an arrest?

"Everyone is ready to fight, Garubellos broke through, keep a distance, be careful of those two heads, don't look at them."

"What did you say broke through?"

Tian Bata was keenly aware that this was a breakthrough, and before he could ask further, he heard this sentence:

"Garubellos is coming this way! Be alert!"

That movement, that speed, the alien beast didn't intend to hide its existence at all.

The second unit took aim, then immediately looked away.

"damn it!"

Some are cursing and cannot look at each other because they will be hallucinating.

The question is how to fight without looking at the opponent?

Do you rely on the eyes of your heart with your eyes closed?

"What is that, that, that, that?!"

Reiko couldn't even speak clearly.

Galubellos' huge body showed his own existence, and a roar made his ears hurt.

It leaped high and sprinted across the blockade to escape.

Aiming at the back, the second unit fired wildly.

What was fired from inside was not so much a bullet as a cannonball, and the intense fire was like a flash bomb hitting the enemy.

Enduring a round of shooting, Galubellos quickly fled away.

There was a crisp sound on the ground, and this sound instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Turning his head, a red and white armored man was standing there.

"Sorry, lend me this gun."

Kazama snatched a special rifle from his comrades, and then left quickly with the shocked eyes of Tian Bata.

'found it. '

Tian Duan realized in his heart that this was a weapon against alien beasts developed by the government.

Chapter Eighteen: Evolution in Combat

What kind of situation will the chase in the city lead to?

In order not to become a worse situation, Galubellos must be dealt with as soon as possible.

The problem is that...

'Tsk. '

Kazama clicked his tongue in his heart, the enemy is indeed on all fours, running faster than two-legged ones.

He raised the borrowed weapon in his right hand, and aimed the special firearm named Diwaite.

The trigger was pulled, and the recoil exploded, but even so, the arm remained motionless.

The ability brought by the Ultra armor can even make ordinary people completely ignore the recoil of firearms. If you want to use a simple and easy-to-understand analogy, there is no special feeling when the trigger is pressed to death after holding Gatling alone.

The bullets fired from Diwaite's muzzle were as fast as the gun's identity.

However, this speed and this distance are still too far for Galubellos.

It dodged immediately the moment it heard the gunshot, and the salvo that hit its back earlier caused a lot of damage to it.

The special bullet developed for the alien beast passed by its side.

Garubelos accelerated further, moving with a unique trajectory.

The distance between the two sides is constantly widening, and the noise of traffic is coming from afar.

"Headquarters, apply for the use of propulsion equipment."

While the communication between the winds was connected, the brakes were slammed, and sparks splashed under the feet.

At the same time, it has been five years since the attack of the alien beast in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, and at the same time, the battle between the giants broke out.

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