Human memory has never been such a reliable thing.

After all, compared with things that no longer happen, things in front of you are more important and will occupy a place in your brain.

Everyone never feels that there will be any changes in their daily life. Even if they occasionally think about whether there will be special adventures and take a different path, they are just thinking after all.

Step by step, as always.

Some people think that this is lifeless, while others think it is happiness.

On the street, people come and go.

On the road, there is a constant stream.

Everyone has their own things to do, some alone, some in pairs, and some in groups.

A normal taxi driver drives the roads because that's what he does.

"Seongnam University? Is the brother or sister in the family going to school there?"

During the driving process, the driver will also find some topics to chat with the passengers, which is a matter of course.

"No, not..."

The person sitting in the co-pilot looked like he was only a teenager.

It is precisely because of this that the driver feels that he is going to that university to find his brother or sister.

But it's not actually the case. The 17-year-old named 'Takayama Gama' is a student at Seongnam University, and his talent allowed him to enroll at this age.

Of course, I dreamed that I was not complacent, what bothered him now was that he looked really too young.

You have to admit that judging by appearance is the first reaction of almost everyone.

Recently, I have been worrying about his too young appearance and being taken care of as a child all the time.

"actually, I-----"

When he was about to say something, the driver gave a suspicious 'hmm'.

Because there were people running on the road, not just one.

Someone in front ran away with a face full of horror, and the original forward traffic flow stopped.

Some drivers froze when they got out of the car and wanted to say something.

In less than a second, they immediately followed the others and fled in the opposite direction of the road.


The driver pushed the door open, and I dreamed to get out of the car in obedience to curiosity, and passed by the escaped man.

At the other end of the road, at the forefront of the traffic flow, a huge monster appeared there.

The three heads are facing in different directions, as if they are observing something.

In an instant, I realized what was happening.

"Alien beast!"

He said that noun, and it was Garubelos who fled into the city at a speed that the night raiders couldn't keep up with.

The head on the shoulders of the three-headed dog-like monster looked towards both sides of the street, and the screaming citizens who screamed because of the monster's appearance made even more exaggerated screams.

Their faces are distorted, as if they have seen hell, demons, or the most terrifying thing in their hearts.

Some people even yelled until halfway through, their bodies went limp and they fell down.

'wrong! '

I realized the abnormality in my dream, even if I was afraid, it shouldn't have reached this point.

He admitted that this alien beast looked terrifying, but how could it be so frightening to faint.

But the crux of the matter is...

'Oops! '

The strange appearance in front of his eyes is definitely not an illusion. Galubellos' body is twisting and expanding. It is not an increase in height, but an enhancement in all aspects.

Fear strengthens the alien beasts as food, which is why they can't kill them.

Just when my dream was clearing up the situation, Galubellos felt the joy of a stronger power instinct, he stretched out his hand and lifted it upwards, and the unmanned car was thrown away like a piece of rag.


My dream in the distance opened his eyes wide, he subconsciously took a step forward, and threw the man who was only concerned about running for his life to the ground.

The sunlight above the two of them was blocked, and fragments of the car windows scattered all over the place.

They fell between the two vehicles that were holding up the one that fell.

If they were slower, their heads would probably shatter like watermelons falling to the ground.

The threat posed by the alien beasts is unfolding in front of everyone.

Garubellos roared, he could still feel fear, and sensed more fear.

The grain is located on the left and right sides, and the left and right sides are commercial buildings for offices.

The abnormality below made the office workers in the building puzzled. What they saw by the window was the scene of the strange beast flying the car.

It's not a movie, it's reality.

They instinctively panicked because of the unusual scenery, and there was fear in the panic.

This fear attracted the alien beast, so Garubellos on the road took a step forward.

It knew that at the previous speed, the enemy chasing it would still have some time to arrive.

During this period of time, it is enough for it to have another full meal.

On the other side, I Meng got out from under the car and stood up. He carefully hid himself, looking for the shadow of the alien beast.

But Garubellos, who was still there before, disappeared, and only a few vehicles with dented roofs were seen.

Before I could think about it, the sound of breaking glass came from the upper corner.

He raised his head immediately, Galubellos' arms smashed through the window, and three heads were grinning, grinning on the surface of the building.

'Oops, where the hell is the Night Raiders! '

I dreamed of looking everywhere for the team that was supposed to handle the situation, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Because it cannot be found on earth.

In the distance that he couldn't see, the crowd had already fled because of the appearance of the alien beast.

Empty cars with their doors open are parked in large numbers on the empty streets.

Sparks kept splashing on the ground, and the red and white armored figure was running on the road, faster than before.

The back of his shoulders, where the shoulder blades are located, open the same vents as the Type 52A armor.

Blue light gushed out from inside, like two small stoves.

"It's in good working order with an output of 40.00% seven."

Kazama reported the situation, only 40.00% Shichi's output 1.0 armor's legs have reached the limit.

"The coordinates, trajectory, and site conditions have been sent, please confirm."

The voice of the communicator came to the ears, and at the same time the system inside the armor processed the information.

"Confirmed receipt, now rush to the scene, fully open the thruster power."

"Wait, you—"

There was surprise in the female voice, which was ignored.

Kazama bent his legs, and the sparks splashed along the way were mixed with predatory noises.

The propulsion equipment itself is designed to fly in the air, since this is the case...

"Fly and show me."

The power is 100%, and the propulsion equipment starts.

Just like the scene where the engine of a fighter plane accelerates, the blue ring expands and interweaves, and finally disappears.

Kazama's bent legs jumped out with force, and the surrounding scenery was blurred by the ejection.

Yes, it's more about ejection than flight.

In the distance, the figure of the enemy was seen.

The interior of the 27th floor of the office building is in chaos, or the entire building is in chaos.

People began to escape through the back door, and there was a constant sound of footsteps on the stairs.

In Galubellos' eyes, some of the office workers on the 27th floor wanted to escape, while others bumped into something in a panic or were directly knocked down.

These fears are absorbed by it, and these fears can be increased.


A shot went off.

Galubellos and I dreamed that the orc and the man looked in the direction of the sound at the same time, and then there was an explosion.

Cracked glass, intact glass, or fragments falling, or cracks spreading, a flash of blue broke into the explosion.

The first to fall was Garubelos. It broke away from the explosion, and someone stepped on its chest.


The roar of the three heads overlapped more violently than the gunfire, and the troubled glass shook.

Galubellos quickly swung his arm, and the hit hit sent Kazama flying away.

The two sides were divided into left and right sides. Galubellos' right hand pierced the surface of the building and hung in mid-air. Kazama was thrown from the building on the left to the building on the opposite right.


Several people who hadn't had time to escape subconsciously raised their hands to protect themselves, and saw two blue lights from the gap in their arms.

Before crashing into the building, the vents behind Kazama's shoulder blades ignited, and the gushing energy unloaded its power, and a melting line symbolized its moving trajectory.

He held the Diwait long gun, pulled the trigger and fired again.

The precise shot hit Garubellos' chest, setting off a new explosion.

But just like before, the other party seemed to be completely unaffected, running quickly along the surface of the building.

'became stronger. '

There is no doubt that Galubellos became stronger than before after being bathed in fear, and the Diwait spear that could have caused damage now does not work.

The brilliance of the propulsion nozzle became bright again, and Kazama ran along the surface of the building at high speed, aiming the gun in his left hand.

It was an unusual day for the citizens of Tokyo when a battle that should have been fought in the dark was moved into the light.

"Now there is an urgent news. Citizens are requested to temporarily put down what they are doing and move to the city to take shelter. In the city——"

"Hiding in the city? What does this mean?"

The manager who took a sip of coffee in the office saw a figure in front of him.


The coffee sprayed out, and on the surface of the building, borrowing the acceleration brought by the propeller, he switched the mode of the Diwai special long gun in his hand while running in the wind.

Remove the gun handle, fold the gun body, and then install the gun handle after turning it upside down.

The original three-barreled heavy firepower weapon has become a double-barreled high-firing weapon.


Someone on the street said this, and he stepped forward to pull the passers-by away.

The shards of glass falling from above were sharp objects.

"Hey, what is that!"

On the left, Garubellos shatters the face of the building with every step forward.

On the right side, the strange machine warrior is very fast. While running on the wall, he raises the gun in his left hand, and the firepower hits the monster.

The next moment, Galubellos' speed dropped.

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