Kazama bounced off the ground again, and his original position was crushed.

Garubelos opened his mouth again on his left and right heads, and the flame bombs inside fired continuously.

It is the arm blade that shreds Mars, and the different colors do not give way to each other in the collision.

The force brought by the impact prevented Kazama from falling to the ground. Seizing this opportunity, Galubellos jumped up quickly, like a vicious dog preying on prey.

It swung its arms forward and crossed at the same time, but it missed nothing.

The thrusters on Kazama's back allowed him to quickly rise a short distance to avoid the passing enemies below.

Before it rose further, a force that was difficult to break free came.

He bowed his head, his right leg was wrapped around his tail.

The fireball and pounce are feints, the real attack is the tail.

Garubelos' fighting style is completely different from the instinctive alien beast, and now, it has caught the enemy who has been chasing it.

Landing, dragging, just like those villains in the western cowboy drama, Kazama was pulled on the ground and the armor rubbed against the broken ground.

His field of vision spun, because Garubellos jumped up and turned his body, his tail released with the movement, throwing the enemy to the ground.

If the fall is strong, even the Ultra armor will not be intact.

The thrusters counterbalanced the applied force, holding him in mid-air.

Galubellos was also waiting for this opportunity, and it quickly reached out, this time grabbing its enemy head-on.

The tightened palm wanted to crush the enemy, at this moment, the passing blue light bent and fell.

Beta, who kept jumping between floors with the propulsion system, pulled his arms apart, and the cyan light blade slashed down vertically.

The sharp guillotine still had an effect on the evolved Galubellos, and the attack was embedded in his arm, emitting a strange burnt smell.

The sudden sharp blade had an effect, Kazama was touched by β before he had time to fall, and he was pushed away a distance.

It is β who is facing Garberos head-on now.

'What a weird creature...'

To her, the two sides had just seen each other for a few minutes, and the other party had already changed.

Compared with her height of more than three meters, she was nearly twice as tall, and the claw alone was already close to the height of her upper body.

Facing this blow, the generators at both wrists of β activated again.

The guillotine that had previously dealt damage was formed between the wrists, facing the enemy's attack.

Galubellos naturally recognized this attack, and it immediately stopped, and the other sharp claw attacked in the opposite direction of the guillotine.

If you can hold one side, you can't hold the other side.

Normally, this is the case, but the Type 52A armor is different, and the propulsion system at the shoulder blade is deployed.

The next moment, β's action was not defense, but attack.

She didn't even need to rely on her legs, and she moved sideways for a certain distance.

The second guillotine slashed out with the opened arms, and directly hit Garubellos' chest, making an ear-piercing friction noise.

Galubellos ignored the attack, twisted his body and stabbed out his tail, and then hit the air again in the β translation.

The tail has been moved, and the next is the head.

When β noticed the two red eyes, she looked away immediately.

However, nothing happened, Garubelos's fake action worked, and its claws stabbed directly at the prey in front of it.

Thrusters, front flips, Beta's entire body turned upside down.

Before landing, her position was firmly locked, and Galubellos quickly turned around to prepare to attack.

At this angle of β, she raised her head and saw the enemy, but she looked forward differently. Kazama, who was pushed out before, bent her legs and started to run and accelerate.

The tearing sound of the air was not concealed in the slightest, and the jetting sound of the thrusters resounded through the sky.

One blow from Kazama almost proclaiming 'I'm coming'

At this time, he and β were in a straight line, and Garubellos, who was surrounded by double-teamers, was surrounded by emerald lightning-like energy directly in front of him, and directly behind was the swung palm knife, and the arm blade below was bright.

In the next moment, both the guillotine and the arm blade were completely hit, and even embedded in the enemy's body.



There are two wounds on the waist and under the ribs.

Garubellos turned around ignoring the two wounds, and quickly grabbed the two people who had exposed their flaws due to the attack from left to right.

More fear is drawn into the body, increasing its strength even more.

The school is being evacuated, and the wall that originally surrounded the entire school is being climbed over by people.

The streets around the school were already empty of passers-by, and they had already disappeared without a trace.

Under such circumstances, escape is the best solution.

Even so, some people still look back at the situation on the playground.

The monster grabbed the two droids it was fighting with and now seemed to be crushing them straight up.

"Xili! Hurry up!"

Before Xi Li could look any further, a friend's urging sound came from her ear.

As long as it's not close to the gate, it doesn't matter which side of the wall you climb.

From this angle, they could barely see what was happening on the playground.

The surrounding sounds mixed together to form an uncomfortable noise, so Xili didn't hear that sound.

"Captain, Nanami, I kept you waiting for so long!"

In Kazama's helmet, he heard the sound of γ, and in his sight were the police cars that were screeching to a stop and the 'heavy firepower' they were escorting

'Oh, grass. '

He didn't say it, but expressed his feelings concisely in his heart.

On the other side, β still couldn't hold back.

"This neuropathy."

The moment she finished speaking, the fence gate at the school's gate was knocked open.

The roar of the engine was like a roaring beast.

Now, the beast is roaring, bursting out with all its might.

"Come and taste the power of the tank truck!"

Fully depressing the accelerator, and running wildly all the way, Garubellos who just turned his head was in front of γ.

In an instant, the window was smashed, the front of the car was deformed, and the entire driver's seat was twisted due to the impact.

He immediately opened the car door and jumped out. Garubelos, who had suffered the impact, fell down with a roar, his huge body could not be completely crushed by the wheels.

After being thrown out, Kazama and β rolled several times after landing.

Garubellos at the bottom of the car roared angrily, it got up straight away, grabbed the bottom of the car with its left hand, and the place it touched was crushed.

γ, who had been prepared for a long time, thumbed forward with his right hand, and with a click, a small flame ignited.

He quickly threw the lighter forward, the spilled gasoline was ignited, and he followed the leaked location all the way.


γHe compared his gun with his left hand. In an instant, there was a deafening noise, the gust of wind mixed with heat overturned the person, and the explosion of the oil tanker almost involved the entire playground.

Slowly, tens of seconds passed.

"Cough! Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Xi Li felt that the blurred vision in front of her eyes gradually focused, and the exuberant flames made it hard to imagine that she was in the city.

The scorching heat spreading from the playground was unbearable, and the ringing in the ears still hasn't faded away.

Even so, the black shadow in the fire is still huge.

The skin on Garubelos' body was still wrapped in flames, and it was in the very center of the explosion, so it suffered a lot of damage.

It tried to regenerate, and at this moment, the surrounding flames moved.

"It's almost time to kill you monster!"

γ swung the straight knife firmly in his hands with a cassock cut, only a short distance from cutting open the enemy's head.

"Aikawa, you and I are here to persecute Galubellos, and Qihai will wait for my signal after he finds it."

While giving the order, Kazama rushed out from the flames on the other side. His raised arms slashed down at the same time, the arm blade and the raised right arm of the enemy.

The two took a step back each, and when they were about to move forward, Galubellos no longer held back his hands, and the flame bombs fired at them frantically.

"Get behind me."

A large number of bullet screens hit, and Kazama took a step forward. The arm blades of his arms kept cutting, cutting the flame bullets one after another.

And γ, who was hidden behind him, held the straight knife tightly, and stabbed at extreme speed across the right side of Kazama's cheek, and the tip of the knife with Spesium's energy pierced precisely into the gap between Galubellos' fingertips. The skin on the right arm was cracked, and the inside was glowing blue.

γ immediately backed away, and Kazama, who retreated together, stepped forward again, and his side kick hit the handle of the Spicyum straight knife, completely sending the blade of this weapon into the enemy's arm.

Garubelos roared, and while it moved its right arm, Spesium's straight knife tore through the inside of the arm.

The vicious dog heads on his shoulders had just opened their mouths before taking two uppercuts.

Kazama and γ knocked it back for a short distance.

In order to take out the straight knife, Garubelos must first knock back the enemy who attacked it.

It swung its left claw out and collided with the arm blade swung by Feng Jian.

The scorched earth under their feet was sliced ​​open, and Beta leapt forward, taking the opportunity to hit his opponent's cheek with an uppercut.

Garubelos' head twisted again, but was still interrupted.

γ leaped up to make an uppercut, Kazama stepped on it with a backflip, one of the two heads went up and the other went down, and the fireball that was about to be ejected was swallowed again.

'I can't go on like this'

Realizing this, Garubelos sprayed the fireball towards his feet, and the compressed fireball exploded when it hit the ground, forming a sea of ​​flames centered on himself.

The wave of flames directly pushed back the two people who surrounded it.

"Seven Seas, it's now!"

Kazama gave the order and rushed out at the same time as γ.

That action aroused Galubellos, and in order to avoid being approached again, it aimed its double heads at the two attackers just like when it was surrounded before.

And the distance between Kazema and γ was not even a few centimeters close, and even the arms that swung while running almost collided.

Concentrated sight contains the ability to create illusions.

In ancient Greek mythology, there was such a monster named Medusa.

It is said that anyone caught by her gaze will be turned into a stone statue.

Later, the hero Perseus in Greek mythology defeated Medusa with Athena's shield reflecting his sight.

The falling β made the translucent mirror perpendicular to the ground, and the inside of the mirror reflected the line of sight, reflecting Garubelos himself, and the phantom was staged in his brain.

Feng Jian jumped up quickly, he put his wrists together in front of him, and aimed at the enemy at the diagonally downward corner.

The energy core on the chest of the armor changed from blue to red, constricting its power, and the fully concentrated Spyium rays shot out.

The blue-white radiance hit Garubellos in an instant. It was like being thrown into a furnace, and there was nothing left of its body under the high temperature.

A few seconds later, it caused a lot of damage, and the alien beast that had been constantly evolving during the battle was wiped out, leaving only a black pothole where it was originally standing.

Chapter Twenty Double Identity

"I didn't expect there to be such a way. It's really good to read more fairy tales. Greek mythology. You managed to attract my attention."

γ, who took off his helmet, showed an interested smile, with a square face and that crew cut hairstyle.

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