To describe it in one sentence - if you have multiple tattoos on your hands, you can go to the underworld as a cameo.

"I suggest you better not look at it."

On the other side, β, who also took off the helmet, rubbed her short hair that didn't even cover her neck in a very unspeakable manner.

Even if you are not injured due to the high performance of the armor, the emotions brought about by the battle will make the body respond accordingly.

Simply put, sweating.

"What's so good about the myth that a bunch of perverts dare to do anything? I don't think normal people are interested in such things."

What sheep, horses, men, monsters, right?

And hearing what β said, γ touched his chin, and he suddenly realized something.

"Is it the captain who came up with the mirror reflection just now? So the captain also reads Greek mythology? In other words—"

"Okay, I think you might have forgotten that Greek mythology has milder anime adaptations."

Before the other party messes up, the woman interrupts the other party's words.

"But the captain is too old to watch animation, it's a bit..."

"Can't you watch it with your daughter?"

"Oh, it seems so."

Having said that, the two looked at the seat on one side at the same time.

There was no one there, just a set of badly damaged armor.

"It doesn't look like a person with a child at all... No? Wait, maybe?"

The men thought about their team leader carefully, and the team leader he was thinking about now pulled a piece of clothing from a clothing store and put it on, and the banknotes with the same price as the marked price were put down on the unoccupied cashier counter.

This battle has gone through a long distance, and the economic losses caused are estimated to be exaggerated, but this matter can be discussed later.

Of course, Kazama didn't have a mobile phone on him, so how could he put such a thing in his pocket when he was wearing the Ultra armor.

So he just glanced at the time from the wall-mounted TV.

"It sucks."

Recalling the previous agreement, he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Although it was agreed that I would go to school to participate in activities today, I never expected such a difficult incident to occur.

Kazama originally planned to show up at school during the lunch break, but in the morning he caught Galubellos' hiding place.

The key is that the monster is still unusually difficult to deal with. If you want to ask him how he is feeling now, it is probably mixed.

The joy is that a difficult alien beast has been solved and a worse disaster situation has been avoided.

What is worrying is that it is already 13:00 in the afternoon, no matter how you look at it, the activities at the school have ended.

Yes, it's not a break, it's the end, at least when he left, the fire police drove in to put out the fire.

By the way, can Xi Li still go to school?

Kazama thought about the previous battle situation, maybe the whole playground would have to be refilled and refurbished.

First the battle, then the tanker truck explosion, then the fireball hit, and finally the Spyium ray to finish.


While running, Kazama was also thinking about what to do next.

In a word, he doesn't know what a woman's heart is, and Xi Li is a girl.

He didn't know what happened to a child in adolescence, and Xi Li was only 15 years old, and she was in her youth.

When the two elements are superimposed, this is simply an incredible mystery in the world.

'Would she be happy if she offered a present to apologize? '

Kazama turned his head, and the gift shop on the street next to him was still empty.

'What does she like? '

Trying to think, suddenly found something.

'It's over. '

Kazama thought about it carefully, the last time Xili said 'like' was two years ago, when he tried to make a white-cut chicken.

Well, two years.

Two years have passed, before I know it, it has been two years.

It has also been two years since the abnormal breeding of the alien beasts.


Thinking of this, based on Kazama's own thoughts, he suspects that there is something on top of the alien beast, the superior alien beast, or... Zaki who is not completely dead?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"What do you think it is? The monster must be the alien beast that I have heard of before, so who are the three people who fought against the alien beast? Don't you think it is very powerful?"

Once out of danger, thinking becomes clear and normal.

Because of normal curiosity, Dongyang kept asking about things that no one actually knew while scrolling through SNS.

On the Internet, there are already a lot of things that are spreading.

"Look at this look at this!"

Dongyang waved to Xili and Chunhe, and when the three of them sat together, the video on the phone started playing.

The resolution is indeed not high enough, but such a picture was taken.

The monster crawling on the surface of the building like a spider was suddenly hit by something and exploded, and then a blurred figure with a blue 'light belt' behind it crashed into the explosion.

"and this!"

The figure running fast on the wall held a strangely shaped gun in his left hand.

A warrior who chases monsters and fights monsters.

In a nutshell, that's probably how it feels, if that's the case...

Haruhe's frowning brows relaxed, and she finally recalled:

"Speaking of which, I saw a post on the anonymous version before."

After all, it was the Internet, and at that time she thought that someone else made up a very real story.

What kind of government work, what kind of secret weapon, all kinds of unbelievable revelations make people feel addicted.

Chunhe continued to tell the content of that post:

"What do you mean? In fact, there are all kinds of monsters hidden in the city. Those monsters are always thinking of attacking humans and eating all humans. The weapons developed by the government are secretly fighting these monsters. The monsters are aliens. beast."

Why is this story so true?

"It's surprisingly convincing."

Dongyang put his arms around his shoulders, the so-called "alien beast" is known to the whole world.

After all... Five years ago, that thing killed people in the street, and then it was so quiet that even children were impressed.

The whole night was quiet, and the parents seemed to be afraid of something.

Finally, there are still videos circulating on the Internet.

As a person living in Tokyo, Dongyang naturally knew what happened that night.

Silver and black giants use the city as a stage to fight, and there is a coldness that everyone can feel.

In the end, the citizens of Tokyo were affected by the black flame.

But since then, neither the black nor the silver giant has appeared again.

To this day, magazines and shows still bring up that event from time to time, saying it was a 'turning point for humanity'

Because human beings have recognized alien life forms and realized their power.

After being silent for a while, Haruhe stroked his arms, feeling a little uneasy.

"Although I said it myself, if there are really many alien beasts hiding in the city, it would be too scary..."

She recalled the fear of going to the bathroom alone at night as a child.

"Please! Why are you afraid of living to the age of 15!"

Dongyang said carelessly, she turned to look at Xi Li who had been silent all this time.

"Am I right!"

The other party is holding a mobile phone, which shows 'dial in progress'

"Huh? Oh..."

At this moment, Xi Li blinked her eyes as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"you still......"

Still calling my father.

Dongyang was speechless for a while, she thought that one of her friends might be the father-controlling.

"No, I'm a little worried, that alien beast is too scary."

Xi Li shook her head, she hadn't answered the phone before, and the monster just now...

At this moment, the three of them heard the call at the same time:

"Xili! Sorry, I'm late!"

They turned their heads at the same time, passing through the crowd over there, the man they were looking for along the way... No, is it a man?

The expressions of Dongyang and Chunhe are very wrong. Is there such a man who looks like he is only 24 or 25 years old, but his daughter is actually 15 years old?

It won't be brother——


Xi Li's expression changed immediately, mixed with relief and joy.

'What a father! '

Dongyang thought it was nonsense, too nonsense.

"I suddenly felt that I understood the reason why Xi Li's father controlled her. Do you understand?"

Haruhe said quietly after approaching.

"I understand too."

The two reached a consensus in a strange place, and the father and daughter who met over there stopped.

In less than a second, Kazama had confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Xi Li.

"Sorry, I'm late, on the way..."

"Meet that monster? Are you okay?"

Xi Li asked worriedly, the first time she noticed that her father was not wearing the clothes he wore when he went out in the morning.

And Kazama, who was still thinking about what reason to talk about before, nodded immediately.

"It's okay, it's just that the clothes were torn when I was carried away by the crowd. I bought this later, and I don't know where I dropped the phone."

Following the topic, he quickly made up a whole set of lies.

"Anyway, it's great that you're okay."

This is the truth. When Kazama realized that the battlefield was in this school and Xi Li was around, he was hit hard by Garubelos.

"This is my line."

Xi Li also let out a sigh of relief, she didn't want to lose her father.

To confirm each other's safety, the next step is the key point.

Kazama had long noticed the two people who had been looking this way.

The two girls are, well, comfortable.

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