He hadn't imagined what it would be like to be a boy, nor did he really want to.

"Xili, are they your friends? Why don't you introduce them?"

Well, let's get some information from here.


Xi Li's previous expression immediately disappeared, turning into a pair of dead fish eyes.

'Can you leave my relationship alone! '

On the other side, Dongyang and Chunhe looked at each other and walked forward.

"Uh, uh... Uncle, hello."

Dongyang struggled to say this title, his face said uncle was okay, but you cleaned too well, if there were more beard stubble, it wouldn't make him unable to call out.

"My name is Himino Fuyuyo, Yuri's classmate and friend."

"Same as above, I'm Harukawa Hyakuse, hello uncle."

The two greeted each other very politely, and Kazama felt much more at ease.

At least the two of them didn't have any weird tattoos on their arms or necks.

There are no piercings in the earlobe, and it seems to be a very good child.

That's it.

"Hello, I'm Kazuma Kazama, Xili's father."

The good mood brought by satisfaction surfaced on his face, and Kazama smiled.

He looked towards the playground where the firetruck stopped, and of course he knew that the tragedy here was a bit serious.

"The school probably won't be able to go to class today. If you have time, you can actually come to our house to play. The house is quite big. If you are tired from playing, you can eat directly, no problem."

Kazama smiled and invited.

"Okay, okay..."

Facing this enthusiasm, Dongyang and Chunhe certainly don't hate it.

But the problem is that...


Xili's eyes were very piercing, she just stared at Kazama's back, and at the same time glanced at her friends.

'Do you dare to try it? '

Probably that is what it means.

'too horrible. '

'That's it. '

The two completed the mysterious exchange.

Kazama, who didn't know anything about it, still kept smiling, he was really happy.

Isn't it normal to express concern about your daughter's friendships?

It is impossible for a normal father to let his daughter associate with anyone casually. There are always some people in the world who are full of malice.

'Just took this opportunity to learn something. '

For example, how is Xi Li doing in school, how is Xi Li doing in normal times, for example, does Xi Li have a favorite male classmate?

Kazama is no one else now, just a father who is worried about his daughter.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Yeah! It's so cool! I said that the captain is indeed a father!"

It's so refreshing to drink a bottle of lemonade directly after the battle and take a shower!

"I think your so-called coolness is because you don't need to make this lemonade at all."

β complained, the two of the three-person team naturally rested after returning to the base, and what they took out were homemade drinks from the refrigerator.

As for who made this, the answer is ready to come out.

"You can put down the carton of milk in your hand before accusing me, and you are not the one who replenishes it."

The two put their things away at the same time, pulled out a towel on one side and began to wipe their wet hair.

"Ah, speaking of which, we didn't buy the towels."

Halfway through the rubbing, γ suddenly realized the problem.

Chapter 21 Father and Daughter Relationship

'It's really a holiday. '

'After all such a serious incident happened, the playground was completely dark. '

In the group of three, Xili and Dongyang Chunhe were discussing today's events and future events.

Luckily there was no one in the playground before, otherwise it would have turned into a pretty dire situation.

Although Xi Li didn't know how big the school's playground was, she still knew how many facilities there were.

A football field, two basketball courts, both the basketball court and the football field are gone now, and the artificial turf is also in ashes.

If I really want to describe it...

'It feels like the disaster blockbusters I saw in the movies before are suddenly placed in front of my eyes. '

Xi Li typed out such a sentence, and then won the unanimous approval of the other two.

'Has our world become such an inexplicable world? '

'What are you talking about? It has been an inexplicable world since aliens invaded the earth five years ago. '

Dongyang's exclamation was refuted by Chunhe, people's memory has always been unreliable, so for most people, the two-week curfew and the battle of giants five years ago are already a thing of the past.

But, as various magazines have written, the event changed the world forever.

'By the way, do you have any plans for tomorrow? '

Xi Li tried to ask the other two.

'How about going to your house to play?Is your dad home? '

On the other end of the mobile phone line, Dongyang lying on the bed snickered.

Word order is really important. If the second question is placed before the first question, it probably means 'I will go to your house to play if your father is not here'

But now the order of the questions is reversed.

'Go away! '

Xi Li expressed her feelings at this time with just a few words.

What's the matter with the rhetoric that seems to be aimed at his father?

'just kidding. '

After Dongyang got the answer she wanted, she denied her previous statement with satisfaction. She just wanted to see Xi Li's response.

'Actually, I plan to collect some information at home tomorrow, and I am very interested in those people today. '

This is what she really wants to do. After today's incident, many people appeared on the Internet saying that they had witnessed similar things.

Most of the time it was a glimpse at night, and sometimes I encountered a relatively large blockade.

For example, today, many people broke the news that the government has imposed a blockade in a certain area.

It was probably dealing with the alien beast.

'In order not to appear outdated in school in the future, I can find more information. '

Dongyang, who was lying on his side on the bed, was typing like this.

One of the three is in trouble.

'What about Chun He? '

Xili asked the other person, and it was not impossible for the remaining two to play.

'I have to do my homework, you haven't forgotten the pile of extra homework due to the forced holiday, have you? '

'Ah, it's a declaration to finish the homework first. '

Xi Li did recall a bunch of homework left by the teacher.

There are all kinds of subjects, and it is painful to see them.

But it is even more painful to be called as a parent after I can't finish my homework.

'Then I will write too. '

Xi Li, who felt that writing alone was too painful, made a reservation for tomorrow.

'Hey!How can you leave me alone to do my homework! '

'Aren't you looking for information? '

Xili faced Dongyang's accusation without any disturbance.

'Okay, let's do our homework first, and then we will go to your house as before. '

Although Kazama only said "Welcome to our house to play" today, Dongyang and Chunhe have actually visited Xili's house more than once to play.

It's just that he's too busy with other things to know.

'In the past, I didn't think it mattered, but now, I began to suspect that you have bad intentions, uneasy and kind. '

Xi Li typed out such a string of texts, and it was at this moment that a call came from the kitchen.

"Xili, it's time to eat."


After she responded, she continued to leave comments in the discussion group:

'I'm going to eat first, and we'll talk later. '

Soon, Xi Li stood up and came to the dining table.

Same as a long time ago, two dishes and one soup, the soup is vegetables, and the dishes are divided into meat and vegetables.

But fortunately, there is no bitter melon, and there are no green peppers.

Xili hates eating bitter gourd, and also hates eating green peppers.

"It seems like it's been a long time since we had dinner together."

She opened the seat and sat down while speaking. Basically, she can still see her in the morning. The lunch is in the lunch box, and the dinner is in the refrigerator. Just heat it up and it will be fine.

Xi Li has always been curious about how early her father had to get up before he could prepare three meals a day in the morning.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy at work recently."

That's not an accusation, just an exclamation.

Kazama is very clear about this, family members are like this, outspoken.

After the two sat down, they began to eat directly. The vegetable broth was not heavy, and it was just an appetizer.

"I was curious before, what exactly is your job?"

Xi Li has doubts about this. She knows that her father is very busy at work, which can be seen from the usual time.

The question is what is it doing?

"It's equivalent to some cleaning work on the Internet, responsible for deleting dangerous speeches, and sitting in front of the computer every day facing the computer."

Kazama's answer was of course nonsense, and the only word that could be matched was the word 'cleaning'.

But when you hear 'sitting in front of the computer and facing the computer', you will of course feel that this is a safe thing.

Xi Li nodded. She was just curious and didn't have any idea to verify it. In fact, that wasn't what she was really curious about.

"By the way, did you see the alien beast and that...red and white person today?"

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