This is what she really cares about, so Kazama's face is serious.

"very dangerous."

He gave his answer immediately.

"The destructive power of those two things is unparalleled. You saw it today. Just the aftermath of the battle can destroy the entire playground. The human body is not as strong as the playground. Never get close to alien beasts, and never get close to those Those who fight with alien beasts, you—"

"Absolutely don't do dangerous things, right? Well, well, I get it, I'm not a child, can you stop emphasizing these messy things with me every time?"

Before Kazama could finish speaking, Xi Li interrupted him with an impatient look on her face.

She really hates being talked about every time she wants to do something, is she so worried about her?



After the words were interrupted, there was silence, and Kazama sighed in his heart.

He has read a lot of books, and this kind of adolescent rebellious psychology is like this.

Simply put - 'I can do this, but you can't teach me to do it'

Children of this age are like this, parents should trust them more...that is to say.

'It's hard to do. '

Kazama knew that he should try to trust, the problem is that this is also a test for his father.

You will always worry unavoidably, and once this worry is spoken out, it becomes endless long-winded.

He didn't want to, but he just couldn't help it.

At this time, it is better to change the topic.

"How's school going? Is there any bullying in the class? If so, don't forget to tell me."

There are always people who want to stand on the head of others in exchange for a sense of superiority, and this kind of thing cannot be tolerated.

"You think too much. Things that appear in this kind of TV series and movies can't be so simple."

Xi Li directly denied it. Everyone in the class was normal and nothing happened.


When it comes to things in the class, there is indeed a rather strange thing.

"It seems that there is indeed a student in the class who has basically never been to class. I don't know what's going on. I don't know her either."

"Didn't you go to class?"

Kazama also feels a little confused about this, if there is no class...

'While I don't think that's the case, it shouldn't be...'

"In short, it's good if you don't have anything to do. Do you have any plans in the future? If you have nothing to do, we can go shopping? Do you have anything you want to buy?"

"No, I plan to finish my homework with my friends first."

Going to the streets with my father...

Thinking of this, Xi Li felt completely uninterested.

It's not that I hate my father or anything, it's just that I have no interest at all.

"Then I'll help you prepare your lunch and dinner tomorrow morning, and you don't need to order any takeaways. Do they have any special delicacies?"

"No, you'd better leave it alone. It's okay to eat takeaway. Since I'm on vacation, you don't have to work so hard to make lunch and dinner."

Xi Li felt that instead of helping her cook, it would be better to sleep more.

According to her body sensation, she felt that Kazama only slept about six hours a day.

"It's fine, I—"

Before Kazama could finish speaking, the doorbell rang.

At this time, Xi Li knew that it would definitely not be the person looking for her.

"I'll open the door."

Kazama stood up directly, watching his back, and Xi Li also stood up.

Soon, the door was opened before the entrance.

'Who is she. '

Xi Li's eyes became sharper, because the woman standing at the door looked very young.

"Qami, why do you..."

"Your phone is in the office, we can't get in touch so I just came over."

The woman known as 'Namikai' certainly remembered the confidentiality agreement, she used 'office' to refer to it and took out Kazama's usual mobile phone from her pocket and handed it over.

"Thanks, I can't get in touch, does it mean you have something to ask me?"

Kazama took it over. In this era, home phones have basically been eliminated.

Listening to his question, Qihai glanced around the room without leaving a trace.

'This is the captain's daughter...'

Looks about 15 years old, in other words...

'Are you really over 30 years old? '

Who can tell, are you the Immortal Demon King?

"Actually, it's not urgent. You'd better enjoy your family life."

"Wait, have you had dinner? You can come in if you don't eat."


Nanami declined Kazama's invitation because she felt as if the young girl was going to eat her.

In order to avoid getting involved in any messy situation, it's better for her to stay away.

"Then I'll treat you to something to eat next time."

"I think you've asked enough."

After the two said goodbye, the door was closed again, and Kazama turned on his mobile phone, and there were a lot of missed calls.

He returned home, and Xi Li, who had followed him before, returned to the dining table.


"Well, colleague."

"It's not a lie, is it?"

"Of course not, why do you say that?"


Xi Li looked away, Kazama scratched her hair, he knew what the other party was thinking.

"Don't worry, it's just a colleague, there is nothing else, let's eat."

This is the case with single-parent families, and children worry that their parents may remarry.

As far as Kazama is concerned, it is impossible for him to marry anyone else with the identity of 'Kazama', and he has never been tempted by the relationship between a man and a woman.

So this worry is groundless.

The home of only two people looks a little empty, but it has always been like this, and it's not a big deal.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Mr. Tabata, you are too adventurous today, it doesn't look like you."

In the news van, the trio of reporters who arrived at the scene today hadn't left yet. They realized that what happened today was no small matter.

Alien beasts, and troops against them.

"Sometimes you need to disguise yourself as someone else in order to find the truth."

Tabata said calmly, but it's a pity that the other party didn't give in, and there was no reaction at all, and if he didn't reveal it, he wouldn't reveal it.

However, at least one thing is known.

"Do you know what this number represents?"

He pointed to the note on the inside of the news van, where the number '19' was.

"It's 19 o'clock in the evening, what do you mean? Oh?!"

As soon as Lunwen said it, Reiko elbowed him in the ribs by Reiko beside him.

Tian Duan suddenly laughed at the words that had no eyesight, and then his expression became serious again.

"As far as I know, there are 19 missing persons who have not yet been found. One of them is my college classmate."

Lunwen and Reiko didn't know what to say about the heavy topic, and they looked at each other.

And without waiting for them to speak, Tian Bata continued:

"At that time, I swore in front of his mother that I must find out the truth about his disappearance. After that, I kept investigating and looking for similarities, and finally, I locked on the rumored monster , I think as long as we follow this clue, we will be able to find out the truth about his disappearance."

He turned his head and stared at the number '19'.

"Whether it is death or life, there must always be a conclusion, otherwise it is just a torture for the living."

Chapter 22 Against the Alien Beast Troops

GUARD Belongs to 'Night Raid' against Alien Beast Troops

There are branches in every city in Japan, and its duty is to protect civilians from the threat of alien beasts.

They used the new technology obtained from the extraterrestrial life form Empat to create a weapon called Ultra Armor. The original prototype armor user was Kazuma Kazama.

Originally a commoner, he was selected because of his superb adaptability, and the opportunity to join the team was that he lost his wife in the attack of the No. 0 alien beast Pedron.

After that, after two months of training, he showed a high combat talent in the first actual combat test, and he also had the intention of joining the team, so he became the real No.1 combatant of the night raid team.

Through its battles, not only the data of the Ultra armor, but also the data of the alien beasts are continuously collected.

The former and the latter, although both are for the manufacture of new weapons, but the weapons are different.

The amount of Spicyum ore is limited, not to mention that human technology is not good enough to be able to go to Mars for mining casually.

Therefore, the research on alien beasts has become the focus.

Combining the technology of the Ultra armor with the data of the alien beasts, the result is the Diwait gun, which is currently equipped by the night raid team.

The special bullets equipped inside are mixed with an anti-alien factor.

As for how this factor was extracted and researched...

According to Kazuma Kazuma's combat data, the 1.0 armor has been developed and the Ultra armor has been officially completed.

In the next two years, the 5.0 armor will be completed, and the 7.0 armor will be completed.

Initial testing of both new armor sets was done by Kazuma Kazama.

After that, two people joined the Tokyo Night Raid Division.

Minami, the wearer of the 5.0 armor, is 23 years old and graduated from Waseda University. He joined the team because of his adaptability.

The wearer of the 7.0 armor, Naoto Aikawa, aged 25, is a former member of the Self-Defense Forces and won the first place in the test, so he was selected as the wearer for the purpose of allowing normal people to use the 7.0 armor.

After the three formed a team, they completed many tasks.

After the number of captive alien beasts increases, more biological data is obtained, which is the origin of the anti-alien beast factor.

The ancients said: Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles.

If you want to eliminate the alien beasts, you must have a sufficient understanding of the alien beasts.

Of course, compared with the XIG team to which GUARD belongs, the night raid team is not equipped with corresponding fighters.

This is because most of the battlefields of the night raid team are in the city, and it is impossible to fly a fighter plane at low altitude in the urban area to straf the ground.

In addition to the armored squad with only three members, the night attack team also has a second unit responsible for fire support, equipment delivery, blocking the area, and ending the battle.

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