They are equipped with Diwai special guns, and they have also achieved results in the face of ordinary alien beasts.

In non-captive annihilation operations, the role of the second unit is far greater than that of the armored squad.

After all, the Spaceum Ray is not a weapon that can be used casually inside the urban area.

The two teams formed the night attack team, and their base was located in the urban area of ​​Tokyo, so that they could respond to the situation inside the urban area at any time.

It's just that since it's in a commercial street, it's inevitable that 'such a situation' will occur

"Sir, are you interested in getting a credit card?"

Kazama had just walked into the building, and he was confronted by a man who invited him to apply for a credit card and spend in advance.

"No thanks."

He politely refused, and then walked into the elevator under the persuasion of the man all the way.

"In fact, people in this company basically don't need to do that kind of thing, so you don't have to try it here."

Kazama thought for a while, and said this sentence before the elevator closed.

The man who was left outside looked at the front desk on the first floor.



The front desk smiled sweetly. Most people here are not worried about money, but whether they will die next time.

At the same time, the number of floors inside the elevator changed from 1 to -2.

As the door opened, Kazama heard shouts.

"Left, left, left!"

"Up, up, up!"

The two bare-chested men on the ring stared at each other. The young men who were full of blood didn't mind having a fighting match, and the others didn't mind watching it either.

Kazama passed by behind the crowd, and he went straight to the man sitting on the sofa beside him.

"Orange, you worked hard yesterday."

Tachibana Shingo, captain of the second unit, shook his head.

"I'm fine, are you okay? I went to see the Type [-] armor that was being repaired before, and it was said that the helmet was completely broken. Fortunately, you are fine."

In that case, if the head is hit again, it may not be shattered with a 'snap'.

The so-called armored squad can indeed master the power beyond human beings, but while possessing this power, they must also fight the weird monsters beyond human beings at the forefront.

"I'm fine, let's go first."


Kazama just came to say hello, the next thing he was going to was the office.

Walked all the way through the corridor and finally knocked on the door before the office.

After getting permission to 'come in', he walked into the office.

Scanning left and right, Nanami and Aikawa were also there.

"Here we come, Kazama."

The conductor turned around, and he pointed to the TV on one side of the wall.

There was news in it, and there was a blurry picture of the battle between the armored team and the alien beast Garubelos in the picture.

"Yesterday's battle has been posted on the Internet, and the news has also reported it. It seems that the night raid team has no way to hide."

In the three years since the establishment of the night raid team, countless alien beasts have been killed.

But no matter how you kill the alien beast, there is no way to stop the continued appearance of the alien beast.

Not only that, but they have even gotten stronger recently.

"Galubellos is just one example. The United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries in the world have all confirmed that the alien beasts have become stronger and more cunning than before. Since the matter between us and the alien beasts has been If it is exposed, then it can only be made public.”

It is better to let people know the truth than to make people panic.

In the past, it has not been made public because the technology is not mature, and the source of the alien beast is fear.

Everyone present knows this.

So Seven Seas immediately objected:

"Please wait, Commander, if the strength of the alien beasts in the future is equal to or even stronger than that of Galubellos, our current combat power alone cannot be said to be sufficient."

If people see that the night raid team is in such a mess to deal with the enemy, won't they be more afraid and uneasy instead?

Regarding Nanami's words, Aikawa spread his arms openly:

"Your words are a bit boosting others' morale, and destroying your prestige, right? No matter how strong the alien beast becomes, we just need to become stronger!"

His words made Qihai stare at him again.

"Your inexplicable self-confidence is the problem. Human beings become stronger by technology, not by evolution. The progress of technology cannot be improved by just a word. You don't even think about it from the 0.1 prototype armor to the current one. How many years did the 7.0 armor take."

Does this muscular man really think that he can get everything done by "thinking about me"?

In this regard, Aikawa tried to think about it, and then found one thing:

"Hasn't it been a year since 7.0 armor?"

"The point is not the length of time, okay?"

Qihai complained fiercely about his comrades who had no common sense.

And at this moment, Kazama spoke:

"Both of you have a point, so neutralize it, that is, the technology should have advanced enough for us to disclose it?"

He looked at the conductor, and what he got in return was a satisfied nod.

"Well, the advancement of technology takes time. This time is enough for us to develop new weapons and armors. Come with me, the three of you."

The conductor got up while talking.

The three people present looked at each other and followed the command leading the way.

The four entered the elevator together, from -1 to -2 floors.

"To be honest, I don't think of this level at all."

Before the elevator door opened, Aikawa couldn't help but complain.

After the elevator door opened, four people walked out. This is the 'scientific research floor'

It's just that there are many 'cultivation tanks' around the scientific research layer.

Where did the anti-alien factor come from?

That's it from here.

The alien beasts that failed to grow were firmly locked up. They were dissected, used, and finally constituted bullets against the alien beasts.

The body tissues of the captured alien beasts and the severed body tissues of the alien beasts are also stored here.

Therefore, in this area, there is only one impression.

'If the power outage turns into an emergency light, this place can pretend to be the scene of a biohazard. '

Qihai complained in her heart, this ghost place really makes people feel physically uncomfortable.

Soon, the four of them passed through here and arrived at a larger place.

The training ground, or the testing ground.

In yesterday's battle, Nanami and Aikawa's armor did not suffer too much damage, so they were repaired and maintained and placed in the training ground to wait for equipment.

Beyond that, there's another new set of armor.

It is different from the bright red and white, and uses the same gray and black as the prototype armor.

Not only that, there are a lot of gaps in the arms, legs, and outer armor. Although it is in human form, it has a strange feeling that it does not resemble human form.

"Dr. Mizuhara, let me introduce you."

Hearing the commander's call, the woman who had been concentrating on the computer before turned to look at the four people who arrived here.

She scanned the crowd, and finally focused her gaze on Kazama's chest.

"Everyone, welcome to come here, first put on your armor, Kazama, you should know what you are going to wear next, right?"

"Probably know."

Kazama nodded, and he walked straight to the storage room in front of him. This suit of armor is like the previous armor, and it will automatically unfold after sensing it.

Leaning against it, the stored armor quickly wraps the whole body.

The darkness in front of him disappeared, and a clear vision appeared, and the energy core on his chest lit up along with his eyes.

In addition, the outer armor of the legs and hands unfolded, and the previous gaps were split to form a new type of armament.

At this time, this new set of armor seems to have turned the hands and feet into snake-belly swords for cutting. With the cold painting, it gives people a sense of chilling.

It looks like a human form, but it is actually quite different from a human form.

Kazama lowered his head, the legs of this suit of armor didn't even have 'feet'.

"Look at my new gear!"

At this time, Aikawa, who was wearing Type 7 armor on the other side, also came out, with two special submachine guns attached to the back of his shoulder blades, and a Spicyum straight knife pinned to his waist as always.

"Firepower, what I lack is this thing!"

Ai Chuan felt that he, who could only slash alien beasts with a knife, was really a bit broken.

But now it's different, it's time to pull the trigger!

"Is there any difference here?"

Nanami who walked out at the same time really didn't feel any difference in her armor.

The two focused their eyes on Kazama.

"Hmm... looks like a villain."

Aikawa commented on this suit of armor. In a word, he gave the impression of "like a human being but not a human being".

"Is there any difference in the captain's body?"

Qihai asked Dr. Mizuhara who was standing next to him.

"Just try it out and you'll know."

As Dr. Mizuhara said, she spent a lot of time and energy on this new set of armor.

And Kazama nodded, he had some vague premonition, but he didn't say anything.

What is the difference between this suit of armor and what can it do?

He stared at the palms, where even the fingertips were sharp weapons.

The energy of Spetsium flows inside the armor, one step out, two steps out.

Kazama took a run-up, and despite having such a leg, he didn't feel the slightest slowness, and he didn't feel that there was any imbalance.

Leaping up, a strange feeling arises.

'This is......'

Following that familiar feeling, Kazama stood still in the air.


Aikawa's eyes widened. Before, it was a rough flight like a rocket launch, but now it can float in the air?

"Doctor Mizuhara, this is?"

The commander was also surprised by this. According to the information he got, this new armor did not have the function of flying.

Dr. Mizuhara withdrew his gaze from the sky, and explained to everyone:

"The energy of Specium is incredible. It is completely non-toxic and harmless to humans, but it has a strong lethality against alien beasts. It is precisely because of this that it becomes the key to killing alien beasts. Borrowing this energy Energy, we can do many unimaginable things, one of which is anti-gravity."

As she spoke, she looked at Kazama who descended from the sky.

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