"Kazama's adaptability to armor, or to the energy of Spaceum, is beyond imagination. Even among armor users all over the world, it is second to none, three times that of No.2. In order to make the adaptability abnormally high Sex came into play, and this armor was made."

'Well, high to unusually adaptable. '

Dr. Mizuhara said silently in his heart.

"If you want, you can call this set of armor a flight armor, just like the comet that fell from the universe five years ago."

This sentence was completely heard by Kazama.

Humanoid but not humanoid.

High to exceptional adaptability.

Comet that fell five years ago.

Words descended from the universe...

"Let's call it Bermuda."

Kazama recalled the first space monster he saw back then.

Chapter 23 The Man Who Moves in the Dark

Enrollment is in the spring, followed by summer.

Although it hasn't arrived yet, it has already begun to become hot and dry.

Occasionally, the chirping of cicadas can be heard outside the window, and the noon sun cannot shine indoors.

This time is lunch time.

The TV in the house is broadcasting the noon news, which has nothing to do with the three people in the house for the time being.

"This, this, this!"

In the living room, Dongyang had to marvel at the facts before him.

"Is this really a dish that a man can cook?!"

Unreasonable. Unreasonable. Totally unreasonable.

"My dad just sits there and eats!"

The three meals at home are basically arranged by the mother, the so-called male takes care of the outside and the woman takes care of the inside.

On the other side, Chunhe put down his chopsticks after savoring a piece of chicken wing carefully.


She thought for a while and came to an unquestionable conclusion:

"I lost."

It's not that Haruhe doesn't know how to cook, the problem is that being able to cook and doing it well are two different things.

It's like having a school baseball team and a professional baseball team are two different things.

At this moment, Xi Li sighed inwardly when she saw the sighs of the two friends.

'So didn't you say you don't have to do this...'

As a result, Kazama still didn't know when he got up in the morning and finished preparing three meals a day.

Doesn't he feel tired?

Let alone normal times, I basically go out to work even on weekends.

However, when Xili thought of the so-called 'Internet', she instantly understood why Kazama was so busy.

"Let's watch TV while eating!"

"Wait, don't push the books on your desk aside like this."

"That's right, will you come to recognize who is who later?"

The three of them were noisy and moved to the living room.

The midday show on TV is completely uninteresting.

Compared with those, they are still more interested in TV dramas, variety shows and the like.

However, today was different. Xi Li had just picked up the remote control when she realized that the noon news had come to an end and a government press conference had just appeared.

"Xili, what's wrong?"

Dongyang looked suspiciously at his friend who had settled down. At this time, the prelude to the music ended and the government press conference began.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

One on the left, one on the right. The left side is a news host who everyone has an impression of because of his high photogenic rate, and the right side is a man who has not seen much.

Now the spokesperson speaks directly:

"I believe that everyone must have various speculations about the terrorist attack that happened in Tokyo yesterday, and related videos on the Internet have been circulating everywhere."

There is no need to conceal any more, and the next step is to announce the facts to the whole country. This is the consensus of all countries in the world.

After all, times have changed. This is not the ancient times when information needs to be passed on by flying pigeons.

A lot of information has just come out and will be delivered to people's mobile phones at a speed faster than the spread of the plague.

"As everyone knows, five years ago two extraterrestrial life forms arrived on Earth and a battle broke out in Tokyo, which resulted in the destruction of several neighborhoods and took nearly a year to rebuild. Tens of thousands of people lost their economic income and went through a difficult time."

What the speaker said was something unforgettable for the citizens of Tokyo.

"Along with them, there are also monsters called alien beasts. They feed on the fear of human beings and are full of malice towards human beings."

Feeds on 'human fear', what a nonsense.

When can something as indescribable as 'emotion' be used as food to provide energy?

However, don't judge life outside the earth, or even in other universes, with the common sense of the earth.

It is impossible for human beings to abandon fear and have a basic self, especially intelligent life forms like humans have richer emotional ups and downs.

Existences like alien beasts are like parasites, and the necrosis of the bones makes it doubtful whether it can be eradicated.

But this is not important, the difficulty of solving is not the reason for human beings to give up resistance.

The spokesperson continued:

"Since five years ago, all countries in the world have united to start the research and development of alien beasts. Since three years ago, our country has established special troops to carry out operations against alien beasts. It was exposed to the public yesterday. What you can see is the weapon we developed, Ultra Armor."

He makes an inviting gesture, and the camera moves with it.

What occupies the lens is a figure that is clearer than the blurred videos on the Internet.

"Uh, I don't like this assignment."

Inside the armor, Aikawa expressed his truest feelings now.

Of course, this sentence was not broadcast, he just stood there obediently like a bodyguard.

Faced with his complaints, Qihai, who was still waiting in the base, quickly punched the sandbag, her tense muscles full of strength.

"Don't you usually like to show the most? Why did you give up at this time?"

Wearing a headset for communication, she punched again after saying a word.

"I think this show can only be called a clown show. Compared with this kind of thing, why didn't the captain do it? Isn't the captain able to complete all tasks well? I think it can be used as the debut show of the new armor." .”

At the interview site, Aikawa, who could only keep talking to avoid boredom, talked more than usual.

"Ah, that's boring, can I do a backflip here right then and there?"

His mouth is like a machine gun, there is no pause at all.

"By the way, let's talk about the reason why you are here to connect with me. Why, you always target me at ordinary times, but it is very good at critical moments. In order to prevent me from being bored, you are still here with me. I am worthy of trust How about your teammates, would you like to have a drink with me tonight?"


"It looks disgusting on the surface, but it's not like that. Are you arrogant? Why don't you talk? Hello? Are you still there? Hello?"

Aikawa took a closer look and found that the communication was cut off about 20 seconds ago.

"Oh, it's over."

On the other end of the loop, the small communicator was thrown aside, and Nanami wiped the sweat off her face.

She admits that Aikawa is a reliable person in battle, but in normal times...

Compared with chatting, she prefers to do her own things quietly.

For example, the usual physical training and wearing armor.

Thinking of this, Qihai lowered her head and looked at her abdomen. Even for girls, it is inevitable to develop abdominal muscles after such training.


She shook her head and looked at the two sets of armor that were not equipped on the other side.

The armor named 'Bermura' quietly stood by.

Qihai always felt that Dr. Suwon's words in the morning contained some hints, but she didn't know what it was after thinking about it carefully.

But no matter what, it is a good thing that the armor becomes stronger. Otherwise, how can we get rid of all those strange beasts.

While the alien beast becomes stronger, the Ultra armor is also enhanced. If the alien beast becomes stronger in the future...

It's irrational, that creature is utterly irrational.

In a word, it is a creature that keeps evolving, compressing the evolution that can take thousands of years to complete in a short period of time.

They bond with the creatures of the earth, rats, bugs, bats, and... people.

'If these actions of the alien beasts are really directed by superiors, will they be human alien beasts? '

Qi Hai was really worried about this. It wasn't that they had never fought against human alien beasts. Fortunately, those people were all rescued.

What if there are other human xenomorphs hiding?

It, or what would it look like if he was lurking and constantly absorbing fear to strengthen himself?

Thinking of this, Qihai felt quite uneasy.

She moved closer to her armor, reaching out to touch it.

The cold touch is reassuring because it is power in the palm of your hand.

The press conference on TV was still going on, and the spokesperson introduced the situation of Ultra Armor and told about its power.

The manuscript is well written, and what the whole article wants to express is 'we have the power, we can protect the citizens, you don't have to worry'

But in fact, the intelligence of the night raid team and the specific capabilities of the Otto armor have not been leaked in the slightest.

Just as Nanami and Kazama were worried, the night raid team also wondered whether there is a "human alien beast"

After all, there is a saying that the greatest enemy of man is man himself.

At this moment, the time in Japan is 12:11.

The time of the country named China is 1 hour slower because of the time difference.

The press conference is still being prepared and has not yet started.

But some people already know the content of the conference.

It took five years for humans to master the technology of Ultra Armor and develop it.

Five years also allowed the alien beasts to lurk, slowly expand and evolve.

There are billions of humans living on this earth, and they are the source of fear.

If you add other species, it's more than just billions.

'Kill endlessly, cut endlessly'

If someone has been fighting and killing alien beasts for five years, then he will definitely feel this way.


Someone was shouting, but there was no way for her to escape, and no one could save her.

This is Tibet, and there are many undeveloped areas.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the young girl, and blood oozes from her legs as they rubbed against the sand.

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