And the monster that captured her showed no mercy in this, and it did so precisely because it made women more frightened.

For a girl, her biggest feeling now is not regret, regret listening to those so-called 'poor tours'

It's more of fear, of death, of the unknown.

Now the monster that had seized her pulled her with his left hand, and her companion with his right.

The man was bleeding, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

If you die in this kind of place, you may not even find your body.

What's more, if he was caught by such an unknown monster, he might find only leftovers.

'No, I don't want it! '

Don't want to die here yet.

However, the voice of the heart could not be conveyed, and the cry for help was also blurred because of the hoarseness.

The sun in the sky shone on the body, compared with the heat, it was more painful.

The girl was pulled all the way, and her consciousness became blurred.

The sun in his eyes was blocked by white clouds, which seemed to herald the end of everything.

Under the clouds, there seemed to be black spots that were magnifying.


The girl heard the whistling wind, and the next moment, she fell to the ground.

The monster that caught her, the alien beast Arakunai became stiff.

How many insects are there?

After the alien beast factor combines with them, it becomes a alien beast like Arakunai.

The strength of this alien beast is not strong, but... it is not weak enough to be killed by a single blow.

In the eyes of the young girl, she saw the back, mixed with silver, black and red, with a purple blade of light extending from its right arm.

Arakunai was split in two from the middle, and his left hand was burned to ashes as the figure waved.


The person who came whispered, the strange beasts appeared endlessly, and their actions became more cunning.

Considering its past encounters, it is very likely that the alien beast has a commander.

Thinking of this, it turned around and looked at the two people lying here.

The two young girls lost consciousness. Although the blood on their bodies looked terrifying, it was actually just a skin trauma.


The doll bent down, lifted the two of them up, floated up into the sky as if without weight, and disappeared behind the clouds.

About an hour later, at the gate of one of the hospitals in Linzhi City, Tibet, two blood-stained girls were pushed into the hospital.

And the mechanical figure floating in the air stared at the press conference in China, it was the Ultra armor it had never seen before.

Everything has changed since five years ago.

The intelligence it possessed was trampled to pieces by itself in less than a week.

Knowing that there is such a future, how can you turn a blind eye to the opportunity for change.

China time 12:12, converted to Japan time is 13:12.

Inside the cemetery, Kazama knelt down and put down the bouquet in his hand.

The tombstone in front of him looks like there is only one person, but in fact, there are two people.

He came here to pay homage to two people, two people who passed away because of the impermanence of the world.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening again, Kazama will give more of the technology of the Ultra Armor to the earth, and at the same time join the night raid team by itself to provide more data.

Of course, there is a risk of being seen through. At least for now, he feels that someone has seen something, so there is that new set of armor.

In order to fight against the increasingly stronger alien beasts, this is a great help.

The question is what is the reason for making the alien beast stronger?

After thinking about it, it is more reasonable to have a commander behind the scenes.

To find out the commander behind the scenes, there is really only "that" way, anyway, it's not the first time I've done this, so I'm familiar with it.

Add to that the above with one eye open and one eye closed, so it should be fine.


After staring at the tombstone for a while, Kazama turned and left.

Chapter 24

Graphic model, can this be regarded as a serious job?

Or is it essentially a part-time job?

In any case, this is a very good part-time job, there is no age requirement, as long as you wear a fixed outfit in a fixed position and put on a fixed expression and movement, you can complete the task.

After that, of course, the fees I got after working part-time and... invitations.

"Hinasaki, do you want to go somewhere to eat later? I treat you."

Should it be a culture unique to Japan?

Men always pursue so-called female high school students, and many female high school students use this identity to do some part-time jobs that can't be said to be bad, but can only be said to pay quickly.

It's just that for this girl called 'Hina Saki', she feels that she is not that cheap.

So she shook her head bluntly, making a wry smile.

"No, I still have things to do later, and you also know that today is Wednesday, it's already very risky for me to sneak out like this."

It is very legitimate to use the school as an excuse to escape.

"Anyway, they've already played truant, why don't they run away together later?"

This time, the photographers in this workplace are more annoying than before, or are they more stalkers?

Just when the girl was about to continue to think of an excuse, she heard that familiar voice:

"Shen Yu, haven't you been to school much lately?"

The two looked in the direction of the sound, and the young man who was walking towards him had a serious face.

Who is he?

No matter who he is, his words reflect a certain feeling of "the elders ask the teacher to ask the crime".

The photographer backed away, not bold enough to face an elder trying to seduce his junior.

If you look at it from this age...

"Who is this?"

He didn't really want to give up, after all, this 'Hinasaki Fukaha' was able to be a graphic model, which proved that she had this level of beauty.

"My cousin who lives with me, Kazuma Kazama."

Before anyone could react, Shen Yu immediately gave the answer.

'cousin? '

The person who arrived at this workplace was none other than Kazama.

He can probably guess what the photographer wants to do, probably men and women, hormones and so on.

'Live together...'

The photographer thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was not easy to do.

"That's all for today, let's go, cousin."

Shen Yu didn't wait for the other party to speak, and turned her head to leave first.

Kazama also followed, and after walking a short distance, he had to say something like this:

"It should be something like uncle, right?"

It's a pity that Shen Yu has only one reaction to this sentence:

"You can look in the mirror before you say this. Shall I lend it to you?"

Where is the appearance of elders?

Does Majesty look like an elder?

Regarding Fukaba's complaints, Kazama was silent for a while, he mimicked the appearance of other people, that person was like this before he passed away, so the mimic is also like this.

There was nothing he could do about it.

But in fact, he didn't come today to talk about these things.

"We need to talk."

"Hmm, is it okay for me to choose a location?"


There was no sign of being caught in Fukaba's attitude, and for a moment Kazama felt as if the person being interviewed was actually him.

"You're really welcome..."

He shook his head helplessly.

"Didn't you tell me not to be polite?"

Shen Yu took it for granted.

Soon, the two casually walked to a nearby cold drink shop and sat down, ordering two cold drinks at will.

Before serving the cup, Shen Yu spoke first:

"Aren't you busy with work?"

She knew what Kazama was doing behind the scenes, the mess yesterday was the first time in such a long time.

"Or how about it? Is there any situation that girls of this age can't understand that make you want to ask?"

At this time, the dominance of the discourse was completely controlled by Shen Yu.

So before continuing to develop, Kazama directly stated the reason why he came here:

"I'm here to ask if you haven't been to class lately?"

When I heard Xili say that there was a strange student in the class who seldom attended class, Kazama had been vaguely aware of this.

After all, the girl in front of her was the one who said bluntly that she didn't want to go to high school.

For such an idea, Kazama naturally directly rejected it and sent her to high school.

Reading and education are not useless things.

At this time, Shen Yu's expression was as calm as ever, and she admitted it openly:

"You know it."

Before Kazama could continue to say anything, Fukahae said what she had done recently:

"The income of graphic models is very good. After a little fame, photographers can introduce each other to get more job opportunities. I can't spend too much money living alone. From now until I am 25, I have ten years. Time, enough for me to earn a sum of money."

In other words, she intends to develop in this area in the next ten years.


"It's well planned, but I don't agree with it."

Kazama didn't want the girl in front of him to be in that kind of circle.

"You are very smart, and you will have a good future after studying hard. There is no need to go out to work at this age, and the atmosphere of this type of model is not very good. You also know that you live alone. If you are targeted by someone If not, I may not be able to arrive at the first time."

He is different from the past, he is no longer a free body who can do whatever he wants.

There are jobs, subordinates, and family members.

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