Without the avatar technique, it is impossible to be a bodyguard for anyone anytime and anywhere.

"You don't have to worry about money at all, because——"

"Because you will support me?"

Shen Yu asked a question, and continued without waiting for Kazama's answer:

"It's like saying it like my father."

What does this sentence mean?

Kazama was a little uncertain, according to his understanding, there seemed to be hostility in the words.

"Fukaba, I'm not trying to replace my father, I just——"

"Well, I know, then I won't do this job."


The conversation was temporarily suspended, and Kazama felt as if the right to speak was still completely in the hands of the other party.

And what is the situation?

From before, he felt that this girl was a bit incredible.

Or... the first encounter between the two was incredible.

I remember that some time after the end of a mission, the girl waited for him outside the gate of the base at night, and then said, "The armored man before is you."

As if seeing Kazama's doubts, Fukaba said:

"It's enough to know that you care about me, I just want to make sure of that."


'Don't you think this sentence is very misleading? '

Even someone like Kazama could sense something was wrong with that sentence.

Looking at him with all the entanglements floating on his face, Shen Yu was thinking about some things in his heart, such as...

'Although it is not a human being, it is very human-like. '

In her eyes, the young man in front of her had a strange feeling. If she really wanted to say it, she probably emitted some kind of strange wavelength.

Not only that, but the face reflected in the mirror is completely different from the face actually seen.

If she was interested in something for the first time in such a long time, it must be this inhuman person in front of her.

"Drinks for two."

The silence was broken by a word from the waiter.

"Thank you."

After Kazama thanked him and picked up the juice, he thought about it, and finally felt that it didn't matter so much.

Anyway, it's the same as before, no matter how I think about it, I still can't understand what the girl is thinking.

That's fine, the two didn't have any conflicts, did they?

And there is...

"Why don't you move in and live with us?"

Kazama said this seriously. Although the location of the rented house is very close, it is still a person.

"Forget it, it's not good for your beloved Xi Li to be jealous."

Shen Yu refused as always, and of course she had seen the girl in the class.

It's simply very ordinary, very ordinary, no different from other people.

People with family members are probably so ordinary.

Kazama listened to her words as they were.

"No, no, how can you be jealous because of this kind of thing..."

Just when Kazama was halfway through his rebuttal, he showed an uncertain expression.

"Probably not?"

"Why are you asking me again?"

After taking a sip of the juice, Fukaba didn't change her face, she really liked seeing the distressed look on the person in front of her.

After all, if you think about it, wouldn't it be interesting to see a being that might be an alien, or maybe a ghost, with the same expression as a human being?

But advice is still to be given, just like before.

"A rough summary is jealousy. In fact, it should be because you feel that your things have been robbed. Think about it, if Xili gets a boyfriend one day, won't you be very upset? If you get a girlfriend one day, she will probably be too." Same feeling."

"You're not a girlfriend either..."

"Says like this so bluntly, even I will be a little hurt."

Shen Yu sometimes wonders whether Kazama does not have the aesthetic ability as a normal earth person, you can see that he is so quick to deny it.

What, did I wrong you?

At this time, without knowing what was going on, Kazama of Yicheng turned back to think about it and then said:

"Well, in short, this is the feeling of analogy, right? So do you want to move here?"

"Are you really listening to me?"

Shen Yu frowned tightly, how can those words just now cause such a problem 'in short'?

If you want to compare it, it would be 'the wires over there are too dangerous to touch, so let's touch them'

"As long as you can get along well, the so-called jealousy shouldn't exist."

Kazama thinks so. In essence, he is a father and not a boyfriend. Family affection is different from love and can be shared.

So the key to the matter should be whether Shen Yu and Xi Li can get along well.

"well said."

Shen Yu nodded, thinking that this point of view is not bad.

"But I refuse."

Then she still refused.


"Because I don't think I can get along well with her."

'And there is more than one person who will be jealous and feel uncomfortable. '

As Shen Yu said in her heart, the person who took care of her for three years was right in front of her eyes.

"Negation is so fast..."

Kazama was at a loss for words for a while, everyone made it clear that they could not get along well, what else can you say?

"Then let's not talk about that."

He dropped the previous topic directly.

"Want to go shopping together? I'll be free afterwards."

Compared with Xi Li who gets along day and night, Kazama also cares about Shen Yu as much as possible.

When he knew that the girl had no father or mother, he knew what he should do.

'As a result, I don't know what went wrong and it became the current situation. '

Kazama complained in his heart that he didn't understand what Fukaba was thinking at all.

"Shouldn't you go to Xili for this kind of thing?"

Regarding the other party's proposal, Shen Yu asked back.

"Xili doesn't want to go out with her father."

To be honest, it still kind of hurts.

It was obviously not like this four years ago. Is this the so-called growth?

Kazama felt a little bit emotional about this for a while, the girl became a young girl, and gradually became different.

Start dressing up, start trying to buy cosmetics, start saying 'knock before you come into my room'

And his words made Shen Yu unable to hold back for a while.


How pathetic, is that what a rejected father looks like?

"I don't mind."

Shen Yu didn't feel anything strange. For her, Kazama was more like a strange existence that suddenly broke into her life. Although she asked for it, she didn't regret it or anything.

"Okay, let's... wait."

Kazama's words were interrupted by the ringtone, he took out the phone, and the caller ID proved everything.

"it's me."

The phone was connected, and his expression gradually became serious when he heard the voice on the phone.

"I see."

Kazama who hung up the phone was about to speak when Fukahae spoke:

"Just go if you have a job. Walking all the way here for a drink can be regarded as a shopping trip."

"Sorry, I'll make it up to you next time."

After Kazama left a sentence, he got up and walked to the door. After finishing the checkout, he quickly ran out of the store.

The figure from the back disappeared quickly, and Fukaha was drinking the juice silently.

'Anything else that joins human troops and monsters fighting to protect humans... that's incredible. '

Who is Kazuma?

Or is it that Kazuma Kazama is actually not Kazuma Kazama at all, but someone else?

Finding the answer to this question on your own is actually quite a challenge.

After all, among the things she can do, this is the only thing that can get a little closer to that person.

'falling from the sky, crushing the monsters, guarding the entire orphanage behind them, tearing the monsters apart. '

It may be accidental to protect once, but if you do it continuously for a long time, then it is no longer accidental.

'Who the hell are you? '

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Who are you? Is it him?"

Someone smiled in the dark, with sharp teeth that were not human.

Chapter 25 Wanted

"Sorry, I'm late."

At 16:30 in the afternoon, Kazama walked quickly into the combat conference room of the night raid team.

Like him, people are now entering the conference room one after another.

"Captain, you actually left me on vacation alone, are you human?"

Just as he sat down, Kazama heard the complaint from the person beside him.

Aikawa managed to break away from what he thought was a clown show. Among the three of them, Kazama took half a day off temporarily, Qihai was doing physical training in the base, and he was going to put on a show, or go to work.

"Usually the captain goes there, and you should take some responsibility occasionally."

Nanami on the other side immediately retorted, seeing her like this, Aikawa touched his chin.

"Speaking of which, every time I complain about the captain, you will immediately refute it. Don't you like the captain?"

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