In view of past experience, Aikawa put forward a very reliable speculation in his opinion.

Regarding this, Qihai just sneered twice:

"Hehe, very interesting speculation."

She was neither ashamed, angry, nor reacted other than that.

Seeing this, Aikawa straightened up, with an interested expression on his face.

"In that case, it's okay for me to pursue you, right?"

While talking, Aikawa turned his head to look at Kazama.

Kazama, who noticed this gaze, showed helplessness.

"So why are you looking at me?"

"Because if you also single-pointed the arrow, wouldn't I be shameless by stepping in?"

"If you keep your mouth shut, I'm going to get angry."

Qihai's expression became very ugly, and she hated her relationship being speculated.

What's more, she and Kazama itself are not a relationship between men and women, and it is impossible to have that kind of relationship.

Emotions were conveyed through expressions, and Aikawa, who realized that he had really angered his comrades, raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, I won't say anymore, sorry, I'm too short-mouthed."

He put away all the teasing expressions, and put on a serious expression that he would not normally show.

On the other side, Captain Tachibana of the second unit sighed in his heart, the last time he saw that expression was two years ago.

But this is Aikawa's own choice after all, so he can't help talking too much.

"Calm down both of you, Aikawa just wanted to make a joke, Qihai, in fact, you don't have to take me too seriously."

Kazama couldn't remember how many times he was a peacemaker in the middle. The two people in the team were always noisy, looking like they were incompatible, but they never had any problems with their cooperation in battle.

Nanami herself is a serious person, and Aikawa...

'What a contradiction. '

Seriousness in battle, seriousness in training, and a mouth that seems to be completely uncontrollable no matter in battle or in peacetime.

From Kazama's point of view, Aikawa's state is actually very strange, with a subtle sense of separation.

Having never studied psychology, he didn't know if this was normal, but Aikawa's thinking was very clear, and he couldn't say it was abnormal.

He also thought about whether he could do something, but he didn't know the reason, so he didn't know how to do it.

Just as Kazama was thinking about his comrades-in-arms, Aikawa was also thinking about similar things in his heart.

alpha, beta, gamma.

The three combat code names are determined according to the time of joining the team, and he is the last one.

So he doesn't know what the relationship between Kazama and Qihai is. The two are not very close, but whenever Kazama is questioned, Qihai will become impulsive.

As a result, the relationship between him and Qihai has not been able to improve.

'It can be regarded as self-inflicted. '

Aikawa can only say that this is a mistake made because he was too young.

The first thing he did when he joined the team was to provoke Kazama, because he was upset, why can this man use Ultra Armor?Just because of that bullshit adaptability?

Is he worthy only by adaptability?


"Okay, I see everyone is here."

Before the memories went deep, the conductor's clapping made everyone's voices stop within three seconds.

Everyone's attention is focused on the screen in front of them.

And the commander didn't intend to show off at all, he didn't hide anything, and directly stated the latest mission of the night raid team:

"Our mission this time is to capture the person who is suspected to be the superior of the alien beast."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of most people changed.

"Wait, have you found the superior of the alien beast so soon?"

Aikawa asked in surprise. Regarding the abnormal activity and evolution speed of the alien beasts in the past year, the night raid team kept looking for the reason.

But in the end it was nothing.

After all, they just became more cunning and stronger, but they never showed behaviors such as slapstick, teamwork, and the like.

So 'superior leader' is just a guess after all.

Now, the higher-ups seem to be convinced that the alien beast has a leader.

Aikawa's question was exactly the question of everyone, the conductor nodded and continued:

"Actually, this information was only confirmed in the United States recently. You should have heard of the Alchemy Star organization more or less, right?"

That is the scientific research organization that provides technical support for GUARD, Ultra Armor, Diwait Gun, and Anti-Alien Beast Factor. The development of these technologies has more or less the participation of Alchemy Star.

"Two years ago, Klaus Eckalut, a member of Alchemy Star, was killed, and the biggest suspect, Hiroshi Fujimiya, who lived with him also disappeared."

Along with the command's words, a picture of a handsome man also appeared on the screen.

That serious face fits the stereotype of a scientist very well.

'Fujimiya Hiroya...'

Kazama silently wrote down the name, after all, this is the goal of this mission.

"This man disappeared as if he had disappeared from the world. Even with the use of GUARD's technology and personnel, he has not been able to find his whereabouts. But recently, a camera in a coffee shop in California witnessed his appearance. "

Echoing the command's words, what appeared on the screen was the picture taken by the camera of the coffee shop. Because it is a civilian surveillance, it is not clear.

I don't know what time it is, but the number of customers is not small.

With almost all the seats filled, people chatted.

About five seconds later, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and the man in black, Fujimiya Hiroshi also walked into the shop.

The next moment, it was an action that the camera could not capture.

His body appeared in front of the bar as if teleporting, and one of the people sitting in front of the bar seemed to have noticed something and wanted to turn around.

It's a pity that there was no way to finish this action, because his body was cut from top to bottom.

Before the others could react, Fujimiya made another move. This time, another person's head was cut off directly.

Cameras can't record his actions, but cameras can record the aftermath.

Half of the people in the entire coffee shop were killed, Fujimiya waved his left hand, and the strange light burned all the remains of those people.

That is not the power that humans can have. The first thing a man who has been missing for more than a year reappears is massacre.

"What a madman..."

Tachibana whispered everyone's thoughts, that kind of indifferent killing was indeed similar to that of alien beasts.

"This is just the beginning."

The command's words shocked everyone.

"Next, in New York in the United States, Moscow in Russia, London in the United Kingdom, Marseille in France, and Beijing in China, Hiroshi Fujimiya is still continuing to kill. 157 people have died in his hands, including many dignitaries, scientists, Even today we received intelligence because he killed a homeless man in Shinjuku.”

A chart appeared on the screen. Judging from the identity of the deceased, Hiroshi Fujimiya looked like a bloodthirsty butcher. No matter if he was a man or a woman, old or child, any identity could become his target of attack.

At this moment, Kazama asked the crucial question:

"Since Fujimiya Hiroya is a wanted criminal, he must not be able to cross the border by plane. Then how did he travel in so many countries?"

For this question, the conductor gave the answer:

"I don't know, it's dangerous because I don't know, the ability to surpass human beings, and the means of movement that I don't know, we don't even know whether he is Fujimiya Hiroya who has the power of a strange beast or has the appearance of Fujimiya Hiroya alien beast."

It is precisely because of this that there is a need for capture.

"Then how can we catch him? Judging from the current intelligence, we can't even catch up with him, can we?"

Qihai's question is necessary, if you can't find anyone, why talk about arresting or not?

"Actually, the United States seems to have analyzed the power that Hiroshi Fujimiya also used. They have made a corresponding detection system according to this wavelength. Now this technology has been passed on to our side. Hiroshi Fujimiya is still in human form, so Our night raid team will be responsible for the capture."

The commander continued to operate the screen, explaining the plan of the operation and the configuration of the troops.

In the past, the Night Raiders have been troubled by the aftermath of the Xenomorph battle.

It's different now, the flying ability of the Bermuda armor can be used to actively change the battlefield.

Then deploy troops there, and what kind of weapons can be used to produce the greatest effect?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night raid team understood their responsibilities.

Their only goal is to capture Hiroya Fujimiya.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The world is different, or rather the world has become different.

Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, the senses are extremely sensitive compared to the past. If you don't try to concentrate, a lot of sounds penetrating into your ears will make you feel painful.

This power is special.

Fujimiya was mixed with the crowd, and looked no different from the others.

He came back to Japan again, after many years, really many years.

However, this time it was not for returning home with honor, but for something more important.

'How many people are there? '

He thought about this unanswerable matter, the cancer cells on this planet are spreading, or someone wants to make them spread.

The existence of alien beasts is gradually eroding the earth.

That factor can be mixed with almost anything, plants, animals, all living things.

It is almost related to the existence of living things. If we really want to say it, it is indeed a form of expression of the "root shattered summoning body".

How can we destroy them all?

At present, Fujimiya still can't find a way. There is only one thing he has to do first, and that is to eliminate those bombs one by one before things get worse.


In Fujimiya's sight, there was a sea of ​​people.

After all, this is Shinjuku, an area where there is always a lot of traffic, mixed with foreigners and tourists.

That's why it's dangerous.

Crowds attract aliens, just as hunting grounds attract wild animals.

'found it. '

Fujimiya moved towards the perceived position, but before that, he heard someone's exclamation.

Following the sound, it seemed that there was a girl who tripped over and fell to the ground.

"My balloon!"

The girl didn't have time to stand up, she just looked at the balloon that was floating higher and higher because she let go.


The eye sockets were slightly red, and the tip of the nose was sore, but a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The girl raised her head subconsciously, and in front of her was the big brother who was squatting down, holding a balloon in his hand.


Fujimiya moved carefully, not daring to use much strength.

He helped the girl stand up, and handed the red balloon back to her.

"Don't fall down next time... oh wait."

Seeing that the girl was about to wipe her eyes with her dusty sleeve, Fujimiya quickly stretched out his hand, and his thumb slid across the other's eyes.

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