And the dust on the girl's cheeks disappeared as if it had been washed, and the cold feeling reverberated around her eye sockets, which was very comfortable.

All the previous discomfort disappeared, and she laughed.

"Thank you, brother."

"Lizi, where are you!"

At this time, the call came.

The moment she heard the voice, the girl turned around and jumped up and down in response.

"I am here!"

She shouted, and the women who squeezed out of the crowd showed a relieved expression.

"It was this big brother who helped me!"

"Big brother?"

Listening to her daughter's words, the young mother showed a puzzled look.


Turning around, the girl suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Because the 'big brother' who helped her before disappeared, as if it had never existed.

In the alley, Fujimiya gave the mother and daughter a final look, turned around and prepared to leave.

In the next moment, his eyes widened unconsciously.

At some point, a mechanical figure appeared behind him, with blue eyes and energy core emitting a faint brilliance.

The palm knife that Fujimiya swung only missed the hit, just passing the opponent's head.

'This is......'

The anomaly lies in the movement of the human figure - leaning over and gliding... no, it should be said to be gliding?

One wrong step, one wrong step, Fujimiya's feet left the ground, and the mechanical figure that circled behind him restrained him and took him to the sky.



Tourists put down the camera in their hands, he just wants to keep a souvenir.

But in the camera, there are two blurred figures in the center of the fiery red sunset.

Chapter 26 Aguru, Awakening

What kind of person should a lunatic who killed hundreds of people be?

The man picked up the fallen girl, grabbed the floating balloon, and wiped the dust for the girl.

Is it a split personality?

Or conscience discovery?

Or is it some other special reason?

Kazama, who had a panoramic view of everything, was restraining the opponent from Fujimiya's back at this time, and flew towards the sky.

'Has Ultra Armor developed to this point? '

After understanding the situation, Fujimiya found that during the long period of his absence, the technology of Ultra Armor had made new progress.

The two were entangled together, and because of this, Kazama could detect some incredible abnormalities.

The other party did not have the bloody smell and frenzied feeling unique to the strange beast.

Instead... very peaceful?

'What's the matter with this feeling? '

In order to find out the answer to this abnormality, Kazama asked straightforwardly:

"Fujimiya Hiroya, why did you kill those people?"

This question surprised Fujimiya, he did not fight the team with Ultra armor once or twice.

He didn't know how the governments of the world evaluated him, but he could guess a general idea from the hostility he felt during the battle.

It is nothing more than treating him as a hateful alien beast. Is this a legitimate evaluation, or is it someone who is fueling the flames?

'This person may...'

Fujimiya hesitated for a while, there is only one thing he can say now:

"Let me go, the alien beast is lurking underground in Shinjuku, and it will break out soon."


Kazama unconsciously opened his eyes wide. Could it be that the other party could sense the location of the alien beast?

Before he could think too much, the black hair in front of him quickly approached.


There was a short sound, which was not the sound that a human body can make when it collides with metal.

Fujimiya's backward headbutt knocked the man behind him backwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly broke free from the shackles from behind.


What was exposed in the movements was unusual strength, even if it was distracted and sudden, Kazama would not let the restrained target escape so easily.

In other words, Fujimiya's human appearance has a power far superior to human beings, even surpassing the power of Ultra armor.

One fell from the sky, and the other chased down.

Half a second later, dust kicked up from the uninhabited roof, and Fujimiya, who had landed on the ground, got up after unloading his strength and looked up at Kazama who was chasing him.

He clenched his right fist, ready to break through.

But before that, Kazama who landed together did not attack immediately.

"Can you feel the presence of the alien beast?"

"It's only possible when they're active."

Fujimiya immediately gave the answer to the question, and after a few seconds, Kazama took a step back, deciding to trust his intuition.

'If this man is really a madman who killed more than 100 people...'

It can be resolved later.

A movement reveals a decision, so Fujimiya walked forward in silence.

He took two run-up steps, quickly jumped ten meters from the roof of one building to the roof of the next building, and then jumped a further distance from the roof of the building to move forward to the previous position.

At the same time, a communication notification sounded in Kazama's helmet.

"Captain, is that guy difficult to deal with? I saw the coordinates started to move again."

After the connection, Qihai's worried voice came. The large army was waiting outside the city, but the target was let go by him.

"It's a little tricky, but it's okay."

Kazama lied, floated to the sky again, and chased after Fujimiya's back.

He didn't do this to let the other party go, but to see what the other party was.

After hanging up the communication, Kazama pressed his left hand on the face that was hit by Fujimiya before, and used his special ability to destroy a small part of the fine machinery inside.

Soon, he arrived at the place where Fujimiya disappeared.

There are people coming and going outside the alley, no one will deliberately enter this kind of place.

The entrance to the sewer had just been opened, and the circular plate was deformed due to the forceful grabbing.

"I didn't expect to enter the sewer twice in just two days..."

Kazama complained in his heart, and entered that dark and dirty space again.

And Fujimiya, who arrived one step ahead of him, didn't mind the sewage under his feet, nor the stench here, just thinking while moving forward.

'Is the person just now trustworthy? '

Fujimiya didn't reveal too much, at least he didn't say something like 'I don't trust your superiors, your superiors may be infiltrated by strange creatures'.

Believe it or not, Ultra Armor can record the whole process of battle and dialogue.

Under such circumstances, the night raid team fighting as soldiers may be wiped out at any time.

As long as there are 'little glitches' in combat

The fragile human body will be crushed by the alien beast.



Rustling, probably such an indescribable sound came to my ears.

Fujimiya stopped, and the next moment, the alien beast moving from the ceiling approached rapidly.


The sound of silence spread with the collision of fists and faces, ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, and the wind that felt the battle unfolded accelerated and shortened the distance.

About half a second later, this scene appeared in front of my eyes:

Fujimiya counterattacked at an exaggerated speed, the first Arakuna that was attacking around him was flying backwards, and the second one had just lowered its claws, and its fist smashed its face.

Hook kick, roundabout kick, and kick the other two Arakunai away.

Jumping up and stepping on the ceiling and popping up in reverse, the feet of the stepping down sent the head of the fifth Arakunai into the ground.

After completing this action, the first Arakunai who was knocked into the air arrived in front of Kazama.

He stretched out his right hand forward, and the energy gushing out from the palm formed a red high-temperature energy ball, which instantly wiped out the alien beast fundamentally and evaporated.

"You don't mind if I intervene."

Kazama moved his hands forward and pulled left and right, as if splitting the energy ball in two from the middle.

There seemed to be a hole in the front of the sphere, and the crimson light beam swept out like a sword blade, burning the alien beast embedded in the wall.

"up to you."

Fujimiya could feel that the enemy was very close, so it would be good if he could rush there as soon as possible.

He galloped forward, and as if sensing his arrival, a red light lit up in the darkness, the eyes of the alien beast.

Arakunai, the most prolific alien beast, did not know when it started to build a lair in the sewer.

They come out in full force to fight against the enemies who come here.

Fujimiya's clenched fists swung along with the attack, every movement was so standard and powerful, the moment they hit the enemy, the alien beasts didn't seem to be hit by fists, but were thrown flying by a heavy hammer.

Kazama, who followed closely behind him, observed his movements.

People who know something will definitely have such questions:

'Is he really Hiroya Fujimiya? '

Fujimiya Hiroshi is also a scientist and a researcher, but the current researcher is using a pair of fists to smash through the siege of alien beasts.

Kazama followed while thinking.

His arms were shaped like palm knives, and he slashed as he moved forward. The sharp blades of his arms cut open one after another of the alien beasts.

Aiming at the wreckage, Kazama quickly turned around, even so, it did not affect his movement when anti-gravity.

Energy balls gushed out from the inside of its palms again, vaporizing Arakuna one after another.


Turn around, cut, the attacking enemy is cut into three pieces.

Kazama, who has fought against Arakunai, can clearly say the abnormality that appears now, that is, Arakunai is really too weak, too weak.

"This smell..."

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