Pedron, whose pursuit was effective, continued to attack, while Aguru, who was restrained, remained motionless as if he was powerless to resist and could only clenched his fists.

The seventh fireball hit the black breastplate, and even the light of the fire could not hide the brilliance of the blue crystal in the center.

In an instant, the prey that had been powerless in Pedron's eyes showed its fangs.

Two powerful forces came from Aguru's clenched fists.

Powerless to resist?

No, that is to show weakness to the enemy.


There are six tentacles in total, which are the weapons at the front of Pedron's arms.

Now these weapons are directly torn off with great force.

"At this distance, you don't dare to release flammable gas!"

What Aguru was waiting for was this moment, he was restrained and pulled closer on purpose.

To him, the combination of flammable gas and the high temperature caused by the fireball is not a big deal.

However, for this city, for ordinary people, that is a fatal injury.

Therefore, he cannot dodge when facing an attack, nor can he fight rashly.

The distance between the two sides is now only ten meters, which is a distance that can be hit with a single punch.

Then throw a fist.

The uppercut hit Pedron's body, because this strange beast has no place that can be defined as a 'face' at all.

The continuous punches erupted in an instant, and one blow after another made the enemy vibrate and shake.

Aguru was aware of the strange feeling. Pedron, a strange beast, seemed to have some messy liquid in his body, so he was resistant to physical blows, but it didn't matter.

He kept the rhythm and kept attacking.

The current scene is that the monster is constantly being beaten by the giant.

This scene was reflected in the camera.

"Giants appeared in Tokyo five years ago. Five years later, do the new blue giants and monsters indicate something? Are they enemies or friends?"

The three Tabatas who rushed to the scene did not get too close, and their reports were spreading throughout Japan.

"Tsk...Aguru, bad things for me."

Someone smacked their mouths.

"The new giant..."

Someone is lost in thought.

"Isn't this really a dream?"

Some people can't believe it.

"What will the world be like in the future..."

Someone is deeply disturbed.

These thousands of emotions are not known to Aguru on the battlefield. He raised his hands high, clasped his fists and turned them into hammers, and smashed them down with all his strength.

When the hit hits, the force of the explosion makes Pedron's body seem to be crushed.

This alien beast was powerless to resist.

Aguru immediately crossed his arms in front of his forehead, and a blue-white flash shone around.

His hands first pulled away towards the lower corner, and then swiped towards the upper and lower ends respectively.

In the palms, the blue particles form connecting lines, which are compressed into dark blue spheres as the palms approach.

After the energy is charged, launch it directly.

At such a short distance, it is impossible for Aguru's attack to miss.

The destructive light ball named liquidator liquidates the alien beasts as its name suggests. When the light ball explodes, it forms a spiral of energy, sucking the surrounding air into the center.

Pedron wanted to escape, to turn into liquid, to split, but no matter what he did, he couldn't escape the attraction.

Its body, together with the most important alien beast factor, was torn apart and wiped out by the spiral energy field, as miserable as paper thrown into a shredder.

About three seconds later, Aguru withdrew his forward arms and stood up straight, and a little drizzle began to fall in the area after the liquidator ravaged.

Below this battlefield, there is still one person left.

Kazama looked up at Aguru, if Fujimiya is this giant, if Fujimiya can sense the existence of alien beasts, then are those people he killed really human beings?

It is not a one-time or two-time thing for alien beasts to parasitize human beings.

Just as he was looking at Aguru, Aguru was also looking at him.

'Night Raiders. '

Perhaps each country's troops have different names, but their responsibilities are the same.

Regarding these soldiers in Ultra armor chasing him, Fujimiya actually didn't feel any emotions like anger, incomprehension and grievance.

Because they are also people who risk their lives to fight for human beings not to be attacked by alien beasts, but they may have been used as pawns by the enemy.

Chasing him won't kill him, but investigating the words above is even more dangerous.

After all, if you don't wear armor, you are just an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Fujimiya raised his head.

Aguru also raised his head, and under the camera's capture, he flew into the sky and disappeared at the end of the night.


The communication reminder kept ringing in Kazama's helmet, and he connected it.

"Captain, are you okay? What's going on in Shinjuku? The helmet of the Bermuda armor seems to be damaged and damaged. We can't get information through your field of vision."

Why is there a problem with the helmet?

Because Kazama moved his hands and feet, he deliberately destroyed the helmet after he realized that Fujimiya's problem was not simple, so as to prevent the communication between the two from being recorded.

That was just following intuition, and now it seems that this intuition may not be wrong.

Thinking for just a moment, Kazama immediately gave an answer:

"I am now at the place where the alien beast appeared."

The setting sun disappeared completely, and the sun sank.

The night shrouded the land, and Kazama lowered his head. The huge pothole was the damage caused by Pedron when he broke through the ground.

'Be sure to find Fujimiya. '

He made up his mind now, because there were so many questions to be answered.

If there are doubts, everyone who has read the report must have many doubts.

The same is true for those who have not read the reports.

In the Quantum Physics Laboratory of Seongnam University, I managed to crawl out of his laboratory.


Feeling very, very uncomfortable, what is going on with all this?

The dream I had when I was a child was heard again. The red giant I saw at that time was exactly the same as the red giant I saw just now.

So, it wasn't just some silly dream from a childhood fantasy?

If the giants are real, and the consciousness of the earth is real, then...

Leaning against the mechanical device, I Meng frowned tightly.

He didn't know what his feeling was, but he felt that the red giant was calling him just now, and another person was calling the red giant.

It's as if...a burst of energy causes another burst of energy to follow.

I Meng scratched my hair, and he turned on the phone.

"At 6:21 this evening, the blue giant appeared in Shinjuku——"


My dream widened my eyes, and the news on the phone made him instantly realize what the other existence echoed by the red giant was.

"The blue that also the will of the earth?"

Is the earth going to do something?

The destruction of the root causes the body, the alien beast, and perhaps it is because of its existence that the earth will start to act.

So the blue giant and the red giant are the immune system of the earth?

Once you start thinking, you can't stop.

I forgot about his hungry stomach for a moment, got up and ran back to the inside of the device to prepare for a new attempt.

Aguru, because of his appearance, the world began to change again.

And the person who mastered the power of Aguru, Hiroshi Fujimiya also walked among the crowd.

He touched his wrist, and the strange bracelet was gone.

'This is the power of aguru...'

Before this, he had never used his full strength, just realized that the human posture is not the limit.

Given that the Earth has existed for billions of years, it is perhaps not surprising that it possesses such power.

This power exists only to fight against destruction.


Suddenly, the undisguised gaze was transmitted to Fujimiya's perception.

He immediately raised his head, and under the moonlight, a figure floated.

There was a crowd of people around, and Fujimiya immediately squeezed away from the gap in the crowd.


The mechanical sound came from the throat of the figure, and it moved with Fujimiya, and the two finally stopped on the top of the building where no entry was allowed.

"who are you?"

The wind blows, making the corners of the clothes sway.

Fujimiya stared at the existence that became clearer due to approaching, with doubts in his heart. As far as he knew, such Ultra armor should not exist, and that posture was simply...

"You woke up early, very good."

The Ultra armor wearer, who didn't know the details, uttered words that were difficult for others to understand in a mechanical voice.

It stood with its feet touching the ground and clenched its fists.

"Let me try to see how much you weigh now."


After getting the power of Aguru, Fujimiya experienced the feeling of 'unresponsive' for the first time.

His back rubbed against the air, and his neck was firmly stuck.

In less than a second, the two advanced rapidly in the air, and the cloud split into two.

"Transform, now it's not a battle at all."

The robot figure said so, its tone was full of calmness.

The next moment, Fujimiya was thrown out with exaggerated force, and the two left the downtown area of ​​Tokyo.

The blue light reappeared, and in the wilderness where there was no one, Aguru glides close to the ground for a certain distance and then completes the unloading.

In front of him, the enemy quickly closed the distance.

Fist, punch, sparks fly.

The loud noise instantly frightened the resting animals to flee, and Aguru, just like before his transformation, spun and smashed into the deeper woods.

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