Chapter 28 The Man from the Future

"That blue giant is not an enemy, not only is it not an enemy, it is even a special existence that helps us defeat the alien beast."

"Why can you be so sure? What did you see during the period when the armor went wrong?"

Although it can't be said that it is an interrogation, Kazama is indeed accepting questions from his superiors.

After five years, new giants appeared besides Zaki and Empat, and the giants fought against huge alien beasts.

It was a completely different existence from the alien beasts that the night raid team had fought so far, and it was a further evolution.

How many tons of force can a whip have?

The blue giant minimized the damage by actively taking damage, but even so destroyed several blocks.

"In the process of tracking Fujimiya Hiroya, I entered the underground waterway system of Shinjuku, where more than [-] strange beasts were hidden, they kept carrying gasoline and ethanol, and fed these things to Pedron , like the queen bee manipulating the worker bees."

Kazama continued to talk about what he saw, and when he said this, the superiors frowned tightly.

If the alien beasts evolved such a habit, they would definitely become even more difficult to deal with.

Different from small ones, the mere appearance of super-large alien beasts like today's is enough to cause people's panic to spread wildly.

If the alien beasts have IQ, what they are doing is a long-term development route.

First support a super-large alien beast. When this alien beast appears and destroys, more fear will create more alien beasts.

Endless, although it is nonsense to say so, fear is a sustainable energy source for alien beasts, and human beings are resources.

If you want to completely wipe out the alien beasts, all the creatures on this earth must be...

'No, that's too extreme. '

How can it be called victory if human beings do not continue to continue, the current human beings do not yet have the ability to travel outside the solar system, so the earth is the homeland that cannot be allowed to go out no matter what.

The thinking of the superiors ended here, and they opened their mouths to signal Kazama to continue telling what he saw.

And Kazama is naturally obedient to the narration, but there are always some things that need to be concealed, for example, the alien beast may have infiltrated the upper layer.

'Is there such a thing? '

Naturally, he felt very uneasy. Of course, there were no alien beasts in the base of the night raid team, so what about the higher ones?What about people from other countries?

When did they become alien beasts?

Voluntary chess piece or passive puppet?

Ordinary alien beasts don't do such things, but other things.

Could it be Zaki?

Kazama was thinking and talking at the same time.

At the same time, the members of the night raid team in the base were of course also talking about this situation.

"Speaking of giants, of course they are the two five years ago, one red and one blue, I mean the eyes, remember that they are all extraterrestrial life forms, right? Is the blue giant today also an extraterrestrial life form? ?”

Aikawa wasn't there, so he didn't experience that power for himself.

But he can watch the video.

What appeared on the screen now was Aguru's trick when he finally eliminated Pedron. The blue energy ball was originally only the same size as his head, and it began to expand when the ball of light hit a hit.

It changes from a diameter of 5-8 meters to a diameter of more than 50 meters. If you slow down, you can still see the inhaled dust, wreckage, glass fragments, and unextinguished flames around.

What a weird way of attacking.

In addition, what is even more interesting is after Pedron was eliminated.

This energy light ball did not continue to cause more damage, but began to shrink, and finally exploded to form water droplets.

There are many abnormal points, the first is:

"If it's a firearm... No, it should be said to be like a missile. It can be controlled after being fired."

Some people speculate so.

"It's strange. After the missile explodes, the damage is diffuse. How could it be in this form of first diffusion and then contraction?"

Someone immediately denied it.

For the night attack team, Aguru's attack method is completely unreasonable, even against common sense.

After finishing work, a second anomaly was discovered.

"It was like a heavy rain on the scene, which wet the entire battlefield, making it difficult to finish the finishing work. This is the crux of the problem. Could it be that the energy that constitutes the giant's attack is water?"

Why is that kind of lethal energy associated with water?

I can't understand, I can't understand at all what that giant is.

It's the same as being unable to understand what the two giants were five years ago.

They disappeared for about 5 minutes during the fierce battle, and when they reappeared in the city, the black giant had lost about a quarter of its body.

Where and how did the two fight?

Where did you come back from again?

According to the video at the scene and the testimonies of the citizens, there were unknown thunderclaps and strange flashes of lightning in the sky, as well as fleeting spherical lightning.

When it comes to giants, there are all unsolved mysteries.

"Leaving aside these things, is the giant an enemy or a friend?"

During the heated discussion, Captain Tachibana raised a new question.

"Should be a friend? After all, didn't he help us eliminate the alien beast?"

Aikawa's uncertain answer is just that everyone has doubts about the existence of the unknown, and it is impossible to immediately say nonsense like 'must be friends'.

All the topics are about the blue giant.

After all, his impact on people is too great, but there is one person present who has not forgotten one important thing, that is:

"Before then, have you forgotten that our mission today is to capture Hiroya Fujimiya?"

Nanami's words suddenly made the surroundings quiet.

'In that case...'

'That's what happened. '

Aikawa and Tachibana looked at each other, and they could also see the sudden realization in each other's eyes.

"However, if Fujimiya Hiroya is a strange beast, then could he be that Pedron, who ended up being wiped out by the blue giant?"

"Or simply he is the blue giant."

These two people talked to each other and gave two different speculations.

For these two speculations, someone said the key things with a little uneasiness:

"If he was the blue giant, those people he killed..."

The discussions that hadn't become active disappeared in an instant, and in the strange silence, undisguised footsteps sounded.

Looking along the aisle, Kazama, who had entered the interrogation room before, had already come out accompanied by the conductor.

"Captain, who is that blue giant?"

Nanami immediately stood up and asked Aikawa's surprised gaze.

'It's really straightforward...'

The man was amazed by his comrade's openness.

When Kazama heard this question, his eyes didn't move at all.

"I don't know, all I saw was a large number of alien beasts."

He can't say "Fujimiya Hiroshi is the blue giant" here

Otherwise, what happened to the person killed by Fujimiya?

The damage caused by mutual suspicion is terrible.

Realizing that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, Aikawa immediately raised his voice:

"Speak up!"

He smiled and walked to Kazama's side.

"The new armor was broken after the first attack. I began to wonder if you, Captain, have any talent for breaking things."

In short, the incidental disasters every time their night raid team dispatched are not small, it is hard not to doubt whether it is because of someone's destructive power.

"I don't think a man who drives an oil tanker into a strange beast has any right to say anything about me."

Kazama complained helplessly, he felt that the reason why he couldn't do this kind of thing was probably because he didn't have a tank truck that was seventy or eighty tall.

I have never done anything like pulling out a building to smash people in a battle before.

Regarding Kazama's words, Aikawa put his hands on his shoulders and responded with a smile:

"This is called the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

All in all it's 'captain you're the biggest problem'

"Pull you down."

Kazama followed the conversation, it was difficult for him to say whether today's battle was a success or a failure.

'Fujimiya Hiroya. '

He thought about the young man in black in his heart, thinking about how to find him.

'And that detection device...'

If Fujimiya is the blue giant, how did the above get the power samples to make the corresponding radar?

The man whom Kazama never forgets, Hiroshi Fujimiya is not in human form at this time.

He only maintained the size of a human being, and the measuring device on his chest glowed red due to the exhaustion of his physical strength, flickering on and off.

"Who the hell are you!"

The light blade extending from Aguru's palm collided with the light blade coming from the front.

Blue and purple, the dusk only illuminated the two of them.

The two swords scraping and pulling each other waved a faint light curtain, and the sound of the collision echoed in the ears of the two.

Separation, staggering, slashing.

When the blades seldom touched, the two of them steadily pulled the distance away. After avoiding, they counterattacked, and after counterattacking, they avoided again.

The blade in Aguru's palm was raised, blocking the purple from the horizontal cut.

'what happened? '

He wondered in his heart who the unknown person in front of him was.

Now that he has become an Aguru, he will be suppressed?

Even without transforming, he has power beyond Ultra armor.

But what is this... that Ultra armor in front of him?

'I was surpassed in every way. '

This is a very simple conclusion, and the measuring device on the chest is the best proof.

The momentary distraction paid the price, and the purple light blade that was clearly visible before became blurred.


In an instant, a scar was drawn on Aguru's abdomen after dozens of collisions, and he jumped up quickly.

Watching this movement, the robot figure immediately jumped up following the opponent.

' He will swing the sword next. '

Accompanied by this thought, Aguru cut out the blade like a puppet.


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