Aguru's thinking stagnated for a moment, because at the moment he was "about to swing the sword", the enemy approaching in front of him changed his action as if he had seen what he was going to do first.

The mechanical figure climbed and descended, and the sudden acceleration didn't even have the slightest ripple.

It obviously doesn't have any 'propulsion' but it floats in the air and accelerates in the air, as if it could fly in the first place.

Now, this person turned his body upside down, and after turning 360° up and down, the split right leg hit Aguru's shoulder, smashing him to the ground.

A wave of soil several meters high surged, Aguru, whose body was covered with mud and dust, half-kneeled on the ground, and the mechanical figure slowly fell.

"Are you now wondering how I know what you're going to do?"

The gender-indistinguishable mechanical sound came out, just like every set of Ultra armor.

"Aguru, Fujimiya Hiroya, I know you, I know you better than you think, you are a lonely and proud person, you don't know how to get along with others, you are stubborn, and you don't stand on the same footing as you It’s hard to communicate with you.”

The robot figure said so, and Aguru, who was half kneeling on the ground, changed back into a human form in the light.

Fujimiya was silent for a while, and when he spoke again, he still gritted his teeth:

"So that's how you beat me up?"

He has already seen that the person in front of him does not intend to kill him, otherwise there will be opportunities, and the power gap between the two sides is incomprehensible.

Is it the opponent's own power or the power of that suit of armor that caused the current situation?

Fujimiya's annoyance was obvious, so the robot figure decided to explain:

"Don't get me wrong, I have to test how much power you have now, so as to ensure that the future that will not lead to the destruction of the earth will appear again."


For a moment, Fujimiya thought of his past dream.

"That dream was made by me."

The robot figure immediately affirmed Fujimiya's guess.

"What's the meaning!"

Fujimiya got up immediately, he had to know the answer.

It was precisely because of that dream that he turned to study another discipline after completing the Chris, and thus gained the power of Aguru.

Although the price...

"As you can imagine, I am from the future."

The mechanical doll didn't intend to hide anything, and gave the answer directly.

"You can call me Empat."

There is a blue timer in the center of the red breastplate, a silver body with black patterns, and red wrist armor and leg armor.

That posture, just like the giant who came to Earth five years ago, is only reproduced in the form of Ultra Armor.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Carefully, carefully.

Kazama opened the door and closed it quietly.

Of course he can do it quietly, the problem is that the door will not be silent.

'Um? '

Wait, can't I just walk in through the wall?


Kazama suddenly realized that five years of life had made him too human.

He walked towards the door of Xi Li's room, and saw the interior through the barrier of the door with his eyes. The girl was already asleep.

'fine. '

At least there was no such situation as in the past, where I waited and waited in the living room, and finally fell asleep on the sofa, so that I got sick and had a fever and had a three-day injection.

At that time, Kazama, who hadn't been sick for many years, was so scared that his driver's license was almost revoked. He ran too many red lights.

Chapter 29 Holidays

Waking up in the morning, three hours of sleep actually didn't feel special to Kazama.

Before he could leave the room, he heard a voice.

It was the sound of crackling frying, of course it came from the kitchen.

Hearing this voice, Kazama walked towards the direction of the kitchen.

As expected, Xi Li was standing in front of the frying pan. She was staring at the frying pan closely. It had been a long time since she showed such a serious look...not really.

'It should be said that I haven't seen it for a long time. '

Kazama reflected on his busyness for a long time in his heart. During the day and night, he was not only on duty, but would be dispatched as soon as a strange beast appeared.

Some of his activity time was specially given to him by the conductor, because he knew that he had a daughter.

The last time I saw Xi Li like this was two years ago when I saw her doing homework in the living room.

'Speaking of which...'

Did she do her homework well recently?Did you study hard?

Since the teacher didn't call, there should be no problem, right?


Hmm, that's really worrying.

While thinking in his heart, Kazama paid attention to the situation over there.

Xi Li's movements were very unfamiliar. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket while paying attention to the situation in the pot, and watched the tutorial on the screen.

'I'm so tired. '

I didn't think it was difficult to look at it before, but it was not that simple when I actually did it.

Pots are also heavy, especially like the wok in Kazama's house. Adult men would find it a bit difficult to pick it up with one hand.

'But it should be about the same. '

Xi Li paid close attention to the situation in the pot, and acted according to the instructions on the phone screen.

After about a minute, she picked up the pot and dumped it.

Nothing has fallen into the plate since then.

At this time, Kazama could clearly see that there was a little anxious expression on Xili's face. She used the spatula to push the fried egg stuck to the pan, and the egg white was scorched.


Kazama couldn't hold back for a while, the laughter was not light for the kitchen that turned off the fire.

'Clap. '

Although it didn't actually happen, he still couldn't help making up the sound when the fried egg fell into the plate.

Correspondingly, Xi Li looked back at him.


The young girl is silent, she has always been the one to take care of, and the reverse is rarely the case.

So at this moment, some unknown sense of shame made her ears turn red.

"When did you stand there?"

Well this question...

"About 2 minutes ago."

Kazama felt that the time he had been waiting here was meaningful, and it was good to see her shy expression.

So, what's next?

With such expectations, he waited for the future development.

Unfortunately, his expectations were in vain.

"You should have come back directly yesterday."

What Xi Li said didn't match the previous topic at all. In order to alleviate the shame, she chose to change the topic.

"Obviously there are monsters and Ultraman fighting in Shinjuku. You are still working under such terrible circumstances. How can you have a father like you?"

While talking, the anger suddenly came up.

'Fortunately, I'm still waiting for you at home! '

In the end, I waited and waited, and a phone call came and said, "I'm sorry I have to work overtime at work, you should go to bed first."

What kind of situation is this?

Xi Li has not forgotten that her father's whereabouts are strange, even if she is busy, she shouldn't just make a phone call, right?

Her accusation was indisputable, and Kazama hadn't thought about and couldn't refute it.

In the end, there are only two words that can be said:

"Feel sorry."

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff. How long can a person's anger last?

From yesterday evening to this morning, Xi Li's anger had already subsided a lot.

After venting like this, she let out a breath, and even her body became relaxed.

"Forget it, anyway, this is not the first time you have done this."

It will only appear at critical moments, such as graduation ceremony, parent meeting, sports meeting, celebration, birthday, etc., but it is always very busy.

In a family of two, the single father has to work hard for this, Xi Li knows this very well.

The problem is that what can be understood rationally may not be acceptable emotionally.

She picked up the plate and put it on the dining table.

"I tried to do it, you try it."


Kazama nodded, maybe what Xili said before was a long-standing complaint, but it was true.

'It's not the first time. '

This sentence is sharper than any accusation.


He hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision.

At the same time, the chopsticks that Xi Li handed over were taken, and just by holding them, it was understandable that some burnt fried eggs were put into her mouth.

It tastes a little crunchy, and the more serious thing is the taste.

"Too much salt is added, and the heat is not up to standard. Cooked and burnt are two different things."

Kazama tastes and gives comments at the same time.

"At this time, shouldn't you pretend to be delicious and just eat it and say it's delicious?"

Xi Li couldn't help complaining, the plot is completely wrong.

Don't they always say 'delicious' on TV and then forcefully swallow it?

How come you have such direct criticism?

"Because if I don't point it out, you will still use the same method next time."

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