Kazama is still so straightforward, because indulgence will definitely lead to bad consequences.

"Besides, isn't this your first time cooking? It's nothing if you make a bad meal once."

He continued to chew the fried egg that was not bitter, but still made people want to drink water.

Watching him like this, Xi Li regained a lot of confidence.

'It shouldn't be too bad to eat like this? '

This is the conclusion she drew from her father's performance. As for why she tried to do such a thing today...

You can't ask someone who doesn't get home until at least [-]:[-] in the morning to make breakfast or lunch, right?

'I'm not a child anymore. '

With such thoughts in mind, Xi Li decided to try cooking a meal in the morning.

"Go to sleep later? It's only 7:15."

A person who sleeps four hours at night will die suddenly in less than a month.

The words of concern made Kazama nod, and he decided to do one thing.

"Got it, I'll go to sleep."

This answer softened Xi Li's expression a lot.

After 5 minutes, Kazama who put down the plate got up and walked into the room again.

When Xi Li was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Really, the captain will ask for leave?"

In the virtual simulation space, Aikawa held two assault rifles in his hands. He directly pulled the trigger, and the recoil caused by continuous shooting was almost equivalent to nothing.

Since joining the Night Raiders, he rarely used firearms.

Although it is very nonsense to say so, the destructive power of an Otto armor hitting the alien beast with all its strength may not be much less than that of an armor-piercing missile.

If you change to the Spetsium energy of Type 52A and Type 1 armor... Just kidding, that thing can only be described as a 'laser cannon'.

Like Aikawa who was getting familiar with the armor, Nanami was also practicing in her own simulation program.

While her upper body twisted sharply to the left and rear, her arms also waved along, and the Spyium generator on her wrist was deployed.

Energy is accumulated, and finally the arms are turned back along the body to the direction of the enemy, forming an L shape.

From the right arm was a new type of light, in addition to the blue of Spetsium, there was also a mixture of light gold and purple, and the strange brilliance composed of three colors struck Garubelos, which was input into the simulation program.

The powerful power directly disperses the fireball, and hits the enemy without even the slightest delay in the face of obstacles, completely smashing it.

After completing this virtual combat training, Nanami responded to Aikawa's words:

"Everyone has their own personal affairs to attend to."

The new modification of the Type 52A armor is a further application of the energy of the Spetsium, in short, increased firepower.

After listening to Nanami's words, Aikawa picked up another new piece of equipment and noticed something.

"What about you? Don't you have any personal matters to deal with? I haven't seen you ask for leave."


Qihai had to admit that her teammate was really good at ignorance.

"What about you? I haven't seen you asking for leave either."

Perhaps because she was provoked a little, she responded with the same words.

However, Aikawa's reaction to this sentence was unexpected:

"Ha ha!"

He laughed twice, and then said in a different tone than usual:

"I don't have any personal matters to deal with. As comrades-in-arms who have no personal matters, how about we get along well?"

Private matter, what is that?



The communication in the training ground disappeared, and the two were familiar with their respective weapons.

Kazuma Kazuma, the captain of the armored unit of the night raid team, the number of times of leave in four years: [-].

For the other two, the number of times of leave: zero.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The sky outside the window became brighter, because the sun, which was about to reach noon, was about to reach its highest point.

The house is full of silence, the homework on the coffee table in the living room has been completed, and the TV screen is completely dark.

Xi Li, who was leaning on the sofa, communicated with friends who were not around by using the mobile phone that modern people could no longer abandon.

"I wanted to ask before, why do you call that giant Ultraman?"

Although she called out the name along the way, she didn't know the origin of the name.

Actually the question is very simple.

"Because that's what the TV news said. When interviewing citizens in Shinjuku, an uncle said that the giant's name was Ultraman. It is said that the member of the special force that was on the news told the uncle that the giant's name was Ottoman. Terman."

Dongyang's answer was quick, and among the three, she was always the one who found the news the fastest.

"Ultraman, isn't that the ultimate man? Why isn't it called Superman?"

Xi Li began to notice strange details.

"Because there's no Batman."

Chun He immediately gave the answer.

"I thought you were going to say it's because he's Ultraman."

Dongyang immediately agreed, and the two of them played some small stalks.

However, if you think about it carefully, even if it is called 'Ultraman', the matter has not been resolved.

"The blue giant is called Blue Ultraman, the black giant is called Black Ultraman, and the silver giant is called Silver Ultraman?"

Xi Li's words silenced the other two.

That's right.

You are Ultraman, I am Ultraman, everyone is Ultraman, who is who!

At this moment, the sound of the door opening made Xi Li look up, and the man who walked out of the room was as usual...young.

Sometimes she wonders if her father is some kind of old devil boy. To be honest, she feels quite strange when the two stand together.

At this time, Kazama who walked out of the room didn't feel refreshed because of the rest, because he didn't actually feel tired.

It's 11:30 and it's time to cook.

But before that, there is one more thing to do.

"Xi Li, how about we go to the street together after lunch? The clothes I bought for you before should almost be too much to wear. It's been a year, and you must have grown taller again."

Kazama recalled Xili a year ago, compared with the one in front of her, it was obvious that she was two centimeters longer.

He didn't want his daughter to wear a corset and navel-baring dress on the street because of this.

However, Xili didn't really want to respond to Kazama's thoughts.

Because she really didn't want to go to the streets with her father.

"Uh...can I say no?"

"It's nothing, you treat me as a cash machine, just take whatever clothes you like."

Kazama is very self-aware in fashion, he doesn't think he has any aesthetics to speak of.

"Please don't use this kind of saying that an uncle is taking care of a female high school student."

Xili couldn't help it anymore, what the hell is this "take whatever you want, you can take whatever you like"?

Is it time to 'come to my house to play' next?

After complaining, I just think about another thing.

She thought about the time spent between father and daughter recently.

Thinking about it again, it's father's vacation time recently.

Finally, after thinking about it, it happened that both of them had a holiday on this day.

"Ah... well."

Xi Li finally agreed, thinking of it as adding more clothes to the closet.

With her daughter's consent, the corners of Kazama's mouth also turned up, revealing a smile.

When you get along with people, your expressions will naturally become richer.

"Okay, then I'll make lunch first. What do you want to eat? Since you're going to be on the street later, it's better to eat less."

He asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Well, how about the ground beef?"

Xi Li thought about it carefully. She said this sentence before, but she couldn't say it now.

That is - the phrase 'I like whatever you do'.

Chapter Thirty Father and Daughter

"How did you get along with your classmates at school? How was class?"

"Do you have any plans to do anything in the future? Or do you have no ideas yet?"

"By the way, is there anyone you like? Probably not yet?"

All of the above are questions raised by Kazama.

'That's why I don't like going out on the street with my father...'

Xi Li complained about this matter in her heart, what can father and daughter talk about?

At least don't engage in this kind of question and answer that seems to be overprotective?

It's not bad to get along with classmates, isn't it all like this?

Everyone can say a few words, but in fact they are divided into small groups with several people.

As for the future, I haven't thought about such a distant thing yet.

And the so-called loved ones...

"Of course not."

She had to admit that the father had a great influence on his daughter.

Anyway, those male students in the school are very ordinary, they don't feel anything, they are just ordinary, without any disturbance.

"Really, no."

Kazama nodded, and let out a breath even though he didn't need to breathe.

That relieved movement made Xi Li want to laugh very much.

What makes her want to laugh the most is:

"You seem to have asked me the same question a year ago, from four years ago."

Xili's expression was half a smile, not a smile. It was impressive to ask her once a year since the first day of junior high school, and the words were similar every time she asked.

"Because I'm worried about you."

Kazama said bluntly, the expression on his face was not very good.

"When you are still in school, you have no financial ability and are immature. You are the most impulsive age. I am afraid that you will be hurt because of this. There is no value in an agreement without careful consideration."

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