As a father, he can be said to have broken his heart in this regard, for fear that his daughter would be tricked away by some dog... some immature little... young classmate and hurt her.

Xi Li suddenly became interested in this care, who didn't know whether it was overprotective or thoughtful.

"I know, I know, you can fall in love after you go to college, right?"

Her words caused Kazama's expression to become tangled.

"It's, if you don't think about it...I think..."

Even if the daughter is an adult, will it be counterproductive to care about so much?

Kazama struggled with this. Before he understood the love between a man and a woman, he knew his father's feeling first, which was the feeling that he would be worried no matter what.

"Okay, okay, I haven't thought of anything that far away."

Xi Li, who was quite satisfied with her father's expression, softened Kazama's expression with another sentence.

Poor Kazama, being toyed with applause.

"Besides, it's almost enough to ask some things once, otherwise I won't go out with you next time. Can you discuss some more relaxed things?"

Xi Li didn't hide that she didn't like those topics, normal family members don't need to cover up.

Kazama was silent for a while, and he pointed to the dessert station over there.

"How about we discuss the menu over there? Vanilla?"

"of course."

After all these years, Xili's taste has not changed much.

Kazama smiled, and he took her to the dessert stand where there was no line.

After all, it's not the weekend, either idlers or abnormal people like them will go shopping at this time.

Five minutes later, the two cones were held in their hands, and the napkins were put in their pockets.

"By the way, what happened to the female colleague who came to the door before?"

"So it's just colleagues."

" look very young."

Xi Li's tone was a little interrogative, and Kazama naturally remembered that promise, so he scratched his hair and explained again:

"I'm ten years behind her age, it's impossible."

In fact, it's not just teenagers...

"Aren't all you men like this? You just like young ones."

"Wait, where did you learn that?"

Kazama was quite shocked by Xi Li's words, even a high school student...well, forget it.


In just half a second, his expression changed twice.

The first time was surprise, the second time was calm.

Xi Li was quite puzzled by this. She said such things just to make her father complain. What is the situation now?

What Kazama thought of was the 'high school student' he had seen

Especially that 'high school student' with a super vicious mouth

Compared with her, Xili can only be said to be insignificant.

"Even if all men are like this, I won't be like this, because I am a special man."

Kazama said while smiling.

"It's shameless to say that I'm special."

Xi Li slapped the opponent on the back.

"Just stating the facts."

"That's why you're shameless. A special man, do you mean a particularly shameless man?"

"It means that the father of a special girl is also very special."

"Am I special?"

"For fathers, their children are special."

Kazama expressed his feelings frankly. He knew that he was changing, but he didn't think this change was bad.

"Screw you."

Xi Li gently pushed her father beside her. When she was a child, she would be happy to hear such words, but now she just wants to find a place to get in, okay?

The two walked on the street, just like everyone else, not special.

But someone was watching them.

The mechanical figure floating in the air was not observed by anything, it stared at him and her below.

After returning to Japan after a long absence, I arrived in Tokyo.

Maybe it was because of emotion, or because of other reasons, it subconsciously came to the place where those two people existed.

The next moment, his body completely disappeared and drifted away with the wind.


"what happened?"

Xi Li looked suspiciously at her father who suddenly raised her head, her expression changed from soft to...serious in an instant?

Should it be serious?It feels like a deeper expression than that.

"...You've been teasing me, let me fight back occasionally."

Kazama's expression changed back to a smile.

"What are you talking about?"


"Old man, deduct ten points."

Xi Li's attention was diverted, but there was some uneasiness hidden under Kazama's smile.

'What was it like just now? '

What he sensed was not just the sight, but another... strange sense of familiarity.

This sense of familiarity is abnormal, it is the first time in a long life, and I can't even describe it.

Kazama, who has always trusted his intuition, kept this incident in his heart for the time being, as if something had already moved in the dark.

"It's here, I want to turn on the air conditioner."

Xi Li walked quickly to the shopping mall ahead, and Kazama naturally followed.

The inside and outside are separated into two worlds by the air conditioner, and the first floor is completely unusable jewelry.

The two of them took the elevator upstairs together. Even if it wasn't a weekend, there weren't too many customers in the mall.

"Shoes, do you want to change?"

Kazama turned to look at the store over there.


After hearing this, Xi Li lowered her head and looked at Kazama's pair of leather boots that matched her clothes, which were naturally covered with dust.

She raised her head again, and that suit seemed to have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"I think you should change your outfit, and you should change your shoes."

Every time I go out, it's—"Xi Li, what do you want to buy?" "Xi Li, take the clothes you like." "Xi Li, you should change this."

I didn't feel anything before, but now I realize it.

Parents always take giving for granted, and children take acceptance for granted, but is this a wrong idea?

At least when Xili read social news about parents being abused or even killed by their children, she would feel that there must be something wrong with this kind of thing.

She doesn't know what kind of person she wants to be in the future, but she knows that she doesn't want to be such a person.

The time for thinking was very short. At this moment, listening to Xili's words, Kazama lowered his head and looked at his clothes.

"Me? I think my suit is fine."

Very ordinary black trousers, a white shirt, a pair of leather shoes, and a watch in his left hand.

Pretty normal middle-aged men's attire.

There is no way to change the face, only from the clothes.

Kazama is considering whether to buy a pair of black-rimmed glasses without prescription, which will make him look five years older.

However, what he said was without self-consciousness.

"Such a waste."

Xi Li frowned, pulled Kazama's wrist and walked to the men's clothing area over there.

About half a minute later, the two walked into the store under the welcome of the salesperson.

"Two, do you have any needs?"

Her professional smile was perfect, but Kazama's feeling didn't escape her glance.

Xili didn't feel that way anymore.

"I want to buy him some clothes."

"This way, please."


Kazama, who couldn't understand what was so interesting about the clothes, sighed inwardly, and walked in obediently.

The next thing was very simple, he kept walking into the fitting room with clothes under the suggestion of those two people, and kept walking out of the fitting room.

Business people, casual menswear, rock and roll, all kinds of styles.

"Miss, your brother is such a hanger."

Half of the salesperson is for business, and the other half is sincere.

If she was asked to evaluate Kazama's face, she would give it a seven out of ten, but if she had to evaluate her figure, she would give it a full ten. How did she achieve that proportion?

This is too seductive, right?golden ratio?

"He...forget it."

Just as Xi Li was about to refute, she swallowed it back. It seemed meaningless to say it.

Besides, isn't it a happy thing for my father to be praised for his good?



The fitting room was opened again, and Kazama walked out in formal attire, as if he was about to attend some meeting or dance.

"I don't think it's right."

He couldn't help complaining, why can't he drive a black limousine with this suit?

It's a pity that he only has an old four-seater sedan that is more than five years old.

"Turn around, turn around."

Xi Li spoke enthusiastically.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour.

After finally walking out of the store, Kazama left with Xi Li under the smile of the salesperson, and there were quite a few handbags in his hand.

"Don't go out in those clothes."


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