In any case, the Pedron hidden in the waste water was directly frozen, and the Pedron who made a surprise attack was frozen. The raw animal bullets completely destroyed it.

Plan A is to use ethanol to lead Pedron out of the sewer system and then solve it, and plan B is to solve it directly in the sewer.

Compared with the former, the latter's problem is the damage to the sewer system caused by the city's water cutoff and ultra-low temperature.

"Here is Team A, complete the rendezvous with Team B, and continue to advance."

"Here is Team D. The player's arm was pierced and he is taking medicine for emergency treatment. It is estimated that he will join Team C in 6 minutes."

"This is Team E, and we haven't encountered Pedron."

One after another, the information was transmitted by radio, and in front of the commander was an electronic map with the logos of each team on the map.

They shrink in a ring, pushing toward the center.

The footage of the drone became somewhat blurred, and the cold air blowing from all directions had already affected this place.

'Everything is going well so far...'

The conductor stared at the screen, lest anything else happen.

Suddenly, a 'sag' was reflected in the lens


There was a depression in the center of the originally fluctuating waste water, and something seemed to suck it in there.

The small vortex collapsed in the exploding water spray, and the picture captured by the drone disappeared instantly, leaving behind a blurred shadow of a 'claw'.

The commander immediately aware of the special situation connected to the communication:

"The second troop is suspending the advance, and the armored troop speeds up to reach the target location to investigate the source of the abnormal situation."

Armored units in Ultra armor are strong, and it is because they are strong that they take up 90.00% of dangerous missions.

Such tasks as taking risks with one's own body, forcibly investigating them head-on, and even meeting unknown alien beasts are all entrusted to them.

The order was delivered, and the six members of the armored troop accelerated, and they arrived at the center position in less than 30 seconds, already faster than other troops.

"The water is missing..."

Qihai lowered her head, and all the waste water that should have been there disappeared, leaving a huge hole, in other words, the waste water leaked through the hole.

'something came out of there'

The moment Kazama realized this, he understood why the place was empty.

Not on the ceiling, not in the dark.

There was no warning of an attack coming from the other squads, so the enemy could only be in one place.

"Under your feet!"

His shout made everyone subconsciously make evasive movements.

Qihai was the first to be ambushed. At her original location, an alien beast that was huge compared to a human body rushed out from the inside.

Its body is like a bug, with two cockroach-like wings on its back.

Like the giantization of a worm, the face seems to have no eyes, and the whole face is 'mouthparts'

The alien beast that will be named 'Baigbazun' in the future is still the first enemy encountered by everyone at this time.

Qihai quickly activated the Spetsium generators on both arms, first clinging to them, and then pulling them away from each other.

The emerald green radiance is like a drawn curtain, forming a shield of light.

And Baigbazun didn't use any special energy to attack, just used its sharp claws to stab.

It was an extension of the body, but the moment the body extension hit the light curtain, it caused the particles to scatter, causing the emerald green arc to jump wildly.

In Qihai's eyes, a black spot appeared in the center of the light curtain shield, which was the sharp claw of the enemy.

'Sure enough, it's not at the same level as the previous enemies...'

Is this the rapid evolution of the alien beasts in a short period of time, or have the weak alien beasts been thrown out as bait all along?

The brief thought was interrupted by the gunshot, and Aikawa, who instantly took out the double guns from behind, pulled the trigger without saying a word, and a large number of bullets poured out, hitting Baig Bazun's body.

Kazama raised his palms and noticed something unusual when aiming at the enemy.

There is still some purple mucus left on Baigbazun's body, which is part of Pedron.

He lowered his head, there was only one hole under the enemy's feet, and there was another hole a little farther away.

"Be careful! Pedron is still underground!"

The second reminder was still spoken from Kazama's mouth, and at the same time as hearing this sentence, the Yokohama team subconsciously looked towards another hole, where a large amount of purple mucus gushed out.

Two orange-red energy balls were like miniature suns, one blasted towards Baig Bazun and the other towards Pedron.

The impact of the attack slowed Pedron's movement, and it dropped to the ground, taking the cryo gun from the Yokohama team with it.

Pedron itself made a surprise attack in order to take away the freezing gun aimed at it. After completing this action, it rushed towards the nearby pipeline at high speed.

At the same time, Baigba, who jumped up to avoid it, lay on the wall like a real cockroach, Qihai opened his arms and chopped out half a moon, cutting a deep gap in the ceiling of the sewer.

The sound of gunfire kept echoing in the small space, and Aikawa's strafing shot missed.

The rapid movement of Baigbazun is no different from that of real insects.

It turned over and fell, and a slender tongue shot out from the inside of its mouthparts, and Aikawa moved away in time to dodge it.

Aikawa discarded the firearm that had been firing non-stop before. He drew out the straight knife and slashed at the tongue at his side.

At the same time, Qihai's running speed increased suddenly, the propulsion system was activated, the acceleration was added to the original force, and the heavy blow exploded with a dull loud noise, and the enemy hit the wall while being hit.

On the other side, Kazama stretched out his right hand to Pedron who wanted to escape. The inside of his palm was no longer a fireball, but a fierce beam of light, blocking the enemy's advance route with exaggerated heat.

The surrounding cold was instantly evaporated.

'What the hell is this...'

Kazama unconsciously had doubts in his heart, this suit of armor was too incredible, the energy of Spethium could be used and constructed at will just like the light energy in his body.

His left palm turned into a claw shape, and swung down diagonally from the upper left corner.

The high-temperature knife formed in an instant completely vaporized the central part of Pedron.

This is just the beginning, Kazama's right palm is facing forward, if it is compressed, it will be a high-temperature sphere, if it is not compressed, it will spray flames.

The Pedron, which became two parts, was engulfed by the fire, and the strange cry sounded again.

Tentacles shot out from the fire, and Kazama quickly moved away from his body. His free left hand stretched out and grasped tightly. After pulling, the solidified Pedron that was pulled out howled because of the injury before he had time to fight back.

Its 'abdomen' has more holes, the compressed energy ball expands when it hits, and the ultra-high temperature burns it.

In the sea of ​​flames, another part of Pedron, who also had to turn into an entity to avoid evaporation, shot out all the tentacles that could be shot, but its attack was useless. The bullets are no less than the tentacles.

In this city, an observed alien beast and a new alien beast started a battle with the night attack team.

The entire sewer is so narrow that there is almost no room for Baigbazun to evade.

Qihai swung her arms and threw two chopping waves, and these two chopping waves cut on the hard body of the enemy, leaving light white marks.

Along with it came flying bullets.

"I probably need more firepower, not enough firepower, not enough firepower!"

Aikawa threw away the empty rifle, and charged forward with both knives in hand, slashing with all his strength without dodging or evading.

The blue blade collided with the white claws, and the toothache friction sound echoed with the exploding sparks.

But Aikawa almost couldn't stop, he stabbed the straight knife into the ground before barely stopping the car, and relieved the force.

Compared with him, Baig Bazun's situation is not too good.

This alien beast had three claws in one hand, and the front end of the largest claw of the right claw that collided with it before collapsed.

It moves forward with its left paw to meet another enemy that is pursuing it.

Nanami stared at the target in front of her, jumped up and joined her arms together again.

The nozzles on her shoulder blades ignited again, she turned around to dodge the sweeping claws, and stretched her wrists to form a green line.

This line was stuffed into Baigbazun's mouth with Qihai's fall, and then the strong force caused Baigbazun's head to tilt back slightly.

Qihai pulled with all her strength, trying to cut the enemy's entire head in half.

Aikawa narrowed the distance, and the vertical and horizontal slashes scraped away the enemy's body.

The pained Baigbazun didn't try to tear off the enemy riding on its back with both arms. Its action was very simple, it was to retreat.


The wall was shattered like tofu, Qihai's back was injured, and Baig Bazun continued to back away, pushing everything flat like a bulldozer.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Hey, I went to the toilet and the water stopped. What's the matter... By the way, why did you move some distance away?"

"Don't touch me with your hands."

Inside the subway station, a pair of friends are waiting for the tram to go home.

In addition to them, there are many other people waiting.

"By the way, something strange happened here when you went to the toilet. I don't know why it was suddenly so cold. I thought it was winter."

"I'm afraid it's not a monster that appeared."

The two were chatting with each other, and the door beside the platform hadn't been opened yet.

However, the sound of vehicles approaching could be vaguely heard.

They stood up, then fell to the ground with a loud noise and shaking.

"It hurts! What are you doing!"

One of them looked forward, and the falling rubble shattered before his eyes.


what the hell? !

In the middle of the two tracks, the red and white figure was picked up with one hand and smashed to the ground. The huge monster turned its head to look at the ordinary people on both sides of the platform that fell due to the vibration.

Chapter 33 Collaborative Tasks

Unlike sewers, underground subway lines run at shallower depths.

The hole enough for the alien beast Baigbazun to pass through was forcibly dug out by Qihai, who kept hitting her and making it hit the rock formation continuously, and finally arrived here.

The defensive power of the Ultra armor is unquestionable, and it is precisely because of this that the wearer did not turn into meat sauce at the first moment of being attacked.

Even so, this series of attacks was ferocious enough.

The dizziness echoed in Qihai's brain, and Baigbazun was more willing to catch the prey that was close at hand than this difficult thing.

It took a step forward, and at the same time, the train roaring in the distance finally arrived at the station.

The road ahead was blocked, and the conductor of the passing train had a nervous expression on his face.

The original deceleration turned into acceleration, and just as the passengers inside who were about to get off couldn't figure out what was going on, the screams of the strange beast came to their ears.

It was just a glimpse, but it left an extremely deep impression on people.

There seemed to be something moving inside the faceless mouthparts, and the screams immediately echoed in the interior of the carriage.

The passengers who were originally close to that side quickly retreated, and everyone wanted to shrink to the side opposite to the alien beast.

The speed of the train is not fast for Baigbazun, it is just thinking about which prey to eat.

The tongue that had been cut before shot out, and the shards of glass surrounded the 'spear' and pierced into the compartment.

At the same moment, Nanami who was lying on the ground disappeared, and she jumped up from there.

The energies of Spethum inside the armor stimulated her, forcing her to bounce back from the bad situation.

The noise and vibration of the passing train brought back her will, and the energy gushing from within her wrists took other forms, turning itself into flames.

The two palms drive two groups of fire, the fire touches the enemy's head, and the ten fingers pull the enemy's mouth, forcing him to raise his head.

The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing reverberated, and Baigbazun's tongue moved upwards due to the movement of his head. During the brief contact, the torn apart metal on the top of the train hit the ceiling and fell again.

"Die to me, you monster!"

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