Accompanied by the roar, the golden flames originally attached to Nanami's hands burned more vigorously, enveloping the entire head of the enemy.

In order to break free from her, Baigbazun fell back again.

This action will not work for the second time, Nanami quickly somersaulted forward, and the retreating Baigbazun made contact with the fast-moving train.


There was a sound of impact, and the high-speed scraping brought kinetic energy, and a golden flash appeared in front of Baigbazun who was staggering and about to fall.

Nanami, who got closer again, hit the mouth that was still wrapped in flames with an uppercut, knocking her head up.

A heavy blow hit her in the stomach before she could give chase.


Just like Garubelos, Baigbazun's fighting movements are not just instinct.

Its counter-forward kick has an advantage due to its large body, and the length of its legs can be a quarter longer than Nanami's wingspan.

The window of the train could almost be said to have exploded, and sparks exploded on Qihai who was bounced back, and blood splashed out from the gap in the armor.

She floated in the air due to the strength of the wound, and Baig Bazun, whose blood was dripping from his left paw, was delighted by the smell of blood. It took a step forward, and the moment its feet landed, the slash arrived.

Aikawa's horizontal slash hit the enemy's back directly, and he didn't stop, but directly hit the end of the train that was about to leave.

The computer inside the armor quickly made calculations, and at the moment of contact, it turned around with the power of the rebound, turned around again and swung the knife, cutting Baigbazun's skin.


Painful Baigba Zun instinctively howled back, when the two trains moving in opposite directions finally left the platform.

The passengers who were originally standing on the platforms on both sides escaped during the fierce battle. They didn't want to try to see if they could survive the monster's attack.

Aikawa stood in front of his comrades with a knife in his hand, thinking about how to fight next.

"If not, you retreat."

As a former soldier, he understood very well what the so-called 'pain' was all about. No matter who was injured, as long as he was in severe pain, his thinking would become dull, and even his body would be unable to move.

Because the nerves are telling the body that it can no longer continue to move.

Compared with the Ultra armor, the human body cannot be more fragile.

"Who told you I can't do it."

Qihai gritted her teeth and squeezed out such a sentence. She must admit that her mind was blank for a while when the wound was cut open just now, and the severe pain deprived her of her ability to think.

But now there is no problem.

The palm that was still hot was removed from the abdomen, and the open wound was scorched.

The right upper arm was pierced by a needle, and the painkiller stored inside the armor had already been poured into the body.

Qihai got up from a half-kneeling posture, she clenched her fists and could still exert force.

Glancing at her like this, Aikawa knew that now was not the time to think about 'reasons'.

"Tactical E, I'm the main attack, you come to cover me."

He clenched the straight knife again, and quickly rushed towards Baigbazun in front of him.

The moment Aikawa took a step, Nanami's wrists lit up, she raised her arms, and then threw them forward.

The light gushing from the inside of the Spyium generator constitutes a large number of lines, and Nanami, who is more adaptable, can use the Spyium energy better than ordinary armor-fitters.

Now this energy is like dozens of silk threads, passing Aikawa from the left and right sides, and hitting Baigbazun directly.

The further forward this blow is, the wider the spread will be, even locking the entire passage.

Baigbazun had nowhere to escape, so it stood firm and faced the 'shotgun' that won by quantity, but its attack power was weakened a lot

One shot, ten shots, dozens of shots, the emerald green rays hitting his body just turned into particles and splashed away.

The real attack was Aikawa, and the blade he swung brought out a blue light, leaving shallow marks on the enemy's body.

Compared with Baigbazun, its body is short and slender enough.

But being short and slender brings flexibility. Aikawa walked through the enemy's attack, while avoiding the claw attack, he held the blade back and slashed upwards, bringing out a string of sparks.

The clenched left fist hits the opponent's body without getting feedback.

He leaped up to dodge the sweeping claws, slashed vertically while falling, and immediately took a step back to dodge the tip of his tongue piercing the ground.

The offensive did not slow down, and Aikawa rushed forward again, attacking Baigbazun head-on.

At the same time, Nanami in the back twisted her upper body, and stretched her arms to the left rear with this movement.

The Spicyum energy surging inside the armor gathered, waiting for the moment of release.

Baigbazun pulled his right arm back and thrust out suddenly.

Facing this blow, Aikawa moved the straight knife forward and blocked it with the blade.

In an instant, the scream of the armor appeared through the scarlet warning, and the ground under his feet cracked.

The two sides were in a stalemate, so Metalim's light shot out.

Nanami twisted her waist forward and combined her arms into an L-shape, shooting strange lights of three colors towards the enemy.

But the next moment, Baigbazun moved to the side with agility, leaving the range of the attack without even half a second.

It has already felt the gathering of energy before, and Aikawa alone is not enough to hold it back.

However, who said that Tactic E is Aikawa holding back the enemy and Nanami attacking?

As I said from the beginning, the main attacker is Aikawa.

The straight knife was switched from the right hand to the left hand, and it was raised obliquely backward, the blade came into contact with the Metalim light.

The weapon originally made of Spethium ore received the radiation of Spethium's energy, and the blade shone with three colors, blue, gold and purple, and the gorgeous hues poured out with the slashing.

Before he could even scream, Baigbazun's originally hard body was cut open, and its right arm and right leg were separated from the body in the diffused particles.

"It's over, go to hell."

Aikawa held the handle of the knife with both hands, took a step forward and swung the second attack from top to bottom.

But empty.


The cockroach-like wings were not decoration, the moment they opened, the heavy body lifted off the ground.

Baigbazun left the two enemies who had severely injured it, without dignity or pride, and just ran away with all his strength after judging that the situation was unfavorable.


Aikawa threw the straight knife forward with all his strength, the spinning blade could not catch up with the accelerating enemy after all.

Garubelos, who was cornered in the past, demonstrated the ability to create hallucinations, and now Baigbazun, who was cornered, demonstrated the ability to fly at high speed, throwing off a hand and a leg and fleeing.

Qihai didn't say anything, she just ran forward, but the propulsion nozzle at the shoulder blade shut down after bursting with several arcs.

A previous blow to her back had caused the delicate device to malfunction.

The figure of the enemy disappeared into the darkness, and at the same time, the sound of communication sounded.

"I'll take over."

There was no strong confidence in that quiet voice, but a sense of peace of mind.

In the darkness of the passage, the train moved forward rapidly.

People are noisy, talking about the past.

"What the hell is that? Is it the alien beast that appeared in Tokyo before?"

"I don't know, but I know I definitely don't want to see that thing a second time."

A sense of fear brewed in his heart, and the deputy captain took off his hat to wipe off his cold sweat.

"Thanks to you, the car didn't have an accident."

What he praised was naturally the captain's decisive choice.

The moment he noticed the alien beast, perhaps because of his intuition, the captain chose not to stop at the stop, and accelerated to escape from the previous stop.

Faced with this praise, the captain just expressed his most sincere thoughts:

"Anyway, I don't want to see that thing again."

"This train is moving at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour. Normally, it is impossible for living things to catch up."

When the deputy captain said this, it was not so much confidence as he was comforting himself.

However, as soon as the words fell, screams came from the carriage.

The two looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

And inside one of the carriages, the passengers had nowhere to escape.

The Baigbazun outside the window is flying at exactly the same speed. It can fly faster, but it is not necessary. What it needs now is to eat.

The fear inside the train was absorbed by it, and the severed arms and legs were wriggling non-stop, as if something was about to break out.

The tongue inside its mouthparts started to move again, and the moment it left the mouth, the vibrating ground cracked and shattered.

A ball of orange-red light quickly extinguished, and blue mechanical pupils were reflected in the dust.

In an instant, Baigbazun disappeared from the eyes of the passengers.

It was knocked into the air, and was grabbed tightly before flying out.

Kazama, who took a little time to deal with Pedron, came a bit late, so it can only be said that he barely caught up.

'Namimi is hurt' - this is conveyed through the conductor.

Now, he pierced Baigbazun's chest with the five fingers of his right hand, and pulled it directly.

The clenched left fist made a violent noise, and the monster that had disappeared for the last second suddenly reappeared to the passengers, but it was smashed to the ground in embarrassment before it had time to bounce and was pressed to the ground.

In the last compartment of the train, the bold passengers ran to the last tail, and what they saw outside the window was a fallen gray figure stepping on the monster's body, and stabbing it with his left palm turned into a knife.

Baigbazun, who had already lost a hand and a leg, was powerless to resist. When its wings hit the ground just now, it didn't even have time to retract, because the enemy's movements were too fast.

One second, two seconds, Kazama's right palm is still embedded in the enemy's body, and when the two touch, light particles are released.

He once used the ability of 'assimilation' to snatch the flesh of monsters, and it was precisely because of doing such a thing that he learned some tricks.

In a sense, he is indeed 'assimilating' the alien beast that has lost its ability to resist.

If there is a superior behind this strange beast, there may be a unique connection between the two.


However, what he feels now is only frenzy and appetite. Compared with Bogaru, the spiritual world of the alien beast does not even have thinking.

Kazama doesn't know what the other alien beasts are like, at least this alien beast has no superior.

He withdrew his right palm, opened his left hand, and a blue-white light surged in front of his palm.

The moment this ray of light hit Baigbazun, it was firmly contained, only completely enveloping the enemy.

The flames exuding bright colors are the aftermath of the attack. The ultra-high temperature scorched the alien beast, and completely wiped out the alien beast together with the factors in its body.

A few seconds later, the strong light that illuminated the entire subway passage like day was completely extinguished, and there was nothing left of Baigbazun. After confirming this, Kazama shook off the particles remaining on his fingertips.

Kazama turned around and quickly moved towards the coordinates where Nanami and Aikawa were located.

At the same time, one of the two over there was resting and the other was guarding.

"Is consciousness still clear? Want me to tell you a joke?"

"It helps me more if you keep your mouth shut, and the painkillers work, you don't have to act like I'm half dead."

Nanami who was sitting on the bench on the platform said so, Aikawa on her side wanted to scratch her hair, but knocked herself on the hard helmet.

"Well, in short, we will send you to the hospital after the processing troops arrive."

While talking, Aikawa changed his view of his comrades.

'At first I thought it was just a little girl, but it was actually not like that. '

Soon, the closing troops also arrived.

Chapter 34 Late Night

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