The hospital's operating room was tightly closed, and the warning light above was lit red, which proved that the operation was not over yet.

Although Qihai's injury didn't hurt the internal organs, a gash had already been opened in the abdomen that penetrated into the body.

Normally, that kind of injury is impossible to act, and the pain alone is enough to make people lose consciousness.

What overcomes this situation is the 'painkiller' equipped inside the Ultra Armor

Fighting against alien beasts is like war. The wearers of Ultra armor are all soldiers, and soldiers are no different from consumables in a sense.

In order for soldiers to fight better, potions are indispensable.

With that kind of medicine, Qihai insisted on fighting.

"What kind of past did she... have?"

Sitting on the hospital bench, Ai Chuan didn't have the usual hippie smile at this time, and his expression was not very good.

A girl in her prime is fighting on this battlefield, not so-called playing, but choosing to do so after she has a deep understanding of everything.

Otherwise, he would not use the medicine so decisively, nor would he stop the bleeding and glue the wound in that brutal way.

Thinking of this, Aikawa felt that he couldn't quite laugh.

He knew that Qihai didn't like him, so he didn't try to dig into Qihai's past.

Regarding Aikawa's question, Kazama recalled the moment when he first met that girl.

Horror, despair, pain, disbelief.

His eyes were bloodshot red, and his eyes, which were wide open to the limit, were like broken dolls.

"Everyone has a past that they don't want to mention."

Kazama said so, his words made Aikawa smile bitterly.

"Why does it seem like I'm the only one who doesn't know?"

Even he can see that the relationship between his two teammates seems a bit unusual.

In a sense, what Aikawa said was indeed correct.

"If you really want to know, you can find a chance to ask her later, provided she is willing to tell you."

Kazama's suggestion is almost like saying nothing.

"Besides, how can a person who is not willing to open up his heart get others to open up to him?"

His words silenced Aikawa.

What did you do yourself before asking others?

Kazama knew that only one of the two in his team was actually a problem player, and the reason why Nanami didn't like Aikawa was actually not because he was provoked by Aikawa when he joined the team.

It's Qihai's evaluation of Aikawa - "What a lunatic"

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the red light in the operating room still did not disappear.

After a long silence, Aikawa straightened up and leaned back, exhaling.

He thought about it carefully for a while, and decided to do whatever he wanted.

As long as we maintain the relationship of fighting together, that's it.

Is this figured out?

The key is not whether you think about it or not, the key is how you think about it.

It's 11:24 p.m., and the corridors of the hospital are almost deserted.

Kazama looked at the nurse's front desk at the end of the aisle, and the memory in his mind seemed so clear that it would not fade.

The boy who became a doctor, the girl who came back from the dead.

The lights in the operating room finally turned from red to green before the memory went any deeper.

The two people outside the door immediately focused their attention on the door, and soon, the doctor came out from inside.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he was met with two eyes, but this was not the first time.

"It's alright now, it just looks like a serious injury, it's fine to rest after suturing, and..."

The doctor's expression was a little hesitant, and finally, he decided to say these words:

"You are also very important, you have to cherish yourself."

After saying this, the doctor who performed the operation left.

There is something in that sentence.

Medical resources have always been very important. Even if the night raid team is directly under the government, it is impossible to say that an experienced doctor can be easily found to join.

The night raid team in Yokohama City will inevitably be injured in the battle with the alien beasts, and the doctor seems to have noticed something.

"It's always fine."

Ai Chuan was also relieved, no matter what, he is also a human being, since he is a human being, it is inevitable that he will have feelings.

"Next, it's better to let Qihai stay away from the task and rest for the time being."

Kazama thought about what happened next, and there should be no alien beasts in Tokyo for the time being.

This period of time can completely let her recuperate.

"Give it up, let it go."

Nanami, who was anesthetized and asleep in the operating room, was pushed out by the nurses and headed to her ward.

Tonight is almost over, the lair of strange beasts in Yokohama City has been destroyed, and the mission is completed.

Although the price is Qihai's injuries that need to be recuperated, it's fine.

"Then let's go back."


Kazama and Aikawa left towards the outside of the hospital.

At this time, everything is silent, and most people have fallen into sleep.

But there are also people who are still awake, or people who work at night, or people who stay up late to play.

Of course, there are people who are obsessed with certain things.

The device inside the Seongnan University Quantum Research Institute is still in operation in Tokyo.

Although the internal dream of me is sitting in it, my consciousness has drifted away to another world.

In that world, the red giant held a sword in front of his right hand and clenched his fist behind his left hand, confronting creatures I had never seen in my dreams.

What surprised him the most was that every time he arrived here, he saw different scenery.

Sometimes, it is a barren land.

Sometimes, it is a dense forest.

Sometimes, it is scorched earth that is scorching hot and harsh.

The only constant is the reliable figure of the red giant.

Its enemies are also constantly changing, either strange huge creatures, or strange machines.

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with that."

I Meng looked at the giant who was officially fighting the enemy, and recalled the information he had been searching for during this time.

Look around at the scenery, the extinct trees, and the 'dinosaurs' flitting across the sky

This era is the age of dinosaurs.

From this time on, the red giant has existed, already fighting against unknown enemies.

And earlier?

What was the era of that scorched, scorched earth?

Is it the earliest period of the earth, or the period of a big fireball?

"That dream is really not just a dream."

What exactly is this giant?who is it?

If I hadn't had a strange dream when I was young, I would still be entangled in this point.

But he had that dream.

Since the giant is with the earth, the giant is the will of the earth, the will of the earth, and a defense system that exists to protect the earth.

Earth, Gaia, the name of the giant, maybe Gaia.


Thinking of this, I Meng frowned tightly, and he recalled the scenery in his childhood dream.

It was not such a pleasant dream. In the center of the planet that turned into a desert, the red giant was defeated in an endless battle, and finally turned into a broken stone statue of death.

And the call was heard:

'Find me, find the will of the earth'

"Could it be that......"

There was a wonderful sense of absurdity in my dream. Before he could think about it, the battle was already coming to an end.

The red giant smashed the huge object to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw, and then jumped back to open the distance.

He clenched his left fist tightly, stretched his right arm forward horizontally, and an orange-red light began to emerge.

Immediately afterwards, the right arm retracted and connected with the wrist of the left fist, dense orange-red particles gushing out with the sink energy, and the contacting arms swung right over the head, the left fist touched the upper arm downward, and the right arm was vertical.

The high-heat rays of the same color as the sprayed particles are released through the vertical right arm, piercing and smashing the fallen enemies who cannot be avoided.

After the battle was over, the red giant stood up straight and looked at me again.

Its body slowly becomes transparent, and finally disappears.

And this time it ended as usual.

I dreamed that my body trembled unconsciously, and then the strange scene in front of me completely disappeared, and he came back.

The device opens, and it's pitch black.

"Wait, what time is it? Where's my phone?"

Next, I dreamed that I bumped into the wall in a stagger, and finally touched the wall to find the switch to turn on the light.

On the table is an insulated lunch box, not far away is his mobile phone, and there is a note underneath.

I picked up the phone after Meng approached, and the message on the note was not too long:

"My dream, anyway, you must be screaming and unwilling to come out. We don't know what theory you have been obsessed with recently, but the loss outweighs the gain if you break down your body. Remember to eat."

"...Really, are you my mother?"

Although I was complaining, there was an uncontrollable smile on my dream face.

He picked up the lunch box that was still warm, it was the dinner left by his friends.

"Let me see what it is..."

While talking, I Meng picked up the lunch box and put down the phone at the same time.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the edge of vision.

He opened his eyes wide in an instant, put down the lunch box in his hand, and ran out of the research room.

Half a minute later, I dreamed of running to the school playground and kept turning around, trying to find the figure I had glimpsed before.

But no matter where I looked, I couldn't see that person.

"Am I wrong?"

He said in a low voice, but he didn't know that the words were heard in the original.

The black-clothed youth hiding behind the tree was not affected by the darkness of the night, he just looked at my dream alone and wondering.


Fujimiya touched his right wrist with his left hand, and the strange bracelet covered his wrist.

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