It's vague and not obvious, but he can already feel a little different feeling from my dream body.

And the light of Aguru in his body seemed to become active because of this, as if echoing another light.

A few seconds later, Fujimiya turned and left after glancing at my dream again. He came here just to confirm whether the person who called himself 'Empat' was telling the truth.


'It's the same as not saying it. '

Fujimiya complained to the other party in his heart, and what he said was from the future, but it didn't take long before he said, "The future I talked about doesn't work anymore, you don't have to worry too much about it"

In short, the butterfly effect started five years ago.

According to that Empat, the giant named Zaki should be constantly active in secret in this era, instead of being blown to pieces five years ago.

Since this is the case, what is the use of you from the future?

Fujimiya remembered that he couldn't help but say such a sentence at that time, and then he was choked back directly.

'Do you think you can get the power of Aguru so early? '

That's what the man said.

Since the future is no longer useful, then just continue to act according to your own ideas.

Thinking of this, Fujimiya walked into the darkness.

And I, who was still in the playground, smiled wryly after I couldn't find that figure.

"What am I thinking, he's dead."

"Hey! What are you doing on the playground so late!"

Noticing my dream figure, the patrolling security shouted.

"I'm sorry! I'll go back right away!"

I dreamed to respond quickly, and then ran back to the research room.

This time is already very late, if it is not done earlier, I am afraid that I will be late for class tomorrow.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Be careful.

Entering his own home is like being a thief. Although it is a bit funny, Kazama is used to it.

It was already 2:11 in the morning when he returned to Tokyo from Yokohama. By the way, he might be annoyed if Xili was still awake at this time, but luckily she was already asleep.


Tomorrow’s affairs can be settled tomorrow, now first——


Walking into the wind room in the living room, I noticed the things on the coffee table in the living room.

It was a lunch box, and he was very familiar with this lunch box, because every weekday, when Xi Li was going to class, he would fill it with meals when he got up in the morning.

Now, it is filled with food.

Is it cooking?

Kazama sat on the sofa and opened the lunch box.

Inside is still warm porridge and two fried eggs, and the note on the bottom has only a short sentence: 'For you'

'When will she cook porridge again? '

Kazama was not too polite, and without hesitation, he didn't know whether it was dinner, supper, or breakfast.

White porridge is normal.

Fried eggs are also normal.

'good to eat. '

The taste was very normal, and soon, Kazama finished the porridge and fried eggs that might be supper.

It was better than expected, probably because he was in a good mood.

He walked to the kitchen with the lunch box and fell silent.

'wrong. '

Kazama scratched his hair, the number of egg shells in the trash can was strangely large.

What is the price of deliciousness?

'Huh... It's time to teach her some cooking skills too. '

It's not because of gender, but because I don't want Xili to eat takeaway every day because she doesn't know how to cook.

Chapter 35

There are many simple dishes, which one do you want to learn?

No matter how many simple dishes there are, Xili can say this sentence:

"Anyway, no eggs."

In the cycle of trial and error yesterday, she felt that she had tasted enough of this ingredient.

"I probably won't want to eat dishes related to eggs in the past month."

Hearing Xi Li's words, Kazama couldn't help laughing.

He knew that was the case, the number of those eggshells was really enough.

"So how many did you cook?"

"I want you to manage."

Xi Li didn't intend to answer this question at all. If you want to teach, you can teach, don't worry about those who have or don't.

"Well, I don't care."

Kazama nodded, and then picked up the pot easily.

"First of all, this pot still has weight. There is no need to hold it with one hand, and it doesn't matter with both hands."

"It goes without saying that this kind of thing, do you think I'm still a child?"


The two continued the conversation, and Kazama didn't know why Xili was so interested in cooking suddenly, so she agreed immediately.

But this is indeed a good thing. It is also good to learn more things while still in school and not going out to the society.

After all, there will be very little time after that, and it is not that simple for people to live easily.


Thinking of this, Kazama felt a little complicated for a while.

Unknowingly, he also began to think about problems from this perspective.

Doesn't it seem weird that a person who has no biological needs at all other than sleep that comes at long intervals is thinking about such a thing?

Such thinking was immediately thrown aside, and Kazama filled the pot with water.

Cooking can be done with a rice cooker and hands. The key lies in the dishes and soup. In short, start with the soup.

Father and daughter, although it is a rather strange situation now, but it is true that the two have not been together like this for a long time.

Xi Li, who had a major accident at school, and Kazama, who was recuperated by the team members, got the same vacation for different reasons.

Apart from the sound of fire and oil splashing in the kitchen, there are men teaching.

The floor fan is blowing, and the range hood is extracting. This scene is not special. Even if it cannot be called every household, it is indeed a scene that will appear in many families.

Calm and harmonious.

During this time, nothing particularly big happened.

But no one can guarantee that no big event will happen in the future, or that someone has already predicted that there will be a big event.

Alchemy Star, this is a special organization.

Five years ago, this organization was just a friendly exchange organization similar to a club.

Now it is different, their members have their own choices.

Some people choose to continue their own research and work alone; others choose to join a country or society to contribute to world peace.

Countries around the world also attach great importance to them, and while paying attention to them, doubts cannot be avoided.

There is an old saying in China that when things go wrong, there must be demons.

In fact, the appearance of Alchemy Star itself is an abnormality. For a time, a large number of young geniuses suddenly appeared in all countries in the world, regardless of ethnicity. What does this mean?

Regardless of what this means, the members of Alchemy Star have indelible credit for the establishment of GUARD.

And, their fears came true.

The shattering of the root causes the body, which is a reference to the existence from a place other than the earth that has malice towards the earth.

For today's world, the first to appear is Zaki, whose name is Zaki. The alien beasts he brought are still hidden all over the world, watching humans with bloodthirsty eyes in the dark.

Although special forces have been established to develop Ultra armor to fight against, is this enough?

In the recent period of time, the alien beasts all over the world have shown signs of abnormal activity, their strength has increased, and the battle has become more difficult.

Does this incident indicate anything?

The giant Pedron and the blue giant that appeared in Tokyo a few days ago are impossible to ignore.

In any case, this also proves the correctness and foresight of GUARD's establishment. Except for the ground troops against alien beasts, the budget of the air forces has never been reduced.

They will become the main force against large alien beasts.

This is an air base located high above the sky that is on alert all the time. The team is called XIG, which is different from another unit of the night raid team.

"Commander, you are back."

As soon as he entered the command room, Akio Ishimuro, the commander of the XIG, was warmly greeted by his subordinates.

Because he just finished the GUARD meeting and returned to this air base.

"Is there any new battle plan above?"

There are not many members of the air base stationed in the command room. Apart from the command, there are two correspondents who are responsible for communication.

Georgie Leland

Atsuko Sasaki

The two are in charge of important communication tasks, and naturally they have the ability to be worthy of this responsibility.

However, the air base has been established for a long time, and the team is complete, but it has always been in a standby state.

As young people, although they would not be so careless as to have the stupid idea of ​​"Why is nothing wrong", they are indeed a little confused about the current situation.

The ideas of the two are actually not rare in the air base.

Young people are always passionate.

This is not the case for Shishi, he has already passed that age, and he is not satisfied with the current situation where the alien beasts cannot be completely eliminated, but there is no better way.


"The situation in the future is likely to change. Huge alien beasts and blue giants all show that XIG will be given important tasks in the future, and..."

Shishi hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything about 'Fujimiya Hiroya'.

What the hell is that person?

Human or Alien Beast?

"In short, the situation in the future may change a lot, and we must not relax."

The appearance of Zaki and the breeding of alien beasts are bad things, and the bad thing has happened for the first time, how can you rest assured that the bad thing won't happen again?

No one has ever said that there is only one host for the destruction of the root cause. After all, the coordinates of the earth have been exposed due to past impulses, and it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

In the previous meeting, the president of Alchemy Star also expressed his worries about the future. The evolution of the alien beast is not a good sign.

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