At this moment, the air base above the clouds is still just suspended in the air, without any abnormality, just like before.

The same goes for people, all keeping their lives.

There are people coming and going on the street, and the building is in full swing.

Among them, in a hospital in Yokohama, Japan, some patients are resting and some are recovering.

Everyone is different, among them, Qihai who was admitted to the hospital last night was still asleep in a dream due to the side effects of the drug and anesthesia.

Some people say: think day by day, dream at night

But is this a kind of day and night dreaming?

Unknown monsters are hidden in the invisible fog. They keep walking through the fog, and all they see are blood and corpses.

Run away from here and see the same thing in another place.

'No, I should have become stronger! '

With this in mind, he wore special armor and continued to walk through the fog.

But this time, what he saw was the living who had been broken down.

Come one step later, come one step later, come one step later, come one step later.

It is always the same thing that keeps repeating in front of you, no matter how fast you run, no matter how the propulsion system works, you will never be able to catch up, you can't catch up, just like you can't surpass time.

It seemed that he would never be able to get out of this fog, but his hand was held.

He raised his head, and in front of him was a man in gray-black armor. The moment he said those words, the dream ended.


Qihai opened her eyes wide, and the ceiling was very clean.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

At 12:00 noon, Kazama stuffed the white bouquet on his right hand into the vase on the bedside table in this ward, and the pale yellow stamens were printed with the light from the window.

After staring at him for a few seconds, Nanami turned her head to look at the ceiling again.

"What month and day is it now?"

"Not even 12 hours."

Kazama smiled wryly, and put the lunch box in his left hand on the bedside table.

He pulled the seat over to the bed and sat down.

"I worked hard for you yesterday. If it weren't for you, there might be victims."

The price is that the injury is a little serious.

"The nearby subway line was temporarily closed for repair work, and the lair of the alien beasts in Yokohama was completely destroyed, and none of the alien beasts survived."

Kazama's words were more like a mission report than a chat.

And listening to these things, Qihai took a deep breath and sat up directly from the bed, the pain in her abdomen could not be relieved for the time being.

She took a few more deep breaths to ease the feeling.

"Actually, you should tell Aikawa about the last sentence."

After listening to what Qihai said before, she already felt that it was almost the same.

"After all, you are usually together."

Kazama's words suddenly made Qihai put on an unbearable expression.

"Don't make it sound like we're on good terms."

She shook her head, then picked up the lunch box on the side.

Inside is porridge, vegetables and fish, which are nutritious and protein.

And there is another very crucial point.

"Hmm... Sometimes I think that there are probably not many people who can reach your level."

Qihai picks up a piece of fish with chopsticks, why is it called one piece?

Because there are no fish bones left in fish dishes, the meat really looks like it was peeled off bit by bit with chopsticks and scraped off.

"Although I'm not a child anymore, but...thanks."

Isn't it convenient to not have to pick fishbone?

"As long as you like it."

In fact, this matter is not very strenuous for Kazama. This practice stems from the fact that the fishbone got stuck in the throat when Xi Li was eating fish.

So for a long time, he scraped off the fish meat after cooking the fish, which was convenient, but not very beautiful.

"By the way, Xi Li must have misunderstood you before, right?"

While eating her lunch, Nanami chatted about everyday things.

She didn't forget the little girl's look as if she was going to eat her when she sent the phone back.

"A little bit."

Kazama hugged her shoulders, feeling a little distressed.

"How should I put it, probably because of my age?"

In the past, Xi Li wouldn't just look at a woman and think about that.


"It's inevitable for adolescent girls to fall in love."

Qihai has already passed that age, and it is precisely because she has passed that age that she has a certain understanding. She is someone who has experienced it.

"Single-parent families are really troublesome."

"That's true...wrong."

Kazama nodded and suddenly noticed something that wasn't quite right.

"Why do you suddenly seem to have research on single-parent families?"

He asked suspiciously, and Qihai shrugged, still chewing on the fish.

"Before I was a little interested, so I went to find out more about it, so I saw a lot of children from single-parent families who did not want their parents to remarry, objected, and obstructed their parents' remarriage. I think Xili probably thinks the same way, and I'm afraid that some people don't know. Someone came out of nowhere and snatched his father away."

"Why use such a misleading statement..."

Kazama was a little ashamed for a while, the daughter was afraid that her father would be taken away, sounds a bit bad, right?

"Love includes possession, and family affection is the same. Don't some elder brothers or sisters feel that their younger brothers or younger sisters have taken away their parents' love?"

Nanami said so, her words were simple and easy to understand.

But the crux of the matter is actually not here, it is:

"But I really don't have that idea."

What Kazama said is actually quite stupid, because:

"Xili doesn't want you to think, but her to think."

That's it, Qihai summed it up very well.

Kazama shook his head helplessly, that is indeed the case.

He still remembers being asked a few words when he went out not long ago:

'What are you going out with these for? '

'Who is it for? '

'colleague?Oh, it's a colleague. The relationship is pretty good. '

Looking at the father who was troubled by his daughter's problems, Qi Hai felt nostalgic for a moment.

She smiled, recalling the old days.

Is he the father or the elder brother?

"Kazama, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

Kazama was a little puzzled by this.

"Thank you for not objecting to my joining the team, and thank you for saving me at that time"


"There is no need to feel guilty for the person you saved just because you failed to save others. Only God can save everyone, and there is no God in this world."

Qihai said so, she looked out of the window, and the sun shone into the ward.

"It's better to say that if there is a god in this world, it must be a heartless machine that does nothing but watch."

Following the same direction, Kazama also looked out of the window, and he felt the wind blowing from the window.

Whether it is the world or people, we must always look forward.

Chapter 36 New Threats

The two looked at each other and sat down.

This place is exactly the same as last time. It is an ordinary drink shop that is neither expensive nor cheap.

Three days have passed since the holiday, and with Kazama's memory, it is of course impossible to forget the previous promise.

He left early because of Fujimiya's affairs.

So, I met Shen Yu again in this store today, but there is a big problem here.


He pondered, thinking about how to speak.


Following his example, Fukaha also pondered, and then drank the juice.

"It's a little hard to talk about."

As Kazama said so, Fukahae nodded.

"It's hard to talk about it, so don't talk about it."

She apologized casually, saying that since it was difficult to speak, she should not speak.


You don't play by the rules at all, this girl.

If he could sweat, Kazama felt that he might already be a little ashamed.


The next moment, Shen Yu suddenly burst into a smile.

The poker face that was exactly the same as Kazama just now disappeared without a trace.

For her, it has always been very interesting to make the strange being in front of her show other expressions.


Kazama immediately understood that he was being used for fun again, but he was actually used to it.

After all, this is not malicious, it should be considered a joke?


Fukaha put down only one-third of the remaining juice, and she put on a poker face again.

"Although it is difficult to speak about this matter, I'd better listen to you."

"What you said is out of context. Did you speak or did I speak?"

"So are you going to tell me?"

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