Well, bike bikes.

"First of all, don't ride alone to dangerous places."

He holds up the first finger.

"I don't think there is any danger in Tokyo. You don't think I can ride a bicycle all the way out of the city?"

Xi Li quickly complained.

"Secondly, girls should not go out by bike at night, or they shouldn't go out at night."

Kazama emphasized again, speaking his father's words.

"I can neither dance nor drink, and I prefer playing that to walking."

Xi Li pointed to the NS and the fitness ring placed under the TV cabinet.

"Finally, what kind of bike do you want?"

The previous serious expression disappeared, and Kazama smiled. Although he didn't quite understand what the adolescent children were thinking, it was a gratifying thing that his children did not rebel against everything because of puberty.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Xi Li grinned, she just said what she thought of.

The current situation made her feel a little nostalgic, and her childhood memories were vague and unclear, but she could still recall some fragments.

For example, by acting like a baby, by crying and making noise, you can get what you want.

At that time, the wryly smiling father and... the helpless mother.


The previous happiness gradually fades away, just like the body, the wounds that have been suffered will leave traces after healing.

What about the wounds in your heart?

In the process of growing up, it is inevitable to know more things, such as the concept of death.


Take a deep breath and shake things off.

Xi Li has no complaints about her current life, nor does she have any real dissatisfaction with her father.

So there is no need to bring up such things.

"I'll ask you after I find what I want."

As she said this, Kazama nodded and agreed:

"no problem."

Kazama didn't know the reason for Xi Li's strange behavior before, but he knew that there were some things that didn't need to be investigated.

"By the way, Dongyang from Chunhe will come to play at home tomorrow."

According to the plan that Xi Li had learned, the three of them were planning to go shopping.

However, the monster made a big fuss in the city, and many places were temporarily closed due to the impact.

"Well, I'm going to work."

Kazama also mentioned tomorrow's reservation, but there is a bit of ambiguity in it.

"Why does it seem like I drove you away?"

"Because kids don't all like to play alone with their friends?"

Facing Xi Li's question, Kazama told the content on page 19 of "How to Get Along with Children" he had read earlier, saying that children don't like their parents watching when they play with their friends.

There will be a strong sense of unfreedom and no way to enjoy yourself.

"And I do have to go to work."

Kazama was thinking about one thing, and that was how the night raid team would deal with the enemy in the future.

If there really is a subspace different from the Meta Realm, how many alien beasts are raised in it?

Facing an enemy tens of meters away, relying solely on Ultra armor...

He once tested the so-called physical ability on the planet Baltan. If the monsters can withstand the punch force in units of 'tons', then their physical ability must not be weaker than that of the Ultra Clan.

'Obviously just enhanced the equipment. '

Kazama, who couldn't help complaining, felt helpless in his heart about the rapid changes in the situation.

"Speaking of which, do you still have to go to work after encountering such a thing?"

Xi Li asked suspiciously. God knows how many streets will be blocked this time. Under such circumstances, the traffic situation in Tokyo will definitely become very, very, very bad.

"There is something wrong with the computer room, it needs to be repaired, and I need to oversee it."

It's easy to say something like lying once, and it's easy to say it a second time. Kazama ran the train with his mouth full.

Xi Li, who couldn't verify it, and never thought of verifying it, of course, would not doubt it.

After that, the two of them were also chatting about topics that didn't have any practical meaning.

There are bright stars hanging in the dark night outside the window, but the stars are covered by clouds and hidden behind the pure white.

If you want to look up at the night sky at any time, there is only a place in the sky.

On this earth, there is indeed such a place.

It's just that it is not a castle, but a fortress, and I dream of standing inside this fortress now.

GUARD belongs to the sky base, one of the bases of XIG.

It is suspended above the equator, and can rush to all parts of the world to carry out missions at any time. It is a base built to fight against the destruction of the root cause.

But no matter what the purpose is, the air base is the world's first building built in the sky.

It is a veritable——

"Castle in the Sky."

In my dream, I stand in front of the window, and the lingering clouds and mist are like tulle, and they are like an illusory ocean.

In front of the air base is a bright full moon surrounded by stars.

He's really standing here, on a base that's built on his skills.

In order to better fight against the destructive body, he can't just stand behind and carry out research and development, because he has the power of Gaia.

The threat from beyond the universe is human and the enemy of the earth.

Human beings have to fight against it in order to survive, and the earth has to fight against it in order to survive. Both sides stand on the same front.

When humans can't stand against the enemy, it's Gaia's turn to show up.


I Meng clenched her fists and stretched to the left and right sides, which is the opening gesture of the photon blade to gather energy.

Even after changing back to the present, that feeling is still deeply engraved in my mind.

He had never learned any fighting skills such as karate or taekwondo in the past, but after transforming into Gaia, he had a feeling of being at his fingertips unknowingly.

Although I don't know what kind of fighting it should be classified as, but it must be a technique used in fighting.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


I had just lowered my body when I dreamed that I heard someone talking.

As if he was caught after doing something stupid, he quickly stood up straight.

And what appeared behind him at this time was Weiwei, the captain of the lightning team who attacked in the battle today.

Weiwei is skeptical about my dream of joining XIG.

This is not a school, but a battlefield where life is wagered.

Is it true that a layman like me who has never done any military training will not hold back?

Do you look at him like that and think you are some kind of superhero?Still put that swinging action, is it stupid?

Thinking of this, Weiwei didn't even have the strength left to complain, he shook his head.

"It's getting late, so don't hang around, there's no drink shop here, and there's no computer for you to play with, go to sleep."

After leaving this sentence, Weiwei turned and left.

I Meng scratched the back of his head, he felt that he seemed to be angry with Yin and Yang just now.

Because the childishness on his face is still there, he is always treated like a child, and it is the same this time.

'Something has to be done. '

He thought to himself, coming here to join the team is not just to play tricks.

'Dream me like a child'

Weiwei is not the only one who has this impression, in fact, most people in the entire base are basically like this.

Those who can join XIG have all gone through hard training, what about my dream?

He came in wearing short sleeves today, just looking at his arms, he felt weak and thin.

Although he is a technician, but... he is not a technician in the army, isn't he just a layman?

It is indeed hard to trust such a layman.

But some people are willing to believe first.

"If there is no anti-Yangzi floating field, then this base will not even be able to fly. In this regard, Takayama Gamon is the authority. I think his knowledge and technology will be of great use in XIG in the future."

Shishi put down two cups, which contained ordinary warm water, not suitable for coffee and tea at night.

On the other side of the table, Chiba Tatsumi, who was serving as a staff officer, was still worried.

After all, this is a military base. For this military base, my dream is a complete layman.

As long as you are an insider, you will have an innate rejection of laymen, because there are too many things that laymen direct blindly in this world.

Regarding this point, Shishi is also very clear, but he also knows another thing:

"No matter who is a layman at first, give Gao Shan some time, if he really can't adapt here, it's not too late to let him leave."

Listening to the bottom line, Chiba reluctantly nodded.

Chapter 42

Where is this place?

This is the training ground, where the armored units of the night raid team are trained.

Because of Nanami's injury, there are only two people here.

Now, one person looks up as soon as he walks in, and one person is the object to be watched.

He was ascending, reaching out before his head hit the uppermost ceiling and falling.

Kazama stepped forward, and when Aikawa landed in front of him, he said:

"What are you doing?"

The underground space is quite spacious. The previous two-story underground parking lot was opened up and then turned into one floor, with a height of 22 meters.

Listening to the question, Aikawa moved his shoulders after standing up straight.

His movements are not small, but the armor doesn't have any metal friction sound.

After being dressed, the Ultra armor is connected to the nerves. It is not so much putting on clothes as putting on another layer of skin.

"I'm trying to figure out how high I can jump. You see, what appeared yesterday was not only the Garubelos we defeated, but also another alien beast. We need to jump at the height of ordinary people." It's going to be a bit difficult to get rid of them."

Aikawa felt that what he might have to carry next was not a cannon, but a nuclear warhead launcher and a few rounds of fat nuclear bombs in order to fight these alien beasts.

"I don't want to retire just because I can't keep up with the fight."

He punched hard at the empty space, making a sound of breaking the wind.

"It is our task to kill the alien beast."

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