What Aikawa said was actually the worry of the entire night raid team.

In the process of walking along the way, Kazama has heard the chats of many members of the night raid team.

Everyone is uneasy about the situation of the alien beasts. Think about it, how much impact will the three giant monsters that appeared in the city yesterday have on the entire world?

Anxiety and fear about the future are the food of the alien beast.

Now there are three giant alien beasts over 50 meters in length. Pedron and Garubelos are enemies who have been killed before, and they made a huge comeback in the end.

If the future alien beasts are also this kind of giant alien beasts, it is not enough to say that the firepower of the night raid team is seriously insufficient.

The first unit known as the armored squad can still rely on the ability of the Ultra armor to carry out guerrilla warfare, so what about the second squad?

If they have mortal bodies, if they engage in a land battle, as long as the monster attacks once, they will be finished. They can run away from the monster with their legs, and get away from the attack range of the monster with their legs?

Do you think the members of the Night Raiders are all supermen?

Therefore, there was unwillingness in Aikawa's words.

It is this reluctance that makes Kazama care, why not reconciled?

Is it so unreconciled not to be able to fight or kill the alien beasts?

"Aikawa, do you hate alien beasts?"

Kazama asked this question. The reason Qihai doesn't like Aikawa is because she thinks Aikawa is a lunatic.

Where is the madness?

The madness lies in the fact that he only wants to defeat the alien beast.

For example, in the battle with Galubellos half a month ago, Aikawa drove the oil tanker directly into the school, and voluntarily detonated the oil tanker.

It seemed to be the way to get out, but before the tanker arrived, Kazama didn't hear any reports about it at all.

Aikawa hadn't considered at all whether the explosion of the fuel tanker would hurt anyone who might still be at the school.

People always reveal their own thoughts in action, Kazama's question made Aikawa's movements pause, and the helmet's cover made it impossible to see his current expression.

It's just that the pause was not obvious, he spread his hands and shook his head and said:

"What are you talking about, captain, isn't there an old saying in China called repaying grievances with grievances? Since the alien beasts have shown the greatest malice towards us humans, of course we will respond in the same way. Is it possible to rely on love to influence us?" Are they?"

Aikawa responded with joking words as if changing the subject, and Kazama, who saw this, did not continue to ask, he moved his calm gaze away without any waves.

In the past, Empat also had periods of paranoia and extremes. Did he fight to protect others, or did he fight to vent his anger?

"The night raid team was established to protect humans from the threat of alien beasts, don't forget."

Kazama who understood this said so, but the power of words is not always strong enough.

At this time, the set signal is sent out in the broadcast:

"Please go to the hall to assemble the members of each unit immediately, repeat, please go to the hall to assemble immediately."

"Is the boring meeting about to start again? Captain, you go first, I will take off my armor and arrive."

Aikawa turned and left while talking, and Kazama, who realized that the communication time was over, also walked towards the elevator at the entrance.

About 3 minutes later, the inside of the hall where the big screen was hung was the assembled soldiers.

"Kazama, were you okay yesterday?"

"It's not bad, it didn't affect me."

Kazama responded to Tachibana's concern, and soon, the commander broke into everyone's sight.

In less than two seconds, everyone shut their mouths.

In a quiet environment, the conductor spoke out what everyone cared about:

"I believe that everyone is uneasy about the strange beasts that have appeared recently, because there is really no way to fight those monsters with our armed forces alone."

Still the same sentence, even if the firepower is enough, how about maneuvering?

It is a bit overwhelming to engage in land battles with monsters that are tens of meters away.

It's not that people in the night raid team think they can't fight, it's simply because the sacrifice rate may increase exponentially.

"That's why GUARD has approved new funds and designs. Regarding this point, I ask Daniel McAfee, the Alchemy Star sent by GUARD, to explain it."

The conductor made an inviting gesture and took two steps back. Walking from there was a foreigner with obvious Western features.

'Daniel? '

The moment he heard the name, Kazama immediately knew the other party's identity.

'The speaker of Alchemy Star will come here? '

It seems that GUARD's vigilance against alien beasts has not weakened in the slightest, and it is at the top.

In the sight of everyone, Daniel borrowed the microphone so that everyone could hear clearly.

"Everyone in the night raid team, I am Daniel McAfee. You can just call me Daniel from now on. I came to Tokyo this time to serve as a technical consultant for this branch, and the weapons prepared by GUARD for the night raid team are temporarily It's just a piece of cake."

He said humorously with a smile that research and development also takes time, unlike games, it will not be completed with one click.

"Mingjin Chester Project, after the successful development of XIG's Figher fighter, GUARD has been trying to develop a stronger fighter to deal with the destruction of the source, but I didn't expect that the alien beast would evolve to such a degree."

Having said that, Daniel also showed a worried look.

The evolution of the alien beasts in the past five years can be simply described as: the improvement of basic combat power, the enlargement of body size, stealthy actions, groups, and fighting skills.

It's really creepy. If the evolution continues, will there be intelligent individuals in the alien beast?

Wisdom means planning, using tools, and being creative.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the guard's vigilance against alien beasts has never been lowered.

So the result is here:

"The Mingjin Chester Project is a plan to carry out joint battles with fighter jets. In order to make up for the inability of non-Alt armored wearers to giant alien beasts, the research and development of heavy weapons is on the agenda and will be equipped in Japan first."

As for why...

Daniel didn't say the reason, because it would be impolite.

A high-pressure society makes people emotionally unstable, and fear is always mixed with various emotions.

Is the occurrence of alien beast disasters in Japan more due to social reasons, or is it because Zaki chose to spread here in the first place?

Or maybe both?

In contrast, India, where the current social situation is still abysmal, is also an area prone to xenobiotic disasters, and the same is true for the Middle East.

Although it is strange to say this, Daniel really thinks that the alien beast may be a kind of shadow, the shadow of civilization.

The thinking ended here, and he turned his expectant eyes to the research team of the Tokyo Night Raiders Branch:

"Dr. Mizuhara, next, please explain the details of the radar for alien beasts."

The matter that had already been circulated in the branch was directly pointed out, so Dr. Mizuhara nodded and stepped forward to take the microphone.

The screen at the rear changed the image with the manipulation, it was a strange wavelength.

"Our night raid team has always been able to run after the ass of the alien beasts. We always find out the abnormality after they act, and it becomes harder to catch them after they learn to hide. But recently, we have dissected the alien beasts. Here, it was discovered that the alien beasts would emit special energy when they acted."

Dr. Mizuhara is explaining in simple language.

"We named it the vibration wave. Once this vibration wave appears, it means that the alien beast has started to act."

The screen behind the doctor is a sample of the vibration wave that appears when the alien beast is active.

The exaggerated fluctuation is really worthy of the name to describe it as vibration.

"Equipping this radar throughout Japan, as soon as the alien beasts start to move, we can directly capture their location, and then rush to the scene to destroy them immediately, and we can also judge the alien beasts based on the size of the vibration wave. According to the size and type of the animal, we can make a more targeted plan."

It can be said that this is a big step forward.


Dr. Mizuhara narrowed his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be some people wearing unique Ultra armor among the crowd in front of him.

She quickly dismissed these thoughts, just as the simple explanation was done.

The emergence of two new technologies, the Mingjin Chester fighter plane and the anti-exotic beast radar, immediately lifted everyone's spirits.

The meeting ends here, but there is one big problem:

"I'm from the Army."

"I am the Navy."

"Fortunately, I am the Self-Defense Force."

"I'm from the rescue team..."

Manipulating a fighter jet is not a simple matter, and depending on the origin, some people have been exposed to fighter jets, while others have no understanding at all.

"do not worry."

Intervening in the chat was Daniel.

"The anti-yangzi floating field used by Mingjinchester is a unique anti-gravity engine, so the usage of this new type of fighter is different from that of past fighters, and everyone stands on the same starting line."

That's it.

At this time, the picture on the wall-mounted screen is no longer a PPT for meetings, and the latest news is played inside:

"The passenger plane that was supposed to arrive at Tokyo International Airport yesterday afternoon has still not been found, and the passengers on it are still missing. The rescue team is currently searching the flight route."

The announcer delivered disturbing news.


Tachibana put his arms around his shoulders, could a passenger plane suddenly disappear?

"Could it be an attack by a strange beast?"

This way of thinking may be the closest, but...

"I hope not."

Kazama didn't want to be attacked by a strange beast, because there would be no survivors.

Until conclusions emerge, there is hope.

One news ends and another comes out.

This time, the ruins appeared on the screen, and the reporter was talking and walking around the camera.

"This is the area where the monster appeared yesterday. Please look at this bottomless ravine. According to the measurement, the depth is 137 meters, the length is 994 meters, and it is nearly 1 kilometer. At the end of this ravine, it is The location where the red Ultraman appeared."

The camera pans to unsightly wreckage along the course of the ravine.

There are black explosion traces, metal dissolved matter that has not yet been processed, there is no greenery on the pitch-black soil, and the buildings on the left and right sides are melted and solidified glass.

Even without a direct hit, the aftermath is scary enough.

The camera is still moving, and the buildings in this area are desolate and dilapidated.

The glass of many buildings has completely disappeared, and there are still crystals inlaid on the ground.

I really want to make an analogy, like a city that has suffered an earthquake.

But the battle between monsters and giants in the city is not too much compared to an earthquake.

Watching the scenery on the screen, Kazama was silent, he was thinking about one thing, but this thought was interrupted by the vibration.

He lowered his head subconsciously, the ground under his feet was extremely normal, without even the slightest shaking.

The next moment, the picture on the TV screen began to vibrate crazily, and then hit the ground without any falsehood.

The female reporter's falling figure was reflected in the camera, and the shock was also transmitted here.


Someone spoke suspiciously.

'wrong. '

Kazama sensed the heat source, which was the body temperature of a huge creature that couldn't hide it.

The next moment, thousands of meters away, at the place where the monster and the giant fought yesterday, the ground collapsed, and the monster burst out of the ground.

The camera has not been able to capture it for the time being, and only the people nearby can be seen.

With two claws and a head, the huge monster crawled out of the hole that was dug out, and its breath made the surrounding temperature scorching hot.

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