In the same place for two consecutive days, different monsters appeared.

Chapter 43 Even if the same origin

Near big, far small, refers to the closer an object is to the eyes, the larger it will appear, even a pigeon will look like a giant beast.

However, what appeared in front of people's eyes was not a simple pigeon, but a monster tens or hundreds of times bigger than a pigeon.

This monster appeared from the place where the battle broke out yesterday. The bottomless void was pitch black. Where did it appear from?

At the closest position, the live broadcast reporters and related staff kept breathing heavily, and they couldn't control their bodies very well.

When a person's heart is full of fear, it is difficult to even move around.

When a huge monster appeared less than 50 meters away from them, the unthinkable fear naturally flooded their brains.

Is this a dream?

The monster named Kiru was breathing in the most basic way, but the breath of foul air caused the surrounding temperature to rise wildly in an instant.

What kind of scene would such a huge monster take one breath?

The irresistible force was the strong wind, and it was even more difficult for everyone who had fallen to the ground to get up.

If someone is carrying a thermometer, they will definitely feel unbelievable for the temperature that soared to 47°C in an instant and did not stop.

However, they may not be able to think about the temperature, they just let out meaningless ** from their throats.

Staring at such a person, Kiru scanned it with its red pupils.

What are these things?

Even as a bug, it seems a bit too small.

What is everything around?

Kiru, who had completely crawled out of the hole, looked around, and the above-ground world that was once engraved in his memory had completely disappeared.

The towering trees were replaced by strange 'boulders', and the feeling of breathing was quite uncomfortable, as if there were a bunch of particles mixed in the air.

Where is the enemy?

There is no sense of danger.

Where is this place?

Why is the earth, which should grow countless greens, covered with boulders?

Is it because of the burial of boulders that the plants cannot grow?

In that case...  

Humans don't pay attention to whether there are ants or bugs under their feet when they walk.

When monsters walk, they don't pay attention to whether there are humans under their feet.

Kiru took a step forward without even the slightest hesitation.

On the route it is advancing, there are people who cannot escape at all, and the desperate gap in size is enough to explain everything.

Compared with its huge body, the speed of this monster is not slow at all.

At this time, the camera that fell on the ground couldn't capture anything, only the sudden burst of screams echoed non-stop.

The passing footage was shown on TV and attracted everyone's attention.


In the hall of the night raid team base, some people exclaimed, some opened their eyes wide, and some disappeared.

"Wind room?"

Tachibana turned his head subconsciously and found that the comrade who was standing beside him had disappeared at some point.

That person was standing in a place where there would be absolutely no monitoring. He held the spark prism floating in his palm and lifted it high.


The report shown on the TV was seen by everyone, even the air base.

The lightning team captain who took the lead in the attack roared in the driver's seat. No matter how fast his car was, it was impossible to arrive at the scene in just a few seconds.

What can't be done is just can't be done, and it is precisely because he understands this that he is not reconciled.

The interior of the Mir, which was immediately behind Team Lightning, was silent, and no one had any motivation to chat at this time.

Gaiyu, who was on the back, took out the container from the inner pocket of the jacket, and there was a pale golden light inside.

'Only I transformed! '

With a little force, he gripped the container tightly.

At this moment, the exclamation of Qiao Ji and Atsuko came from everyone's ears.

"It's Ultraman!"

Shishi opened his eyes slightly, probably because the vibration of the ground was too strong, and the camera that fell on the ground before floated and fell.

But in this short period of time, it was enough for people to see the flashing back.


Hasty appearance, hasty defense.

Empat's hands were forward, and the sand kicked up under his feet was pushed back before it had time to fall.

Kiru, who was about to smash the building in the way, didn't know what was blocking it, but it felt that it had found the 'something beyond the sky' it was going to deal with


The screaming continued. If what the reporter saw before was fast waiting for death, now it was slow waiting for death. He could see the giant's feet slowly approaching them.


Empat let go first, and was hit by Kiru in the abdomen.

After enduring the damage, he supported the opponent's jaw with both hands, and with the assistance of the Otto power, the nearly [-]-ton monster was overturned directly upwards.

Kiru, who hadn't expected such a thing at all, couldn't react immediately. It landed on its back like an upside-down tortoise, shaking its limbs.

Facing the fallen monster, Empat did not pursue it immediately.

He quickly turned around and pointed his right palm toward his feet, which were less than 20 meters away.

Light blue brilliance gushed out of the silver palm, forming a strange path.

The people who were sent on the road didn't feel the shaking, and could only see the blurred scenery around them.

When they reacted, they were already far away from the dilapidated ruins.

On both sides were people who had evacuated due to the appearance of monsters. Even if they were far away, they didn't want to try to see if they would be involved if they stayed where they were.

"This, here is..."

The blue light path is broken into particles, and the particles are scattered by the wind.

Empat, who had completed the rescue, turned around, and what caught his eyes was the enemy who had a chance to counterattack because he did not pursue it immediately.

Kiru supports his body with his powerful tail, and his bouncing body looks like a tumbler.

The energy it gathers is concentrated in the crimson radiating port of its abdomen, and dozens of hot energy bullets distort the air, covering the entire 180° in front of it.

The target of the attack is not only the giant in front, but also the entire city.

The next moment, Empat's palms popped forward at the same time, and the front of the raised palms formed a purple round shield.

It's just that this is not a shield made to protect oneself, but a shield made to protect everything behind him.

The overflowing brilliance spread for hundreds of meters, and even continued to extend.

All scattered light bullets hit the light shield and were converted from red to purple.

'Attack completely ineffective'

Understanding this, Kiru stopped attacking, but it didn't expect the nature of the shield.

Enpat turned his palms backwards and pushed out suddenly.

When the palm touched the light shield, the lava bombs transformed into dark energy concentrated on one point.

In an instant, a large number of explosions appeared on Kiru's body. The shotguns it released before were turned into Gatling, and the crazy reflection hit its body.

This was just the beginning, the remaining energy that made up the round shield also turned into light bullets to shoot.

In just one second, the sounds of explosions overlapped, and nearly a hundred shots merged into a line and exploded together.

The previous purple had completely disappeared, and there was only Empat sprinting forward.

He approached the still expanding purple light, his swinging waist lifted his left leg, and amidst the explosion, Kiru, who was engulfed in the light, escaped from the light again.

Its body floated into the air and flew hundreds of meters away, then fell under the pull of gravity.

Damaged in yesterday's battle, the abandoned buildings that should have been removed saved the effort of smashing them, and they were directly smashed to pieces by the falling Kiru.

'ended. '

Although there are suspicions of boasting in this way, it is not an exaggeration for Empat to say that he has crossed the mountain of swords and blood, and the hell of needles. Ordinary monsters are no more than one-on-one enemies for him, and Kiru is exactly the so-called common monster'

The outcome was decided, and Kiru, who was beaten all over his body, barely turned over, and the organ that emitted the lava bomb was split in two, which was the damage caused by the previous kick.

It didn't survive together with the ability to fight to the death.

It is precisely because of this that we must catch up and arrive.

At the first moment of the battle, Fujimiya rushed to Tokyo.

He was the only one running in this blocked area, running to stop it all.


A radiance emerges from its right wrist, and the special bracelet is turned upside down to open its wings.

Empat's wrists joined to form a cross, and the purple spathium light shot out.

Above the ray, there is light emerging.

The needle-like particles collided with the sharp blade of light, and the blue giant held the blade to guide the trajectory of the light.

He flicked the blade downward, and the light of Spetsium hit the ground directly, and the powerful light was blasted by the blow, instantly destroying all the road wreckage within 300 meters.

When the particles dissipated after two seconds, neither the abandoned building nor the wreckage disappeared.

Not to mention the fragments of the city, what is left here is just a piece of soil that can only be restarted, which is the nature in the city.

"Fujimiya, you..."

All Empat knew about the blue giant in front of him was the name of 'Aguru' and the fact that the person who transformed was 'Fujimiya Hiroya'.

Why is he showing up?

'is there something wrong with it? '

Empat was thinking in his heart, and at this moment Aguru realized that the giant in front of him could communicate, so he dispersed the light blade.

"No, Kiru is a companion of Earth."

Unlike Gama, who just became Gaia and was ignorant, Fujimiya, who has already become Agur, knows more important things.

Like 'Earth Defense System'

The moment Kiru appeared, he had already understood what the hell the root-destruction recruiter was planning.

"what does that mean?"

Empat stood in his original position to ask questions in order not to cause misunderstanding, while Aguru turned around and generously handed his back to the other party.

The current situation has become weird. The red and purple colors that seemed to be fighting a technological war before disappeared.

There seems to be a communication between a monster and two giants.

Aguru squatted down, and the light from his palm healed Kiru's wounds.

"The host of root destruction is an enemy from the universe. Just like Aguru, the earth has a corresponding defense system, and Kiru is one of them, and you have the same nature as the host of root destruction."

This sentence allowed Empat to fully understand the situation.

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