"I have one last plan!"

That is the last strategy, the strategy that will definitely lose weight!

"That's dieting!"

As long as you eat less or even nothing, you don't have to worry about getting fat!

"...Be careful of your chest shrinking."

Xi Li said something in a teasing tone.

The chat between the three of them was interrupted here, and Kazama felt that all the dishes and chopsticks were arranged in the living room, and it should be almost the same now.

He looked at the three people in the living room, this time there was no strange entanglement.

"It's time for dinner."

One sentence immediately attracted attention. The so-called cuisine is all about the color, fragrance and taste.

Compared with the eyes, the first thing you feel is the aroma.

"It's great! I feel even more hungry after smelling it."

Dongyang hurriedly quickened his pace, and the distance that was not far away was directly crossed, and the four of them took their seats

"If Xi Li had told me that you were here earlier, I would have done it more generously. This time, that's all I can do."

What Kazama cooks are just the usual dishes, there is no chicken soup and duck soup, and some are just vegetable soup.

After that, there are carrots, steamed pork, bamboo shoots and other dishes.

Compared with meat, there are still more vegetables.

"No, no, no, it's very rich now."

Chun He hastened to speak out, he was eating at someone else's house, etiquette should not be lost, and the person in front of him was an elder.

"Then I'll start."

Dongyang didn't have too many scruples, Kazama's face really made it difficult for her to regard him as an elder.

Moreover, she herself is not someone who values ​​such etiquette too much, and the only daughter is still favored at home.

"Use your chopsticks."

When Kazama picked up the chopsticks, he felt his gaze, and Xili was looking at him.

In response, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Isn't it wonderful for children to make friends?

"Today, huge unknown creatures appeared in the city that was attacked yesterday, and the blue Ultraman and the silver Ultraman reappeared in the city of Tokyo."

The night news broadcast the things that everyone cared about, and at the same time attracted the attention of Xi Li and the others.

The three turned their heads while chewing the cabbage in the soup.

"Because the incident happened suddenly, the scene was not captured, so we can only ask our staff who were in the attack area to talk about the situation at that time."

The screen on the screen switched to a ward in the hospital.

"Reporters interviewing reporters... so weird."

Dongyang complained, and Kazama also stared at the people he rescued today.

It must be very scary, after all, it is an existence tens of meters high that keeps approaching with a strong sense of oppression.

"At that time, a huge unknown creature suddenly came out of the ground. I don't remember the specific situation because I was too scared, but at least I still remember the feeling when Ultraman appeared. He stretched out his hand like this."

The interviewed reporter made a 'hand out' motion with his right hand.

"Then we arrived at a safe area in a swish like taking a Shinkansen. I don't know how to describe it specifically, and I know it's a subjective idea, but I still want to say that Ultraman is our Human companions, my colleagues and I were all saved by him."

He told his thoughts and feelings, just as he himself said, it was because of the subjective emotion of 'thank you' that he decided so.

"The monster that fights the giant monster and protects human beings, I always feel like I have seen such movies and animations on TV ten years ago."

Haruhe has no idea whether the story comes from reality or the story is reflected in reality.

Xi Li frowned at her speech.

"Ultraman shouldn't be considered a monster, right?"

After all, only a few eyes, a few hands, a few feet, or something that looks like an animal can be called a monster, right?

Ultraman should be called a giant as mentioned before.

It's a pity that things are not defined by appearance, they are all existences tens of meters high, and they are all existences that can destroy cities with just a casual movement.

"For humans whose height is no more than two meters, Ultraman and monsters are just monsters with different appearances."

Chun He sighed a little, the human beings who once stood at the top of the food chain seemed to have fallen from the top now.

Her thoughts are taken for granted, and naturally there are people who have the same thoughts as hers. This is the only way to go at the beginning.

After that, the dinner time ended with the broadcast of the news.

In addition to broadcasting Ultraman related reports on TV, there are also promotions of the existence of XIG, in addition to which country and which country's diplomacy, the situation in the Middle East, the progress of artificial cloned organs and so on.

As the night wore on, it was only natural that the party between friends ended.

"Well, why do people always like to drink?"

The vehicle moved forward under the illumination of street lights, and Dongyang sitting in the back seat looked out the window, as if someone was drunk and retched by the side of the road.

In a city where it is not known whether there are alien beasts, Kazama is not big enough to let the two girls go home by themselves.

"what is that?"

Xi Li in the co-pilot looked suspiciously at the woman standing on the small wooden box. The other party seemed to be talking non-stop, and some people were attracted to her.

"Are you planning to run for some congressman?"

Haruhe speculated that she had only seen such a scene on TV.

Soon, the scenery was left behind, the vehicle was still driving, Kazama controlled the steering wheel, thinking about what to do next.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The two parties have not communicated for a long time, five years to be specific.

In five years, even the term of office is about to end.

First, Zaki, who was the first to destroy the root, and Enpat, who stopped him.

Now it is the second unknown source of shattering and attracting entities. What did the earth do wrong to be targeted one after another?

What happened this time?

Did the red and blue giants, like Empat, appear on the earth in order to fight against the second source of destruction?

Everything is a mystery, it would be great if the two giants could take the initiative to come to the door this time.

Thinking of this, the current Japanese Prime Minister sighed, turned around and was about to sit back in his office.

But also because of this, his heart paused for a moment.

Strange golden colors converged before his eyes, and this scene was undoubtedly——

"long time no see."

Empat, who disappeared during the battle with Zaki five years ago, reappeared in front of the Prime Minister, but as before, there was no sign or appointment at all.

"I hope you can make a call next time, so that I won't have anything wrong with being frightened."

The Prime Minister joked, and Empat nodded.

"Next time, I'm here today because I have something to tell you about the current situation on Earth."

Empat didn't know why Fujimiya avoided contact with others so much, and I Meng was just an ignorant child, and he was the only one to do some things.

For example, there are things about Gaia and Aguru, and things about earth monsters.

As long as some things are spread out, they will not be used by others... It can't be determined that way, it can only be said that the chance of being used will be greatly reduced.

"Gaia and Aguru, as well as the earth monsters that appear today, human beings need to know these things."

After this, Empat told what he knew, namely the Earth's defense system.

If the earth itself is a huge life, then what is the function of the creatures born on her?

Perhaps all living things are part of the defense system, and the two sides are mutually beneficial. The earth allows living things to survive, and living things must protect the earth in order to save themselves.

It is such a relationship.

However, for humans, this is not something that can be accepted at will.

"Earth is a gigantic creature..."

Human beings once proudly declared that they had conquered the earth and nature, and were the top of all things.

The reality is not like this, and what follows is a strong sense of insecurity.

If the earth can give birth to human beings, create two Ultramans, and create earth monsters, will it be as easy as a snap of the fingers to destroy human beings?

When considering things, always consider the good and the bad together. The disadvantages of the earth being a living thing are obvious.

The dark and negative pessimistic thoughts came from the impact of the facts. The prime minister shook his head, knowing that he couldn't think calmly now.

"If those behemoths are also creatures created by the earth to fight against enemies outside the earth, what should human beings do, just ignore them?"

The situation in Tokyo was still on the table, and the Prime Minister frowned.

To be honest, no matter whether it is a giant, a giant beast, or an entity caused by the destruction of the root, if they can all disappear at once, then he can laugh out loud in his dreams.

"Ultraman will solve this matter. No matter what, don't forget that the biggest enemy is always the source of destruction. They are all creatures on the earth, and the enemy is the same."

"......I see."

The Prime Minister nodded reluctantly, and before he interrupted the recording and filming together, Empat stopped him:

"Wait, there's one more thing."

This matter is about alien beasts.

"The more chaotic, depressing, and painful the place, the more the alien beasts will be attracted and grow. I really want to lower the threat of the alien beasts. There are still things that all countries in the world have to do a lot of."

Empat had to say these words, even though five years had passed, the world was not united.

It is still falling apart and doing its own thing.

Human beings cannot do without change, because meaningless strife always brings death and fear.

But, easier said than done?

The history of mankind is the history of wars, and the history of wars brings unforgotten pain.

The ideas of different countries are not the same. How to eliminate the hegemony of self-importance?

The madness brought about by religion bewitches people's hearts, and some people fanatically die for it.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Blood and fire, there is no warmth, only scorching heat.

I didn't feel anything when the spilled crimson touched my body.


How many languages ​​are there on earth?

The words spoken by the other party are so clear that they can be understood at will.

A terrorist group that chops off the heads of infidels and kicks them for laughs is now calling people 'the devil'

What an irony.

Hit the head with a fist, and the head is dented.

When the knife cuts across the flesh, the flesh will be divided.

Bazookas, Molotov cocktails, grenades, assault rifles, nothing can stop that thing from approaching.

It advances with enough firepower to destroy a town. With its raised right hand, it throws the tank hundreds of meters into the air, smashes the suspended armed helicopter, and its eyes shining with blue light are breathtaking.

The next moment, its arms formed an L shape in front of it, and the destructive black light swallowed everything present.

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