Chapter 16 A society in turmoil due to monsters

It has been a week since Aguru disappeared with Kiru after Empat fought against Kiru.

This week is very short, but also very long, it all depends on each person's situation.

For the night raid team, this is indeed a very long period of time, so long that they have already communicated with various companies that need to make arrangements.

To use radar against alien beasts, there is no way to guard against a big city like Tokyo with just one radar at the headquarters of the night raid team.

Now, night raid teams all over Japan are in action.

They act to install the corresponding devices in the designated places, and Kazama is the same.

He drove the corresponding vehicle to the building of the KCB TV station. When the radar plan was completed, the interior of cities throughout Japan would be monitored accordingly.

Once the alien beasts start to move, they will be surrounded and suppressed, which is undoubtedly a big step forward.

"You can't go here."

This is the first time for Kazama to go to the KCB TV station building. A person may not be able to walk the entire city in his life, because some places have nothing to do with his life, so there is no need to go.

In front of the road is a blockade, because the battle between monsters and Ultraman has caused many problems in Tokyo's traffic routes.

The biggest problem is that...

"No wonder the higher-ups didn't ask us to finish it right away."

Kazama really wanted to make a U-turn, the problem was that he had to queue up to even do so.

Tokyo itself is a huge city, and its population is even more exaggerated.

The roads that were already congested because of the population were even more difficult to reach at a speed of 30 because of the traffic blockade that had to be carried out.

The sound of the engine was mixed together, and the sidewalks on both sides were also crowded with people.

"Tokyo's population is really exaggerated, and it always feels more congested than any area I have ever seen."

At this time, Daniel on the co-pilot spoke.

The founder of Alchemy Star, who arrived in Tokyo from the United States, was the main person who made the arrangement, and Kazama was only acting as a guard.

Faced with his sigh, Kazama shook his head.

"There are usually a lot of people, but they won't be so many. It's all because of the attack of the body caused by the shattering of the root a few days ago, which led to the current situation."

Kazama still knows the current situation in Tokyo. Many passers-by are probably unemployed and looking for new jobs.

"A traffic blockade?"

Daniel curiously turned around and asked, he is a researcher, although as the founder, he often goes to various important places, but none of those places have anything to do with 'society', and he didn't go to those places just to talk about 'society' issues .

And Kazama didn't have any intention of concealing or tantalizing people. While stepping on the accelerator slowly, turning the steering wheel to follow the traffic police's instructions to turn around, he gave the answer:

"It refers to the situation of unemployment."


Daniel vaguely grasped the point, and the answer was given in the next moment:

"The battle between Ultraman and the monsters destroyed several urban areas. Fortunately, there were no residential areas in these urban areas and no casualties were caused. Unfortunately, these urban areas are not only commercial areas, but also many companies are located there. "

Which represents only one meaning:

"A lot of people are forced to rest at home temporarily because of this incident, because they don't have an office space at all. In addition, the people who run the company and shop there also suffer heavy losses, and the office workers who work in the company are even worse. "

Kazama talked about the biggest problem facing people in Tokyo at this time:

"Will companies that have suffered huge losses continue to hire the original employees? If they choose to lay off employees, where will those employees go? The population of Tokyo itself has been saturated, and jobs have been divided up. If these suddenly unemployed people If you can't find another home..."

Having said that, he frowned.

The number of people that one person can help is limited. If you want to help such a large number of people, you have to——

At this moment, Daniel, who continued to think along Kazama's words, also showed an uneasy look on his face, and he continued:

"People who lost their jobs and struggled to survive are likely to be driven to extremes."

What follows is a series of chain reactions.

"The crime rate has increased and the suicide rate has increased. I have heard that Tokyo's consumption standards are very exaggerated. If it is a young person who comes here to develop and has a family he can rely on, if it is a middle-aged person who has landed here... ..."

Kazama nodded to Daniel's words:

"They are likely to buy a house in order to live in Tokyo. If it is not enough, they will take out a loan. How will they repay the loan if they lose their jobs?"

Everything starts with money.

There is no way to live without money.

"Cracks may appear in otherwise happy marriages, happy families may be separated, and it is not surprising that people who are constantly suffering will do anything."

In other words, what appears to be crowded Tokyo may actually be a hotbed of crime.

Kazama continued:

"Once the society is in turmoil, anxiety and panic will become the basis for breeding alien beasts."

This is what he is worried about, and the only thing that can solve this situation is national power.

The government has to issue policies accordingly to the situation here, otherwise things will just go downhill.


The car became silent, and Daniel, who originally planned to ask about the new armor, also began to worry about the future of the city.

After that, it will all depend on the government. Is it reliable?

The red light ahead stopped the vehicle, and Daniel looked out the window, and there seemed to be someone gathered under the building over there.

"Kazama, there seems to be something unusual there."

The crowd gathered, and they looked up, as if they were staring at something.

In everyone's sight, the man on the roof was sitting on the edge of the building.

Generally, this kind of building will not allow others to easily enter the roof. It doesn't matter how he got in. The important thing is that his current situation is very dangerous, very dangerous.

"There is nothing that cannot be overcome. You can tell us and we will find a way together."

The roof kept a distance from the other party, and the rescuers wanted to persuade the man who would fall if he lay back.

"I used to be the same as you. I felt that the future was hopeless and there was no way to live. But then I talked with my family and friends, and everyone gave me a lot of advice."

One is talking, the other is listening, but there is no response.

There are also people waiting by the side, they hope to attract the other party's attention as much as possible, so that they have the opportunity to tear the other party down.

However, listening to the words of the rescuers, the expression on the man's face became more painful.

"There is nothing to live, I have nothing, the company was destroyed by those monsters, and my wife ran away without saying a word."

He couldn't understand, or he didn't want to understand the reason why his wife ran away.

When the young girl was little Niao Yiren, he felt that he had met the true love in the world, but everything turned out to be a lie.

"Won't you feel unwilling to let the other party go free? An excellent person like you will definitely find a better one in the future."

The people on the top floor were still communicating, and two people squeezed into the crowd downstairs. They raised their heads and paid attention to the situation.

"Are you wearing armor?"

Daniel wanted to hear that answer, but was very sorry.

"No, just a Beretta with a pistol and comms."

Kazama gave a negative answer, but he had other ways to save the man who wanted to commit suicide.

'Already started? '

In his heart, he does not hope that his speculation about the social situation is correct, but unfortunately his thoughts have nothing to do with reality.

At this time, the persuasion on the roof made new progress.

"That's right, if that liar got away with it and you give up on yourself here, there is really no way to get your things back. Let's go to the police station together, and we must not let her escape!"

A person needs motivation to live, and the rescuers are trying to mobilize the man's unwillingness.

As long as he is not reconciled, he will not want to die.

This approach has achieved results, and the man who was originally full of decadence became gnashing his teeth.

With a sum of savings, he is obedient to his young wife, and it can be said that he will give whatever he wants.

and then?

And then she just ran away at this most difficult time?Even take away the passbook with the password?

This is called love?

Thinking of the sweet words that spewed out from those soft lips back then, he felt the urge to vomit.

Yeah, how can you just jump down like this, how can you let that liar take his money and enjoy it!

The man clenched his fists, and at that moment, he fell backwards.


It was the wind, and the blowing of the wind made him fall backwards, and the imbalance affected him.


There was an exclamation from the crowd, and the next moment, the man's leg was firmly grasped.


The rescuers yelled, and together they pulled the man up.

Under the building, Daniel also breathed a sigh of relief, while Kazama continued to use his mind to lift him up.

At the last moment, he heard the incompletely spoken 'help'

That's enough, if a man has the motivation to live, it proves that he won't casually seek death again.


But someone here has finally found the will to live, what about the others?

How many more people are suffering because of today's situation?

The man was pulled up and brought back to the rooftop, gasping for breath.

Rescuers rejoice in saving lives.

The crowd watching the excitement below was also satisfied.

No one noticed that on the opposite side of that building, there was someone standing there with a panoramic view of everything.


Kazama raised his head, he vaguely felt something different.

But when I searched carefully, there was nothing.

The figure who was standing on the top floor of another building disappeared without a trace.

"Let's hurry up and install the radar."

Daniel patted Kazama on the shoulder, and Kazama, who couldn't find any trace after searching, looked back.

"it is good."

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"When people face the tide of the times, they are always full of anxiety and fear about the future. When society is in turmoil, there is always uncontrollable chaos. Don't you think this is a great time? Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not Say what I'm going to do because someone else is already doing it."

In the world filled with darkness, someone seemed to be giving a speech, but the only response to him was meaningless tweets.

Several voices mixed together to form a chaotic call.

"Hey, it's really boring without anyone chatting, don't you think?"

The man walked towards the person who had just returned to this space, and he stretched out his hand to touch the cold skin.

"Like a broken doll."

No matter how you touch it, no matter how you play with it, there is no response. It is indeed just a doll.

"Let's see how my dear friend Fujimiya is doing now."

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