The man who gave up playing because he was bored closed his eyes, the world is full of warmth and beauty.

The little girl laughed happily, and the birthday song echoed in her ears.

Father, mother, the two applauded and sang, all to make their daughter happy.

The starlight outside the window was blocked, and the living room was turned off because of the lit birthday candles.

A joyous day ended with shattered glass clattering to the ground.


The sudden abnormality terrified the family of three. Even so, the man as the father still instinctively protected his wife and daughter behind him.

"You, who are you!"

He questioned the man who broke the window and walked into the living room. The man was dressed in black and had a serious expression on his face.

"You can take whatever money you want, as long as it doesn't hurt us!"

The father of the head of the family hoped that the uninvited guest could take the money and leave. Compared with money, life is the most important thing.

But the man in black did not give any response. He took a step forward, and a blue light blade extended from the front of his right hand.

The unusual scenery made the whole family's eyes widen.

"You, you want—————"

'What are you doing! '

This question could not be asked. In the eyes of the mother and daughter, their husband and father were cut by light.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah———————————"

The screams kept echoing in the room, and the man who was the father was not left in the blue light.

The man in black stretched out his right hand and grabbed the remaining two.

The mother protected her daughter under her body and closed her eyes tightly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Nothing happened.

When she opened her eyes again, the man in black was gone.

Only the smashed windows proved that someone had been there.

The phone of the police station was dialed at night, and the originally leisurely police officer tightened his body and showed a serious expression.

For the words came from the other end of the loop:

"My husband was murdered by a stranger who broke into the house—"

The crying sound continued.

On this deserted street, the man in black walked slowly.

Chapter 17 Monsters from the Sea

That can no longer be called running, but fast floating.

Sparks were ignited by the collision, and the sword made of the same material collided with the armor.

The Spicyum straight knife in Aikawa's hand couldn't be retracted immediately after the slash hit. Kazama's defensive left arm quickly pulled down, and the serrated edge on the arm drove the stuck straight knife.

The next moment, more sparks were brought out.

Kazama's kick aimed at the opponent's head was a blow, and Aikawa's drawn rifle fired wildly at close range.

The two distanced themselves, and the brilliance appeared.


Turning sideways, squatting down, Aikawa evaded two consecutive sweeps of beams, and he pulled the trigger again to counterattack. Even at such a close distance, he failed to hit.

Kazama, who left his original position and was moving laterally, moved his palms forward, shooting beams one after another.

If the rifle is a continuous fire, then the energy release in his hand is a hand cannon that fires continuously.

The two did not evade when they saw the shooting, but evaded when they saw each other raising their hands.

It doesn't have to be faster than the rate of fire, just faster than the movement of the muzzle.

In an instant, the hard bunker was covered in pitch black, and Aikawa who was hiding behind could see blue light splashing left and right.

"I don't think it's fair! Why can you fire and fly and cut and fight?"

The level of armor is too different. If everyone had their own emphasis before, it is completely unreasonable to crush the game now.

If you are surpassed in all aspects, how can you fight?

By working hard?

This is not actual combat.

"I'm raising the white flag."

Aikawa put the knife back into its sheath, and waved the sheathed knife as if it were a white flag.

Kazama, who was in the original position, also put down his right hand, and the surrounding scene was rapidly collapsing.

Leaving from the virtual simulated battle, the armor on the two of them was unlocked.

"Then again, before you know it, it's such a time again, and it's another day without any waves. Peace is so good."

Aikawa twisted his neck that didn't actually move during the simulated battle. The shattering of the root causes the body, the alien beast. Although it feels like a crisis and extremely dangerous, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Even if the alien beast radar is installed, there is still no response.

So what's the deal?

Even the aggressors have holidays, should we rest for a while and then take our time?

To the exclamation of his teammates, Kazama took off his helmet.

"It would be nice if nothing happened all the time."

He never liked fighting, but the situation always made him have to fight.

It was at this moment, including the test ground and training ground where the two were located, that the sound of the siren instantly aroused everyone's spirits.

The originally relaxed nerves tightened, and the members of the night raid team immediately put down their homework and ran towards the hall.

The command located in the office is connected to the communication:

"what happened?"

He immediately asked what happened, and the communicator who was on standby in the monitoring room quickly gave an answer:

"The alien beast radar has captured the vibration wave of the alien beast, and the location is near the entrance of Tokyo Bay."

The moment he heard the answer, the conductor still felt satisfied.

Because the alien beast radar did play a role, and it played a role the moment the alien beast started to move.

At the same time, he also noticed one thing, if it attacked at the entrance of Tokyo Bay, is this alien beast the product of combining with the creatures in the sea?

The commander's thinking was quickly interrupted, all due to the tense tone of the correspondent:

"Please wait, something seems wrong!"

The anti-alien beast radar in front of the correspondent seemed to be malfunctioning, and the vibration waves detected were constantly refreshed.

Once, once, once, unimaginably fast.

If this performance is speculated according to common sense...

"It's not just one! It's more. Countless alien beasts are pouring into Tokyo Bay!"

"What did you say?!"

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the past, Japan had a treaty with the United States.

This treaty has been continuously developed for so many years, gradually taking away Japan's sovereignty.

There are still US troops stationed in Japan today. In order to complete its dominance, the United States turned Japan, which was defeated in the war, into a springboard. For this reason, it sent the Seventh Fleet, or the troops stationed in Japan.

Yokosuka Port, the main force of this force is stationed here.

Not only that, but the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force also has bases located in Yokosuka Port.

The light of dusk has almost completely dissipated, and the sea of ​​gold brought by the reflection has almost disappeared.

The phone couldn't be reached and no one answered.

Because the phone has disappeared in the flames.

What exactly are the so-called alien beasts?

In the final analysis, it is just a body of flesh and blood, and it may be injured by shells or bullets. The factor of losing the body must be redeveloped.

Judging from the scale of the shock wave, the group of alien beasts pouring into Tokyo Bay is not huge, and heavy weapons are enough to defeat them.

However, as long as you don't get hit.

In the past, humans used wood to build ships, and today humans make steel float on the sea.

Five minutes before the night raid team detected the vibration wave of the alien beast, the maintenance staff in the ship felt puzzled because the ship was shaking.

The seawater pouring into the ship destroyed the conditions of buoyancy, and the deep blue water could not be seen by the naked eye.


The soldiers in the base shouted because they saw a strange sight. The tilting destroyer seemed to be sinking into the sea.

The speed of the water entering was extremely exaggerated. One after another, the alien beasts pierced through the bottom of the boat with their sharp teeth, and quickly went to find the next target.

The attack, the alarm that hadn't really sounded for decades, made everyone nervous.

The docked aircraft carrier was tilting, and the deployed fighter jets slid due to the slope and fell into the sea water.

To protect the ship, but how to protect it?

Rush to start?

Before reaching the position, the ship was already sinking.

Weird's palm slapped on the ground, and the sea water flowed down, wet the ground.

"Go get the weapon!"

The Sergeant gave the order, and then the Sergeant disappeared without a trace in the flames, leaving nothing behind.

What came out of the factory was a lava-colored alien beast, with black spots one after another on its body.

From the outside, it looks like an elongated and enlarged frog, a brightly colored frog.

It's just that its poison is not very poisonous, or the flame is its poison.


Give the order, shoot, the assault rifle bounces off the body.

More flames drove the night away, and for a moment the soldiers thought they saw a swarm of missiles firing.


The deliberately adjusted fireball didn't kill the human right away when it concentrated, but burned his skin crazily, soaking his flesh and blood.

The facial organs were instantly destroyed, and only the pain echoed in the brain.

The pain and fear of dying, the screams gave birth to more fear.

When people really face death, they are qualified to say whether they are brave or not.

Ten, fifty, from different positions, these alien beasts kept crawling out, and the sea water on their bodies wet the path of their movements.

The alien beast that appeared from the sea spit out flames, and the abnormal sense of chaos was actually nothing.

Those engulfed in flames fell, drying up from the burning.

The burnt smell that is usually known is disgusting at this time, because it is brought about by the death of the same kind.

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