The next moment, the pilot under the parachute was caught.


Why did Phrogoros, who was still on the ground before, capture the pilot?

In an instant, the fighter plane began to lose control.


At a position more than a hundred meters above the ground, the fighter plane was shaking, because on its right wing was Phrogoros firmly grasped.

The shock came again, the underside of the fuselage was dented, and the nose was smashed and deformed.

How many phoruguros have reached this location?How did they come up?

The answer is simple, they jumped on it.

The pilot pulled out his gun and looked for the emergency button. Right in front of him was a strange beast approaching steadily without any response under the wind brought by such a speed.

At the same moment, the gunshots were drowned out in the wind, and the parachute pilot who was caught first fired at this distance, but his chest exploded.

The ejected bullet destroyed the entire pistol, and the hand holding the gun was wounded.

He had no choice but to see a mouth approaching enough to eat his entire head.

The screams dissipated in the wind, and the blood of the strange beast was blowing in the wind.

Froguros' mouth and head were cut and separated, and the pilot felt a lightness before being pulled back up before falling downward.

"You, you are——"

There is a blue energy core in the center of the gray-black armor. Kazama's left hand is pulling the pilot, and his right hand is shaking the blood on the arm blade.

He rose and fell, knocking the half-sliced ​​enemy straight to the ground.

This is just the beginning, the night sky is dotted with flames, and countless fireballs are rising from the ground.

In the gaps and gaps, Kazama pulled the pilot with his left hand and quickly changed direction to fly.

It was precisely because he was in the air that the pilot instinctively realized that it was incredible.

This kind of 'flying' is not the same as the flying he knows. It is impossible for a fighter jet to change directions a dozen times in a short period of three seconds.

On the ground, the blue light group engulfed a large number of Phroguros.

The scarred ground was trampled again, and Aikawa who landed raised the two heavy weapons he was carrying with both hands.

"Try this!"

What appears to be a grenade launcher has a rectangular 'spout' at the front of the weapon

The energy of Spethium flowing inside is released, and the gushing light spreads all the way, like a long sword.

The two blades began to cut directly the Phroguros who was rushing around, and most of the vaporized wreckage ignited blue flames when it fell to the ground.

Yokohama, Yokosuka, Tokyo, the whole army of the night attack team was dispatched.

Falling was nothing to those wearing Altec armor, and the Yokohama Armored Corps, armed with rifles, fired from a distance to join the fray.

"So why do you always get new equipment before us?"

Aikawa let out a 'ha' upon hearing this.

"Someone has to test first!"

The blue light is overflowing, but this firepower is still too exaggerated for so many alien beasts.

If Phoruguros were just ordinary small monsters, bombing with missiles would solve the problem.

But they are alien beasts, the missiles only destroy the flesh, and in the worst case, the detached alien beast factor will spread over the entire area, and then combine with different creatures to become new alien beasts.

The engineering team set up bunkers and built a line of defense, and the night attack team armed with Diwai special guns was blocking the roads for the alien beasts to go to two nearby cities.

When the shot from Diwai's special long gun hits, the explosion directly shatters half of the enemy's body.

At this time in the air, Feng Jian rotated his body, and the driven legs smashed Forroguros, who was closest to the cockpit, together with the cockpit of the fighter plane. He quickly stretched out his hand and pulled out the pilot inside.

The other three alien beasts remaining on the fighter plane immediately jumped out towards their prey, they opened their mouths, and an orange-red radiance emerged.

Opposite it is the blue light which is the 'mouth' of the Bermuda armor

In the center of the night sky that had turned orange-red by the flames, there were more blue spots of light, which turned into straight lines after expanding.

The beam of light descends from top to bottom, drawing a light curtain.

Kazema's twisting head pulled the trajectory of the shot, and the blue light that was set off instantly blasted a large number of alien beasts into the air. No one would object to that firepower being a heavy weapon.

He quickly left the sky with two pilots, and soldiers in Type 7 armor used special rifles and heavy artillery to stop them.

The soldiers of the second unit quickly pulled the trigger, attacking the enemy who seemed to have no concept of death and firepower.

The unhesitating movements of the Phrogoros and the marching action that smashed half of the body are reminiscent of the so-called 'zombies'

They aim at where the second team is, and spit fireballs straight out.

The 'meteor swarm' that was previously aimed at the sky tilted towards the enemies on the ground.

The energy erupting at the same time is so terrifying, let alone a bunker that has not yet been constructed, so what if the bunker is constructed?Can't stop it at all.

Kazama, who put the two pilots down, looked back, and there was a flashing blue light there.


The man who arrived shouted, the crystal on his bracelet glowed, and energy surged above his spread wings.

The whole ground shook like an earthquake, and the fireball exploded after hitting it.

What would happen if the giants were going to do something to humans?

Now see one or two.

Aguru half-kneeled on the ground, he pulled and swung his split palm.

In an instant, a large number of Phroguros were smashed and thrown away by this unskilled, purely venting attack.

It was as if someone had slapped the surface of the water with a lot of bugs floating around, and it wasn't just water that splashed out.

"Blue Ultraman..."

On one side of the night sky, XIG who rushed to the scene from the air base could see Aguru half kneeling on the ground.

If it is said that Phroguros made the ordinary people in full armor feel the gap, then the comparison between him and Phroguros is even more impressive.

With just such a wave of the hand, some of the hundreds of alien beasts were smashed to pieces, and some were left with broken bodies and limbs.

Even though the alien beast itself is the enemy of human beings, this scene can't help but make people feel creepy.

The next moment, the turbulent sea surged even more violently, and Aguru, who was about to continue destroying the alien beast, looked towards the direction of the sea as if he sensed something.

From the darkened sea at night, the monster approaching quickly smashed the ground into pieces.

It didn't intend to care what those Phrogulos would become. From the cracked ground, the fish-like monsters sprinkled sea water, and the alien beasts that were thrown out scattered in all directions.

Even if he realized something, Aguru still couldn't escape.

He crossed his arms in front of him, and firmly ate the impact with all his strength.

Amidst the loud noise, Aguru's body fell backwards towards the members of the night raid team.


He barely used his anti-gravity ability to turn around, and fell to the other side in embarrassment.

It is precisely because of this that the sea monster Bokuragu seized the opportunity.

It stepped forward quickly, and the pair of pincers moved forward together, firmly clamping the enemy's neck.

The whole process was completely recorded and transmitted to the command room through the Mir.

Shi Shi's expression became very serious, even if he didn't have the slightest evidence, he could be sure who was in charge behind this matter.

What a coincidence, the timing of this monster's appearance is really too coincidental.

It perfectly seized the moment when the blue Ultraman couldn't avoid it and attacked. Those alien beasts were just bait, the bait to lure Ultraman to appear.

"The whole machine covers the blue Ultraman."

The order was issued immediately, and the lightning team and the Falcon team who received the order at the front line did not have the slightest delay.

They pulled the trigger, whether it was the beam cannon or the airborne missiles, they all aimed at Bokuragu riding on Aguru.

And the night attack team on the ground is evacuating quickly. The Diwait gun they use is a weapon specially used to fight against alien beasts, relying on the anti-alien beast factor into the alien beasts. In the body to carry out internal disintegration.

"Don't do anything stupid and evacuate immediately! Hurry up!"

Ju calmly gave the order, the newly appeared monster is not a strange beast, the power of Diwait gun will not be very good.

And at such a close distance, they will only hold back.

At this time, the sound of communication also came to the ears. It was the common channel of the night raid team, and the wind floating in the air connected it:

"Attention everyone, the alien beasts are scattered towards Yokohama City and Yokosuka City through different routes."

As he spoke, he swooped down, and the hand knife that fell vertically cut open one Phrogulos in an instant, and the orange ball of light that surged in his palm burned the wreckage and then attacked the other one with his moving right hand of burnt.

The report sent out at the first time arrived at the Tokyo branch, and the commander thought about what to do next through the electronic map combined with the alien beast radar.

'Serial count. '

At first, the alien beasts attracted Ultraman to appear, and then the monsters seized the opportunity to make a surprise attack. At this time, the alien beasts thrown by it would not die because of the fall, and they were scattered in different positions, and quickly went to Two nearby cities advance.

The nature of the matter has changed, and now it is a game between humans and the enemies who manipulate the alien beasts.

Chapter 49 Proclamation of Existence

The Lightning Team and Falcon Team's attack to help Aguru hit Bokuragu, but nothing happened, just a strange white splash.

Like a firecracker falling into the water, it will go out and become a dumb gun. Neither the beam nor the missile can produce its due effect when hitting the enemy.

"What? What's going on?"

Yuwei opened his eyes wide, and in front of him, Aguru who was pulled up by Bokuragu was making a painful sound, and intense current was constantly flowing through his body.

His question was answered as soon as it was asked:

"This monster is probably made of potassium chloride. In other words, it is a seawater monster that has almost the same nature as seawater!"

The words of my dream instantly attracted everyone's attention. The situation was urgent, and he didn't have time to request a communication, but dialed directly to everyone.

The moment Bokuragu appeared, he had already realized that something was wrong.

Because there was no warning at all, and there was no warning on the radar, but this monster did appear in front of us.

What exactly caused this situation?

I dreamed that while checking all the radar systems, I also saw the ineffectiveness of the XIG attack, and the white splash was water.

"Are missiles ineffective because they are made of sea water...Damn it! What to do, my dream?"

The captain of the dike immediately asked, and when everyone was puzzled, one of them gave the answer, then that person was the backbone.

The interpretation of my dream was also transmitted to the air base, and Shishi began to think whether it was because of this monster that the strange beasts would completely destroy the naval base first.

At this time, Aguru, who was constantly being shocked by electric shocks, put his five fingers together, and the blade of light was formed.

When the trajectory of the sword passed through the two giant pincers, the bondage was broken.

But instead of blood, water splashed from the wound.

Realizing that something was wrong, Aguru swung his sword while jumping back, but it only brought out more water.

When he shook off the giant pincers that were still stuck on his neck, Bokuragu's arms were also regenerated in the surging water.

The whole process was reflected in my dream, what should I do to defeat the monster made of sea water?

"Because we didn't equip freezing bombs this time, we can only deal with monsters by vaporizing the enemy in one breath. Adjust the missiles to be close to detonation, and cooperate with the blue Ultraman to attack. The reason why the beam cannon failed to cause damage The injury may be due to insufficient temperature."

Having said that, my face is pale.

"If the temperature of the beam cannon is not enough, then the evaporation point of this monster is likely to be different from normal sea water. In that case..."

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it out."

Captain Yoneda of the Falcons directly interrupted with uncertain words, XIG is not a team that left in despair because of 'seems useless'.

The question is, does the blue Ultraman know about this plan and the nature of the enemy?

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