The next moment, the speaker spread the words:

"The nature of that monster is close to that of sea water. If it doesn't evaporate in one breath, it is likely to regenerate again!"

Those were the words of my dream, just when Weiwei felt puzzled, Aguru nodded slowly.


Captain Di's eyes widened slightly, and Ishiro and Qianye in the command room also looked at each other, and they could see a little peace of mind between each other, because the newly appeared Ultraman was an existence capable of communicating.

However, at this time, Bokuragu also seemed to be able to understand and began to retreat. The original Yokosuka Port had almost completely disappeared, where the sea water poured in due to the destruction of Bokurako.

Now the big sea monster stepped in, as if sucking sea water.

The first thing Aguru has to do is to pull it out of there, if it escapes...

'The navies of the world will be destroyed. '

Fujimiya fully understands the meaning hidden in the words of my dream before. Radar cannot detect sea water, and Bokuragu, who has the same nature as sea water, can destroy any port and destroy any outgoing warship as long as he wants.

'Never let it escape! '

He rushed forward, and Aguru ran fast.

It was also at this same moment that my dreamy eyes widened.

He raised his head suddenly, and the warning from the earth was transmitted to his heart.

Under the shining white crescent moon, the fiery scourge began to fall.

A warning sounded again inside the air base, and it detected an enemy from space.

"Unidentified falling object passed through the atmosphere!"

Atsuko quickly relied on AI for calculations and came to a conclusion:

"The crash site is in the center of Yokosuka City!"

Everything was chosen for this night, and crises struck one after another.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Damn it! How many are there!"

The ones that walk on the ground and the ones that fly in the sky, of course, the ones that fly in the sky are faster.

While the armed transport plane was flying fast, members of the night attack team aimed at Forroguros below and shot.

What they said was not lamenting that the number of enemies was too large, but wondering that the number of enemies was too small.

How many entrances does a city have?

And these entrances are entrances for humans to enter. The screen of the Beretta communication machine is the information brought by the alien beast radar, and many alien beast vibration waves are moving away.

This is not for escape, but for a long detour.

The remaining hundreds of alien beasts did not all enter the same entrance without thinking, but scattered in different directions, intending to break into the city from different positions.

Just as the Night Raiders have personally experienced, the intelligence of the alien beasts is also constantly evolving.

The surrounding scenery is constantly changing, but the front is blocked.

The front of the fast-running Phoruguros was blocked by blue light, and in the uninhabited area outside the city, Kazama combined his arms into a cross shape.

Sprayum's beams shot directly, completely burning the dozens of detoured alien beasts.

Just as he was about to go to the next location, a certain sense of danger came from behind.


Jump back, the mud waves are flying.

Stretch out your palms, the light spheres converge.

Kazama suddenly raised his head, his energy-gathering right hand was turned backwards, and his left arm was raised. The unknown enemy wrapped in black mist fell from the upper corner, and the tomahawk kick collided with his arm.

The next moment, the two turned their palms towards each other.

One side is an orange-red light ball, and the other is a lavender light ball. At the moment when the two energies collide, the different-colored balls start to conflict without giving in to each other.

Kazama was pushed away in the burst of energy, and he moved his left palm forward together, and the energy released overwhelmed the enemy in one breath.

The pitch-black figure jumped up high to avoid the passing light ball below, and then swooped down again.

The two did not collide, and its falling kick was parried at the last moment.

Kazama firmly grasped the opponent's leg, turned his body and smashed him to the ground far away.

"Get out of the way, I don't have time to spend here with you!"

The energy gathered in his right palm was pure Spethium energy, and the blue-white sphere vibrated during the expansion process, as if it would burst open at any time.

The pitch-black figure with its limbs touching the ground tried its best to unload, and just when it looked up, it saw 'Daylight'

The energy was released, and a circular light beam with a diameter of five meters exploded from Feng Jian's palm, completely engulfing the pitch-black figure.

Kazama completed the attack, and the inside of the helmet once again showed the real-time information of the alien beast radar.

'Too much. '

It's not just as simple as too much, but more importantly, chaos.

The night attack team scattered as much as possible to attack, but even so it was not enough, some alien beasts had already broken into the city.


Screams rang through the streets, and people running to designated shelters were confronted by falling monsters.

Phrogulos's lava-like body gave a strong impression, and it opened its mouth at this time and threw itself forward.

Immediately afterwards, the body broke in two in the center, and the upper and lower body wrapped in blue flames rolled on the ground.

Aikawa held two swords, leaving only one sentence:

"Go for refuge."

He rushed out in the direction of the vibration wave again.

The body of the alien beast running wildly on the street exploded, and three Diwai special spears were aimed at it, completely smashing it.

The members of the second unit were running fast, but even so it was too slow.

The size of a city is enough for hundreds of people to run on their legs, even if they drive vehicles, it is still not enough. They have to turn in some places and detour in some places.

Some of the Phrogoros jumped forward on the building, and some directly smashed the wall completely. They were completely the same as before, without the slightest cooperation and coordination. They marched separately and fought on their own.

That's why it's tricky.

In Yokohama City, ambulances are constantly driving, but the number of ambulances is limited after all.

The nurses who were pushing the disabled patients into the carts screamed as the monsters charged towards them.

Phrogoros used both hands and feet, and his twisted movements showed the strangeness of the alien beast.

The next moment, the red fire extinguisher hit it in the face.

"hurry up!"

With no change of clothes, Qihai was wearing a patient suit, picked up another fire extinguisher and pressed it directly, and the dry powder sprayed from inside sprinkled on Forrogulos' body.

In that cloud of white ash, the alien beast rushed out roaring.

It doesn't matter who it eats first, and Nanami puts the fire extinguisher in front of it.

Combat experience plays a role, but flesh and blood is no more than that.

The fire extinguisher couldn't take the impact, and neither could she, the force would crush her flesh and bones.

Under this night sky, a rainbow light appeared inappropriately.

The people running on the streets of the city saw the giant, Qihai raised her head subconsciously, because the alien beast that attacked her disappeared, only the silver fist was in front of her eyes.

The half-kneeling silver giant had blue eyes, and he brought a strong sense of presence when he got up.

Empat left the hospital, and when he reached the uninhabited area, his palms were facing up, and the golden particles were like surging springs.

"here we go."

The pitch-black figure is located in Yokosuka City, but even so, it seems to be able to see the scenery of another city.

There, the golden fountain of light surged toward the sky, and when it reached the top, it spread toward the surroundings, falling like a meteor shower.

And when something falls, something rises.

The terrified woman fell to the ground, and Phroguros, who was pounced on her, was pulled away. It kept swinging its limbs, but couldn't control itself.

The alien beasts that invaded the two cities were directly forcibly pulled away, and the supernatural power covering them played a role.

Empat's right hand is facing the sky, constructing the Meta field, and a large number of Phroguros are pulled towards this area by it.


It is the prompt sound brought by the mobile phone when shooting.

Huge giants wrapped around the light, like gods.

When all the Phrogulos were pulled in here, the originally strong golden color was connected together, wrapping everything within the range.

The two spaces are separated, and the city is still the city without any change.

Distortion appeared in this space, and the pitch-black human figure extinguished the mist wrapped around its body, revealing its original posture.

He rushed towards that area quickly, and disappeared in the ripples.

"End, is it over?"

The boy sitting on the ground raised his head, wanting to look at the night sky.

But what he saw in his eyes was a rubbing red.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Falling objects?!"

Captain Dike received contact from the air base. According to analysis, something broke through the atmosphere and fell towards Yokosuka City.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Alien beasts, sea monsters, Aguru has just launched an attack on the enemy now, it is impossible to use a clone technique to support Yokosuka City.

How can this be done?

Are you helpless?

At this time, Captain Dike kept using his brain, but he couldn't find any solution.

It was because he was too concentrated that he didn't notice that a person had disappeared.

Gaimeng, who was originally in the back seat, is now standing in the hangar under the Mir, and he is the only one in the space originally used to accommodate fighter planes or tanks.

He stretched out his right hand and clicked the open button, the wind blowing from the high altitude made him, who was not too strong, shake.

"It's so high..."

I Meng couldn't help but make a sound, and then took out the 'transformer' that was completed not long ago from the inner pocket of the team uniform

Store the light of the earth inside, this is the sapphire cone.

Now the inner light is calling, following this calling, I dream to take a step forward, and the whole person falls from this high sky.

At the same moment, Aguru who hit Bokuragu with a whip kick turned around as if he sensed something.

The corresponding red light is moving towards the distance at an exaggerated speed.

Half a second later, the eyes of the boy looking up at the night sky in Yokosuka City were red.

But this is not a dangerous warning red, but a light pink with a wonderful softness.

In this light, the red giant showed his back. He didn't make the slightest movement of accumulating power. His right arm was erected, his left fist was closed, and the quantum streamline released a lava-like brilliance.

Chapter Fifty Shadow Eclipse

In the Meta-Ta domain, the power obtained from Noah is used to form such a subspace.

This world is separated from the real world enough to minimize the damage caused by the battle.

The reason why Empat didn't use his powerful thoughts to tear up all the alien beasts that invaded the city, but pulled them nearby and then formed the Meta Domain, was because of the spread of the alien beast factor.

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