In the second actual battle, the enemy's strength was beyond expectation and there was no assistance. A little fear appeared in my dream.

As if seeing his fear, Apatai raised his right arm and approached unhurriedly. The undisguised footsteps seemed to be stepping on the heart of my dream.

When fear arises, people may overreact due to stress.

But before that reaction appeared, a blue beam of light struck from the side, directly hitting Apatai's head.

One shot is so precise, or in other words, it is impossible to miss such a huge target.

"Ah, damn it, the captain has disappeared at such a time."

Ai Chuan held a heavy gun in his left hand. He who dealt with the alien beasts before could not find the alien beasts. It seemed that all those ghosts had been ripped away.

Instead, there are red Ultraman and strange metal giants, whoever wants to help with their knees.

The Spethium energy stored in the gun is released obliquely, but the amount is not enough. As an output port, this heavy gun is still not enough.

But enough to attract Apatai's attention, it can feel that the position of the head is damaged.

The moment his attention was drawn, Gaia flew forward, and the fighting instinct engraved in her body responded.

He clenched his right fist tightly, threw out the cutting light with his left hand, and shot three crescents directly at the enemy's chest.

The moment the distance got closer, he aimed his clenched right fist at the position where the light hit before and punched it hard.

Unlike the previous one that did not cause damage, Apatai staggered back, and the spear it swept out hit the opponent's bow.

Gaia aimed at the same position again and punched out her left fist, her bent legs straightened, and she was ejected like a spring.

Apatai, who was repelled again, was hugged tightly before she had time to do anything.

For a moment, two behemoths rolled into a ball in the city.

'If you don't want to be hit by a spear, keep the distance close to prevent the enemy from using the spear'

This was Gaia's conclusion. He rode on Apatai's body, locked the enemy's arms with his depressed knees, and smashed his fists on that hard face.


In the distance, Ai Chuan abandoned the heavy gun that had run out of energy, and he ran and jumped at high speed on the roof.

The two monsters just collided, rolled a few times on the ground, and separated hundreds of meters from their original position, so that he had to chase them.

At this time, Apatai, whose face was cracked, twisted again.


The touch that flows through Gaia's legs is liquid, and it is precisely because of liquid metal that Apatai can constantly change its shape.

Gaia rolled forward quickly, and his original position was pierced by the spear.

As soon as he turned around, a silver fuzzy shadow came over.

Sparks kept splashing on Gaia's body, and he fell to the ground again, surrounded by spears piercing the ground.


A painful groan came out, and a large amount of electric current was released from the surrounding spears.

Everything around is illuminated, and it's like daytime here.

The intense pain stimulated the brain, so I Meng gritted my teeth.

'This, this is actual combat...'

He wanted to leave this range, but just as he stretched out his hand, the spears surrounding him quickly changed positions, blocking his way.

At this time, the light bullets falling from a distance shattered the ground, and one of the long spears fell down amidst the shock.

Gaia managed to save from there, and the spear changed shape again, seven of them combined into Apatai, and one flew rapidly.


Aikawa, who was helping before, realized that something was wrong. Before he could turn around and jump up, the whole building under his feet was smashed to pieces.

The last long gun penetrated the building with an electric current, and the accompanying kinetic energy shattered it, and a large number of wreckage began to fall down, burying Aikawa who had nowhere to struggle in the air.


In an instant, anger ignited in my dream heart.

"You bastard--------"

Unreasonable aggression, taking lives.

Accompanied by my dream's fierce will, the measuring device on Gaia's chest became more urgent, because a large amount of energy gathered in his head along with his raised hands.

Apatai only had time to raise his arm, and the dazzling red light hit it.

As the name suggests, the photon blade smashes the enemy's arms and hits the chest like a sharp light blade.

The red arc jumped wildly, and the energy released by Gaia in one breath was stronger than before.

Unexpectedly, Apatai was completely annihilated in the explosion, while Gaia, who had exhausted her strength, was panting, and her entire body disappeared in a blur.

At the same moment, the ground was smashed to pieces, and someone bounced and fell.

" hurts."

Aikawa, who kept jumping, ejecting and accelerating from the falling debris, finally rushed out, lying on the ground in embarrassment.

"Are you OK?"

The communication sound sounded, and a calm voice came.

"I'm pretty busy, like I just survived a Hollywood popcorn movie."

Aikawa waved his hand, he felt his heart was about to jump out, and he didn't want to move at all.

"Even if there are any strange beasts appearing again, I will never move again... what the hell!"

He bounced off the ground, how many wrecks are there in the whole building?

The boulders that flew out buried Aikawa's original location.

'It sounds like it's moving. '

Kazama, who had just escaped from the dark realm in the distance, thought in his heart.

Chapter 52 Thinking After the War

Disengaging and cutting off communications on the battlefield is a very serious act of malfeasance. Generally speaking, no matter what the reason is, those who commit such crimes will be expelled from the team and are not eligible to stay in the army.

But if it is a reason that is so special that it cannot be more special, then it is another matter.

At the end of the battle, humans finally won, or Ultraman and humans joined forces to win.

If there is no Aguru, the alien beasts who want to flood into the city may be crushed by the missile's beyond-horizon strike, and the remaining alien beast factors will be scattered everywhere.

Without the appearance of Empat, the alien beasts that could not be stopped after all would have wreaked havoc in the city, causing many deaths and injuries.

If Gaia hadn't appeared, the metal life form that came from the universe would have destroyed most of the city just by falling.

The three giants, the three Ultramans, no matter who they are, they must admit that they are acting as human shields in the face of the destruction of the roots.

For the cities of Yokohama and Yokosuka, tonight is a sleepless night.

It didn't take long from the evacuation alarm to the alien beasts rushing into the city, and then Empat appeared from the city to tear away all the alien beasts.

Then came the battle between Gaia and the metal life form Apatai.

Therefore, a considerable number of people in the city who have not yet evacuated have witnessed the conflict between giants, which is too shocking.

The dinosaur remains found by human beings are restored after brain simulation, and they are not of such a huge size. How terrifying is the so-called Ultraman.

Different from what ordinary people think about, what the government thinks about is the loss caused by this battle.

There is not even a single bit of Japan's most complete naval base left. For humans, no matter whether it is a strange beast or a monster, it is an unknown existence.

When an unfamiliar presence strikes, the previous coping methods may not be effective, or even be able to cope.

Is the traditional army really so powerless against these monsters?

No matter what the black hand hiding behind the alien beasts and monsters was thinking, he had succeeded in causing a strong sense of uneasiness in the hearts of the top leaders of all countries.

In the past, the army built to fight for hegemony and to protect oneself was a source of security, and now this security is somewhat shattered.

This time there was a sea monster that could not be detected by radar. This monster was free to come and go in the sea, and could attack any coastal base at will. Fortunately, it was solved by the blue Ultraman.

What about next time?

What if there is another flying monster that cannot be detected by radar?

Can it, which has air supremacy, attack important cities all over the world at will, and do whatever it wants?

In the face of unknown enemies, are traditional human weapons still so reliable?

This sense of unease is brewing, not yet formed.

In addition to high-level government and ordinary people, there are people who think more deeply.

Sitting in the lounge, Kazama was thinking about Faust. It had been an hour since the end of the battle. After returning to the Tokyo branch, he had been thinking about this incident after confirming the situation of his comrades. .

Ocean monsters, alien beasts, metal giants, wouldn't all these be too coincidental?

Kazama believes that the unknown being that controls the alien beast has something to do with Zaki, or even Zaki.

But now there is a feeling of uncertainty, will Zaki really choose to cooperate with other beings?And how does it cooperate with other beings?

Is the newly emerged root-shattering recruiter related to Zaki?

Although it feels unrelated at first, this connection makes people feel compelled to connect the two parties together.

The first possibility is that Zaki and Root Destroyer are cooperative partners.

The second possibility is that the source of root destruction has already sent pioneers to sneak into the earth, so it is so aware of the situation on the earth that it can send soldiers to the earth at the right moment, just like this time.

Whether it is the former or the latter, their direct connection, whether unintentional or intentional, has caused a lot of trouble.

To break through the immediate predicament, the only way is to arrest Faust and ask him about it.

'The question is how to catch Faust? '

Kazama didn't think that after this battle, the dark giant would still swagger and show up in front of him to fight. After all, the result of the two fighting in the dark field was that he was better.

Even with his abilities weakened by about half, Faust is still not as good as him.

In this case, if Faust wants to attack again, he will definitely be fully prepared, so this side must also be fully prepared.

"Captain, captain?"


The sound of calling suddenly pulled Kazama out of his contemplation, and he turned to look at the person who called him.

"Finally moved, are you planning to turn yourself into the statue of the thinker?"

Aikawa complained, he asked the people of the second unit before, and they said, "Kazama made a gesture in the lounge and then didn't move."

Because he was too curious, Aikawa was really bored watching his captain at the door for 5 minutes.

'The Thinker' was literally motionless.

His words made Kazama stand up and move his arms, which didn't feel any special.

"I'm thinking about something I'm very concerned about. At this time, I think it's time for the conductor to... come."

Beretta's communication was connected, and there was a serious expression on the commander's face.

"Kazema, come to the underground scientific research floor immediately."


"What? What little secret?"

Aikawa confirmed his Beretta, but there was no communication notification.

"It won't be long before you know."

Kazama did not answer directly. After all, this time the matter is not suitable for immediate announcement, and it can even be said that it is not suitable for announcement to the public.

"I'm going to the scientific research level first."

He left a sentence and brushed past Aichuan, while Aichuan rubbed his chin for half a second.

In his opinion, his captain left a sentence that seemed to say something, but also seemed to say nothing. Generally, this kind of behavior is called...

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