"Riddler get out of the Night Raiders!"


Kazama's original calm expression disappeared, he smiled silently, then waved his hand, and left from the corner.

About 2 minutes later, he walked out of the elevator and entered the scientific research floor, and the world reflected on the big screen was filled with light.

The strange red soil under the feet is surrounded by mountains in the distance, and the sky is not blue, but golden. A large number of flowing light particles are like a golden ocean.

That is the meta field formed by Empat.

In this land, a large number of Phrogoros were pulled up and then burned by Empater Espesium Rays.

Immediately afterwards, the original space was revealed and turned into sheets of light particles. These light particles were eroded from bottom to top, turning into a purple-red space.

The original sea of ​​light also turned into a cloud of darkness, and what appeared in front of Empat was the dark giant Faust.

People who cut off communication for no reason and disappeared during combat are not eligible to stay in the team, but this is not disappearing for no reason.

The Bermuda armor clearly photographed the conflict between Empat and Faust, but it couldn't keep up with the two jumping up.

That speed was like supersonic fighter jets chasing each other, and the two disappeared from their original positions without a trace in less than a second.

Empat, who is on the human side, attacks Empat's Faust.

The public has just realized that the three Ultramans are human companions. What will happen if a dark Ultraman who wreaks havoc breaks out at this time?

"Could it be the existence in the same camp as Zakiki five years ago?"

The conductor speculated on the existence of Faust, and at this moment, Kazama stepped forward.


While calling, he stood at attention and saluted, attracting everyone's attention.

"Kazama, it's just in time. I want you to tell about what you saw and what happened after entering that subspace."

For the night raid team, but also for the GUARD, this information is very important.


Kazama nodded, his current identity is not Empat, but a member of the night raid team who was involved in the Meta field.

"I didn't feel anything special in that space. I thought it was harmless to the human body. Later, after another giant appeared, I saw the erosion of the space with my own eyes. I thought it was the erosion of the dark giant. The field constructed by Empat."

The people present listened carefully to what he said, among which Dr. Suwon was more focused.

"Because I adjusted the armor mode for the first time, the data inside the armor should have sampled the environment inside the space. In addition, if the dark giant has the ability to erode the field, then the next time he appears, he must will be fully prepared.”

There is not much information in Kazama's words.

"Since Empat will build a different space to reduce the damage of the battle to the surrounding area, can we conduct research on this area and break into the space to assist him when necessary?"

What he said made Dr. Suwon a little surprised.

'It's so kind. '

She thought about it for a while, and in the end she could only find out whether it was an accurate description or not.

For example, human beings keep cats and dogs, and while they love them, they also make their own decisions. If necessary, they don't say that they respect pets and don't perform castration.

The gap between giants and humans is far greater than the gap between humans and pets.

But the respect has never diminished, and now he's saying it...almost like 'please help me'

At this moment, Dr. Mizuhara's eyes on Kazama happened to collide with him.

It was also at this moment that Daniel put his arms around his shoulders, thinking about the feasibility of Kazama's words.

"It turns out that it is indeed a very necessary thing to break into the subspace to assist Empat in the battle."

"I think so too."

The commander nodded in agreement. Judging from the current situation, no matter which one of the three Ultramans is missing, it is not a good thing.

Now that Faust has shown hostility towards Empat, it cannot be taken lightly.

"And the dark giant may not just attack Empat."

Kazama's supplement made everyone realize that this time he attacked Empat, what about next time?

The dark giant didn't say loudly 'I'm only interested in Empat'

Besides, even if he claimed so, who would believe it?

The opponent may directly pull the other two giants into his field.

So no matter what, it is very necessary to study the subspace constructed by Empat and another subspace covered later.

"Captain Kazama was involved in that realm...well, it's not good to just call that realm."

Daniel frowned, and Kazama spoke directly:

"How about calling it the Meta Field?"

"Meta? Meta..."

That is a term that is difficult to explain, but it may be just right to use it in this situation. Both giants and this field are unknown and difficult to explain to humans.

"Well, let's call it the Meta Field."

Determined by Daniel.

"The first-hand information inside the Bermuda armor will become important information for us to study the field of the Meta."

Dr. Mizuhara described the situation at this time.

In the future, GUARD's research projects will increase again, but this is for human beings, and no one complains.

"Then I'll leave it to you here."

The conductor ended the discussion with a sentence, because there was nothing more to say.


Daniel lost his fatigue due to quick thinking, and he was about to read the data inside the Meta field with other researchers.

The research department immediately became busy, so the two who had made no achievements in the research institute walked into the elevator together.

The door closed, and the conductor reached out and clicked the button on the first floor.

"Go back, you can still show your face at this time to make your daughter feel at ease."

As he spoke, the time was 10:17 p.m., and the attack took place at nightfall.

"Thank you, Command."

Kazama accepted this kindness and walked out when the elevator reached the first floor.

The door opens and closes, and the conductor is now alone in the elevator.


Unknowingly, such a long time has passed.

From joining the team to the present, it is incredible that the man who was originally an ordinary person has completed so many tasks.

But for the conductor, this is not the point.

'It's changed. '

He still remembers the confrontation between the two sides when Kazama first joined the team, and what Kazama was like at that time.

Now Kazama's expression has become richer, perhaps what makes people change is the relationship between people.

The most important of these is probably the relationship between family members.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In the night, Fujimiya leaned against a tree trunk on one side, and the pain in his body was conveyed to his consciousness.

Taking damage and then seizing the opportunity to defeat the enemy is ultimately taking damage. After being shocked twice by Bokuragu and absorbing the light energy, he was extremely tired.


Fujimiya sat down feeling tired and fell asleep in the deserted forest.

Chapter 53 The Brewing of Uneasiness


"It hurts!"


This is the air base of XIG, the general base of several combat teams.

The person who cried out for pain was a new member of the team, or a technician, and his name was Gaoshan Gaimeng.

What made him cry was the Lightning team captain Kasumi Kasumi who patted him on the shoulder from behind and wanted to call him.

This is, Wei Wei subconsciously looked at the right hand he just slapped.

'It shouldn't be too hard. '

He is still clear about how much power he has, but the question is what is going on in the current situation?

I held my left shoulder and leaned against the wall in my dream. My whole body seemed to be twisted into a ball, and it seemed that I was about to slide along the wall and fall to the ground.


That painful face suddenly made Weiwei feel quite guilty.

"Shall I pull you up?"

He asked carefully, and then greeted me with a wave of rejection from Meng.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

I Meng was deeply impressed by the battle last night. In the second actual battle, he really experienced what a real battle is.

It was a matter of putting one's life on the chessboard as a bargaining chip, and the pain felt when being attacked was so real.

It was also because of this that he felt fearful. Without the two assistance from the members of the night raid team, he might really have lost.

How did the final winning blow come about?

Perhaps fear, anger, hysteria, anxiety, these chaotic emotions erupted in one breath to achieve results.

It's a pity that this is really not a good thing, so I couldn't rest well in my dream last night because of the nightmare, and now I feel uncomfortable pain all over my body, and it's still soft.

"Just a little tired."

He waved again, propping himself up against the wall.

Weiwei scratched his cheek, not knowing whether he should help him at this time or what.

"Your physique is too weak, it's better to exercise more in the future, otherwise you won't be able to stay in XIG."

'what?That's what you're talking about right now? '

I Meng complained in my heart about the other party's ignorance of the situation, but then, Weiwei said another sentence:

"Also, thanks to you being here yesterday, we were able to assist the blue Ultraman to defeat the monster..."

Having said that, Weiwei choked back the phrase 'Welcome to XIG' as if his mouth was burning. He took a deep breath and said again:

"That's it."

Leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

After a few seconds, I Meng stood up straight.

"That's how it is..."

He complained in a low voice with some helplessness, it was as if that person would kill him if he said a good word.


This is also recognized.

'I joined Alchemy Star to protect the future of mankind. '

It's the same now, I joined XIG to protect the future of mankind, and everyone is betting their lives to fight for the same thing.

'So I want to——————"

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