"Pain Pain..."

Sure enough, try harder next time.

I dragged my body to the command room, screaming in pain in a low voice, and at this moment, the news broadcast on the TV station was playing in the command room.

The three Ultramans appeared in Japan at the same time last night, so of course Japanese TV stations were the first to report on the news.

What was shown on the screen were some pictures of Ultraman fighting. The blue Ultraman was not photographed because he was near the military base, but the other two were different.

The silver Ultraman Empat raised his right palm high, and the light particles released flooded into the sky and scattered, slowly covering an area, and finally disappeared.

This is the scene when the Meta Domain was released.

The red Ultraman half-kneeled on the ground, crossed his raised arms, and released red light from his head, completely blasting the defending enemies to pieces.

This is the view when the photon blade is released.

The two Ultramans who appeared in the two cities have completed their mission, which is to protect human beings from the invaders.

"Excuse me, have you seen the sight of the giant appearing?"

"Well, I was transporting patients away from the hospital, when the monster wanted to attack us, and then the monster just rushed towards us, and I saw the silver fist fall, and that fist was much higher than me. "

The man with a mosaic on his face raised his hands high, as if to compare his height.

Next is the new one:

"Excuse me, have you seen the sight of the giant appearing?"

"Well, I was running away at the time, and it turned out that I couldn't run away like an earthquake. Before I could stand up, I fell to the ground again. I thought I was going to die, but when I turned around, I saw a The red light shattered the monster with the spear in its hand, and the red Ultraman did this."

The person with the mosaic on his face puts his hands straight and symmetrically on both sides of his thighs and keeps them a short distance apart.

"By the way, I still couldn't run away, because I was knocked over when a nearby building collapsed."

He added another sentence.

Today's reporter interviewed citizens of Yokohama and Yokosuka. There are quite a few people whose work was affected by the fighting, and they shared their thoughts.

"That's amazing, Ultraman."

"If Ultraman is here, you shouldn't have to worry about it, right?"

"Maybe it's a messenger sent by God?"

Sentence after sentence was uttered, because the people in the command room failed to notice that the door opened because they were so focused on watching.

"Always felt......"

Atsuko and Qiao Ji looked at each other, and of course they both had a certain affection for Ultraman.

"A little too fanatical?"

It's just that some people in the interview said something a bit exaggerated.

"It's not good to go on like this..."

Shi Shi frowned, his words were heard in full.

I Meng's originally happy expression froze, he stepped forward and said:

"Why? If people trust Ultraman, can't they try to avoid extra complications?"

One sentence attracted everyone's attention, but Shi Shi was not annoyed, he just shook his head.

"Trust is of course a good thing, and fanaticism is a bad thing. Too strong emotions are the easiest to be exploited, because it is in such a period full of anxiety that people will naturally look for pillars, but too ethereal pillars can only be said It's delusional."

As a Japanese, Ishimuro has an understanding of some so-called 'religions' in his country.

Not only Japan, but countries all over the world have more or less cults that must be combated.

These sects like to exploit the loopholes in people's hearts and turn people into lunatics.

"I know that Ultraman appeared to protect human beings, and they are trustworthy objects. The problem is that Ultraman is only protecting human beings. They will not find a bunch of gold and diamonds from where to distribute them to everyone, nor will they Instantly repair the damaged city, we humans are living in reality, not in fantasy.”

To trust Ultraman is to trust Ultraman, but to believe in Ultraman blindly is another matter.

"I'm worried that some people will take advantage of the people's emotions to do evil. Didn't the religions of the past also preach how beautiful the world after death is, so as to make the living suffer willingly?"

Shishi's worries were not unreasonable, and the language was simple and easy to understand.

My dream, who was a little swollen because of being recognized before, also understood the hidden dangers. During this period, people's hearts must be full of anxiety.

There will always be people who will take advantage of this opportunity to do evil things. Throughout the ages, are there still few people who make a fortune for the country?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'God or demon? '

'A savior coming? '

'What the hell is Ultraman? '

It is clearly in this era, and technology is so advanced that you can watch the news as long as you turn on your mobile phone. Why are paper newspapers still being published?Still enduring?

Who knows, maybe it's because of tradition.

Fukaba opened the newspaper, and the messy headlines on it were basically Ultraman.

Before the report stopped, I went to the table to have a look, good guy, the page is [-]% Altman on the front.

Blue, silver, red, the three Ultramans have been photographed, so they are all used as the cover.

Doesn't that count as infringement of portrait rights?

Come on, those reporters dare to follow the so-called celebrities and take pictures quietly. Does he care about your portrait rights or not?

Holding the newspaper she bought, Fukaha walked on the way back to the apartment.

As for what kind of existence Ultraman is, she thinks it may be a weird person who relishes "death from overwork". He seems to never feel tired, and he keeps doing the work of saving people, which is obviously not human.

"Ultraman is the messenger sent from heaven, the god who saves the world! He is the most solid fortress to protect us human beings!"

The young woman shouted there, her face was full of fanaticism, and what she said was no different from a fanatic.

"......real or fake?"

Shen Yu really never thought that one day she would encounter such a thing. She thought that the so-called "religion" was far away from her, but now it really appeared in front of her eyes.

But of course, no one would believe such empty words. She glanced around, and no one seemed to agree except the young woman.

After hearing her words, the passers-by just glanced at her a few times, and didn't have any special reactions.

People are running around for their own lives. The destruction in Tokyo is so serious. In order to maintain their own lives, people are looking for vacant positions everywhere to prevent those positions from being preempted by others.

"War! Environmental destruction! Genocide! Human history repeats stupid battles! Even after so many years, the spirit has not evolved, looks down on others, envies others, and the so-called root shattering invites the body to come to collect human beings. Demon of the soul!"

The woman was still saying such words. As a person who never believed in religion, Shen Yu shook her head. There was really no way to listen to it, because it was meaningless.

She took another step and walked towards the apartment with the newspaper in hand.

The damaged school has not been rebuilt yet, and there is still some time before the end of the holiday.

Yes, it's still a while before the holidays are over, but already there are those who wish the holidays were over.

In Yokohama City, Nanami lifted up her clothes and touched the bandage tied to her abdomen, and the pain began to reverberate again.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and she quickly put down her clothes.

"Please come in."

The door was opened, and the man walked in from there.

"how do you feel?"

Kazama is still holding the lunch box in his right hand, but there are new things in his left hand.

He put the nutritious lunch and fruit on the table, and pulled a chair to sit beside the hospital bed.

"Healing well, I can return to the team at any time."

Qihai immediately gave the answer. No matter how much she tried to save people in the attack last night, she was just a mortal body. If Empat hadn't appeared, her captain would have to wait to see her again at the funeral.

Facing the request, Kazama nodded.

"Well, let's recuperate for a while."


His words silenced Qi Hai for a moment.

"I went to the doctor to check your records before, and yesterday's mess caused the wound to open again. You don't want to go anywhere until your body recovers."

Kazama chuckled, he wasn't stupid enough to be fooled by such words.

"Every time I come here, I ask the doctor to confirm your condition."

The meaning hidden in this sentence is obvious-don't think about something, just rest.

At the same time, this sentence also made Qi Hai very helpless, she had a feeling of being "disciplined" after a long absence.

"Are you my father?"

As a man, do you worry about paying too much attention to things?

Speaking of which, if you think about it carefully, it's very good for you to bring lunch here every day...

'Are you my mother? '

Qihai added another sentence in her heart.

"It's not, but you should get used to it, right?"

Kazama opened the lunch box and handed it to the other party.

What he took out of his pocket was a cleaned pocket knife in a plastic container.

The knife in the right hand and the apple in the left hand are slowly peeling the unbreakable peel.

"Then you should also get used to my complaints, right?"

Qihai took a sip of the slightly sweet chicken soup, no matter how many times she would say, 'Eating is a common enjoyment for all human beings'

The sunlight outside the window penetrated into the ward, and the time passed by, and the two chatted about the night raid team.

Because Qihai doesn't have any personal matters to talk about.

The sun illuminates not just one spot, but the entire half of the earth.

When the sun shone on his face, Fujimiya, who had fallen asleep in the woods last night, also moved his eyelids.

He opened his eyes, and the shimmer of light leaking from the gaps in the leaves just shone on him.

"Is it noon..."

The pain felt by the homework has been relieved, and Fujimiya stood up while supporting the trunk behind him.

In his perception, there was no warning to the alien beast.

But he is very clear that the threat of alien beasts does exist.

"it's not finished yet."

Without any intention of asking for help or sharing, Fujimiya walked into the depths of the woods.

Chapter 54 The Days Without Alien Beasts


It was the sound of gunfire, and the continuous sound of gunfire echoed here.

At this time, Kazama was standing behind the people watching their actions. The members of the night raid team held portable Diwaite short guns in their hands, and the pull of the trigger was an order.

The front of this pistol-like weapon lit up with fire, and the target in the distance was directly shot through as soon as it bounced off.

Although the targets are humanoid, the targets of the night raid team are not human beings at all. Most of the alien beasts have a body size that surpasses that of human beings.

If it can hit a human-shaped target, then non-human alien beasts should also be able to hit it.

Gunshots rang out here one after another. Immediately afterwards, someone put the pistol on the table. They raised their right hands, and the Beretta used for communication aimed ahead. The light beam penetrated the new target one after another.

At this time, on the table in front of everyone were Diwait short guns and Diwait long guns.

The night raiders were indeed fully armed. Even if the ammunition of both armed forces was exhausted, there would still be Berettas to use.

Of course, what Beretta used was just light beams that didn't contain anti-alien beast factors, basically for pinning down and intimidating.

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