The daily training was coming to an end, and at this moment, a pistol appeared in front of Kazama's eyes.

"Aren't you going to try it out?"

He turned his head in the direction of the voice, and standing by his side was Tachibana who sent out the invitation.

"It's too strange to just look at it here every time, why don't you come and try it."

Faced with this invitation, Kazama shook his head.

"no need."

If he uses a gun in the training room, there will be a very strange picture, such as 'the fire does not feel the recoil'

It is also a bit troublesome to observe other people's actions and simulate them.

Tachibana, who was rejected, shrugged, put the pistol back into his pocket, opened the Beretta, and stared at the time on the screen.

"11:50, it's almost time for lunch, let's go together."


After Kazama agreed, he got up and the two left the training floor together.

The building hidden in the city probably won't be long before it will be sealed off.

after all......

"I don't know where we will withdraw to when the time comes."

Talking while walking, Tachibana's speech is in line with the status quo.

As mentioned before, the strengthening plan of the night raid team is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the fighter named Mingjin Chester is being developed accordingly.

At that time, it will be impossible for the subordinates to put the fighter jets on the roof or underground of this building.

The roof is too conspicuous, how can it take off underground?

So everyone basically decided in their hearts that the base of the night raid team would be evacuated in the future, and it might be moved outside the city.

No matter where he moved to, it would be troublesome for Kazama, because he still had a lot of people to take care of.

But wouldn't it be impossible to use teleportation to go back and forth at that time?

Then as soon as Chester was mentioned, the conversation was bound to turn in another direction:

"By the way, do you plan to participate in the flight training then?"

Tachibana asked curiously, but Kazama shook his head without any hesitation:

"Let's forget about our armored team. Are we going to fight on foot after halfway flying in the fighter plane and being shot down by monsters?"

If you drive a fighter plane, the Ultra armor will be in vain.

Besides, Mingjin Chester was developed only to enhance the combat power of the second team. Wouldn't the first team be driving the cart before the horse?

"At that time, I will ask you to provide assistance."

There were other meanings hidden in Kazama's words, but Tachibana didn't hear it, and he gave a thumbs up.

"no problem."

The firepower of the second team is really seriously insufficient, and Tachibana has long felt the urgency of this.

In the face of increasingly powerful enemies, it is necessary to update stronger weapons.

The history of modern weapon research and development is basically like this. After discovering that the enemy is very strong, we strive to develop stronger weapons in order not to lag behind the enemy.

It's just that now the threat from humans to humans has become a threat from extraterrestrial life forms to humans.

During the chat, the two gradually approached the cafeteria.

And at this time, there was a strange discussion in Kazama's ear, the key word in it was 'toilet'


Probably because he was caught as an active criminal before, he noticed the term immediately.

"Eh? Really or not, did it really come out of the women's toilet? It always feels weird."

Discussions came from the cafeteria, and because the words were too 'precise', Kazama had a weird feeling of being caught.

And his sense of weirdness is that there is no mistake at all, and he immediately continued:

"Captain Kazama actually ran into the women's restroom..."

This is not vague, it is completely precise positioning.


Kazama has also been discussed by various beings in the past, the problem is that there is no 'women's toilet' in those discussions

From 'Where did Ultraman get his power' to 'Altman broke into the women's bathroom'

Is this span a bit exaggerated?

'The day has finally come...'

Kazama was half helpless in his heart, and half understood.

If you want to be unaware, you have to do nothing. Since then, he has been habitually going to the women's toilet, and it is only natural that he will end up like this.

He was very conscious and walked into the cafeteria with Tachibana, whose hearing was so normal that he couldn't hear, and who was still smiling.

When the two appeared together, the original discussion was over.

Noticing Kazama's appearance, the female team members in charge of medical treatment, logistics, and communication quickly interrupted the discussion.

Kazama didn't intend to do anything, after all, he did run into the women's toilet, and if he was poked in the spine, he would be poked in the spine.

'Of course it's better to be merciful...'

Being called a hooligan is too...

This is the first time in my life that I have suffered such a strange mental injury.

"Hmm... today's lunch is a bit rich, Kazama, do you want chicken drumsticks? How about not giving it to me?"

Tachibana, completely unaware of Kazama's entanglement, looked at the lunch happily.

"Wait, I can't pretend that I didn't hear this sentence. If you want to give it, you should give it to me."

Aikawa, who had just entered the cafeteria, stepped forward immediately.

"Go, go, the captain should take care of the players, not another captain."

There is a big problem in the discussion between the two, that is...

'Did you ignore my thoughts for granted? '

When Tachibana and Aikawa were arguing, Kazama walked around from the other side and prepared to serve dinner.

Before long, the entire cafeteria was filled with members of the night raid team.

Of course, the energy consumed by physical training must be replenished from food.

"By the way, have you heard? Apart from Daniel's technical consultant, it seems that there are people coming from the United States."

"Really? This is already the second place, what are you here for? Teach us how to open Ming Jinchete? Then I welcome it."

The team members sat and chatted about what they knew.

"Speaking of a strange thing I suddenly discovered."


"It seems that all the large monsters that have appeared recently are in Japan. What's the situation?"

"Ah, if you put it that way... it won't suddenly sink someday, right?"

They were talking ramblingly, but Kazama's expression became more and more weird at this moment, Aikawa raised his eyebrows after noticing this, he has witnessed the entire process of his captain's face-changing from just now to now.

"Captain, do you have a bad stomach?"

"That's not the case..."

Called back by a sentence, Kazama poked the white rice with the chopsticks in his hand. He just heard the strange speech after he was prepared to be criticized.

For example:

"Don't you think this kind of abrupt stupidity has a kind of cute feeling?"

"I understand, I understand, this is the so-called cute contrast, right?"

"Is there really a contrast between entering the wrong toilet in this world..."

Only one of the three lines of dialogue is relatively normal, and what makes Kazama feel weird is that he really didn't get any criticism.

The female team members seemed to regard his incident of entering the wrong toilet as an interesting topic of conversation, and had no intention of criticizing him at all.

What's happening here?

What about those weird speeches?

Kazama was a little puzzled by this, and the reason was very simple, it was the reputation that he had accumulated naturally on weekdays.

As a reliable person, he has neither done anything to avoid training, nor has he ever talked to the female players.

It's just a mistake for a serious person to go to the wrong bathroom. If Aikawa walked into the women's bathroom... things would probably get messy.

Regardless, Kazama was still relieved.

Whether it's breaking into the women's bathroom or going into the women's bathroom by mistake, it's all bad, and it's getting bad.

The relieved Kazama picked up the chopsticks, even if he didn't need food, he still had the need on the tip of his tongue. In a word, having no stomach didn't prevent him from wanting to eat something.

Today's night raid team was very calm, and the normal operation did not respond to the alien beast radar.

The deployment of the entire country is progressing steadily. At present, two-thirds of Japan has been included in the alert range of this radar, and can respond to the actions of alien beasts at any time.

However, there was no one in the scientific research layer of the Tokyo branch, and the research on the Meita field made the researchers forget the time, turning day and night upside down.

In the office, the commander is in conversation with another branch.

" it?"

"Yes, no matter what kind of existence Fujimiya Hiroya is, he has great value. Whether it is the accident at the beginning or the current situation, we have many things to ask."

The two communicated in fluent English, and the conductor had no objection to this, so they reached an agreement after about half a minute and cut off the communication.

'Support... Am I thinking too much? '

The conductor was thinking in his heart, he had doubts about the 'humanoid beast' before.

Now the United States is going to send support?Sent to this Japan where the anti-exotic beast radar was installed?

In other words, there is a high probability that the wearer of the Ultra armor is not a strange beast.

So is it possible to get a little bit out of the opponent's mouth?

Once you think about it, time flies by quickly.

It was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon when the conductor realized that he hadn't eaten lunch and was very hungry.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Chickens can talk to ducks, and cows can play the piano, but they can't explain clearly.

All of this was due to language barriers and estrangement, and this was what Xi Li saw in her eyes when she was going home after shopping in the mall with her friends.

The blond woman who looked much older than her spoke a lot of English.

'At least I know it's English...'

Xi Li complained about this in her heart, and at the same time complained about the education in the school.

'So what the hell was I learning in school? '

The textbook does say 'Foreign Language'

The problem is that once the English is read by an authentic foreigner, it becomes a bible, which is completely different from the English read by the teacher in class.

Now, the woman seemed to be pointing at something with her mobile phone in her hand, while the patrolman she asked for directions was sweating profusely and was in a hurry.


Xi Li hesitated for a while, and finally chose to go up.

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