
A mere 'Hello' can still be pronounced relatively standard.

It was only then that Xi Li noticed that the woman was wearing sunglasses, and she looked happy, she took off the sunglasses, and there were green eyes underneath.

A series of words were uttered, and a brief summary is 'crackling, crackling'

She raised the mobile phone that she had taken out in advance with her left hand, and wrote a string of English on it with her fingers.

Although I can't read it, I can at least write it.

And the woman who understood what she wanted to say also picked up the phone and quickly wrote text on it.

"Hello, I want to find a place. How can I get here? I can't read the street signs at all."

This is the most urgent task for women, and Xi Li can't help but feel speechless about it:

"I'm too confident to travel alone in Japan without knowing anything..."

Of course, she would not say these words, she just stared at the electronic map, and soon, Xi Li took the other party's mobile phone after getting permission.

A brief operation switches the map to Japanese display.

"Then just hail a taxi and show the driver."


The foreign woman who retrieved her mobile phone nodded happily. She did not use words this time, but directly said words of thanks:

"Thank you very much."

Xili could still understand such a simple phrase, and she also replied:

"you are welcome."

So, after doing a good deed every day, the two parted.

Foreign women think in their hearts:

'The accent is a bit weird, but I can still understand it. '

And Xili left when the patrolman thanked her, and was ready to go home after ending this episode.

Chapter 55 New Mission

World peace...if only such a good thing could exist.

Where did the alien animal factor spread from and where did it start to reproduce?

Are they consciously selecting different targets for infection, or is it just what they catch?

In any case, the alien beast formed after the combination is a very dangerous existence for human beings.

Fortunately, the radar against the alien beasts is still functioning, and when the alien beasts act, the outgoing fluctuations are captured.

Locate, call the camera to find.

In the alley at night, the man who vomited after being drunk lost his balance and fell down. He passed out while landing on his face. Perhaps this shock was the last straw that overwhelmed his consciousness.

It's just that it wasn't his own mistake that caused him to fall, but the gray monster with a stooped body, which pulled the man and wanted to continue to move in the dark.

It's a pity that everything has been known, and the emergency night attack team is taking out weapons in Curry.

"Isn't that alien beast already defeated by Ultraman... No, I didn't say that."

Ai Chuan, who was putting on the armor, closed his mouth again halfway through the speech, and it wasn't the first or second time that the defeated alien beast would come out again.

Some of them even suddenly increased in size more than ten times after reemerging.

For example, the three-headed dog Garubelos, and the liquid alien beast Pedron.

"It should be the fragments at that time."

On the other side, Kazama, who had finished dressing, spoke out his speculation.

When the root shattered monsters attacked the earth for the first time, Galubellos and Lizariasu attacked together.

When Gaia appeared for the first time, he injured Liza Liasu with the cutting light thrown out. I am afraid that the damage caused was not enough at that time, so that many fragments full of alien beast factors were scattered.

Both Yokohama City and Yokosuka City belong to the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the previous attacks made a lot of noise. Those fragments probably took advantage of these fears to regain their shape.


Accompanied by Kazama's words, the two walked into the elevator together and rose.

The scene seen in the helmet was captured by the camera. Lizali Asu just took away the unconscious man. Why?

"Sometimes I really don't know whether the intelligent evolution of alien beasts is a good thing or a bad thing."

Aikawa recalled the alien beasts back then, the first thing those monsters did when they saw humans was to eat, they didn't care what you were thinking, they just rushed to eat anyway.

At that time, there were really many people who could not be saved in time.

This is not the case with the current alien beasts. For example, this time, the reason why Liza Liasu took the man away is that the man does not have any 'fear'

He fell directly and passed out, not even knowing what happened.

Lizali Asu probably took him away to make the man fearful, which also gave the night raid team a chance to save him.

Faced with Aikawa's exclamation, Kazama had different thoughts in his heart:

'Aren't all the alien beasts controlled?Or was that meant to lead us there on purpose? '

If the mastermind behind the scenes really has the ability to manipulate the alien beasts, then this time it is likely to be a trap.

If not, then the intelligence gradually evolved by alien beasts is really disturbing. Are those things planning to 'captive' human beings?

"Then I'll go first."

Kazama, who consciously took on the task of attacking first, floated up as soon as he reached the ground, and his gray-black armor melted into the night and disappeared.

Aikawa glanced at the figure from behind, and opened the passenger door of the vehicle.

"It's amazing to be able to fly."

"Who told you that you are not adaptable?"

Ju, who was sitting in the driver's seat, complained and stepped on the accelerator, the engine roared, and rushed out at high speed.

Where did Lizali Aso disappear to?

The link between the armor and the base is always present, and the information on the radar is directly navigated by the armor's AI.

Kazama looked down, the city became less lively near the end of the night, and there were few people under the street lights. His speed was not slow, and he could reach the scene quickly by simply walking in a straight line in the air.

After falling down, after confirming that the communication was normal, Kazama couldn't hold back the words:

"Just install cameras in all underground systems in Tokyo. I think this is a very real plan."

He reached out and pulled the manhole cover off.

In addition to the radars all over the city, the Ultra armor itself is also part of the radar system.

Kazama learned the specific location of the enemy through this, and it can only be said that it is not surprising that it is underground.

Hearing his words, the commander in the command room raised his eyebrows.

"I will try to raise my opinion to the higher authorities, provided that you can guarantee that the underground will not be demolished."

The battle damage of the night attack team has always been not small. After all, they have to deal with such monsters, and how can they fight well if they care about the damage around them.


"The subway line that was dismantled when you supported the Yokohama branch last time has not been opened yet."

From the underground waterway all the way to the subway line, it is easy to dismantle, but difficult to repair.

According to past experience, even if the monitoring system is really filled in the underground waterway, those things will probably be dismantled in a short time.

And...isn't it a little inhumane to have someone staring at the sewers 24 hours a day?

At this time, Kazama, who had already entered the underground waterway system, had long been used to it, and running into the underground waterway was also part of the work of the night raid team.

"I'll try not to tear it down."

He didn't touch the ground, so he didn't make a sound, but drifted quietly and quickly in that direction.

At this moment, a little dark purple emerged.


Kazama quickly deflected his body to the right, and the beam of light wrapped around Ziyan shot out from his original position.

This attack did not hold anything back. When it swept across, the wall was pierced instantly.

And Feng Jian, who lowered his body, rushed forward quickly, and his whole body was almost close to the ground, so the waste water floated towards the surroundings.

The beam of purple flames that had been directing and sweeping before hadn't stopped, and it attacked the wind again.

In the next moment, the purple streak continuously destroyed the entire underground waterway system. The walls, ceiling, water flow, and everything it touched disappeared.

The evaporated waste water turned into water vapor, and the powerful light beam caused a lot of damage, but failed to hit the target.

No matter what time, no matter what angle, the light beam keeps a distance of several centimeters from Feng Jian, and the trajectory of his flight forms a spiral, narrowing the distance between the two sides.

'Sure enough, it's a trap. '

The moment he saw the enemy's posture, Kazama understood this.

Lizali Aso, only the color of the body can still tell the original appearance.

It has more sharp horns on its head, more bull horns on both sides of its neck, and its original eyes have become six eyes.

Unlike Rizari Aso, that is an evolved posture, and its name is Rizari Aso Gurola.

The vibration wave of the alien beast captured before disappeared, leaving only a stronger vibration wave.

Perhaps because of the shortened distance, Lizari Asogurolla closed her mouth and stopped breathing.

It raised its tail high, and its huge body moved a step sideways.


The punch that Kazama was about to throw was interrupted, and he flipped over the enemy and landed, with his hands on the ground to support his body.

And Lizali Asogurolla's huge tail raised high and violently pulled down, and the collision of hard objects exploded sparks, making noise.


Is it the stench of the sewers?Or sleep uncomfortable because of the wet floor?Or is it annoying because of the noise?

The drunk who was taken away earlier scratched his cheek and wanted to turn over.

On his body, Kazama, who was half kneeling on the ground, grabbed his collar with his left hand, and stretched out his right hand along with the twisting upper body.

In the dark waterway, the blue light is opposite to the purple light.

The breath of Lizari Aso Gurolla collided with the light beam released by the wind, and the overflowing energy penetrated the surrounding walls and ceiling.

"Aikawa, Tachibana, I need support."

The battle that erupted underground affected the ground, and the shaking felt at this moment was only a slight earthquake, which could not affect the sleeping people, but the subsequent vibration was enough to wake people up.

A new flame lit up in front of Kazama's eyes, and Rizari Asogurolla's chest was wriggling and cracked, and there was a red tongue between the sharp teeth.

The structure that is completely different from normal creatures is consistent with the name of 'extraordinary beast', and the purple flame bombs are shot out.

The next moment, the water glass on the table in the resident's home fell and fell while rolling.


The shattering sound of falling glass cannot be heard in the ears of the person awakened from the dream, because there is a louder sound.

Purple light gushes from the sunken ground, and the overflowing flames are strangely colored.

Shocks, loud bangs, and then people in flames rising and falling.

Kazama's feet touched the ground and slid for a certain distance. He threw the man in his arms towards the distance, and blue light particles and hot air sprayed out from the gaps in the armor.

In an instant, the sense of danger came again.

He dodged to the side and saw a beam of light that pierced the ground and shot towards the sky.

This is just the beginning, the angle of the second beam is completely different, and it is accurately calculated at the position he is about to arrive at.

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