Rizari Asogurolla, who had just raised his body from the ground, flashed in front of his eyes, one shot, ten shots, one hundred shots.

Its flesh and blood and alien beast factors are constantly being stripped and destroyed. The supporting right arm is designed to face forward, the left arm is raised, and a long sword pops out from the unfolded wrist. The attached blue is Spicyum The radiance of energy.

Sweep, behead.

In the end, even the head was smashed and destroyed, and there was nothing left.


The square, which was still echoing with gunshots and roars before, became quiet. Everyone in the night raid team looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, the supporters who had completed killing the enemy walked towards the night attack team openly.

Looking at it from a distance and looking at it up close are completely different feelings. Only then did everyone realize that they had to look up at each other.

That Ultra armor is genuine, and the height of more than two meters is also genuine.

The thick and bulky size may be the reason why the opponent can compete head-on with the alien beast.

The head armor was opened and stored backwards inside the armor, exposing the exotic blond hair and face to everyone.

"Hello, I'm Olivia Wood, who belongs to the American Night Raiders. I originally planned to be assigned to the Tokyo Night Raiders branch on the [-]th of this month."

'Uh, so what the hell is she talking about? '

Aikawa had no idea what the other party was talking about, he only understood the phrase 'Night Attack Team'

'English?Heaven! '

Not to defend himself, but Aikawa feels that there are very few people in Japan who can speak English well.

It was also at this time that the standard non-accented English was spoken in a quiet tone:

"Thank you for your support. I am Kazuma Kazama, captain of the first team of the Tokyo Night Raiders Branch. This is our team member. If you don't mind, I hope you can come back to the base with us to verify your identity."

"No problem at all."

The woman who called herself Olivia smiled heartily. She felt that it was great that someone could understand her and communicate with her.

"Where did you learn English? It's ten times better than the Japanese I've seen these days...Sorry, I didn't mean to offend."


Kazama didn't know how to answer. Could it be that he learned it by putting a certain learning device on his head?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"So is this the Bermuda armor mentioned? I saw it from a distance just now, but I didn't expect it to be able to fly."

One big and one small, although it's weird to say that, there is indeed a wonderful sense of gap between Kazama and Olivia right now.

As a man, he is only 187 centimeters tall after dressing, but the woman in front of him now has a height of at least 220 centimeters.

"Kazama Kazama, your adaptability is incredible."

Olivia stretched out her hand to touch the energy core on the chest of the Bermuda armor, and she chuckled at this moment:

"I really want to grab this armor of yours."

The tone was teasing, but Kazama's intuition told him that the girl in front of him was serious.

"for what?"

Kazama didn't feel angry, but asked questions out of curiosity.


Olivia was a little surprised at this moment. She didn't know if the other party didn't hear it or simply thought she was joking.

In any case, the reaction was somewhat surprising.

But in fact, there is no need for her to hide her purpose. She came to Japan with a mission, so just say it straight:

"In order to complete my mission, you should have carried out a capture mission recently, but let him escape."

Capture task, failed.

Considering this condition, Kazama can only afford one task, and that task is——

"Fujimiya Hiroya, I came to Japan from the United States to capture him."

Olivia was smiling, but there was no smile in her eyes.

'Personal grievances? '

Kazama noticed this and speculated in his heart.

"But if you want to capture Fujimiya..."

"We should not have the conditions to find him, and the radar system that was given to us before is no longer working, and we don't even know if he is still in Japan."

Kazama didn't want to capture Fujimiya, and that was a matter of course.

But Olivia didn't know this, she just corrected Kazama's words:

"There is no need to worry about this, because I brought the latest radar system, so I can be sure that Hiroshi Fujimiya must also be in Japan."

It was an absolutely accurate radar, and Olivia was sure of this. She stretched out her right hand, as if intending to shake hands.

"There is probably no way to catch Fujimiya Hiroshi with my own strength, so I hope Captain Kazama can help me together. Even in the United States, I can hear your famous name, the first generation of Ultra Armor He is the founder of the study of alien beasts."

Is this sentence sincere, or flattering?

Or maybe both?

At least Kazama could feel the girl in front of him expecting him, so he reached out and shook hands with her.

At the same time, the eyes kept moving between the two.

'Worse than crooked. '

Aikawa looked at Kazama and thought.

'Bobby Bobby. '

Aikawa looked at Olivia and thought.

What are they talking about?

They are getting better too fast, right?

Touch your breasts before shaking hands, my captain, you are really a superman in picking up girls!

So if you learn English well, can you try to fall in love with foreign women?

Aikawa's thoughts were running wild.

Chapter 57

The newly joined foreign women are the dazzling scenery of the night raid team... Well, the reason why it is a scenery is because it can only be seen.

First of all, the language barrier is the biggest problem, and secondly, the other party seems to have no interest in things other than the task.

Of course, the lack of interest in things other than missions was personally certified by Captain Kazama. As for the team members... sorry, I am really not familiar with English.

After the mission last night, Olivia, who returned to the base with the team, was currently inside the research room, while the other team members were watching the news on the wall-mounted TV.

Above is the spokesperson for the press conference. To put it bluntly, in yesterday's battle, the night raid team squandered millions of yen through battle damage.

A square, half a street, a long section of underground waterway.

The destructive power of the alien beasts is getting stronger and stronger, which really makes people feel strongly disturbed.

'Not right. '

Kazama, who was also sitting in the living room, folded his hands on his shoulders. Usually ahead, his mind had already drifted into the ocean of thinking.

The purpose of Olivia who came to Japan from the United States was to capture Fujimiya, and in order to capture Fujimiya, she brought the latest 'radar system'

That's what it said from the other party's mouth.

The other party also said that the radar system is stored in the Ultra-J armor developed by the United States, and this is the key to the problem.

Today's Kazama has nothing to do with hacking the database, so he used light particles to hack into the opponent's armor at the moment of shaking hands.

In that suit of armor, he couldn't find anything related to the radar system at all.

What exactly is going on?

Is it because Olivia kept a hand and didn't say where the radar system is really stored?

"Um, uh, uh, cough, cough, cough, ha, ha, ha, ha, hello, hello."

"It's Hello, you..."

At this time, a strange conversation came to Kazama who just stopped thinking. He turned his head and saw Aikawa with a mobile phone in his hand and Tachibana with a helpless face.


"It's Hello, you'd better give up, how can a word of Hello be enough to complete the communication, what do you think you are? Pikachu?"

Tachibana complained about Aikawa's impracticality, and he was not a Pokemon, so he could fully understand what each other was talking about with just the same cry.

Ai Chuan, who was complained about, turned off his phone, leaned on the seat, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The fight was so lively last night, today it is just as busy.

"Speaking of dismantling a little bit at a time, will Tokyo be demolished one day?"

Aikawa said terrifying words, and Kazama directly intervened in the conversation:

“We have to work harder so that it doesn’t become like that.”

"Just kidding, kidding, captain, are you too serious?"

Aikawa waved his hand and skipped this topic, and the night raid team who had completed the task and rested to a certain extent was very calm.

But at this moment, the next mission is already on the way.

The commander in the office stared at the foreign woman in front of him, a supporter who arrived in Japan from the United States.

In his heart, he was suspicious not because of the other party's nationality, but because of the other party's actions.

"In other words, we are going to act under your instructions?"

There was no special emotion in the conductor's words, and Olivia didn't hear it either.

But she explained in order not to affect the relationship between the two parties:

"I am not involved in the formulation of the battle plan. I just provide the position of Hiroya Fujimiya. It is up to you to decide how to fight. I am also a combat force. I can attack at any time and absolutely obey the arrangement."

Olivia's words put herself in a very low position, and the conductor stood up after glancing at the information on the computer screen.

"I see, then you are welcome to temporarily join the branch of the Tokyo Night Raiders. Please find out where Fujimiya Hiroya is as soon as possible, so that we can act as soon as possible."

The conductor stretched out his hand, and Olivia also smiled.

The two shook hands again and reached a consensus.

"I understand, I will act immediately."

Half a minute later, there was only one conductor left in the office, and the footsteps outside the door gradually went away.

The information on the computer screen is a short summary of the service and the adaptation information of the members.

Olivia Wood, who joined the army a year ago, passed the test with high adaptability, directly joined the armored team, completed all the training in half a year, and left a lot in actual combat for the remaining half a year. record.

Well, adaptability.

The conductor called up another document again, which was the result of Qihai's adaptability investigation.

The adaptability of both sides is much higher than that of ordinary people, and it is because of this that armor other than Type [-] can be used.

What is the United States trying to do by throwing such a person over?

And the 'investigate' action...

The inexplicable approach of not sharing the radar but keeping it secret makes people wonder whether they really want to cooperate.

But in any case, the conductor knows that both sides have the same purpose.

What the hell is Fujimiya Hiroya?

Alien beast?


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