Or is it another existence simply wearing that skin and using that face?

These answers are obtained through capture.

The thoughts of the conductor are not known to others, and Olivia's thoughts are completely unknown to others.

Now she is walking down the corridor, leading to the rest hall.

The moment he walked in, his eyes quickly locked on the man who didn't seem to relax at all during the rest time.

Olivia kept a friendly smile and walked towards the man quickly.

"Hello, Captain Kazama."

'Oh, here we go again. '

If it wasn't for the image that Aichuan even wanted to slap himself on the face, would he be talking about heavenly scriptures again?

Hearing the call, Kazama stood up and gave a polite response:

"Hello, Olivia."

Then he immediately lowered his head, because it was a hand, not pure white, but a healthy wheat color due to the sunlight.

"Your answer is like those nerds in school, what? Is it because the English you learned is polite and civilized? Come on, come and go out with me to investigate."

Olivia tugged at Kazama's wrist, but faced with this overly intimate action, Kazama only had doubts in his heart. Is this the relationship between the two who just met yesterday?


"Okay, but I'll make a report first, do you mind letting me go?"

What Kazama said is in line with Olivia's 'serious response like a bookworm'


Olivia let go, and after the two separated, Kazama opened Beretta, which was pinned to his right wrist, and walked a few steps away to call for command.

"what happened?"


This distance is well grasped, neither too far nor too close, and more importantly, if you don't get close, you can't hear clearly.

'It's more troublesome than I thought...but it's a good thing? '

Olivia was smiling, thinking in her heart, evaluating the man in sight.

She was a little uncertain whether the other party really didn't have any feelings for her or was playing hard to get. If it was the latter, then she would have the confidence to expose that face. If it was the former, that would be another good thing.


Kazama, who had closed Beretta, stepped forward.

"lets go."

Olivia said with a smile.

The two walked out of the hall together, and at this moment, the camera of the mobile phone aimed at the two of them, Aikawa pressed the shooting button, and the photo was stored in the camera.

"what are you doing?"

"I think it will turn into an interesting situation when Nanami shows her this photo when she comes back."


Tachibana looked at Aikawa who was smiling happily there, speechless.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Uh, I can't, I can't."

In the air-conditioned underground street, Dongyang, who was tired from walking, hunched forward and quickly threw himself on the bench, not caring about his image.

She turned around to support the seat with her left hand, and fanned herself with her right hand.

"So didn't I just say you didn't exercise enough?"

"That's the result of being lazy in gym class."

Xili and Chunhe each said sarcastic remarks, and Dongyang made a grimace in response.

"Don't blame me!"

She caressed her chest with her left hand, touching her own softness, this is the key.

"Didn't you ever think that when you are exercising, there will be a bunch of sights floating from nowhere? Some people will hide for a while, and some people don't even hide. Look here, look here."

Dongyang touched her chest first, then her thigh.

"The sight is disgusting, I just want to find a place to hide."

This complaint may be shared by female students all over Japan. There are always boys who will glance up and down there, and some will be full of gibberish, as if they are so attractive.

Do you know what politeness and a gentleman are?

At this time, Xili and Chunhe looked at each other, they could understand this feeling, but...

"Even if we switch to exercise and sit, you still won't move."

Chunhe pointed out the loopholes in Dongyang's discourse. There were only two people bouncing each other on a volleyball in the physical education class.

"Because I hate sports."

Dongyang replied very honestly.

'After all, this is still the case...'

Xi Li complained in her heart.

"And then I really want to complain about the boys' gaze."

Dongyang rubbed his arms with both hands, with an unbearable expression on his face.

But no matter what, let's take a rest, Xi Li pointed to the shop not far away with her right hand:

"Last time it was Chunhe, this time I'll treat you instead. It happens that there are drinks over there. What do you want to drink?"

"I want milk tea."

Haruhe immediately replied.

"Give me some healthy juice."

Dongyang also gave an answer.

'No, no, no, how can the prepared drink be healthy...'

Xi Li moved her lips and swallowed her complaints. The moment she turned around and was about to walk to the shop over there, an impressive figure appeared in her sight.

With short blond hair and simple short-sleeved jeans, that exotic woman was standing at the door of the store.

'Does the clerk speak English? '

Xi Li carefully observed the other party's expression, judging by the smile, it didn't look like there was a language barrier.

Soon, a new person appeared in sight, and it was impossible for that person to be mistaken.


The man who came out of the shop held a cup in each hand, and he handed the right hand to the woman. The two undoubtedly knew each other.

It is precisely because we know each other that there is a sense of impact.

"what happened to you?"

At this time, Xi Li, who seemed to have been hammered in the head and became dizzy, came back to her senses when her friend called her.

The curious Chunhe also looked in the direction of his gaze. It was a man and a woman who were talking about something. Just from their appearance, they could tell that they were not of the same race, and it was not surprising for them to be lovers of foreign countries.

The only problem is that the man's surname is: Kazama, he is a father.


Chun He glanced at Xi Li's expression again, revealing a feeling of bewilderment.

Because the two of them stood there motionless, Dongyang stood up and walked to them with some dissatisfaction.

"What about the promised drink?"

She looked along the line of sight, and what she saw was an impressive person.

Why is it impressive?Because the appearance does not look like a father, but like a brother.

Who is next to him?

"Eh? Could it be extramarital... Ah, sorry."

Dong Yang, whose mouth was so fast that he couldn't brake, quickly shut up and apologized. It would be a bit strange to throw this kind of bridge that is often seen in TV dramas and movies into reality...

The noun she couldn't finish was 'extramarital affairs'

The moment she heard this noun, Xi Li hurriedly stepped forward, chasing after the two people who were out of sight.

"So what should we do?"

"You tell me this, I don't understand..."

Dongyang and Chunhe, who followed together, whispered privately, and the three who were just out for shopping followed behind the two in front.

Xi Li stared at that figure, the man and the woman seemed to be talking about something, and the woman smiled happily.

'Isn't it an appointment that I will never remarry? '

What she thinks in her heart is the previous agreement. At that time, her father once promised her one thing, and that thing was 'never remarry'

But what's going on now?

He even said that he would go to work in the morning and hang out with a woman here in the morning, who the hell is that woman!

The foreign women in Xili's eyes don't have that sense of alienation, the distance between her and the wind is not the kind of strangeness that people who have little acquaintances have.

Smiling so much, not even ten centimeters away, what's going on?

When did you suddenly have a new love?

Is this kind of thing allowed? !

The next moment, the blond woman stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hold Kazama's wrist.

"Ah... this is bad."

Dongyang opened his mouth cautiously.

"I don't even have to think about it to see that this is really, really bad."

Chunhe felt that it was not wrong for them to be involved in this matter, nor is it wrong to leave now, it is really terrible.

Chapter 58 The Girl Full of Mysteries

Scouting missions...but nothing like scouting at all.

At least Kazama thinks that this is not investigation. To beautify it is called search, to put it bluntly it is called loitering, and to criticize it is dereliction of duty.

"what is that?"

Olivia pointed to the signboard in the distance, and there was a step below the signboard, from which she could walk down.

"Underground shopping street."

"I think so too. With so many people going in and out, it can't be the underground parking lot. How about going there to have a look?"

Hearing what the other party said, Kazama's originally calm expression also showed a bit of weirdness.

What kind of person a person is can only be seen through getting along with them and observing them. The so-called one-eye-seeing people probably have superpowers with mind reading skills. Ability.

Like now, he doesn't know what Olivia is trying to do.

You said investigation... there is no such investigation.

Or is this just a 23-year-old girl who is in a foreign country for the first time and wants to hang out?

Kazama thought for half a second and couldn't get any answer at all, but it's coming, so he can't just turn around and leave.

No matter what kind of person Olivia is, she never showed any hostility or malice towards him. Kazama is not that kind of self-centered person.

"If you want to go..."

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