So he nodded, and the next moment, the other party's actions caught his attention.

Pretending not to know, Kazama walked quickly as if to lead the way.

"bring it on."


Olivia narrowed her eyes slightly, and the hand she was about to reach out just now was avoided.

From leaving the base to now, she has been avoided several times by the other party who pretended to be intimate, so is the other party intentional or unintentional?

'interesting. '

While thinking, Olivia followed Kazama leading the way.

"Aren't Japanese arcade machines very famous? Is there an arcade machine down here? Is there a claw machine? I heard that it can't be caught once ten times, is it true?"

In Kazama's ears, there are curious baby-like questions, if it comes to claw machines...

"The arcade machine is in a special store. As for the claw machine, it's just like what you've heard in the rumors."

He has a lot of experience in this, and he tried it when he took Xili shopping.

"The weight of the prize has been adjusted in detail, and the strength of the claws is not as strong as you imagined. It is not uncommon to catch half of it and fall, and it is often difficult to grab it after falling."

For example, a box is originally vertical, but when it falls, it becomes horizontal, so the size that can be grasped becomes impossible to grasp, that's the same thing.

"Everyone knows it's hard to catch, but they still itch to try it. This is the wisher's bait."

The flat ground under his feet turned into stairs, and Kazama explained while leading the way.

Olivia took two quick steps forward, and the two changed from one in front of the other to walking side by side.

"Then you want to grab one and give it to me?"

She asked with a smile, with a smile in her blue eyes, but Kazama didn't have any special feelings about it at all.

"No, I don't really want to try a second time."

At this time, the two also walked to the interior of the commercial street.

Unlike the outside, the cool air blown by the air conditioner takes away the summer heat, and the shops lined up on both sides are also different.

Clothing store, accessory store, snack bar, beverage store.


Olivia stared at the child passing by, the child was holding his father's large right hand with his small left hand, and was eating a piece of cake with his other small hand.

The undisguised gaze will naturally be noticed, and Kazama proposed:

"Do you want to eat too?"

This sentence drew Olivia's attention back, and she shook her head.

"No...if it's a drink, I'd welcome it."

The silence in the words may be a pause to hide what he really wanted to say, Kazama nodded, and he looked forward:

"There's a drink shop over there. What do you want to drink? Green tea, black tea, milk tea, or juice cola?"

"Of course I drink Coke in summer."

"it is good."

The two walked towards the drink shop in front of them together. For Olivia who couldn't speak Japanese, Kazama entered the shop first and queued up.

And Olivia, who was standing outside the store, looked at the surrounding scenery with great interest. Perhaps the common fun in the world is shopping.

Although that person doesn't seem to enjoy shopping very much, so not everyone likes shopping with girls, right?

It's a bit arrogant to say so, but Olivia feels that the men she was willing to go shopping with in college can still gather a lot of people.

I didn't expect to meet a person who doesn't take hard and soft in this small country. It's a good thing.

That's good, some things have gradually become clear.

At this time, Kazama came out of the store with two drinks in his hand, and handed one of them to Olivia who was waiting.

Olivia, who took the Coke, smiled and said:

"You must be wondering why I dragged you around?"

She directly said what Kazama was concerned about at this time.

"So you have self-consciousness..."

Kazama complained in his heart, and the slightly fluctuating expression did not escape the other party's expression, so Olivia continued bluntly:

"I have to reiterate that this is not just wandering, but reconnaissance. It used to be on the ground, but now it's underground. Hiroshi Fujimiya is not human, so you can't use the same approach to humans. Look at this."

She raised the right hand holding the Coke. It was a silver bracelet that could not be considered beautiful. The center of the bracelet was a rhombus.

Olivia stretched out her left hand, grabbed Kazama's wrist, and pulled that hand up.

Touching the bracelet with your fingertips, you feel the coldness of the metal.

"This is the radar I mentioned. This radar can detect the entire territory of Japan. It is the latest invention of the American branch, but the accuracy is limited, so it is necessary to change the height up and down like this."

Olivia explained her reason for doing so, and Kazama listened carefully and remained silent. He concentrated his attention, but no matter how he perceived it, he got the same result.

"So it's not just a stroll, it's a real investigative mission."

With her right hand down, Olivia picked up the straw and drank the cold carbonated drink.

Judging from her expression, there was no slight fluctuation.

Kazama didn't try to expose the other party, but he couldn't figure out what the girl in front of him was thinking, because that bracelet...

'Just a bracelet. '

It's nothing but a bracelet, and it's not as high-tech as the other party claims.

"Come on, let's go for a walk... No, investigate and investigate."

Olivia said so, but she didn't intend to do anything pretending to be intimate like before.

Because she is already very clear and has obtained the result of the temptation.

Since this 'Captain Kazama' is a serious person, he will definitely go all out in the face of the task.

Beauty tricks are given to the wrong person. Although it is rare, there are indeed men in the world who don't take this kind of trick at all.

Kazama couldn't think of an answer, so he decided that it would be better to keep the status quo and investigate for the time being.

"I see."

He nodded and quickly followed the other party.

If you leave your thinking behind for a while, you will feel something that you didn't notice just now.

Like...line of sight.


Sensing, noticing, and then, realizing that it seems like a terrible situation.

The three people behind were familiar people, and Kazama suddenly realized, what would the current scene be like if it were seen?

No matter how you look at it, you are shopping, a man and a woman shopping.

"What's the matter? Do you know that after doing the task, you become serious and serious?"

At this time, Olivia teased Kazama, since she had already reached a conclusion, there was no need to engage in what was left.

"No...can you wait for me at the front?"


Olivia blinked, then nodded very understandingly.

"no problem."


She walked forward without looking back, and Kazama also knew that it seemed a little bad to do so, but Xili took priority.

At the same time, Dongyang who was following behind was very surprised.

"Huh? Separated?"

Before the three could react, the man who had turned his back to them turned around directly.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

Kazama walked towards the three of them with a wry smile.

'Wait, is that reasonable? '

Chunhe couldn't figure out where the fact that they were stalking was exposed, could it be the mirror of that clothing store over there?

'No no no no. '

If you really look at it through the mirror, then what exactly does this uncle do?Super agent?

The girls had different ideas, but Kazama went straight to Xi Li, and he knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression.

In other words, Qihai has said that before, and if you don't understand it, then you don't have a brain.

"Are you cranky again?"

Kazama's words immediately stabilized Xi Li's flustered heart, because she had been told this before.


When it overlapped with the past, Xili's first reaction was that she had misunderstood something.

And Kazama immediately told the lie he fabricated on the spot:

"Actually, that is a technical consultant from the United States. The boss above sent me to follow her because my English is good. As you can see, I am an unpredictable person who will go to the underground shopping mall."

Once you lie once, the second time will be a matter of course, not to mention that it is not completely a lie.

Kazama's helpless expression did exist. He really felt that the other party was unpredictable. The conductor did say before that he should observe the other party more to see what the other party was up to.

"Work...that's what it is."

Xi Li had an expression of sudden realization, indeed there are characters in TV dramas who are doing field work.

'No, you are too easy to fool, right? ! '

Dongyang complained in his heart, he didn't see that he had already done so——

"Wait, what happened to holding hands just now?"

After quickly reacting, Xi Li felt that she was not so forgetful yet.

"It is a product brought from the United States."

Kazama didn't blink his eyes or his heart beat, after all, he didn't have a heart at all.

"Electronics? Bracelets?"

No matter what, there was no way to fool her, and Xi Li's suspicious eyes never relaxed.

"Oh? Aren't you the kind girl from a few days ago?"

Suddenly, the conversation is interrupted.

The four looked at the man at the same time, and Olivia waved her right hand as if to say hello.

'What about going first? '

These are Kazama's thoughts.

'I never said that if I leave, I won't come back. '

The above are Olivia's thoughts.

She recognized Xi Li the moment she saw her, so what's going on?

"Your lover?"

Kazama almost choked on Olivia's question, and it took him half a second to recover.

"It's my daughter."

"What the hell?"

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