Well, this sentence in English is 'What the fuck? '

Olivia looked left and right, and only then did she realize that there are many similarities between the two, such as the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, and eyes.

It's okay to say that they are brothers and sisters, this father and daughter...

"I think I sort of understand what's going on."

Olivia, who had recovered, easily deduced the situation at this time. She took out her mobile phone and wrote on it:

"Don't worry, your father and I are just working partners. We have a project to complete together. I will return to the United States in a short time, but your father will belong to you again."


Looking left and right, Xi Li didn't know what the two of them said, but just understood the text on the phone.

She has many, many things she wants to ask, but she will not ask for the time being.

This is a commercial street, she is not the kind of person who would make a big noise in public to attract everyone's attention and then question others.

"Then we'll go back first, Dad, and you should come back earlier."


Kazama felt that his suspicion had not been eliminated at all, how could he not be able to see what his daughter was thinking after being together for such a long time.

In any case, it is temporarily muddled.

"Then let's go first."

"Goodbye, uncle."

Chunhe and Dongyang also said goodbye, and the three left together.

The back gradually faded away, Olivia reached out and patted Kazama on the shoulder.

"Looks like I'm bothering you? Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault."

Kazama shook his head, who knew there would be such a coincidence.

His tolerance made Olivia give a thumbs up:

"It's really magnanimous, as expected of the father of a child."

In this girl's heart, Kazama's image has suddenly been elevated a lot.

Olivia raised her right hand at this time, and let the bracelet show in front of the other party's eyes, and she said:

"In this case, let's get our project done quickly, so that I can leave quickly, and that kind girl can rest assured. As an apology, I have brought you good news."

On its face is a smile.

"I've captured the location of Hiroya Fujimiya."

This sentence was full of affirmations, so Kazama became even more confused.

Chapter 59


"I'm full!"

The two people who walked out of the hotel were equally satisfied, where are they going next?

Looking ahead, it is the American Park listed as a tourist attraction in the city.

Kobe City, Japan, was one of the earliest ports that opened to foreign countries in the past. After so many years of development, high-rise buildings have been built around the port, but its function has not changed, but has been expanded.

Cities near the sea use the sea view as a promotion, but what is common to locals is not the case for outsiders, so the tourism industry has also developed.

The two people who arrived in Kobe City were the two members of KCB's reporter team, Reiko as a reporter and Lunwen as a photographer.

"It's a pity Mr. Tabata didn't come with us."

Lunwen rubbed his belly while thinking about their boss.

Is the so-called Kobe beef really so delicious?Or is it because of his psychological effect that it looks more delicious?

He still doesn't understand this.

And listening to Lunwen's chanting, Lingzi couldn't help but miss the uncle who had taken her with her since she joined the job.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Mr. Tabata come?"

She was a little concerned about this. This trip of three days and two nights was actually a benefit of the TV station, rewarding them who could always shoot the scene first-hand.

Night Raiders, Ultraman, XIG, I don’t know whether it’s good luck or bad luck, they can always appear in the right position to grab the first-hand news, so the ratings of KCB have been going up and down in the past two months. superior.

A large part of this is also due to Tabata who yelled 'Snapshot', but he didn't come to the trip for the reward.

As for what that person was doing, neither of them was very clear.

But Lunwen heard some news, or something that Tian Bata whispered from time to time recently:

"Mr. Tabata seems to be investigating the strange beast."

He wasn't very sure either, he just heard the term 'extraordinary beast'.

Reiko was startled when she heard the news:

"Isn't that dangerous?!"

Monsters and alien beasts, she didn't bother to think about which side was more dangerous, in short, both sides were more dangerous.

But when monsters appear, they still have to run. Things like alien beasts may walk home in the middle of the night and then disappear.

Seeing Reiko's shaken expression, Lun Wen quickly added:

"But I'm not sure, maybe Mr. Tabata is just talking casually."

However, this sentence made Reiko roll her eyes after being silent for half a second. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that she really couldn't help it, so she patted the opponent's arm a little harder.

"It's because you are always hesitant and not at all straightforward that you don't have a girlfriend at this age!"

All of a sudden he said it as if it was terrible, but then he suddenly said "Don't take it seriously"

Do you just like to ride the roller coaster that makes people feel up and down?

"Wait! You didn't talk about your pain!"

Lunwen retorted dissatisfiedly. At this time, the two of them could already see the distant port from a distance, and ships, large or small, were entering or leaving.

He was wearing a pocket, and was about to take out a digital camera from his bag to take a photo.

"Huh? Eh?"

Touch, touch, touch, touch, no, nowhere.

"Ah! I forgot my bag and camera in the hotel! Reiko, please wait here, I'll go back and get them right away!"

Before the other party could reply, Lunwen quickly turned around and ran back the same way.

Reiko was very speechless about this. Not only was she not straightforward, she was also forgetful. It really made people doubt whether this person would really be able to get married in the future. Except for the kind of man who is full of motherhood, no one would like this type of man. Bar.


She shook her head and continued walking forward.

The heat brought by summer is not so obvious here, and the cool wind that comes with the waves blows on the face, which feels comfortable.

'Today is already the second day. '

During the holiday, I couldn't help but think about things after the holiday. I don't say 80.00%, but at least [-]% of people don't want to work, and Reiko is of course one of them.

It's not that she hates her job, it's just that the genetic laziness is irresistible.

'And it's so dangerous...'

Her brain recalled the original scene, the huge monster that fell from the sky, appeared suddenly, broke through the ground, and was so terrifying.

If the blue Ultraman hadn't appeared that time, she might not have been able to stand here.


Reiko didn't realize anything at first. It was only when she went to interview the staff again that she realized how dangerous the boulders were thrown out. The street lamps were directly interrupted, not to mention the human body.

The blue Ultraman who rushed out from behind them probably did this to protect them.

Saviors, gods, aliens, or something else?

What the hell is Ultraman?Does it have a name?

'Speaking of it, it seems like ah. '

Reiko looked at the sea ahead, the blue and black water had an inexplicable similarity to the blue Ultraman.


The scenery in her line of sight became a little strange, it was the blown bubbles.

On the guardrail in the distance, the boy lay there and raised his right hand, and a lot of bubbles gushed out from the tip of the small spoon-shaped toy.

'I miss it so much. '

Reiko also played with it when she was a child, but she didn’t expect that in this era, there are still people making such bubble-blowing toys. She thought that children nowadays hold mobile phones in their hands and stare at them, so there is nothing else to play with. up.

Slowly, the bubbles are decreasing.

No matter how much the boy put the spoon into the bottle, he couldn't blow out the same scenery as before.

He pouted when he noticed this, and moved forward with both hands.

As soon as he let go of his hand, the little toy that had brought joy before fell to the sea below.

"Huh? Eh?"

Reiko froze for a moment, she began to wonder if she was distracted just now.

Because a black-haired young man suddenly appeared beside the boy, and the young man's left hand stretched out as if he was holding something.

Bottles, spoons, they are caught before they fall into the sea.

The closer you are to the ocean, the faster your injuries will heal.

It is precisely because of this that Fujinomiya chose to come to the city of Kobe.

It's just that he didn't expect a child to do such a thing, throwing things into the sea casually...

"You can't do this kind of thing."

Fujimiya's tone was a bit heavy, which made the boy shrink back.

"Big brother, who are you?"

The boy asked as if changing the subject, but Fujimiya didn't accept this approach.

"You were going to put this—"

"Wait, your tone is a bit too strong!"


The sudden interruption made Fujimiya turn around, and Reiko, who saw the situation here in the distance, hurried over quickly.

'Are you speaking in a heavy tone? '

Fujimiya didn't think there was anything in his tone that could be regarded as serious. Wouldn't it be natural for him to be criticized if he made a mistake?

Reiko squatted down, smiling at the usual boy.

"Little friend, what happened just now? Why did you throw things into the sea? The sea is very beautiful, but you can't just throw things into it casually."

Probably because the difference in the attitudes of the two sides was so great that the boy instantly turned to the other side, and he immediately said:

"Because there is no more..."

"Even if there is no more, you can't do this, because think about it, the fish we eat usually come from the sea, and this thing is poisonous. If you pour poisonous things into the sea, it will be poisonous if you drink it. Fish in seawater will become like this, become like this.”

Reiko made several fierce expressions, she frightened the boy in front of her.

"If we eat these poisonous fish again, it may become as terrible as that fish!"

Should you say that you are a reporter?Her expression was well controlled, and it made the boy tremble all at once.

"So we should protect the sea well and not throw unnecessary things into the sea, you know?"

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