But the falling sphere collided with the rising sphere, one was orange-red and the other was blue-white.

The moment the two balls of energy collided with each other, the collision exploded, and the dots of light particles were stirred by the wind.

The palm knife swung out like a real blade, and the falling Kazama either slashed or swept, and the three consecutive thrusts failed to achieve any attack results.

Fujimiya, who lowered his body, stepped forward. He raised his left arm and collided with the chopped palm knife. The serrated blade on the Bermuda armored arm didn't seem to cause him the slightest pain.

Parry the attack, then fight back.

The power that Fujimiya erupted caused Kazama's palm to vibrate. When he was knocked into the air, he adjusted his body to rise to avoid hitting the two people who were coming forward again.

The Spicyum straight knife, which had not reacted before, lit up with blue light, and the blow Aikawa slashed bounced off in the impact of the blades, and his strength was also drawn away.

When the two sides passed each other, he caught a glimpse of blue with the same energy as Spatium in his sight.

Fujimiya turned around and kicked out his right leg, hitting Aikawa's back and kicking him flying.

The incoming Kazama's body rolled over in the air, and after passing the opponent, he formed a tandem and a back pincer attack with Olivia.

Realizing this, Fujimiya backed away quickly, whether it was Kazama's hand knife or Olivia's uppercut, they just hit the hem of his clothes.

In an instant, gunshots rang out.

It was just one shot, and the bullet fired this time showed a strange blue color, and the purified powder of the Spethium ore was mixed inside.

It's a pity that this shot failed to hit, because Fujimiya's index finger and middle finger were facing each other, holding the bullet firmly.

"Really, are you really human?"

As Aikawa said that, he moved his left hand straight forward, and the rifle that was originally placed behind his back was pulled out at some point.

Presenting the situation in front of him is too abnormal, so that there is a sense of absurdity.

Regardless of whether he is a strange beast or not, he is not a human being anyway.

This sentence, which seemed to be a question or an exclamation, did not wait for Fujimiya's answer. Instead, Olivia expressed her conclusion first:

"of course not."

Arms forward, light bullets fly

"I think our side may not be able to handle it, Tachibana, is there anything you can do?"

Aikawa could only see the vague figure of the target, and he connected to the communication to seek help as usual.

"We're preparing, but not sure if it will work."

Tachibana responded with a little panting in the communication. The battle position was changed a little quickly, and it was a bit difficult for the second unit to keep up, but it was almost there.

The first unit was to divert and the second unit was to support, as always.

At this time, the barrage formed by Olivia directly interrupted a large number of trees in the middle, and this action made the evasive Fujimiya frown.

He ran at high speed, circling an arc at an exaggerated speed to close the distance.

It's just that before touching the opponent, there are other things falling in an arc.

A total of eight, the shock bomb exploded.

Strong light, high-decibel noise, the amount can no longer be said to subdue people.

After identifying the attack, the intelligent AI of Ultra Armor automatically activates the shielding mode, blocking the sound and strong light.

On the other hand, is Fujimiya who is affected by excessive perception.


His movement was out of shape and he hit a tree trunk on one side.

The original clear thinking became a little confused, but the action in front of him was still very clear.

Fujimiya dodged to the right, and smashed the big tree with a heavy punch.

He crossed his arms and kicked him straight out with a forward kick.

Landing, rubbing, and shaking his head, Fujimiya hadn't had time to get rid of the impact before a new bullet hit him.

The black clothes were pierced through, and the hit anesthesia bomb sent the medicine inside directly into the body.

Fujimiya pulled the ineffective tranquilizer bomb out of his shoulder, and before he could stand up, he took another forward kick, and the second kick pinned him to the ground again.

Olivia took a step forward and kicked forward for the third time... No, it can't be said to be a forward kick anymore, she stepped on Fujimiya's body fiercely and exerted strength.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

Kazama immediately stepped forward to stop the opponent, and that action was violent.

"Why, you sympathize with him because he has a face, can't you do it?"

Olivia's response had a strong smell of gunpowder, and it didn't have the slightest resemblance to the previous friendly performance, and even the response was messed up.

The next moment, Fujimiya clenched his fists.

In a short period of time, the impact of the shock bomb has weakened a lot.

He is not an emotionless person. Although he will not take the lives of others, he will not allow others to attack him.

Annoyance rushed into his consciousness at this moment, and he reached out and grabbed the foot on his chest.


Such a posture, such a movement, where did such a strong force erupt?

Before Olivia could react, she was thrown flying directly.

Aikawa, who was slashing, was stopped halfway. Accompanied by the explosion of sparks and metal debris, when he hit the ground, he found that the right arm of the armor had been squeezed out of the palm, and the electric sparks were flying around.

Kazama's right arm blocked, and then the whole person spun around in the air due to strength.

A beam of light gushed out from the palm that was lifted up, cutting out like a sword blade, but it was a pity that the movement was too slow to hit.

At this time, Fujimiya's right hand was in the shape of a claw, pinching Olivia's head.

He first pulled back, and then pressed hard to the lower corner.

The soil was plowed out of the gully, and the defensive power that the J-type armor was proud of failed to play a role.

Amid the shattering sound, Fujimiya shook off the pile of armor fragments stuck to his hands.

He was going to tear the wearer out of this heavy armor.

But this thought disappeared without a trace when he saw the other person's eyes, which were so familiar and filled with strong hatred.

"You are......"

Fujimiya knew this look, and even more so, the face under the armor.

The so-called 'call' came not from the armor, but from the girl.

The memory of the past overlapped with the present, and he immediately understood what was going on, and at the same time, the pain came.


Kazama who arrived, Aikawa who sat up from the ground, and the second team who was observing the situation all lost their minds for a moment.

At this moment, Olivia's right hand moved forward, but not to push Fujimiya away.

Her wrist armor was not just an outlet for energy, the jackknife that popped out now pierced Fujimiya.

"Does it hurt?"

Olivia said with gritted teeth, her ferocious expression was reflected in the other party's eyes.

"You killed my father! I want you to pay!"

The blade attached to the energy of Specium is turning in Fujimiya's body with the twist of the wrist.

Pull horizontally and spill out instantly.


Two-thirds of Fujimiya's waist was cut straight from the center to the sides.

But what erupted from there was not blood, but a mass of blue light particles that loomed and quickly dissipated in the air.

Fujimiya's body was severely smashed to the ground, Olivia pressed his head with his left hand, raised his right hand high, and the blade slashed down again.


The piercing noise of swords and halberds intersecting echoed non-stop, and it was Kazama who blocked the blow, and he blocked it with the armor of his left arm.

At the same time, Fujimiya ruthlessly kicked Olivia away who was pressing on him.

Seizing this opportunity, the light particles gushing from his wound enveloped his whole body.

When Olivia fell from the ground, she could only see the picture of Fujimiya disappearing with the light.


Ecstasy has turned to frustration, and what was once an easy target is now running away. Why is it like this?

Everything is because of this obstructive person in front of him.

Kazama saw angry eyes, and strong hatred was pouring towards him now.

The blades collided again, and the moment Olivia slashed out the weapon, her left arm was also ready, and the muzzle of the aiming gun was aimed at the person who was a comrade in arms a few seconds ago.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'Yes, she is...'

Light particles no longer gushed from the wound, but the pain continued.

Fujimiya staggered and supported the fence on one side, and he used all his strength to climb over the fence.

There seemed to be the exclamation of water in my ears, but I didn't have the energy to listen.

With the sound of entering the water, Fujimiya sank into the sea.

Chapter 61 Response

Should memory be vague or clear?

The human brain is what stores memory and knowledge, so if the brain is lost, where will memory and knowledge be recorded?

Is it recorded in the soul?

Fujimiya didn't know this, he didn't even know if he was still him.

Did Hiroya Fujimiya become an Ultraman after gaining the power of Aguru, or did Hiroya Fujimiya have the memory of Aguru?

At least today's 'Fujimiya' doesn't have any regrets, whether it is to seek the will of the earth to obtain the power of Agulu, or to kill others.

And every time a person does something, there will be corresponding consequences. He has long known that after he does such a thing, he will definitely incur corresponding consequences.

It's just that when the situation came to an end, I still couldn't accept it immediately, maybe the stabbing was a matter of course.


Being in the sea, surrounded by swimming fish.

Fujimiya felt like he was in reality, but also in a dream.

I vaguely remember that day, that night, the father and daughter who got together.

In a single-parent family, the father is a soldier who seldom gets together with his daughter due to work reasons.

Even so, their feelings did not fade.

But... if this continues, it will definitely lead to the worst situation.

So even with that girl right next to him there is no other way to choose, so he has only one choice.

Is it a human being or a strange beast that the sword is slashing?

How are humans and alien beasts defined?

Possessing his own memory and having exactly the same consciousness as himself, is such an alien beast a human or an alien beast?

Fujimiya didn't know the answer, he only knew that he made a mistake once, and he couldn't do it a second time.

So beheaded.

Whether it is the elderly or children.

Whether it's a man or a woman.

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