All beheaded.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Parents, children, and each other cannot choose each other, that is a relationship determined by luck, or by God.

Olivia used to suffer from her father's busyness. In the days when she got together less often and left more, she didn't know how to attract her father's attention, or would she never be able to attract his father's attention?

She used to resent her father for not caring about her. This emotion has been accompanied by her growth, and it has also become her source of motivation.

'I want a person to live happily without relying on his father. '

She used to think about it until that day came.

'Maybe your father is not good at words, but he loves you. '

This is what Olivia's father's comrades said when he took back his father's relics.

In fact, this matter does not need to be explained by others, she already knows about it.

But how cruel the reality is, just now I understand this matter, just now I want to restore the scars of the past, everything is over here.

All because of that man, that monster, Hiroya Fujimiya.

"I must......"

Olivia touched her wrist. The bracelet was not very beautiful, nor could it be said to be expensive. It was the only thing her father left her.

Inside the confinement room, the girl bowed her head in silence.

Outside the confinement room is the base of the night raid team.

In fact, the task was almost completed. If Olivia hadn't planned to kill Fujimiya Hiroya directly, the conflict between the two parties would not have developed into a situation where Fujimiya also escaped in an incomprehensible way.

"No, you can't say that..."

The commander stared at the mission report that had just been handed in, and he had to admit that one thing he liked about Kazama was that he could hand in the mission report as soon as possible every time, so that he could see the mission from the perspective of the mission executor in the first place. understand situation.

For example, this time, the mission report recorded the details of this capture mission in detail and without any prejudice.

It mentioned that Hiroshi Fujimiya left in less than 0.2 seconds, and he didn't even know where he went.

If there is no way to block this ability, the so-called capture mission will never be successful.

Beyond that, Olivia's situation is actually not normal, and she seems to be putting her personal emotions above her mission.

This personal emotion is described in the report as 'hate'

Fujimiya Hiroshi also created hatred, and the command was not surprised by this situation.

After all, based on the number of dead and the identity of the dead in the records, there is no problem with that person being called a 'bloodthirsty killer'.

Olivia's family may have also been killed by Hiroshi Fujimiya.

One more thing, what is Fujimiya Hiroya?

It's not blood, and the 'Blade of Light' and the blue Ultraman in the video data are simply...

"What's going on? Fujimiya Hiroya, who are you? How much do you know that we don't know?"

The doubts poured out by the command post are also doubts in Kazama's heart.

He knows the fact that Fujimiya is Aguru, and he also knows that Fujimiya is a character who is not close to others.

At least the last time I communicated in the Meta field, I dreamed of saying all kinds of things, and Fujimiya didn't say anything except the name of 'Aguru', and it seemed that he didn't intend to cooperate with anyone.

Thinking of this, Kazama stopped and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

After getting a response, he walked into the room.

"Captain Kazama, what's wrong?"

This is the dormitory, which belongs to the dormitory of Daniel, the president of Alchemy Star, and Fujimiya also belonged to Alchemy Star.

"Daniel, I'm here to ask about Hiroya Fujimiya."

Kazama, who had never been able to find any chance before, felt that even if there was no chance, he had to ask, otherwise Fujimiya would definitely...

He also had periods of paranoid, acting alone.

If no one communicates, it means that no one will point out your mistakes. You will only think that you are right, and then go all the way to the end, and you will not know that you have a problem until you hit your head and bleed.

Now Kazama feels that Fujimiya is somewhat similar to him in the past.

At the same time, Daniel was silent for a while after hearing Kazama's purpose, and finally smiled wryly.

"I see. Originally, I didn't intend to comment on uncertain matters, but... you must really need information about Fujimiya."

His words made people care, what is the so-called "uncertain" thing?

Along with Daniel's narration, the curtain of what happened in the past gradually opened:

Alchemy Star predicted five years ago that there might be an enemy from the universe, that is, the source of the destruction of the root.

And not long after their prophecy was known by the high-level officials of various countries, Zaki and Empat came to the earth, and at the same time brought alien beasts.

Under the idea of ​​'preventing unknown enemies', the manufacture of Chris was paid more attention.

The so-called Chris is an optical quantum computer used for a large number of calculations.

It can speculate on the current situation based on the existing information, and it is also a computer with terrifying computing power. The leader of the plan is Hiroya Fujimiya.

But after completing it, Fujimiya chose to leave the Alchemy Star. According to him, he was going to find the "will of the earth"

Of course, many people don't understand what he said, and they don't believe in such illusory things.

Therefore, only two people left with Fujimiya.

One is Kyoko Inamori and the other is Klaus Eckart, they are studying the so-called "will of the earth" together

But two years ago, the two were suspected of being killed by Fujimiya.

The first reason for using suspicion is that Daniel has been with Fujimiya before, so he doesn’t think Fujimiya is a person who can do such a thing; the second reason is that there is no direct evidence to prove this.

The reason for the inference is that the deaths of Klaus Eckarter and Kyoko Inamori and the cameras in nearby cities have captured the video of Fujinomiya's appearance.

The research institute that originally belonged to the three of them was burned to the ground, and nothing was left.

That's the whole story, full of mysteries that make it difficult to investigate.

The three people's research institute was already in the wilderness, and there was nothing that could record what happened in the research institute.

Fujimiya reappeared after disappearing, which was the time when he committed the murder.

Since then, he has continued to do the same thing.

Daniel didn't know if it was Fujimiya, or maybe Fujimiya had already died in that fire, and now it was just a strange beast with the same appearance.

He hoped to believe this, would be too crazy for such a man to degenerate into a murderer.

That's all Daniel knew.


Kazama was silent, there were too many unanswerable questions in these matters.

If there are any clues in it...

"Where was Fujimiya's original laboratory?"

He hoped to get an answer from the other party, and although Daniel didn't understand, he also took out his mobile phone.

"There are only ruins there now, and the investigation team went batch after batch, but found nothing."

"It's okay, I'm just curious."

Kazama said something that he himself didn't believe, and Daniel didn't go into it.

After getting the information they wanted, the two separated.

This time the mission ended in failure, perhaps this is also a good thing.

Kazama walked through the corridor, he had another thing to do before going to the research institute called 'Prolon Kalamos'.

After about 5 minutes, he stopped in front of the door and knocked lightly.

After two seconds, probably the people inside didn't know how to respond.

But in the end she said 'come in'

Kazama walked into this confinement room, where there was nothing in the confinement room, Olivia sat down against the wall.

"You're so polite, it makes me feel like I'm in a home where all the furniture has been emptied."

She seemed to be back to her original self, and responded with a teasing tone.

"Looks like you've calmed down?"

Kazama spent a lot of effort to prevent a real fight.

For this sentence, Olivia stood up, and then patted the gray trouser legs.

"Of course I didn't calm down. Do you think normal people can do this by throwing people into a small room without air conditioning or ventilation in summer? You can't."

She has indeed returned to her original appearance, very good at speaking, very good at speaking.

Kazama, who realized this, was thinking whether he could just leave the stage, or should he ask again?

But before he came to a conclusion, Olivia noticed his silence instead.

After hesitating for a while, the girl still said that sentence:

"I didn't mean to attack you. Sorry, I can't control it. When your enemy is standing in front of you, you can't control it. This is my personal experience."

She is completely different from the previous madness. Hatred can indeed change a person.

Now that this matter was mentioned, Kazama did not intend to let go of this opportunity, he asked directly:

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what happened between you and Hiroya Fujimiya?"

"...He killed my father, right in front of my eyes."

The conversation was interrupted here, Kazama didn't know what he was going to say, did he say something like 'Fujimiya must have his own difficulties'?

In any case, the only thing he knew was that he had one more thing to investigate.

"In short, that's the thing. I want to perform hunting missions more than capturing missions."

Olivia shrugged, she made no secret of her hatred for Fujimiya.

Since that incident, she could vaguely feel the position of 'Fujimiya Hiroya'. This feeling is very special. At first, she didn't know what it felt like.

It wasn't until she followed her feeling that she finally saw the scene where Fujimiya Hiroshi killed an old man, that she realized that this was her reliance, her reliance, and she wanted to kill Fujimiya Hiroshi with her own hands.

Because of this, she was soft on her father's friend, and finally obtained the Ultra Armor by virtue of her high adaptability, which she didn't know, and finally came to Japan.

It's useless to say anything now, Kazama realized this, so he asked the other party's next plan:

"What do you plan to do in the future?"

Olivia thought for a while, and what she was going to do hadn't changed.

"I should stay in this branch until the transfer order is issued. I hope that my previous stupid actions have not affected our cooperation and friendship."

Although it was a bit cheeky to say so, Olivia knew that she probably couldn't do anything to the other party alone.

The previous test of Kazama also hoped that Kazama could contribute more to fight against Fujimiya Hiroya, but she felt that it might be because of the seriousness of the other party that it failed.

After all it's 'catch' not 'hunt'

So it was blocked, and I didn't expect to make a mistake here.

"Well, I don't care."

Kazama nodded, he was just thinking about Fujimiya.

The girl in front of me is just a 'response' exposed in the other party's actions

How many such 'responses' are there?

Chapter 62 Abnormal Battle

"right here."

Prolon Kalamos, Fujimiya once conducted research on the will of the earth here.

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