Kazama didn't know if the other party got the power of Aguru here, but maybe he could find something.

According to the information he obtained, it has been a long time since the destruction of the institute, so the investigation team that originally conducted the investigation here also withdrew in disappointment.

Nothing was found, just cleaned up accordingly.

The wreckage of the collapsed building was removed, and before you knew it, it was covered in weeds.

The useful things that used to be taken away, and the useless things cleaned up, what can be found here?

Kazama walked towards the land that was obviously different from the surrounding area. If he sensed it carefully, he would not be able to feel anything.

How was it destroyed here?

With such thoughts in mind, he squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil with his right hand.

The soil contains nutrients that are key to plant growth.

There is no trace of energy remaining in the soil, it is just soil.

It is said that the institute was burned to the ground in a fire, and a large number of equipment exploded during the process, destroying the interior in a mess, and even collapsed directly.

'wrong. '

Kazama scanned the surroundings, and the research institute was surrounded by unspoiled nature.

If the research institute caught fire, these 'combustibles' would have been affected long ago, and might even spread all the way to the nearby forest, perhaps the fire had been stopped.

The person who can do this kind of thing should be only Fujimiya. First of all, did Fujimiya get the power of Aguru before the institute was destroyed or did he get the power of Aguru after it was destroyed?

According to the order, it should be that the research institute was destroyed, and then Fujimiya was photographed in a nearby city.

What happened to the central process?

'Sure enough, you can only know by asking yourself. '

Kazama doesn't have the super power to read the memory of the land, and if there are no records or clues, he doesn't even have the qualifications to infer what happened.

"...Or should I just ask you?"

The turning elbow directly collided with the raised right arm, and what appeared in his eyes was a cloud of pitch black mist, which seemed to be sucked and pulled in a swirling shape, and finally contained everything to the lifeless pair. in the dark eyes.

The next moment, Kazama's left arm that had counterattacked before was locked, and his whole body was pulled up and turned.

The moment the dark giant calling himself 'Faust' clenched his right fist and threw it out, his enemies greeted him with palms.

In fact, Kazama, who no longer needed the spark prism for conversion, showed his original posture, and the Ultra warrior named Empat used this centrifugal force to fly backwards.

In an instant, the two separated.

Faust, who didn't want to be taken out, let go of his hand, but even so, he was pulled forward a short distance. He used the same anti-gravity ability as Empat to brake in the air, and there were two flashes in his eyes.

On the left and right, two palm-light arrows were thrown from Empat's hands respectively. After he stepped on the ground with his feet to unload the force, he used the ground as an acceleration platform, and his bent and tense legs straightened during exertion.

For Faust, the palm light arrows on the left and right sides that hit each other first have almost the same speed as the enemy rushing in front, but the point to reach is the same.

He turned his palms forward, and emerald green flashes appeared one after another.

In just half a second, more than a dozen explosions directly engulfed Empat's upper body, but the speed of that rush did not slow down in the slightest.

Empat, whose upper body was still wrapped in green streamers, used his left arm as a shield in front, and his right fist as a hammer behind him. The 'battering hammer' slammed forward fiercely, and the blow that missed caused the wind pressure to shake the swaying grass. Overwhelm in the same direction.

At this time, two palm-light arrows that followed followed around Empat's sides, one aimed at the head, the other aimed at the chest, and attacked the dodged enemy.

Faust immediately climbed up to evade, but someone was faster than him.

The silver fuzzy shadow surpassed him in an instant and reached a higher position, and he smashed down with all his clenched fists.

In the roaring sound, the unbalanced Faust fell towards the ground. He could feel the strength exerted on him by his arms that were in pain due to defense, and was guided by him to the ground where he landed. The shock spread in all directions.

Empat's right foot blasted out of the huge hole, and Faust, who barely avoided it, was ejected by the aftermath.

His arms were swinging forward, palms clenched as if trying to hold something.

Empat, who was at the falling position, saw the dirt that seemed to be rising slowly, which was a sense of confusion caused by mental concentration.

Normal things float and fall too slowly for him.

Its right arm was dyed purple by energy, which shaped the front of the arm into a bright whip.

Empat took a step forward and threw the light whip forward.

'Where are the remaining enemies? '

He thought in his heart that it was impossible for Faust to come here alone, and he should be very aware of the gap between the two sides.

The battle outside the domain is the result today.

So where is the opponent's companion?

In the process of thinking, the light whip pierces through the muddy 'wall' and directly stabs at the enemy, the speed is as fast as lightning.

But this time the pursuit was unsuccessful, not to evade, nor to defend, Faust quickly reached out and grabbed the light whip tightly.

The lethal purple energy caused a lot of sparks to fly from his palm, but he didn't care at all.

"You are so strong, you are so strong."

The strange words uttered from Faust's mouth made Empat unable to understand the situation at this time.

Is the Faust in front of me really the same person as the Faust last time?

The tone is completely different. Last time, if it was a lunatic with momentum, now it is closer to...an ordinary person?

However, Empat's thoughts were broken in the next second, because the light whip held by Faust was dyed red and black, and the dark energy was counterattacking in the direction.

"You are so strong that it makes people sick!"

Empat didn't have any special thoughts about Faust's words themselves. What he cared about was the current situation.

'what happened? '

The dark energy eroded from the front of the light whip is extremely fast, seemingly effortless.

Soon, the dark energy touched the palm at the end of the light whip, and in an instant, the fierce conflict caused the light to splash everywhere.

Like a short-circuited circuit, purple and red-black energy splashed across Empat's palm in the form of particles and lightning, causing damage.

He is very clear that this intense pain is caused by the injury from the inside out, and it is because of this that he feels incredible.

At the next instant, the temperature of the air rises in units of 'hundreds'.


This heat turned a 500-meter radius into hell, the grass withered and burned at an exaggerated speed, and a large amount of yellow pollen gushed out from under the feet, which appeared in the form of 'fog' due to the excessive amount.

That's not normal, and Empat is well aware of that.

At the same time, Faust in front of him crossed his arms in front of him, and his size instantly expanded.

Empat, who noticed the enemy's actions, also controlled the power in his body. Although he was a step behind, his body also quickly became huge.

In the uninhabited natural area, two opposite energies spread out irresistibly.

The ground is shaking, take the opportunity to finish the giant Faust first and hit the opponent with a quick side kick.

Empat, whose left arm was defending in front, staggered back, and before he could stand still, more yellow pollen gushed out and surrounded him.

The rapidly rising temperature turned this place into a blurry scene like a mirage.

Empat's body kept sizzling, as if it was being scorched, and the pollen didn't just bring high temperature, the poison contained inside invaded in the form of contact.

'Where? '

He guessed that the enemy who released the poisonous gas was hiding underground, but there was no way to find out where the other party was.

In other words, the enemy is hidden.

The question is what method was used?

At this moment, Faust threw a lavender light bullet forward with his right arm.

Empat didn't have any time to think, he mobilized his thoughts, and the pollen floating around him was quickly aggregated into a sphere.

"Too slow!"

Faust, who had already seen what he wanted to do, once again released emerald green flashes, spanning the distance with an extremely fast blow, and precisely concentrated the gathered yellow pollen clusters.

With so much pollen aggregated and the combustible gas inside, the violent explosion constitutes a huge 'melting furnace'

The attack achieved results, and Faust's heart relaxed slightly.

This relaxation caused an extra wound on his body.


A purple half-moon spurted out from the inside of the unextinguished 'melting furnace', and the turbulent flames were also directly cut open.

Empat's figure was a little distorted, his left arm was stretched horizontally to make way for the space in front of him, his right arm was raised high and he slashed down diagonally, and the second half-moon created a new wound for Faust again.

Immediately after that, the third half-moon slashed out with horizontally converging arms, and the falling sparks were cut open again, and new sparks spewed out.

The originally pitch-black timer on Faust's chest flashed red light, which was a warning of injury.

'The timing was good. '

Empat has to admit this, but at the same time, one thing is also reality, that is————

'You are too weak. '

What flashed through Faust's mind was a sentence that pointed out why what he did was futile.

Because his current strength is not strong enough, the last time he fought against Empat, who was weakened a lot in the dark field, he was defeated. This time, the opponent's state is complete, and the attack is even more useless.

'return. '

The voice continued to speak like this, and Faust, who was half-kneeling on the ground due to the heavy injury, raised his head, and the cyan crystal in front of him was a colored timer belonging to Empat.

There is no abnormality in its interior, and it is still a blue color that symbolizes a good state.

'To shut up! '

Faust roared in his heart, he swung his fist with all his hatred, and then hit the ground with the shock of his head.

Empat withdrew his right fist, and he hit the enemy who was still trying to resist.

The next moment, emerald green flashes reappeared, accompanied by purple light bullets.

Faust's first shot hit, but the second bounced away.

Empat directly ignored the opponent's first attack, and slammed the glowing bullet away with his left hand.

Faust straightened up and was hit again.

The second punch made him fall to the ground in embarrassment, and before he could stand up, Empat hit him in the face again with the third punch.

Faust's dark eyes were somewhat blurred, but this blurring did not affect the people hiding behind.

The man sitting upright in another space smiled happily. He watched Faust's futile resistance and embarrassed figure and thought:

'almost. '

At this time, in that area, Empat's palms once again burst into golden light, and the bright stream of light rayed into the sky, preparing to form a meta domain that would not be disturbed by anyone.

The diffused radiance suddenly became blurred, and disappeared in the blur.

'This is......'

What Empat heard was a strong friction sound, which is the inevitable friction sound with the air when flying at high speed in the atmosphere.

He immediately grabbed Faust who fell on the ground, and used him as a shield to defend.

But after thinking for a moment, he had to throw Faust away to one side. The fast-flying enemy didn't care whether it would penetrate Faust at all, instead, it accelerated even further.

A few sparks floated from Empat's chest, who was dodging, and the monsters passed by with a strong roar.

Faust, who was thrown away, fell into the darkness, and the fluctuation of space was transmitted, but this fluctuation of space quickly disappeared without a trace in the chaos.

'what is the problem? '

If such an abnormal situation occurs during the transmission process, something will happen. God knows where Faust will be thrown.

Does the enemy not care about this at all?

'No, compared to that...'

Empat now has two choices, one is to dig three feet into the ground to dig out a strange beast that may or may not be there, or the other is to immediately pursue the strange beast that is moving away from the sky.

The former may not be found, and the latter is still in sight, so there is only one choice.

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