
If possible, I really hope to eliminate all the enemies in one go, but unfortunately there has never been such a good thing.

Empat rushed forward two steps, jumped up quickly, increased his speed in one breath, and chased after the enemy in the air.

At the same time, Faust, who fell into the teleportation, floats in the vacuum. He will not die due to the harshness of the universe, but he may not be able to find his way back.

So someone has to come to pick him up, someone who comes to touch him, and send him away with him.

In the space infested by darkness, the man looked at the unconscious Faust and smiled happily.

He knew from the beginning that Faust would definitely not be able to win Empat, even so, he still sent Faust out.

Because his purpose itself was not to let Faust defeat Empat, but to send him out in order to make Faust defeat.

"Don't let me down, it's not good if you lose money on the one-for-one deal."

Replace 'one' with 'one'

The other 'one' was flying fast in the air, but it was difficult to shake off the enemy who was biting it tightly behind.

Empat raised his right hand, and the rapidly rotating purple light wheel disappeared without a trace before it could take shape.

'Same as before. '

He realized that the current situation was necessarily related to the enemy ahead.

At an altitude of [-] meters, the chasing battle between the two behemoths began.

Chapter 63

At first glance, it looks like a snail, but at a second glance, it has the characteristics of a nautilus, but if you look closely, you will find that it is neither.

This is Megaflash, a special bioxenomorph combined with Earth's creatures.

Now this alien beast is not in the sea, but is flying forward at high speed as an 'airplane'.

Enpat, who was chasing from the rear, realized the abnormality after trying it. He couldn't expand the Meta Field before, and now he couldn't use the light skills to intercept it. All this started from the appearance of this monster.

Can that monster nullify the light's attack?

No matter what, he couldn't let the opponent go, the alien beast had to be killed.

Empat accelerates to the limit, and in this state that is enough to be called "supersonic", it is absolutely impossible to contact the creatures on the ground. The continuous loud noise around is enough to cause unimaginable harm to people, not to mention The turbulent flow around him.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, so Megaflash, who realized that he could not escape directly, entered a fighting state.

Its head protruded from the 'shell', and stared at the chasing giant with a pair of red eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the alien beast that flew forward with its 'sharp tail' raised its 'spiral nose'

Are you going to climb further?

No, it is intended to change the angle of the 'muzzle'.

There seemed to be two snail shells inlaid on both sides of Megaflash's body, but the attack did not start from there, but from the wings on both sides of the spiral snail tail at the front end.

The destructive red thunder grazed Empat's body, and the blow was poured directly into the cirrus cloud below.

Empat continued to accelerate in the direction of the attack to close the distance, but at the next moment, the originally dense lightning beams dispersed in one breath, turning into hundreds of spreading arcs with one point.

These electric arcs are like protective shields, they want to turn all the beings rushing towards it into coke, even giants are no exception.

Empat, who was crackling all over his body, was bounced away in the opposite direction, and the spreading lightning also changed direction and gathered towards him like a homing missile that had found its target.

Facing the concentration of red lightning, he mobilized the energy in his body, and his hands that were torn apart seemed to tear this intense thunder in half.

However, a slight delay is enough to increase the distance. Megaflash, who uses 'Mach' as ​​the unit of speed, can increase the distance of thousands of meters in a short time.

Facing this distance, how do we pursue it?

Empat accelerated and rushed out. He was faster than the enemy, but not much faster. If he was struck by lightning again, he might really be unable to catch the opponent.

'Teleport?no. '

The ability to turn oneself into light particles through a special field to reach another location will reshape one's body at an exaggerated speed when it appears, but the enemy's side is a field that can nullify energy.

Teleporting to reach its side may not even be able to reorganize the body.

'Otto's power?no. '

The so-called Otto power is a kind of 'power'

Then when the enemy advances at high speed, it is also a kind of 'force'

Before the Otto Nianli can capture the enemy, it will be thrown away, because the opponent has completed the acceleration, but the Nianli has not been able to complete the construction.

Light cannot be used, teleportation may not be useful, and the pulling of Otto's mind cannot restrain the enemy.

'In this case......'

Empat had a decision in his mind. He was exactly the same as before, but kept accelerating from the rear to chase the enemy in front.

Two behemoths with a height of tens of meters are advancing rapidly above this sea of ​​clouds. The white clouds below divide the ground and the sky into two worlds, and only the distant sun casts the same light equally.

The width of a city doesn't count as a unit at all, they are spanning the width of a 'country'.

Several countries were directly crossed, and the people living inside didn't know what happened.

The two giants in the sky beyond [-] meters are constantly approaching.

Soon, Megaflash made the same movement again, red light surged on both sides of the screw tail at the front again, and it planned to adjust the orientation of its body.

And at the same moment, Empat released all his thoughts.

That's not to stop, it's to push.

When an object is moving at a high speed, a little force can cause it to lose control.

Megaflash's small movements became messy, as if thrown into a washing machine, it began to spin crazily. It slowed down due to the chaotic movements, and this was an opportunity.

Empat's body sometimes drifted away, sometimes climbed, and sometimes fell. He bypassed the flying red thunder and broke into the distance enough to hit it with fighting.

Its body spins at high speed as if falling off, and the churning wind forms a small tornado beside it.

The next moment, all the strength brought by the rotation was applied to this blow, and Empat's kicking technique slammed on the enemy like a whirlwind.

The sound of breaking came, and the shell on the right side of Megaflash cracked, and many fragments flew out.

It let out a sound because of the pain, but its unbalanced body was spinning in the sky because of this attack.

Empat aimed his left hand at the enemy and pushed forward, and he would apply force to whichever side the opponent was out of balance, making the opponent's imbalance more serious.

After completing this action, he caught up with the enemy again. A flash of lightning could not stop the attack, and Empat aimed straight ahead and punched hard.

There was a crackling sound, and the hard shell played its role again and withstood the punch.

Seeing that the attack power at this time was not enough, Empat withdrew his left fist, and his right palm turned into a palm knife, with purple energy attached to it.

Constructed by Megaflash is an invisible field that cannot use light, and cancels the light particles within the range.

But at this time, what Empat used was not light, but simply attaching energy to the arm.

The energy gushing out from the body is solidified by contact, and if it is not released, it will not be affected by the domain.

Light and light flashed out at the same time, one was holding the knife, the other was the tentacles.

Tentacles of energy gushed out from the shells on both sides of Megaflash's body, and these tentacles were entangled together to form two battering rams that bombarded the enemy's abdomen unexpectedly.

Empat's sword was interrupted halfway, and he was sent flying backwards for a certain distance.

The current Megaflash is so weird, two groups of entangled energy tentacles sway along with its rotation.

It will not give up this opportunity, the unbalanced body has been adjusted, and the influence of Otto's power on it has been quickly shaken off.

At this time, the sound of jets was mixed together, either from engines or missiles, with beams of fire among them.

Nearly 800 meters away from Empat and Megaflash, three fighter jets flew rapidly. They were the Falcons belonging to XIG.

And farther away, my dream inside the Mir is doing calculations.

Empat's battle with Faust begins on Earth, and of course it will be noticed.

It's just that after they obtained the information, it was already a high-altitude chase. The approximate speed of Empat and Megaflash was calculated from the large number of images captured by the atmosphere.

It is really difficult to catch up with fighter planes alone, but don't forget that the earth is round.

Under my dream's suggestion, the attacking Falcons relied on the way of "circling" to reach the route that Ultraman and the monster would pass from the opposite direction first.

Now that you see the enemy, there is only one thing to do.

"This is......"

Captain Yoneda noticed that some of the shots they fired disappeared, and the firepower interwoven by light dissipated in the sun like white snow.

However, the salvo of missiles still maintained their trajectory, and the tail flames brought up by dozens of rounds formed a wonderful scene, and the tail smoke was entangled.

In an instant, a large number of explosions continuously appeared on Megaflash's body, followed by continuous explosion sounds.

The alien beast was affected again before it sped up and fled, and its undisguised flight swaggering in the air naturally became the prey of XIG.

Empat did not let go of this opportunity. He clenched his fists tightly, leaned back his upper body slightly, and made a movement of accumulating strength.

When the sonic boom and the Mach ring formed, the two behemoths collided.


Everyone in XIG raised their heads and could only see the enlarged ring. At this time, Empat hugged the enemy tightly with both hands and sprinted straight to the higher sky.

The surrounding air becomes thinner, the friction becomes weaker, and the speed is further increased.

Not long after, the right side of the satellite floating outside the atmosphere passed two huge objects, and Megaflash was directly brought into space beyond the earth.

In this space, it was thrown directly into the distance, and its intelligence was enough to make it realize the dire situation.

Megaflash expanded the field to the maximum to guard against the attack of the light, and the influence of the Ultramania was also completely eliminated.

So, it accelerated again, and its body began to spin crazily. The spiral spikes on both sides of the tail hit the red thunder at the front.

In contrast, is Empat with palms folded in front of his chest.

Aiming at him like this, Megaflash rushed out. Its target was not only the enemy directly in front, but also the blue planet behind the enemy surrounded by white gauze.

The violent electric sound was not transmitted, and a group of red thunder was spinning at a high speed, like a group of charged tornadoes.

Empat aimed at the spiral in front, closed his palms together on his left waist, and thrust out suddenly when the enemy got close enough.

The purple brilliance is like a vertical sharp blade, first there is thunder, friction, and then the sound of breaking.

The charged fragments kept passing by Empat's sides, and the redness brushed against his cheeks.

And directly in front, the 'Sword Palm' that pierced through the snail's tail and penetrated into the enemy's body exploded the energy contained in it, and what burst out from Megaflash's body was purple beams of light one after another, that destructive energy It is constantly destroying its body from the inside out.

Dozens of light beams gushed out like sword blades, and the hard shell of this alien beast was broken and turned into ashes.

Finally, Megaflash's body torn apart by the "blade" died due to loss of activity, and completely disappeared naturally.

Only the clasped palms were left here and Empat was still stabbing out. He retracted his arms after confirming that there was no trace of alien beast factor left.

Since you can't use light technology, then don't use light technology.

Ever since he inherited light, he has always liked to make energy into sharp blades and attach them to his arms or legs for 'slashing'

So just now, he tried to further strengthen the sharp blade.

If it is said that forming a long knife and a long sword is to extend the attack distance, then the combined stabbing is for stronger penetration and power.

Fortunately, the impromptu trick played a role and successfully killed the alien beast.

"The alien beasts that limit the light and the alien beasts that cannot be detected, and Faust's attack just now..."

Empat recalled the sting he felt before. The long whip he threw was easily counter-eroded, and the anti-corrosion energy exploded in his arm, not because of the attack, but because of the conflict.

A simple example is that when the flame touches the black powder, it explodes.

The energy from the erosion is the flame, and his own power is the black powder. How could this be?

After a long trip, Empat had more doubts in his heart.

He turned around, nodded towards the side satellite, and then fell into the atmosphere again.

It's just that before it rubs against the atmosphere to produce red color, the body becomes transparent and finally disappears.


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