The whole process was recorded, and the stone room in the air base was slightly relieved.

If we say that the sea monster Bokuragu, who was defeated by the blue Ultraman, is a monster that can completely hide his body in the sea and has the ability to attack naval bases and coastal cities at will.

This alien beast is a monster that can launch bombing from the sky at will. Its speed exceeds the existing missiles, and it can neutralize the light beam. No need to fly low at all, just 'bomb the ground' with lightning.

Exaggerated monsters appeared one after another, but luckily they were all defeated.

"Falcons, return to the team."

Shishi issued an order to retreat after the fighter planes hovering at high altitude received the order.

At this moment, there was no grass growing in the place where the battle between Empat and Faust broke out before, and the previous yellow poisonous powder completely destroyed the natural environment.

In this hard and scorched underground, Kazama was looking for enemies that should have existed here before.

Which side of the soil is abnormal?

All dirt is not normal.

When the enemy retreated, they sprinkled the entire area with high-temperature pollen. No matter what the soil was like before, now there is only black soil hardened by the high temperature.

After all, I didn't get much information, but at least I know one thing, that is, there are alien beasts that have further evolved.

Kazama disappeared from the earth, and he teleported from the daytime hemisphere to the night Tokyo, 1:11 was already the beginning of the second day.

He walked towards the direction of home, this time is the time to rest, so someone is indeed in a deep sleep.

Chapter 64 New Equipment

In the dark world, one face after another flashed before my eyes.

Some looked loving, as she was caressing a babbling child in her arms.

Some people look anxious, because he is holding a gift, and he is planning to celebrate someone's birthday.

Some look joyful as he cheers his entrance exam results.

Without exception, they are all happy, and this happiness stems from the success they think.

But that figure distorted in an instant, the loving expression became greedy, the anxious expression became bloodthirsty, and the joyful expression became ferocious.

The body that originally belonged to humans was twisting, and the next moment, the falling blue blade cut it open.

When the light cut it, their expressions changed back to their original appearance, and their expressions showed confusion.


The sound was echoing, with pain in it.

The girl picked up the warm towel that had been left behind by the young man's struggle, and washed it in warm water.

And the young man in the dream recalled more faces, not only the dead, but also the living.

The faces of the living were full of hatred, and they glared at the same person.

Soon, these faces became blurred again, and what was left was a familiar face.

The girl's long hair had turned into a neat short hair, her fair complexion might have been dyed black due to exercise, and her smiling face was distorted by hatred.

Immediately afterwards, the hot long sword stabbed.

In the world beyond the dream, the girl picked up a warm towel, and just as she was covering the young man's forehead with the towel, the other's eyes suddenly widened.

The young man named 'Fujimiya Hiroya' was awakened by a little touch due to the overly tense nerves. He stood up abruptly, and heard an exclamation in his ears.


Fujimiya turned his head immediately, and what appeared in his sight was a girl with surprise and panic written on her face.

In an instant, lightning outside the window illuminated the dark room, and heavy rain hit the window with a ticking sound.

'It's a dream. '

Realizing this, his originally tense nerves became relaxed again, and he stared at the girl who was staring at him cautiously for a few seconds.

This girl who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old had the same complexion as the blonde 'her', a sun-tanned wheat color.

What time is it now?

Night and thunderstorm weather?

Where is this place?

Fujimiya's last memory is the scene where his entire body was almost cut in two after being pierced through the abdomen, and the scene where he barely escaped and fell into the sea.

Other than that there's nothing else, so what's going on here?Why is he here?

'Anyway, it's time to leave. '

Fujimiya, who had decided not to have any contact with anyone from the very beginning, stood up from the bed, and in the sight of the girl, he took a step.

In an instant, the sharp pain came again.


If it was just an ordinary weapon, it might not be able to pierce his skin at all.

But the sword with the energy of Spaceum is different. Penetrating wounds and burns are not minor injuries that can be ignored casually.

Fujimiya's legs went limp, and he pulled the bedside table with his left hand before he fell to the ground so as not to fall directly.

"Be careful! You can't get up yet!"

There was a young voice in his ears, and the girl ran towards him, seeming to want to support him on one side.

In fact, the weight of an adult man is also very difficult for a girl, but Fujimiya is not a normal person, his weight has long been different from ordinary people, so that even a girl can support him.

Worry was written in the girl's eyes, and this worry made Fujimiya feel dazed for a while.

Since then, all the eyes he got were fear and hatred. Would anyone still care about him?

"Lie down first."

The girl wanted to persuade her big brother who was good-looking in her eyes, but this sentence made Fujimiya feel puzzled, because the girl is not like a girl of this age, if I really want to say... my lord ?

Of course, this matter is not important.

After realizing that he really couldn't move immediately, Fujimiya sat back on the bed with the girl's support.

"Lie down and sleep, nothing will happen here."

While the girl was talking, she gently pushed Fujimiya, but Fujimiya has never been the kind of person who can do whatever you say, and he still has a very concerned question in his mind, that is:

"...Where is this place? Who are you? Why am I here?"

Three consecutive questions made the girl blink, and she thought for a while before sorting out the answer:

"This is Okinawa, I'm Natsume Erina, you were fished out of the sea by your father, everyone was shocked at that time."

This answer was enough to satisfy Fujimiya, he closed his eyes, and he felt deeply tired again after being awakened by the nightmare.

The girl didn't know this, she continued talking:

"At that time, you were like this non-stop sex, but it's so strange. Generally speaking, it's impossible to make a sound without drowning after passing out in the sea? Are you an alien?"

The girl who called herself Natsume Erina wrung out the towel again, and just as she was about to put the towel on Fujimiya's forehead, she noticed the other's sleeping face.

"...It's weird to let people care about you and fall asleep on your own at night."

She woke up in that painful voice, and the heavy thunderstorm itself made people sleep uneasy, so she ran to see how Fujimiya was doing.

As a result, nothing seemed to be resolved.

Natsume looked out of the window, and another thunder rang out.

'dad. '

She began to worry again about her father, who had only been out to sea not long ago.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Under the breezy sun...or in other words, it's higher than the clouds.

The air base belonging to XIG is having a meeting. The first thing to clarify is this matter.

Shishi pointed to the images of the three giants that appeared on the screen.

"The Ultraman with blue eyes will be code-named Empat from now on, the Ultraman with red eyes will be code-named Gaia from now on, and the Ultraman with blue eyes will be code-named Aguru."

A short paragraph clarifies the code names of the three Ultramans, and there is no need to use silver, red, and blue to distinguish them in the future.

For this, everyone nodded in satisfaction, while Womeng was all smiles and nodded even more vigorously.

It's great that the code name matches the name he knows exactly.

He didn't want his teammates to suddenly come up with weird names like 'Giant Mountain Super Powermaster' or 'Salted Egg Superman'.

"And then there's this."

When the three images disappeared, a new image appeared of Ultraman with two horns on top of his head.

Everyone, including me, looked at the strange giant in surprise. The name of Faust has not been known to anyone outside of Kazama.

"Who is this Ultraman?"

Captain Di asked a question that everyone was very concerned about, and Shi Shi didn't intend to show off, so he gave the answer directly:

"As you all know, the air base detected two conflicting energies yesterday, one of which is Empat, and the other is this unknown Ultraman based on satellite images. Zaki related."

Zaki, the original root shattered summoned body, what he summoned was the existence called the alien beast.

As XIG, everyone is not responsible for the alien beast disaster, but since they are also members of GUARD, they naturally have a certain understanding of the alien beast.

"If that's the case, is he the one behind the scenes of the recent abnormal activities and gigantic growth of the alien beasts?"

Weiwei of Team Lightning immediately thought about the current situation, and considering the information available, Shi Shi immediately nodded.

"It's very likely, and Empat is indeed in a hostile relationship with him."

He pressed the electronic pointer again, and the photos on the screen were updated.

These photos are blurred by the speed of the two giants' battles, but the conflict between them can still be seen.

In addition, the yellow fog was photographed, which is the main culprit for the destruction of nature in that area.

After that, it was the situation where Empat was fighting another alien beast in the air.

After Shishi showed everything, he spoke again:

"This time I called you here not for other things, but for this matter. If you encounter this unknown Ultraman, don't hold back the slightest, and treat him as an enemy."

Empat, Gaia, and Aguru are all friendly troops, so Ishishi thinks it is necessary to take vaccinations to prevent the team members from suffering.

"If you ask me, this guy looks like he has a bad face."

Member Tadano Kei, who belongs to the crows, couldn't hold back his complaints for a while.


The captain of the same team, Inari Miho, calmly showed her majesty.

"Yes Yes Yes......"

The meeting just ended at this time. After the meeting, I Meng walked out of the office while thinking about the information I got before.

Unlike him, unlike Aguru, Empat is a giant from the universe, and so is Zaki.

If Gaia and Aguru are the Earth's defense system, then Empat and Zaki are the so-called 'powerful aliens'

In other words, since there are people, there must be good and bad.

So it's not unusual for the new unknown Ultraman to be a bad guy.

'If you have a chance, just go and ask. '

I still remember the personal information that the three of them got when they parted. He really didn't expect that Empat would turn into a human and hide in the night raid team to eliminate the alien beasts.

'If only the other person was this nice. '

Recalling Aguru, I Meng couldn't help but have some small complaints. There were only two things the other party did.

The first thing is: self-reporting the name of Aguru.

The second thing is: leave a handsome back and leave.

It's really yours!

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