"it is good."

Gaimeng who arrived in the training room was refreshed, and he planned to experience the fighter plane completed with his technology in the virtual training cabin.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Speaking of the virtual training cabin, what do you think it is?

"By the way, why do I think this thing looks similar to the one I saw in the arcade hall?"

New equipment has been shipped to the base of the night raid team today. This equipment is the so-called virtual training cabin.

The programs inside include basic and advanced, all for the purpose of enabling the members of the night raid team to have the corresponding strength before touching the real thing.

Otherwise, it would be too exhausting to crash the plane halfway through the flight before hitting the alien beast.

"The key is not what you look like, the key is whether you can play a role."

Daniel said with a smile, it didn't take much time for him to perfectly integrate into the night raid team.

The genius of the Alchemy Star didn't have the slightest airs of being a genius. He would find opportunities from time to time to ask the members of the night raid team about their equipment and care about the situation of the alien beasts.

After all, Daniel founded Alchemy Star for the purpose of 'world peace'

Of course he is very concerned about the matter of the alien beast.

"Then who should try it out first? The team members with no flying experience, or the team members with flying experience? Let me remind you first, maybe your flying experience will become an obstacle instead."

At this moment, Tachibana pushed Kazama's shoulder.

"Kazama, hurry up."

"......All right."

Kazama shook his head helplessly, of course he knew why everyone here didn't seem to want to be the first one.

Because everyone is a normal person, and normal people don't like to fail, let alone fail in full view.

This kind of psychology is perfectly normal, there must always be someone who is deflated first.


Daniel stepped aside with a smile, and Kazama walked in without the slightest hesitation. The layout inside was different from what he had driven.

'In short, choose a basic teaching first. '

Thinking of this, Feng Jian suddenly felt a strange feeling.

'Is this a game console? '

Log in to the game for the first time, please start the novice teaching, you can use the joystick to do... ahem.

He pushed the strange thought aside, and the confined space turned from darkness to light.

In an instant, a scene that was no different from the real scene emerged.

"Okay, who's next?"

Daniel outside the training cabin asked again, but this time it was much simpler.

Soon, some people began to sign up and choose to go to other training cabins.

In order for the Night Raiders to become stronger, it is necessary to increase their armed forces.

As a result, a new training plan was put on the agenda.

After completing the basic and advanced courses, those with the best grades will take the Mingjin Chester as a flying team.

It's just that when that day comes, the conductor will have a feeling of irony.

Because the captain of the first team turned out to be the one with the best grades, why couldn't he be cloned?

And now, there are already signs of it.

When the third group of people came out, the training cabin that was initially activated was still kept tightly closed.

Kazama's eyes are constantly moving, this speed cannot be said to be fast for him, as long as he understands the basic operations...

The anti-sun floating field used by the fighter makes it an anti-gravity fighter. Although it needs to be operated, it is indeed similar to his air combat, and it is also similar to the space fighters he has piloted in the past.

The beam knocks down the enemy plane, and the climbed fighter jet explodes over it.

Chapter 65 Abnormal

It was another long dream, and Fujimiya never slept well.

However, the poor mental state may not be related to the physical state. When he woke up again, he felt that the pain in his abdomen was better than before.

In order to confirm this, he got up from the bed, and the moment he stood up, the pain he felt before was transmitted again, but he was not as unstable as before.

Fujimiya felt his unrecovered physical condition a little bit, and then walked out of the room.

This is Okinawa, which is what it should be if the girl hadn't spoken.


'Why were you rushed here? '

Or why would he be picked up?

Fujimiya was a little puzzled in his heart. According to his thinking, he should have been sleeping in the sea until his body recovered.

And it's strange to say that he was caught. Where did he fall asleep at that time?Why was it caught by fishermen by the sea?

But now such trivial matters are irrelevant.

Fujimiya, who temporarily put aside the boring question, twisted the door handle, and then gently pushed open the closed door.

This is not a big one-story house, but one living room and two rooms, and there is no staircase leading to the second floor.

It is precisely because this house is not considered to be Dai Fujimiya that he frowned. I don't know if the little girl I saw last night or which night disappeared.

He could hear the sound of the wind and the shaking of the windows when the wind was blowing, and when he turned his head to the window, he could see how bad the weather was outside.

Although there was no rain in the gloomy sky, the blocked sunlight made people feel bad.

In this weather, where is the girl if she is not at home?Is it class?It would be nice if it was a class.

Thinking of this, Fujimiya went straight to the entrance, and opened the door without locking it.

From this home, you can smell the sea.

If you turn your head and look to the left, you can see the sea in the distance.

People here live by the sea, and fishing has been a tradition since ancient times.

However, when did this tradition start?When did it start?

Fujimiya is not the kind of person who only lives in one country. As a member of Alchemy Star, he has been to various countries in the world, and he has also read the history books of various countries in the world.

In the past, this was a country named 'Ryukyu'.

Now it is only Okinawa County, and everything stems from that bloody era.

Human beings rely on their intelligence to be more advanced than animals, but can the act of genocide be called advanced?

If creatures with clear and independent thinking ability can be called 'human beings', human beings may be creatures that will actively and consciously genocide their own kind.

Now such creatures are standing on the earth, and behind the prosperity is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Before he could continue thinking, Fujimiya was awakened by a voice behind him.

He turned around, and there was a girl named 'Erina' standing there.

The girl moved her hands slowly, and there were still ingredients in the paper bag she was holding.

And the person who questioned him just now was not the girl, but the... boy standing beside the girl holding something in his hand?

The two are similar in appearance, so that it is easy to infer the identity of the two brothers and sisters.

As for the question asked by the other party...Fujimiya didn't intend to answer.

Now that he saw that the girl didn't run around in such weather, he was relieved.

"I should leave."

So Fujimiya said goodbye, he didn't plan to stay here for a long time.


The boy raised his eyebrows, even if he was indeed wary of the young man in front of him, he didn't go crazy enough to let him leave under such circumstances.

"Stop making trouble, where can you go in this weather? You don't have any money?"

Maybe there was, but when I jumped into the sea, everything was washed away, just like now, except for the clothes.

"You'd better stay there, and then it will be more practical to contact someone you know to come here to take you away."

This proposal was very realistic, provided that Fujimiya really had someone he could contact, so he ignored that sentence directly.

"Thank you."


Before the boy could stop him, Fujimiya stepped forward to leave.

However, that figure started to shake before it was far away, and the pain in the abdomen recurred, and Fujimiya leaned against the wall and fell on the wet road.

Darkness, endless darkness, I don't know how long it took.

When Fujimiya woke up again, he found that he recognized the ceiling in front of him.

Judging from the extent of the wound, it should have been less than a week since it was pierced, so it didn't heal well.

"you're awake?"

A word came from the left side, it was Erina who just wanted to check the situation and saw Fujimiya staring at the ceiling with her eyes open.

'Silly. '

In her heart, this picked-up young man had already been labeled as 'stupid', because of preconceived ideas, so that even that calm face revealed a kind of stupidity.

A few seconds later, the boy I saw before also walked to the door of the room.

He looked at Fujimiya on the bed and couldn't hold back for a while, and said something that seemed to be mocking:

"Even five-year-old children know that they need to take medicine when they are sick, and they need to see a doctor when they are injured."

There was absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence, so that Fujimiya couldn't find any refutation. After all, he was the one who forcibly left and fainted.

In the end, it was too stupid to wake up and sleep three times, all on this bed.

"Okay bro, stop talking."

Erina pushed her elder brother, but at this moment the boy's expression was a little aggrieved.

"I'm not wrong, this is indeed the case..."

He felt a little helpless, so did my sister suddenly start turning her elbows outward?

It's a pity that his idea was wrong, because Erina just thought that he was a bit silly, and it's a bit too much for you to sneer here.

"And this..."

Erina stopped in the middle of speaking, this sentence was no different from a request.

"Just call me Fujimiya."

Fujimiya doesn't intend to hide it, because he has to recover for a while no matter what, and he passed out once before taking a few steps. He doesn't want to be moved by some strange person next time he wakes up. The place.

Erina who learned the address also nodded.

"Then I'll get you some porridge. It's better to eat something light now."

"sorry to bother you."

"Yo? Pretty polite?"

"elder brother!"

"it hurts!"

The boy yelled pretending to be in pain, and soon, the brother and sister, who seemed to be very close, left from the door together.

Fujimiya looked out of the side window, the gloomy sky before had completely darkened, and the dancing lightning was looming.

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