'Didn't I sleep long? '

He felt a little puzzled by this, the so-called heavy rain would not keep falling, but what was going on now?

What I saw before was a thunderstorm, and it seemed that there would be another thunderstorm next.

'Could it be another conspiracy to destroy the root cause and attract the body? '

If the weather is controlled, and even human beings can carry out artificial rainfall, then it will be easier for the root shattered recruits that can invade across the universe.


Fujimiya's thinking was interrupted by a sentence again, behind the girl holding porridge and mustard was a boy holding a high stool.

Although the opponent's mouth was merciless, his actions were not targeted at all.

This is the third time Fujimiya's thinking has been interrupted. For a long time in the past, because he was alone, his thinking could continue until he was satisfied.

Unexpectedly, there was no unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"By the way, you can call me Shirou, Natsume Shirou, I'm Erina's older brother, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly, I don't want to move you back at the door of my house again."

The young man introduced himself, Fujimiya nodded, and wrote down the names of the two, and now he has something he wants to ask:

"How long has it been since I was picked up by you?"

"About two days?"

Erina counted and felt that it was about this time, but Shirou added:

"If you don't wake up again, we will have to carry you to the hospital."

As for why you don't send it now, do you think it doesn't cost money to go to the hospital?

Knowing the time, Fujimiya asked again:

"How long did the rain last?"

When talking about the rain, the siblings looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

"It probably started playing on the night when I picked you up, and then started playing intermittently until now."

Shirou answered the question, it was the first time he had seen such a strange weather.

It kept thundering, it kept raining, and the rain stopped less than two hours before it started again.

"Two days..."

Fujimiya whispered, he now felt that there was something wrong with the rain.

"Okay, okay, let's eat before discussing those things. You must be hungry after two days without eating?"

Erina quickly interrupted the discussion, so Fujimiya nodded. When he picked up the bowl with his left hand and used the chopsticks with his right, he felt a strange sense of strangeness.

How long has it been since you last touched chopsticks?

Even if it is unfamiliar, I still remember how to use it.

Fujimiya put the white porridge into his mouth, and it really didn't taste much, so he also stuffed the mustard from the small bowl on the right into his mouth.

Ordinary salty, but ordinary delicious, for a moment, he couldn't stop the movements of his hands and mouth.

There is no problem in describing that state as 'gobbling'.

The siblings looked at each other, and finally fixed their eyes on Fujimiya.

'Did I cook that well? '

Shirou scratched his hair in doubt, and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. His sister never praised how good his cooking was.

At this moment, the window shaking due to the wind made a noise like a splash of water, which made people startled.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder, the already wet ground was crackling and splashing continuously.

At 18:17 in the afternoon, Okinawa could not see any sunset, and all that could be seen was the gloomy sky and flashing thunder and lightning.

However, it is completely different from the scenery seen in this area. At this time, Tokyo is a peaceful sunset.

People get off work, leave school, say goodbye, and the vehicles stop and go, which is a lively scene.

On such a road, a small car that is known to be of a certain age from the outside is driving along with the traffic.

Forward, stop, forward, stop, forward, stop.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Kazama stared blankly at the traffic ahead. No matter how you think about it, Tokyo, a city that is already overpopulated, is still congested as usual today.

Having lived in this city for five years, he is now used to this kind of scene, but sometimes he really feels that driving on four wheels is not as fast as walking on two legs.

Slowly moving forward, the vehicle stopped before reaching the zebra crossing, because the street lights could clearly be seen changing from green to red.

The radio in the car broadcast the news from the radio station, and Kazama listened to it while thinking.

Although he explained a lot about Olivia, Xi Li's suspicious eyes really didn't disappear this time.

It seems that as long as she walks with a woman, she will be upset. Is it true that you have spoiled her too much in the past?It's a bad feeling to be misunderstood.

But in fact, Kazama can understand this feeling.

Because he felt that he would be very upset if one day there was another male classmate who was laughing with Xili beside her. Of course, he would not do anything to hinder the warning, but he would definitely be very upset.

If you think about it in another way, you can understand where this emotion comes from.

Just then, the music on the radio suddenly disappeared.

"Now an urgent news break."

The words spoken by the announcer are very interesting.

"About 10 minutes ago, an unknown monster appeared in Linhai City. All the buildings on the scene turned into sand, and now the city center has turned into a barren desert."

The information he heard from the news made Kazama frowned. He didn't feel any aura related to monsters. What's going on?

"Currently the citizens in the city center have not received effective rescue——"


The sound of the horn came from behind, Kazama immediately raised his head, and the red light in front turned into a green light.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the car accelerated towards the other end of the road.

Soon, he found a parking space and quickly backed into the garage.

After confirming that no one noticed him in the busy street, his body disappeared in the soft light, and he left directly from the car.

At the same time, XIG's Lightning team also arrived on the scene with Mir.

The so-called 'desertification' is not an exaggeration. Everything that existed before, buildings, vehicles, street lights, vegetation, and roads have all disappeared, and the rest is just an unacceptable piece of yellow sand.

The sand is not an illusion, because the wind rolled up the sand and touched the fighter plane.

Having already received the attack order, the Lightning team pressed the trigger, and the tentative beam shot directly hit the jellyfish-like monster.

The next moment, Kazama who arrived at the scene saw that scene in his eyes.

The light beam passed through the monster's body and flew straight into the distance.


Yumi's eyes widened, and Kazama confirmed that the monster did not exist here.

'Virtual image? '

Chapter 66 Hyperspace

Appears again after disappearing, or it itself exists there.

The fighter planes passed by in the sky but did not strike a second time, because they didn't know where the so-called enemy was.

Kazama raised his head and scanned the location where the monster appeared, but there was actually nothing there.

In other words, the enemy is moving in another space, and the image floating on the earth is just an afterimage. It used to exist there, but it is not there now.

The only time this monster actually appeared on Earth was when it was turned into a desert.

Thinking of this, Kazama looked at the surrounding scenery, the high-rise buildings buried by yellow sand could not see the prosperity at the beginning, only a strong sense of dilapidation could be seen.

At the same time, Team Lightning and Mir, who are circling around the monster, are feeling tricky about the situation in front of them.

No matter how powerful a weapon can't hit, it's meaningless. Where is the enemy actually hiding?

I dreamed that I was staring at the computer screen tightly, and the wavelength diffused from the Mir was both a test and an observation.

But the data that appeared on the screen was disturbed for a moment, because stronger wavelengths were mixed into this space.

"This is......"

As if appearing from the fog, a giant stood above the desert in the center of the city.

The Lightning passed by the other side, and turned to look at Empat, who was even bigger at a close distance. He said suspiciously:

"Empat? But how to—"

"Use the Meta Field."

Before the question was finished, my dream gave the answer.

GUARD's database is the same, so XIG also established the concept of 'Meta Domain'.

That is a special space constructed by Empat, which is independent of the earth.

"If this monster is essentially in another phase space, then using the Meta Domain can pull the opponent out of that space."

Accompanying my dream's speech, Enpat, who was standing on the desert, also raised his right palm, and the golden particles surged like star clusters.

He threw the star cluster towards the sky, and the brilliant streamer spread at the top, enveloping everything around it, including the phantom of the monster.

This time, the Meta Domain did not form immediately, because he was looking for the location of the enemy.

The wavelength is contacted and read by the wavelength, and the golden particles of the world like a shield separate the inside from the outside.

"This is the Meta field..."

Shi Shi, who was located in the command room, narrowed his eyes, and the image was directly transmitted to the big screen through the frontline team.

Not long after, the previously clear picture was directly cut off, and Qiao Ji and Atsuko, who were communicators, quickly adjusted, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get in touch with the frontline troops.

In this case, there is only one possibility:

"Communications can't connect between two different worlds."

The dike captain in the Mir had also noticed the cut off of communication, and he scanned the so-called Meita field.

The red earth has a strange feeling, the end cannot be seen in the distance, and the sea of ​​light in the sky illuminates everything below, but it does not make people feel dazzling.

The most eye-catching thing is Empat whose body has changed from silver to red. Now Empat lowers his raised right arm, and in front of him is a monster that seems to be no different from before.

"I dream, record it now!"

Captain Dike realized that the next battle seemed to be the beginning of the battle, so he immediately opened his mouth to remind the newcomers behind.

"It's already being recorded!"

And my dream is much smarter than he imagined, he is quickly recording and investigating the data inside the Meta domain.

Why did Empat pull them in together?

It is precisely because I have actually communicated with Empat in my dream that I can confirm the answer at the first time:

'Let's record more. '

Empat thought this way in his heart. He deliberately brought in the XIG team to let them record the data of the Meta Field, so that they can be better developed, and at the same time, it is also to defeat the enemy.

The special vibration wave was interrupted just after it was sent out, and the 'jellyfish' floating in the air was directly hit by the orange light bullet, followed by a large number of intertwined missiles.

The vibration wave enough to shatter the entire city center into dust was stopped first, and the shot down monster ignited flames, and it quickly changed its posture on the way of falling.

What could have been considered soft white has turned into an unsettling brown, and the shape of the jellyfish has been thrown somewhere.

Tentacles extend from the lower end of the sharp horns on its back, and its hollow head dangles like a snake.

This is the true posture of the hyperspace fluctuation monster Mezzard, not the mimicked jellyfish.

It has been pulled from its aspect into the Meta realm, and for whatever reason it has to fight.

However, this has nothing to do with Empat, who stands on the earth. He only knows one thing, that is, there will never be a small number of people in the city center, and there must be people in those high-rise buildings.

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