If these high-rise buildings collapse into dust in an instant, what will happen to the people inside?

The flesh is fragile, a little angle is not good, and a little higher height will bring death.


One step, two steps, the ground under his feet seemed to be shaking.

The red giant slammed into his prey head-on like a blood-red flame, and the purple light blocking his way was the destructive light released from the monster's back.

This machine-gun-like attack is surrounded by dangling tentacles, and the light from the sky casts shadows, casting Mezzard's frantic shadow on the ground.

Empat moved his left palm forward, and the light spot gushing out from the front of the palm quickly expanded into a circular light shield.

He blocked the continuous fire with his light shield, while the tentacles quickly circled around him.

Mezad bypassed the light shield with tentacles wrapped in electric current, aimed at the enemy's legs, right arm, neck and other parts to attack and keep firing to destroy the light.

The pin and strike was well calculated, except that Empat held his right fist.

The light shield in front of his left palm expanded in the energy boost, and then the light was shattered by a fierce punch, the light energy contained inside was completely out of control, and uncontrolled light flow sputtered out to the surroundings.

Up and down, left and right, even 360° is no problem.

Those flying streams of light were made up of defensive light shields, but now they are splashing everywhere.

Part of it collides with the attacking tentacles, deflecting or even breaking them, and the spreading position in the center is used as pure energy to cancel each other out with the destructive light released by Mezad.

What Mezad saw in front of his eyes was a splendid brilliance, but this brilliance was also a destructive high-heat light energy.

It mobilizes the energy in the body and gathers it in the mouth.

In the next instant, the beam of light sweeping from bottom to top sliced ​​through the ground, sliced ​​through the glow, and the energy column gushing out like magma only missed a hit.

On one side of this energy column is Enpat, who is quickly closing the distance.

Instead of using actions like 'running', he 'floats' towards the enemy like a ghost.

The dust under his feet floated up due to the anti-gravity field, and the sideways body was so close to the gushing energy column.

Just like that, Empat, who was almost in contact with the ground and slid towards the enemy, rotated his body in the opposite direction, and the backspin kick that he swept out hit with a dull sound, and the extremely destructive purple beam accompanied Mezzard almost to be hit. The flying head swept out of control.

The right leg that swept out the kicking technique landed, and the right leg that swept out the kicking technique was pulled up.

After Empat jumped up, he kicked again towards the head that hadn't had time to slow down. After completing the second kick, he twisted his waist. This time, he aimed not at the head, but at the root of the long neck.

The side kick is like a spear, and the spear shoots like a dragon.

Mezzard's body was raised high, and he was almost kicked backwards, so the empty door was wide open.

The Lightning team, which had previously focused on dodging attacks, fired again. The continuous beams added more wounds to the enemy's body, and then the three planes quickly climbed over.

At this time, Empat crossed his fists in front of his chest, and then quickly opened his palms to the left and right sides. The slender lines flashed, and the blue timer flashed orange sparks.

After this movement, his arms form an L shape directly in front of him.

The opening gesture is similar to Lampal's light bomb, but it doesn't compress the energy inside the palm to form a penetrating ray.

Because Empat was experimenting, he was looking for ways to strengthen himself.

The action of accumulating energy should not be too long, otherwise the activated light energy will increase to an uncontrollable level.

So he gave up the penetrating blow and released it, and it was not impossible to call it Lamper's light.

A large number of 'pointy needles' flow inside the flame-colored light

The 'sharp needle' pierces directly into the enemy's body, and an electric arc dances where Mezzard was hit, before being completely penetrated.

The light converged into a thin line and then disappeared, and the monster also exploded in the leap of the arc.

Empat lowered his arms, and he nodded slightly towards the XIG hovering in the sky, giving up the maintenance of the Meta Field.

The scattered light particles slowly rose towards the sky, and finally disappeared into the afterglow of the setting sun together with the leaping Empat.

"It's amazing..."

Looking at the red light in my dream, he also wants to become stronger, but how to become stronger is also a difficult thing for people to figure out.

But it doesn't mean that you don't do anything if you don't know what to do. As a scientist, he can also do things.

The crisis on this earth is far from disappearing, and the giant and alien beast that may be related to Zaki is the serious problem of the earth.

In order to fight the crisis, we must work hard.

However, the definition of crisis is different for everyone, and the size of the crisis is also different.

Nowadays, Kazama sitting in the car faces a very, very big problem.

He couldn't get out of here.

As we have known before, Tokyo's transportation system is facing unprecedented pressure. It has only been less than a month, how can it be possible to repair the destroyed roads.

Therefore, other intact roads are diverted, so there is still congestion in addition to congestion.

At the end of get off work time at 18:30 in the evening, he had no way to go out after parking the car, and the left side was crowded.


Sighing helplessly, Kazama took out his mobile phone, logged into the network and began to refresh continuously, looking for news related to monsters.

Among them is the point that 'rescuers are pulling survivors out of the desertified city center'.

But after all, someone died, even if they understand that there is no way to save everyone, they will still feel sad because they can't save people.

It is precisely because of this that we must act immediately when we know that we can save lives.

This is the Middle East, a chaotic region due to religion, history, hatred, incitement, and the intervention of great powers.

At the same time, this is also an area that can be called an 'active area of ​​alien beasts'.

Will people die in the attack of alien beasts, or will they die in the bombing?

It probably doesn't make a difference to people in the Middle East anyway.

There is no way to solve the matter in five years. Rather, it is precisely because of the frequent appearance of alien beasts that the mental state of people becomes more unstable.

The missiles fired out pointed at the distant enemy country, and the air force that took off was preparing for a new round of bombing.

The pilots inside didn't care whether there were civilians below, because they were used to it, but the missile that was swept out first exploded, because it hit something and exploded.

From the flames spreading in the air, the blue pupils were dazzling.


Before he could finish his sentence, his body and fighter plane were cut in half.

The elbow connecting the upper arm and the lower arm, the spine supporting the body, the joints of these things all disappeared, and the thinking of the brain disappeared in the explosion.

There were a lot of sparks going off in the air, and it wasn't over yet.

Missiles are constantly firing like fireworks, and the violence exchanged for money continues to fly towards the enemy country.

However, it was not the defense system that stopped these missiles, but the mechanical dolls in the sky.

The inside of its palm is filled with purple radiance, and the continuous light beam is like a sword cutting continuously.

The continual explosion and noise came closer, closer, until the sound of the sonic boom mingled with the explosion of the missile silo.

Paralyzed, paralyzed, paralyzed, paralyzed, paralyzed, or crushed.

The earth was directly cut open, and the pitch-black rays of light frantically strafed, completely destroying all the long-range strike forces.


The general has long heard that the military power of the enemy country has been disintegrated, and it is for this reason that he wants to expand his territory.

However, it seems that a stronger force has arrived that unraveled the force.

When the equipment in front of him was completely torn apart and exploded, the general was directly pressed against the wall.

When a person's throat is stuck and unable to breathe, and the whole person is lifted up, no matter who it is, it may be exposed.

The moment the general drew his gun to shoot, the bounced bullet pierced his right leg instead.

In his eyes, what he saw was a silver 'robot'

On the chest of the 'robot' was a shining blue light.

Half a day later, the truce declaration was issued.

Chapter 67

Obviously, he didn't need much sleep before, but now he sleeps a lot more.

After waking up, Fujimiya quickly regained consciousness, and he could still feel the pain in his abdomen.

Honestly, it's better than before.

For example, the blood volume of 30 in the game is indeed more than the blood volume of 29, which is probably such a feeling.

After sleeping for a while without knowing it, Fujimiya lifted the quilt and sat up on the bed to leave.

Before walking out of the room, he looked carefully at the window.

The constant rattling and constant thud, thump, thump, and thud made people unconsciously wonder if the window would be blown to pieces in the next second.

It was raining heavily before falling asleep, and it was still raining heavily after falling asleep, with lightning swimming in the clouds.

Fujimiya turned the doorknob, and in the living room were Erina and Shirou who were putting dishes with dishes on the table.

Noticing his waking up, Shirou couldn't help complaining:

"It's time to wake up, you."

12:00 noon, just in time for lunch.

Although the lights are still on, it doesn't feel like it's daytime at all.

"But since you're awake, come and eat something, don't starve yourself to death."

Facing this invitation, Fujimiya nodded.

However, before he walked to the dining table, Erina who was still at the dining table hurriedly stopped him.

"No, no, please brush your teeth before that!"

After picking it up for so many days, except eating and sleeping, no one can bear this breath.

"The toilet is here, I'll get your toothbrush for you, and..."

Towels, toothpaste, disposable cups, everything Erina thought of.

Fujimiya thought in his heart, he is not a fool, some things can still be guessed.

Since the father of the two children was a fisherman, it must have been out fishing.

But they haven't been able to see their mother during this period of time, so the answer should be obvious.

Two minutes later, standing in front of the mirror in the toilet, Fujimiya stared at himself in the mirror, with messy hair and light dark circles, his expression was very stiff, like a dummy.

I haven't seen you for a while... It seems that I don't know myself.

And if you're talking about washing and brushing your teeth...

Just like using chopsticks before, Fujimiya's hands felt unfamiliar.

He took a glass of water and started his long-lost wash.

After about 5 minutes, he was tidied up and walked out of the toilet door.

The dining table has been set up, the TV in the living room is turned on, Shirou is leaning on the sofa with his right hand, and using the remote control with his left hand to adjust the volume to the maximum, so as not to be inaudible due to the sound of rain.

"The next three days will be thunderstorms. According to the forecast of the Meteorological Bureau, from 15:00 in the afternoon, the typhoon blowing from the Pacific Ocean will land in Okinawa. Please do well——"

"It's raining, it's raining, it's raining, and the typhoon hits before the rain is over, and it's killing people."

Shirou scratched his hair irritatedly. After getting rid of his irritability, the worry in his heart became more and more difficult to hide.

"I don't know if Dad is okay..."

Erina, who was also able to hear the news, had no intention of hiding her thoughts, she just expressed her worries bluntly.

It has been a while since my father, a fisherman, has been out to sea, but during this period of time there has been thunderstorms, and now there is even a typhoon in the Pacific Ocean.

Isn't that very dangerous?

For his father's worry, Shirou is the same, he hides this worry.

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