No one can guarantee this, maybe it will be two years, maybe it will be three years, who knows.

In the area where the night raiders were operating, there were no street lights, just an exaggerated darkness.

Aikawa moved within the range he had set out, and he hadn't seen anything unusual until now. The strengthening of the body when the armor was activated allowed him to see the scenery at night more clearly.

Dilapidated, desolate, without even the lights, as if a major earthquake destroyed everything.

The surfaces of the buildings on the left and right sides look very weird. The glass that melted due to the ultra-high temperature preheating sticks to the surface of the building after solidification, giving people a weird feeling.



A voice instantly made Aikawa's nerves tense. He tried his best to relax his body, maintaining a state where he could exert strength at any time, and then walked cautiously towards the direction of the voice.

That was the gap between the buildings, and the garbage bins that were originally there were taken away because of the temporary abandonment of this area.

Someone was lying in the slightly wider space, and that person scratched his cheek with his right hand, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Besides him, several other people fell asleep here as if they had made an appointment.


Tramps, that's all.

Aikawa didn't know what to think about this, but why did the homeless man fall asleep here?

He took a few steps back, wondering if he should just leave the bum here as bait.

'Forget it. '

Can't do this kind of thing.

"Commander, I saw a sleeping homeless man near here, what should I do?"

This information was immediately transmitted to the command room, and the commander frowned. At least when he heard the police intelligence before, he didn't mention "vagrants" in any sentence.

This is what was unexpected.

"Wake them up and take them away."


After receiving the instructions, Aikawa cut off the communication and walked out from the corner again. He bumped the backs of his hands together like clapping.

The sound of the metal armor accompanied by his cry of 'get up, get up' made the homeless people sit up in a jerk.

"What, what's wrong!"

"Okay, okay, don't sleep here!"

Aikawa's voice attracted everyone's attention. Although they had adapted to the dark vision, although they couldn't see Aikawa, they still knew what the other party was talking about.

"Uh... chasing people away again."

One of them shook his head and complained in his tone. Ai Chuan was a little concerned about the word 'again', but he knew that now was not the time to ask more questions.

"Listen to me, it's also for your own good. Many people have disappeared around here, don't you know?"

This sentence made another homeless man yawn again:

"Officer, do you still expect us to read the newspaper? But since you said so, let's go."

Soon, the homeless people got up and picked up the newspapers that were under their bodies.

They left the alley one by one, and Aikawa followed them closely.

After all, considering common sense, aren't all these homeless people the prey of alien beasts?

In case they are targeted, none of them will survive.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would think they were traveling together, and the nine people, including Aichuan, left towards the outside of the street.

At the same time, Qihai frowned tightly. She hid behind the wall and looked at the two people who seemed to be doing something in the alley not far away.

One is a tall man, and the other is a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face.

One person looked around from time to time, as if afraid of being seen.

One person looked eager. He took out an old wallet from his pocket and took out the banknotes inside.

One of them paid the money, and the other nodded. Soon, the two walked towards the commercial building that should have been closed.

"Commander, I also have a situation here."

Qihai made a brief report, if there is any place suitable for those shady transactions, it is very suitable here, the monitoring has been completely destroyed.

After a brief exchange, the conclusion was drawn.

Qihai looked at the building again, and quickly walked towards the gate.

The armor connected to the nerves was ordered to perform a quick scan, and the special contact lens flashed a light blue light.

The electronics inside didn't appear to be working, as the street was out of power after all.

That way you don't have to worry about having a camera.

Nanami who broke into the building silently climbed up the stairs, looking for the two people who had entered the building before.

She concentrated her attention, and the voice of her voice became clearly audible in the already quiet world.

"Just enjoy yourself."

After this sentence was over, there was the sound of closing the door, Qihai's movements became faster, and she walked carefully to the corresponding floor after getting the location of the sound.

The man I saw before was nowhere to be seen, but more voices came.

She walked towards the nearest direction, which was the spacious office.

It's just that the electronic equipment inside has been emptied, and the remaining desks have been removed to leave a spacious place.

One of them was walking inside, with an imaginary smile on his face, and his outstretched hands seemed to be stroking someone.


Qihai turned her head to look to the other side, the man she saw before was covering her face with something, and the sound of heavy breathing kept echoing.

With some guesses in her mind, she continued to go deeper into the aisle. According to the biological response she scanned, there were still a dozen people on this floor, and then there were five people on the next floor.

Walking along the way, I heard crying, I heard laughter, and I heard only the confusion caused by hallucinations.

After climbing to the next level, Qihai heard someone chatting with whom.

"This is a really good place. Although people used to behave with their tails tucked between their legs, the tails can be tucked less tightly here."

"Thanks to this kind of world, not only those students, but even the old men have started to buy things."

"The disappearance of a few people will also be regarded as suicide."

There is a feeling of being strong on the outside and dry on the inside in the three voices.

"If that's the case..."

There was uneasiness and timidity in a voice.

"Okay! What are you talking about after you've done everything!"

The last sound was almost a growl.

The five of them stared at the several bags on the table, the pure white powder could not be shaken off after just one try.

"It's almost time."

After a short silence, one of them said so.

In fact, the time has indeed come.

The closed door was kicked open amidst the loud noise, and before the five people could react, their consciousness fell into darkness instantly.

Someone fell, someone didn't understand what happened.

Then someone fell to the ground after being hit hard on the head, and someone saw strange clothes.

Just when he realized that someone had broken in, the third person landed on his head and made strange noises as his face was pressed against the floor.

The next moment, the arms of the remaining two people were caught, and they slammed on the floor in embarrassment after spinning around. The severe pain seemed to break their waists.

Before the two of them had sex, the hard feet stepped on their faces fiercely, turning their faces into strange shapes.

"Commander, I found something... not very good."

Qihai turned her head to look at the intact table top, on which the stacked bags were passed to the base after the shooting.

No matter what the purpose of the night raid team is today, they have found something that is not so exciting.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Lighting, intense lighting.

The man who fell into a coma was awakened in an instant.

He just opened his eyes and closed them again because of the pain.

"What, what!"

The man couldn't understand what happened, he tried to recall, but there was only darkness and pain in his memory.

'Where is this? !what happened? ! '

Are you dreaming?

But it hurts all over my body, and my eyes hurt too.

The next moment, a calm voice came:

"Next, I will ask you to answer."

"Who are you!"

Soon, response for response:

"Turn up the brightness of the lights again."

In an instant, the pain that the man couldn't get rid of even when he closed his eyes intensified.

"Quick, stop! I answer! I answer!"

The man who couldn't understand what happened wailed, but it wasn't until half a minute later that the strong light gradually weakened.

Even with his eyes closed, he still felt dizzy.

"Next, I will ask you to answer."

Outside, he didn't care at all whether this was torture or not. He was commanded inhumanely. He never felt that it was necessary to treat these felons with humanity.

The people who moved out of that office building are already lying in the hospital, and the test results are exactly the same, the blood reaction is positive, just as the police department detected that the white powder is indeed heroin.

In a high-pressure society, people look for ways to relieve pressure, so some people choose to squeeze everything from these people with malicious intent.

Who is it?

In addition, the night raid team had more things to interrogate, and none of the men and women in the office building was a missing person.

It's 2:00 a.m., there's work to do at the base, and the team has work to do.

The night raid team who returned to the mission brought new equipment, and they used a special biological radar to scan, looking for people who still existed in this area.

About 17 sleeping homeless people were taken away, and the whole city fell into a sleepy tranquility.

As time goes by, the color of the sky keeps changing.

When the morning sun rose in the distance, Kazama turned to look at the sun that happened to be in the center of the building.

A night passed and nothing seemed to happen.

What happened to the so-called disappearance?

The answer has actually been worked out in the headquarters of the Night Raiders.

The commander's expression is quite ugly, should this matter be handed over to the Metropolitan Police Department...?

In any case, there is a new action.

To what extent can humans be malicious toward humans?

History has proven that there is no bottom line at all.

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