Chapter 72

The question is, how much is a person worth?

In other words, how much is a human being worth?

If it is calculated based on the benefits created, then the value of his life is actually not determined by him, but by the people around him.

If it is based on the insurance premium, then this value should probably be calculated from the amount of insurance he bought.

However, it is not those external things that are counted here, but the value of this person.

Limbs, eyeballs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, if you use these to calculate the value, a person is very valuable.

The price of a healthy person is very good, provided that they are healthy enough.

But sometimes, earn as much as you can.

"Do these people have to send people here in this way?"

The man frowned. Recently, he had received a lot of goods, but when these goods were delivered, they all belonged to a state of insanity.

The results of the inspection were very clear, and they were all drunk.

Because of the frenzy during this period, many people lost their jobs and lost their way forward. Even if you are an old employee of the company, you can lay off as soon as you say.

They were used to living a peaceful life, but the sudden blow made them feel overwhelmed.

At this time, the hidden drug dealers began to exert their strength, but some people wanted more.

So, the person who was so drunk that he lost his mind was sent here.

The only thing that makes people feel gratified is that at least those people didn't send over people who are so sick to the bone, that kind of people who are so damaged that they can't live for a few days have nothing valuable in their bodies.

"this is not bad."

The man commented on the report after the physical examination of the goods. He didn't care if someone would come to his door. After all, this industrial chain is still complete.

But unexpected things were as unstoppable as lightning, and the figure reflected in the surveillance camera was approaching the room.

Even so, no warning was issued.

There was no warning, either from the outside or further afield.

It wasn't until the doorknob of the door was twisted with a fierce sound that the man trembled from the sudden shock.

All that appeared in front of his eyes was a continuously enlarging black shadow, and that fist made him fall backwards. Immediately afterwards, the anesthesia bomb he fired directly paralyzed his nerves, and his consciousness was also plunged into complete darkness.

"Capture complete."

Kazama gave a report after connecting to the communication. He turned his head and looked around. One after another, sleeping people were lying quietly on different beds.

After comparing with the missing persons in the database, it was found that there were three people who could be matched, but only three people.

Kazama once again turned his attention to the man lying on the floor. Although the work done by this man is not yet clear, there is already a clue.


How much malice can one harbor for another?

Perhaps his own malice is not active, but the malice he releases when he does evil.

Thinking of this, Kazama looked at the missing people around with his eyes hidden behind the helmet, and their bodies instantly turned into 'flesh and blood'

The heart is still beating, and the internal organs are also working stably.

While waiting, time passed slowly.

At this time, people on the street outside the basement looked suspiciously at the number of vehicles that had come to a sudden stop. The soldiers who came out of the inside were not wearing the uniforms of the night raid team, but the uniforms of the rescue team.

They carried stretchers and walked into the building, and soon, the unconscious citizens were brought out one after another.

What the hell is going on here?

What exactly is going on?

Some people picked up their mobile phones to take pictures, some people dialed the phone to report to the TV station, hoping to get some success, but some people were frowning.

This was not planned, what the hell is going on?

Why is it exposed here?

From the Metropolitan Police Department, I didn't hear the slightest wind.

The expression of the man who was the monitor revealed something, so he was marked.

Aikawa, who was half squatting on the roof of the building, could clearly see every face in the crowd even at a distance of hundreds of meters. He used the performance of the Ultra armor to perform his tasks.

Of course, he himself doesn't like such things.

If something like an alien beast is killed, it is killed, and the two sides can only fight.

But people are different. If you catch one, there may be ten hidden behind. If you catch ten, you will find that there is an entire organization behind them, just like this time.

After all the missing persons were transported to the vehicle, the convoy drove towards the hospital.

After the excitement ended, people began to disperse and leave. Among these people, all those with strange expressions were paid attention to.

Their mobile phones were tapped, and more clues may emerge.

Some of the people brought out of the basement were taken to the hospital, and some were taken directly to the headquarters of the night raid team.

"Captain, why are we handling this matter? It might be better to say that this is an obvious act of ultra vires."

The members of the second unit driving the vehicle questioned Ju on the co-pilot, and Ju shook his head. The newly arrested people have not been interrogated yet, and the five arrested before have already been interrogated.

Organ trading, which is a black industry in any country, should be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department.


Tachibana spoke in a tone that he didn't know how to describe:

"Ordinary people don't have any channels, and they don't have much money to buy other people's organs."

One sentence made the car quiet, and the team members who asked the question before also closed their mouths and did not speak.

Even if it is hearsay, everyone has heard what those rich people can do.

The key now is not whether the night raid team has exceeded its authority, but that since the command has decided what to do, the order will be executed directly.

The vehicle transporting the prisoners was heading towards the base, and the interrogation in the base had long since ended.

After taking a cup of coffee, the smell filled his brain, and the pungent aroma immediately refreshed him a lot.

"Mind if I ask about the consequences?"

The question from Beretta came from Kazama, and the commander laughed after sitting down.

"What are the consequences? Is the government still planning to lay off us and the night raid team? Our establishment is GUARD, not the Japanese government. If you really have the ability, come and try it. Then you will take the blame and resign with me."


Kazama couldn't help laughing for a moment, are people divided into different classes?

Even if it shouldn't be like this, the world still divides people into ranks and ranks through money, achievements, and status.

All know that all are equal, but not all are equal.

The support of the night raid team is very simple. If you want to be held accountable, you will come. At worst, I, the wearer of Ultra Armor, will take the blame and resign, and there will be one less combat member. Don’t ask me when the alien disaster cannot be suppressed.

It's very simple, I just rely on my value to overwhelm you.

In this regard, Kazama has no opinion, because he is sure that they are doing the right thing now.

Next, one by one, the suspects should be arrested and interrogated slowly. Although it is not related to alien beasts, it is related to people.

At the same time, XIG, which is also under the GUARD system, is also doing work related to people. It is their job to prevent humans from being attacked by monsters.

"Is this another way to destroy the root cause and attract the body?"

The Falcons, who flew at low altitude and rushed to the scene for the first time, circled around the strange existence below in doubt.

Regardless of whether or not it is a means of destroying the root cause and attracting the body, it is enough...

"It's scary enough..."

Qiao Ji's body trembled subconsciously, no matter who saw that thing, they would definitely have the same feeling.

The huge eyes opened wide in the mountains, the whites of the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and the huge pupils seem to suck in the soul of the soul.

An eye more than ten meters wide was fixed there, as if staring at the sky.

"This creepy."

Member Lin Xing, who also belonged to the Falcons, couldn't help but speak, and the next moment, that eye moved.

It moved its sight as if it had noticed the falcons circling in the sky, and firmly locked on to the flying team in the air.

"Is it staring at us?"

As the captain, Yoneda felt uncomfortable all over. No matter who was looked at like this, he would have a bad premonition, and this bad premonition came true immediately.

The soil and rocks around the eyes were pulled by invisible forces, and turned into so-called 'anti-aircraft guns' that shot upwards non-stop.


Different from the old fighters, the fighters developed by GUARD use the anti-gravity system to accelerate directly upwards, and the nozzles located on the wings quickly adjust the direction.

As the Falcons go up, they dodge at the same time. The longer the distance, the less pressure to dodge.

The situation suddenly became extremely urgent. For this reason, Shishi turned his head to look at my dream who is an analyst of XIG.

"I dreamed, what's the result of the analysis?"

The moment he asked this question, he also noticed the sweat overflowing from my dream forehead, and there was no problem at all with sweat pouring down like rain.

Besides, this usually silly young man was shaking.

"There is no heat, no energy reaction, it is no longer a living thing, but it is moving, it should be a living thing."

As soon as I uttered these words, Shi Shi and Captain Di looked at each other, and they could see each other's worry, because my dream words were full of contradictions.

At this time, the eyes reflected on the screen moved, either resembling or mocking.

At the same time as this eye narrowed, a strange cry came out, and the cry was mixed with laughter.

For my dream, this is simply mocking him.

'Calm down, my dream, don't be fooled by common sense! '

It seems that someone is talking in my ear, but now my dream can't take care of so much.

The stress response in the face of unknown things made him hysterically say that sentence:

"Please attack the eyes! Since it is a living thing, it is made of molecules. Physical attacks should be effective!"

This conclusion is not drawn analytically, but at least one thing is right.

It is impossible to understand without contact, Shishi was silent for a while and finally nodded.


In the picture, the falling missile rushed straight to the big eyes that seemed to be integrated with the ground.

When the missile hit, there was no reaction, it was swallowed.

Half a second later, the missile that was supposed to explode turned 180 degrees and rushed out of the eye again.

Its speed has not dropped in the slightest, and its rays are consistent with the line of sight.


Yoneda immediately evaded, but it was a step too late.

The wing collided with the missile that had been tentatively attacked before, and the high-power missile developed for the huge creature instantly exploded in the air within a range of several meters.

From the flames, the fighter plane that lost its right wing fell towards the ground.


Sarcasm, ridicule, the eyes on the ground disappeared after leaving a series of laughter, and my dream was as cold as ice for a moment.


That feeling was transmitted to the other side. Fujimiya, who had not recovered from his injuries due to the previous battle, opened his eyes. He could vaguely feel the strong thoughts that belonged to Gaia and belonged to my dream.

Whether it's excitement or fear.

Perhaps this is because both belong to the Ultraman bred by the earth.

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